>tutorial mission is hard af
Why do they do this?
>tutorial mission is hard af
Why do they do this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Whether or not this is possible depends on what "supply" means. Does it mean that a path exists between a utility and a house? If so, then solves it. If it means that every utility has a direct connection to each house then this is impossible, at least on a plane.
I am def too drunk to dive into some graph theory basics unsolicited but I'd be down if y'all faggots wanna know.
It’s a troll pic you autismo
How 'tistic am I?
Do it faggot
Does I have autism if I keep trying or if I realize its not possible?
running water through all 3 and then electric/natural gas piping from different directions looks more tidy
Heh. Nothin personnel test
user, the whole point of the 'test' is that it's impossible. That's the joke.
>I'm too drunk to get jokes
and obviously too new as well
I get that autistic people have trouble adapting, but would an autist really just keep on trying over and over?
Yeah like a roomba bumping into the same wall over and over again.
I had a dream I figured this out one time and all my Yea Forums bros were so proud of me
that pole may just be part of the yellow line you dummy
i did it boss
That's not the most efficient solution.
When was efficiency a requirement in that problem?
This ain't a zachtronics game either.
I got close but now I'm stumped. Couldn't find any hidden doors or anything. Anyone got any clues? If you want to give it a shot here's a head start.
how the fuck did you manage post that?
>the joke is that it's easy
It's possible either way because the roofs are detached.
>forgot image
this is advanced autism im afraid its terminal
Woah, buddy.
That's some three-dimensional thinking I ain't ready for.
How do you expect me to supply a house with utilities when I don't even have the proper licensing to do so?
This was my immediate thought. Easy. Thread over. Everyone go home.
shush brit bong
Im not at my pc but wouldnt connecting the 3 houses with three lines to eqchother solve the problem?
>green for electricity
Yep, it's autism
why is your electricity green?
You can't have electricity running through water, user, are you trying to get the whole neighborhood killed??
Now you're thinking with portals.
didn't say they had to be separate xd
>all these idiots supplying the houses with fire instead of gas
The houses already have gas in them. The point is to ignite the gas to that the home owners don't suffocate.
>electricity running through water
That's past autism, that's just dumb.
You trying to get everybody killed?
yours isnt?
How do I fail this test so that I can get some tism bux
Cross the lines, that's literally it.
Not knowing how to fail the test, which is explicitly told to you at the bottom of the image, is pretty autismbux-worthy.
Can't fucking reply, fuck this site and fuck hiro
How’s this puzzle impossible? Just do it in 3D. Just add a dimension lmao
it's not impossible? unless the sources are considered "lines"
You people are breaking the rules. You aren't allowed to go through the houses. You think you can just have a powerline or water pipes running directly through someones house? Don't you know anything?
I bribed the county inspectors office, I can do anything I want to those slums.
i don't get it
For the love of god user
I believe the term is called a Trap
Has someone drawn a torus yet?
There it is
Gas is useless when you have electricity
>Not supplying Jews with gas
You forgot to include a gas line to the jews house.
You guys are so gay
don't you mean W for water
Stop hitting on me silly boi.
>not having subterranean power lines
>Electricity and gas
no senor
Holy fuck at some of you braindead retards
Of course they would be considered part of the lines. It would be retardedly easy if we just did what you did.
all the solutions that runs a single wire through all 3 houses are shit as the 1st house can catch on fire or the owner can be a fag and turn off his main switches and all 3 houses are now without electricity, water, and gas
>mixing fire and water
Has anyone proved this mathematically impossible?
A long long time ago:
you can reverse the process to get the important parts back
>mixing water and electricity
depends on the receiving end I guess.
>thread is full of solved pics that solve the test
>people still saying its impossible
Why? Unless people are purposefully fucking up this isn't hard to do at all. Is that where the autism part of the test comes in?
Who's Any Lines?
Blurred's sister
>tutorial is separate from the main
>achievement for completing the tutorial is the hardest one in the entire game assuming you try to figure it out on your own
>even then the tutorial mode itself is completely useless
Found the engineer.
He's on the flight plan with me and Maimen.
is it that one driving game?
>Its impossible because this specific picture shows it is
Nearly every pic in this thread proves this wrong
Driver predates achievements.
The "solutions" in this thread bend or break the rules of the problem. Using the most rigid definitions, the problem is unsolvable
What "autism" has to do with it is up for interpretation, as this has nothing to do with autism
Posting a picture on Yea Forums does not validate a solution
if they were, it'd be in the actual requirements of the image
The image is nothing more than a trolling attempt that has written the rules of the game very poorly
Yes, if you take the image at face value, you can do that, so congrats on solving a troll image, I guess? The actual puzzle it references does not allow for it however and has been proven impossible a very long time ago
Unequivocally based.
pls, talk about Judy
What the fuck
Imagine trying to make K(3,3) a planar map. What a retarded faggot you are, OP
It is impossible to solve this 'test' in two dimensions, as 3 connections starting from 2 utility suppliers will inevitably ENCLOSE one of the houses preventing it from being connected to at least one utility supplier (according to Jordan's curve theorem, a loop or a closed curve will have an inside and an outside no matter how we stretch or curve our lines, as long as they don't cross).
Of course, once you add the third dimension, the solution is trivial.
t. math nerd
The image also doesn't say you can't make the lines on your screen, or use animated gifs, or any number of ways that obviously weren't intended
Holy the fuck did I never think to do this jesus christ user you're a fucking genius
I think you failed the test
You'd fail a fucking combo test
You're alright in my book, user
I'd rather have a smart autist on my team than a Yea Forumsirgin with no skills
fucking great
>Hello, gas, water and electricty companies? I'd like to be supplied with your services to three houses. Can you quote me?
