So, I hear you've been talking shit about trans folk, user

So, I hear you've been talking shit about trans folk, user.
*whip crack*
On your knees. It's time you learn some respect the hard way.

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Nah, I just kill them.

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Futa =/= trans

How hard?

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Poison is trans, Kainé is futa

Poison is canonically a power bottom

If trans people looked even 50% like Poison that'd be acceptable.
Instead they're just fat ugly dudes in wigs.

People on this board finally admit she has a vagina, or y'all closet fags still seething and looking for a w?

the trannies that actually pass as women don't act like complete cunts they aren't as prone to killing themselves either lmao

Video games need more futas.
Futas are the most powerful race.

what about dickgirls?


it's not the fact that boys dress up as girls, it's the fact that boys dress up as girls *poorly*

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catch-all term

Only for Cody. The rest gets topped.


Why are Poison threads always about bullshit instead of posting Poison.

Fuck video games, real life needs more futas.

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i wish i were Cody

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This guy has a point.

However, I do feel that more trans should put more effort into passing. As a trans, pride parades sicken me for obvious reasons.
We live in a society. Why would you wonder why social constructs are a thing? Act like a woman if you want to be a woman.

Why do weebs and tranny/trapfaggotry go hand in hand?

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ask nicely for me to put on a trip and i'll post some

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ToF > ToM

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Hey is something wrong with the servers? Can't upload shit...

Same here. Every post that's had an image attached to it I've tried to post just keeps loading until the captchas run out, then don't go through because "There's no valid Captcha".

>letting human larvae who still have underdeveloped brains make super life impacting choices even though they change their minds on everything so fast and frequent

you're not the only, i've seen some people complaining

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How does he tuck

Come on, Poison, you know me. I'm just like you. I would never.
I have, on the other hand, been shit talking my boyfriend, who has the sex drive of a rock. Makes me want to be a prostitute, too. Then I'd be getting dick AND money.

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it's that correlation study lmao

Does she even have a dick in the original Japanese versions

Id bet money you look like this

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the penis is just that small

this is true

I don't know why people want this to be a man so bad. To me she works best as a woman who chooses to dress like a whore.

It’s a cartoon, dumbass. It’s not real. Grow the fuck up.

literally nobody would care about poison if she didn't possibly have a dick. Just another forgettable FF character. For example there is a 100% female, non-controversial poison clone yet nobody cares

Someone said in the last Poison thread that Nintendo identified her as a "newhalf" in concept art. That ridiculous lie is the product of one sad gamer's headcanon. Nintendo did not make a beat em up game, and make one random female enemy a secret tranny for no reason, but also not make her appear male in any way.

So this is a reminder that Poison is and always was a female character, whose lore was retconned.

I mean Capcom

You would have been more on the mark if you had posted one of those skinny bald trannies. At least they have long hair on the sides of their heads.

Nah, I pass, though a beauty queen I ain't.

It’s a cartoon, dumbass. It’s not real. Grow the fuck up.

I don't know why people want this to be a man so bad. To me she works best as a woman who chooses to dress like a whore.

She works better as a woman who chooses to dress like a whore since no other female character dresses like a whore.

Until it grows...

This. She's just a kinky street bitch.


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Then what happens?

cheek busting

Opinions on "The Antidote is Poison"?

I really need to get around to a futa on male story with Poison

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Ricki is my waifu

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Unless you are talking about children, no. Men and women are too physically different. No matter the clothes, makeup, hormones, surgery -- trannies will always produce an uncanny valley effect. Your brain knows something is wrong with that whatever-it-is.

Nah, I already respect you and your dick.


Faggot in denial

>too physically different
Have you ever met a human?

Video games.

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What about Cammy?

would rather roxy tbqh m9, at least she's 100% fem
also extremely cute

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don't use poison for your nigger faggot larping

*schlorp schlorp schlorp*

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Nah. Trans exists. Futa doesn't

>Futa doesn't
futa does exist, they're intersex people

most of them look nothing like "girls with dicks" though


And none of their genitals works properly.

Never trust a big butt and a smile

Trans folk don't have hips like that.
Poison is a futa

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Capcom stated that Poison is whatever the individual player wants and I want her to be the most powerful TOP!

I want her to be shot dead in the streets

This is honestly the hottest thing in the world.