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Other urls found in this thread:


die already

It's going to be Epic exclusive it and buying it means supporting Pitchfork so I really don't want to shell out but man, if they deliver I'll fold. I trust BBI at the very least.

Attached: 1539086537202.png (490x452, 40K)

lol just send blackbird some money and pirate it

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Im so fucking excited
literally basedjack.png atm
I never thought there would be another HW game

So what it will be?
HW3? Deserts of Kharak 2? Cataclysm remaster?

leak where?
pls don't play with my feelings

Check HW twitter there will be something announced at PAX west

Im so fucking excited
literally basedjack.png atm
I never thought there would be another HW game

Attached: firefox_2019-08-30_12-02-32.png (1248x753, 1.76M)



It'll be Epic exclusive and be a failure because of that.

can't be deserts 2, the game ends when the first one begins


Maybe it's a Lego ship.

Can't wait for them to fuck this up beyond repair.

>people expecting hw3

C'mon, first of all, why release a fucking RTS in current year, second, gearbox is going to fuck it up with microtransactions and epic exclusivity.

And besides, people loved HW1 over 2, and we are most likely getting watered down 2 that's watered down 1.

yeah nigga
who cares, just torrent it
it isnt

I have exclusive sources that confirm the release in question will be GOOD

Attached: 1566186564802.jpg (858x536, 113K)

Did they announce anything yet?

WTF? Where'd this come from?


vagyr scum

Attached: 1560198090912.jpg (600x371, 34K)

I just finished homeworld (remastered). Should I find somewhere to pirate cataclysm or can I skip it? Why is it not included in the remaster?

yfw Epic exclusive

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Would just mean my copy is prepaid so I can get it for free. It's not like there would be another game after this anyway.

I don't know how I feel about this. The Higaran have all 3 cores, no one can contest them anymore.
It's either going to be a prequel, a civil war or whoever invented the cores is coming to the galaxy. I'm not a fan of the latter since that would take away a lot of the mystery and having more cores would break the balance.

This has to be fucking legit. This isn't Smash, no one would care putting this much effort on a fake leak for some obscure RTS. We're getting Homeworld 3 boys.

I'll make sure to thank the creepy fucker, got metro and control for free thanks to him. Maybe I'll buy the super-deluxe-goty version for 5 bucks in 4 years.

it is legit
it was ripped from blackbird interactive's website
it was up for 5 minutes and then they realised
if you dont believe me then what ever, just wait until tomorrow for the announcement.


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Ideally the new game would just scrap HW2 completely and try to do what Dust Wars originally teased, the whole core concept is just awful. But I can see them having some original Relic storyboards and being able to expand that on a full sequel. Would be cool if the Hiigarans went back to being the bad guys.

Yeah it looks legit, I'm just surprised to see it is all. Tomorrow is gonna be good...

Ideally the new game would just scrap HW2 completely and try to do what Dust Wars originally teased, the whole core concept is just awful. But I can see them having some original Relic storyboards and being able to expand that on a full sequel. Would be cool if the Hiigarans went back to being the bad guys.


Attached: homeworld1.jpg (600x750, 70K)

Hiigara, home...

This is so sad Fleet Command play Adagio for Strings

Attached: kharak glassed.jpg (1920x1080, 157K)

one of us one of us

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See you fucks in 12 hours I think the event will be live streamed at Pax West

Attached: 2_years_of_hw_girls_by_mk01.jpg (700x600, 131K)

cute, any more?
also yes, it will be streamed, but it will be apart of the gearbox presentation as a whole.

Why I'm glad you asked.my Homeworld folder was getting pretty dusty.

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>trying to play homeworld again
>play deserts of kharak, crawl under 30fps most of the time due to fucking UNITY
>try remastered, everything is still broken as fuck
>try classic, crashes every time in the same places
>try 1998 retail, it's so old that it doesn't work at 1080p properly and shadowplay doesn't work at all
>try HW2 classic, ship trails are blatantly broken and require a steam workshop mod

Haven't tried Emergence but I feel I might be dissapointed too
only HW2 retail and remastered (I think) work well enough. Has anyone tried it?

Attached: hw2_frigate.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

DOK worked fine for me :))))
I also enjoyed remastered, worked fine

Posted on BBI's facebook

Attached: 82ml9rgmxej31.jpg (1920x1080, 119K)

yes its great
cant remember why its not in the remaster