Wow uncle user, you fought in the videogames wars!?

>wow uncle user, you fought in the videogames wars!?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yup and we lost

Stop haunting me, corpse of my children killed in trump's nuclear blast.!

20 years from now #gamergate will be remembered as the KKK of our generation even though it was really just a couple days of angry tweets about game journalism

>linking to theverge

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That's what they call it these days? My god... in my days it was the Corporation Wars! I guess us freedom fighters were always destined to be forgotten in the Great Disneying...

Yep, 4 chan lost so hard that his pride goes to cripplechan. Now we have sjw, trannies and zoomers who praise more agendas than videogames.

being pro-gamergate was the faggiest thing i've ever done and i'm constantly ashamed that i thought video games journalism was important enough to care about

>sorry uncle, but they did have a point, journalists are truly subhuman. now let me help you tie up that noose.

That´s why you have this in western games, thank you.

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The western game industry should just die.

imagine thinking that a triple-a western game having shit designs is, in any way, novel

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Hey remember that time Zoe Quinn raped a gamedev and the SJW brigade told him he shouldn't talk about it?
Hey remember that time Zoe Quinn admitted to murdering a guy she seduced and led into an alleyway and it was swept under the rug?

Stop lying.

>Yep, and we won
In b4 tranny gaslighting that all of the major sites going down/getting bought/sold out/firing its devs/closing doors was actually a win in their books and the goobergaters were actually the ones who lost.

when does this ever happen?

no, but i remember when she lied about getting hacked, and posted a hawaiian motorcycle shop's phone number, claiming it was her dad's phone number

that telltale game about lesbians

lmao, imagine selling your body to a dev just to play a game earlier

Can i have a tl:dr of what that means?

>yes billy it was a time of war
>there were no winners or losers in war, but in this case there was
>the fake winners thought they won prematurely and now seeking more attention after truths brought to light
>and the real winners were the people who werent involved at all.
>Billy, when you are done deciding your gender or species since its 2057, you will find people are stupid and so are you.
>Gamergate, was just a little girls crying to mommy that wanted to control big brother's "club" and big brother was a fool to respond to little sisters crying.

to be consistent, do you have a problem with white male developers putting strong white men in their video games?

only if its themselves they are using as a model. Nothing wrong with a strong female character, just actually make one, not put yourself in a game because you have a massive ego.

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>not put yourself in a game because you have a massive ego.

I see you went with this as an automatic 'bad' thing instead of actually explaining how it's an inherent negative that's automatically detrimental to the game

no because thats their audience and its practically an industry standard.

you never mentioned that in the first place. you just asked when does this actually happen, I gave you and example and you asked is it bad here. You never spoke about gameplay or anything further on the subject. So dont move the goal post because you feel you need to respond to my comment.

That looks fun to play though.

>infinitechan died for this
>m00t died for this
Was it worth it Yea Forums?

Am I the only person here who fucking hate Trump?

>Posting wormwood

no i hate his guts too but it is pointless to voice that in a place that is fill with unfiltered fagbuts

Rent free

>So dont move the goal post because you feel you need to respond to my comment.

The differing posting style should have told you that you were talking to another person retard

Probably. This place is full of americans and american sympathizers.

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Why are you guys pretending you didnt come here during the 2016 election?

sounds like same fag is embarrassed he fucked up

Lmao nah
The real racism was the friends we made along the way

Pretending? I remember when you faggots were saying trump would make anime real. Fuck you! He failed that promise! plus i am not some russian spam bot.

We got Trump elevted

>t. RAGE 2
The gameplay is so good but fuck the characters. Far Cry has had the same issue now.

So suddenly I would just change the way I format my posts for shits and giggles? Interesting attempt at a reversal to try and save face on a Bulgarian bread baking board though

What was gamergate about? I unironically don’t know and feel like if I google it I’ll get a ton of biased articles.

Btw they only hired those people because of an Obama-era "counter propaganda" grant. As expected, nobody actually gave or gives a shit about the globohomo agenda

yes you would because its easier for you to save face then admit you were being stupid.

if you didn't come out with at least 10k/month on patreon you lost

some fat chick fucked a gaming journalist for her game to get a good review and to only get caught and now she hides behind feminism for fucking her way to the top.

>We got Trump elevted
No that was Hillary.

post the review

yes, now let's play our favorite game

>incels mad that some female game developer cheated on her bf with 5 guys, one of which was a journalist that reviewed her game positively
>incels then tried to pretend their outrage was about ethics in journalism

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I came here for the Ron Paul Revolution

Gamers on the internet find out that "gaming journalism" is basically a clique of people that all know each other and coordinate articles and reviews in a patronage system and decide to complain about it. "Gaming journalists" fire back with coordinated articles denouncing gamers as racists/sexists/etc.

But uncle user, if you won the videogame wars then how come all the girls in my games look like butch dykes or trannies?

i still don't get what gamergate was about. Seriously how the fuck can say that 2016 election is GG related, i just don't get it

Nobody knows because every shred of it except the 'gamers are shitlords' articles got nuked off the internet and all that's left is Twitter drones repeating what they heard from other Twitter drones.

So what you're saying is that I knew I was wrong when I made my first post in this different style, yet would still post and did it in this different style to save face instead of the possibility of being a different person on fucking Yea Forums

That sounds fucking retarded

Thanks.Sounds fucking stupid desu. Why was it such a big deal?

Yes, I was an incel like your father

Fuck yeah.

