Death stranding

Where's the fuckin death standing thread
>where are you going first if you have the freedom

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I love how America is full of holes

Someone launched a nuke right in the middle there

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Not video games, fuck off.

I just want you all to know that Kojima made a character who's name literally translates to "Kojima is God" and made an audio tape where another character points it out because subtlety isn't in his vocabulary.
That is the kind of person that the man responsible for Death Stranding is.

I feel nothing for this game so far.

I mean...I hope it does well. Just like I hope sci-fi movies do well. But we still know practically nothing about this game or what the typical gameplay cycles are going to be like other than:

>walk across empty country
>avoid shadow realm monsters
>fight people to avoid falling asleep
>deliver goods

Unless I missed a new reveal or something.

here is some shit I'm 99% on with the story of this shit:

-two dimensions, world of the living (body) and world of the dead (spirit)
-the term "on the beach" is used to denote people who are dead, because when you die you go to the beach.
-chiral network represents the internet. it connects people, both living and the dead, over long-distance, allowing communication, free flow of information, general entertainment, etc. it does anything the internet can do.
-the chiral network allowed them to open communications with the dead, allowing them to return to life in non-corporeal form, as well as basically creating settlements in the afterlife and setting up chiral network nodes there.
-amelie and deadman are both dead, they communicate and project via the chiral network, presenting as holograms.
-when reedus suffers from a void out, two versions of him exist simultaneously: the naked version, and the corpse.

here are my theories on shit going on:

-the two dimensions collided somehow, possibly a human cause. this is what the death stranding is.
-part of the game will require you to reconnect chiral network nodes in the afterlife. these will more than likely be dangerous as shit locations full of violence and where mads will make his appearances.'
-BT's can connect to humans, the way people connect to bridge babies, using them to detect and trap people in the living world and consume them. this causes void outs.
-a void out is when part of the living world is pulled into the afterlife
-DOOMS (Death Originated Organic Mutation Syndrome) is a result of returning from death. it's like being partially connected to both realms simultaneously, basically being partially dead. the more it happens the more severe DOOMS becomes.
-homo ludens are a thing. mads is one, reedus is one. there definitely are others, possibly amelie and higgs. ludens are immune to death and maintain some unnatural level of control and manipulation of the realms, they can travel between them at will.

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the goal is to connect the scattered chiral nodes across america and the solar system. you only make deliveries because people will only agree to connect if they like you, so you have to get likes on the chiral network like it's instagram or youtube.

you'll be required to reconnect chiral nodes in the other side as well, which is a completely different ball park of dangerous creatures and violent people who fight purely for entertainment.

Sounds cool, but all the MGSV theorizing also sounded cool. Death Stranding is going to be retarded as shit but very pretty and fun to play.

the 5 ludens are


you have to kill all of them


game was already spoiled.

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Is it just going to be a walking simulator? Everything I’ve seen just makes me think of No Mans Sky but with more of a plot and making everything realistic

Just like your mom

Well if you put it that way you can make very game sound shitty, simple and repetitive.

More like:

>walk across an atmospheric land ravaged by the death stranding
>gotta be careful with each step since there is terrain obstruction mechanics and Sam wastes more stamina in rough soil, also making you slower and increasing boots wearing
>a nice comfy soundtrack plays on the background
>after a time walking you see the sunset and also some grey clouds on the sky behind you
>gotta hurry before the timefall catchs up to you
>fuck it, better find a cave or some kind of shelter and wait for the rain to pass
>you see some caves not so far away
>as you get close, your BB detects BTs on the area
>you either hurry up to avoid the timefall but risk getting caught by the BTs and lose some of your valuable amazon packages and not get paid enough to repair the motorcycle you damaged in your last trip or to buy that sweet exoskeleton gear to carry more packages and consume less stamina and move faster

Whoops, wrong reply.

Why? It looks terrible.

My hometown, Baltimore. My suspicion is that it won't be in there though.

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And can you speak about how so far Mads looks like a carbon copy of The End especially with the whole wanting to make a game a bout The Boss at Normandy? Is this shit going to be a subtle back story of MGS3 during Snake's drowning in the river and being transported to a nightmare realm?

>World fill with empty
Why does it matter where we go?