Im sure an user has it saved some where before it got taken down due to conflicts of intrests.

Anyone with a brain.

>King of Israel
>Chosen one of the jews
>Literally implies loyalty to Israel is more important than loyalty to US
>Neo nazi's still love him
He would feed your foreskin to his son in law.

Majority of American's dislike him

no what I am saying is you are play stupid to save face. That is it.

Journalists are the most oppressed minority in this post-GamerGate world

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Because those retarded journalists had been making shitty articles about a hobby they don't give a fuck about so when they were found to be in bed with a shitty nobody game dev and gave them publicity people wanted to see something happen. But nothing fucking happened, at the time, and all the people involved got more powerful.

>Why was it such a big deal?

Because Yea Forums was fucking training the newfags that shit like TOR was a normal thing for the board, and everyone wanted their next big outrage/shitposting event of the month. Then Antia's Kickstarter happened and the retards here went full retard and permanently painted Yea Forums as a more political board than the place it used to be where we laughed our asses off at anything political if it wasn't the government trying to take our vidya

They wanted to make video games all about females even though 95% of people who actually play video games are guys. They tried to censor games and we rose up. They pushed this anti make agenda so much that it rippled through the whole spectrum and into politics. People where so mad at these females during gamergate that they voted for Trump to stop censorship and take down the SJWs who were getting to tyrannical on video games.

Because the "gaming journalists" started using their pull and influence to pull in other bigger name media people on their side. There was a friggin' CSI episode about "evil crazy gamers."

Gamer gate triggers trannies to this day and helped kill kike corporations and lose them millions. Also apparently it got trump elected.

>revisionist vivian with infinity logo
Insecure cunts

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but if dad was an incel and so did you...then WHO WAS PHONE?

money. There are fags who listen to those journalists and only to find out they spent money on fucking garbage game that didnt deliver what the reviewer said it had and when criticized for it the Gaming Journalists called the gamers sexist misogynistic and continued down the road toward victim hood that you see today.

wow i didnt realize todd was based enough to ignore emails for 5 years

ron burgandy

Wow uncle user, you’re a virgin?

Ugh, don't remind me

>the media that were the belligerents say you lost so that means you lost

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>guys we won the culture war a bunch of opinion blogs with economic models from the 90s died

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What are you talking about? That was the only good part of the whole thing.



>Leak info about an upcoming game.
>Company rightfully doesn't want anything to do with you anymore

I've seen one fucking on topic Shovel Knight thread since the trailer that had an OP talking about the game, and it died within 50 psts.

I've seen 7 threads where it was bitching about tranny shit. You retards are goddamn pathetic. You're like a parody of easily triggered, thinskinned retards except you actually exist. Literally the same day there were threads celebrating Ion Fury sticking it to the pro-censors, you had total fucktards screeching about how this game was tranny SJW shit - OHHHH THEY KOWTOWED, OH THEY BENT THE KNEE TO THE SJWS when it was a donation incentive announced in 2017.

Fucking kill yourselves, not even joking. That's coming from someone who actually wrote emails to kotaku's advertisers, while you fags were hanging out on twitter and Jim's drunk streams. You people have become actual SJWs.

>putting kotaku and journalists in the same post

>There was a friggin' CSI episode about "evil crazy gamers."
There was a friggin' CSI episode about furries, clown-fuckers, twenty episodes about gimps, gays, adult diaper baby lovers.

It's a crime show. It is meant to get a rise out of people. It was also far from the first "gamer episode", crime shows have had spins on college ARGs getting out of hand before.

Wrong thread?

I know vivian but who's the other qt?

tldr lol

Never thought I'd see the day where people would actually defend the idea of 'journalists' acting as pure PR mouthpieces. Most industries don't operate like this

it's worse there were 2 shill articles. it wasn't a "review" like retards say.

Attached: NG article 1.png (646x582, 306K)


Google the designer for Admiral Holdo in TLJ

No, right thread. Are you telling me that its not people totally entrenched in twitter culture wars that are shitposting about politics in gaming? If anyone still actually gives a fuck about gamergate (and they're here - remember, 8ch still had GG generals up), they're the ones making trash politics threads here.

no I had sex with a black chick, I am more progressive than the progressives.

>gets triggered by posts on fucking Yea Forums
user, I....

Am I the only one burned out on Shovel Knight? More game modes coming, which is cool, but something else would nice. And I’m burned out on rougelike shit. Maybe dig will be really good but I dunno I’d rather see YCG make a new game altogether

>having sex with white women
I had sex with a few black women and i never looked back.

Journalists aren't obligated to spout whatever the publisher wants them to. Bethesda isn't obligated to have anything to do with them, however.

Delusional neckbeards.

The term GamerGate is forever associated with hatred ignorance and online harassment. Hogan beating the shit out of Gawker has nothing to do with the movement as a whole.

I was in high school and naively brought up gg to my teacher and he proceeded to rant about it to the class. Of course no one there else knew about it beforehand but now they did and their npc brains all simultaneously agreed gamergate=bad.

Yikes imagine finding out your great uncle shitposted bitterly about women playing videogames. I'd say grandpa but we all know Great Uncle Yea Forums made it to 80 without ever getting any coital action.

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t. sjw

>literally fucking black women
holy fuck based bout time some faggots got some taste around here

Trumptards BTFO
And now the democrats'll reelect him by not nominating Bernie. Again.


it died when /new/ turned into pol