>Ah yes, that's perfect, would you give me a 10% discount for fucking a goat?
The hardest part of South Park: Stick of Truth was the bathroom tutorial on how to fart.
Congratulations you passed the test!
>left house
based retard
Holy fuck
didn't say if we're allowed to go through the houses or not
Ok paper Mario
>Hey Fred, mind if I put this gas line on your roof?
I thought this was supposed to be uncompletable
Made me laugh like a retard
Get this man some bitches
Test failed autismo
You went through one house so you may as well go through them all instead of that retarded squiggle
No one said you can't go from above
this surely tasted my social skills thanks op
>power line goes through the middle of your house
>water pipes are strung over the roof like christmas lights
Why don't you repost it on reddit then faggot
I missed a few lines. Fixed
Fuck took me a while
This cannot be denied
What have the houses done to deserve those utilities?
Paid for them
>thank you for setting up my napalm, crude oil, and flash comic pipelines sir, here's your 849.99 *shakes hand*
Only doing my job, sir
>223 B
now make it even smaller
smaller, small as possible
gg ez
i keked a tiny bit
this is it chief
oh shit I can't post it because Yea Forums thinks it has an embedded file
this is it chief
2small Yea Forums
underrated post
k33 is literally nonplanar fucking brainlets
Is this grammatically correct?
I did it! I even didn't touch the houses with the same line more than once like some of you cheaters.
I don't understand how this is hard, or even how it proves autism
Gimmie a real test
Wait what how the fuck.
what is ?
w-what's going through the green line?
I just can't figure it out :/
uh wait a second
Your mom
You niggas are small-time
what year do you think this is, fucking 2013 or some shit
You guys are dumb. This is a simple graph theory problem
fucking saved
am i missing something
me in five days
Hell god baby damn no!
>Thread on Yea Forums is completely unrelated to videogames
>Its great
If only we could talk about videogames like this, one can only imagine
Using gravity to move water is super basic, and solar water heaters are usually on the roof. Electricity runs at socket-height, which is convenient. Fire goes at the bottom because heat propagates upwards.
It all makes sense.
bretty gud
: D
30 seconds in mspaint
this ones going on the fridge
it took you two and a half hours to crop that?
Set up your game OP.
>tutorial requires perfectly timed multi button sequences 5+ times in a row, and can be screwed up by not pressing multiple buttons at exactly the same time
>actual game is fucking easy, even on hardest difficulty.
I swear some of the lessons in DBZ Xenoverse 2 were harder than any of the actual fights.
Practice makes perfect.
i love you user
I get nigger and jew but not the fag one.
Easy peasy.
mike pence electrocuted fags to try and cure them
switch power and gas colors and you're good
>the shaky hands
I'm proud of you, user
>lines connected in series to house
>if one of them at higher up the chain loses a utility, the rest also lose it
Nice engineering super retardio
no different than real life
if a pipe in the street burst the whole neighborhood after the break is fucked
Why not take the power through the houses instead of the gas, doesn't it make more sense?
There's a difference between the supplying line breaking and messing up the utilities and it breaking in an individual house and ruining everything because the designers were retarded. If a powerline snaps, yeah it'll affect everything down the line, but they aren't linked directly from house to house for a reason.
I don't get it.
you solve it then el retardando
>without crossing
fuck you
Good lad
Give this boy a medal
It's actually impossible to solve if you interpret it the traditional way of "3 individual lines per utility on a 2D plane." No matter what you do you'll always have at least one line locked out, so you have to "cheat" by linking the houses directly or moving the problem into a 3D plane.
>logic test given to children age 6+
>still fail
English motherfucker
do you speak it?!
proud of you
During middle school on Halloween, we were given similar test, among others, with candy prizes for whoever got a valid answer first.
I had given up, and decided to BS it by just folding part of the paper over the previous line, and then using the new blank part to draw addition lines (kind of like pic related). I presented the variously-folded sheet to the teacher in a not-so-serious manner, but she found it creative and gave me a king-size kit-kat.
And then after school some asmathatic greenbean of a kid literally rammed me with bike and tried to pummel me with a hardcover textbook because he had a solution like this thread, and I had "stolen" his KitKat. I have him the kit kat, and he does a complete 270, gives me some Band-Aids, and wants me to "shake on it" like we just signed a truce.
I'm pretty sure he grew up to be Pythagoras.
bo - skeleton - rp
there's probably some jewish trickery that removes the spoiler but
That's pretty weird
Great I have autism. now the question is where can I cash my neetbux
Are autists incapable of drawing through the houses or something?
the chosen one.
the word "boskeletonrp" without the quotes and spoiler the word "skeleton" inside it.
why does a house need to have fire delievered to it
>he doesnt live in a toroidal neighborhood
this is like an autistic child's drawing
Absolute brainlet, make the left electricity line go around the water symbol, as you did with the fire one,and you can connect the water to the middle house without "cheating".
I can't
What do I win?
To save the environment
supply the house with water? i'd rather supply it with crummy pokémon creatures!
aw shit
Did I win?
found the professor layton speedrunner
Seriously which backwater shacktown do you guys come from you still have ABOVEGROUND POWER LINES? no, giant masts that go to transformator stations are fine.
t. lawyer or serial killer
>he doesn't utilise steam power in 1800+219
fufufufufufu what a retard
So basically you're a retard who thought he was hot shit.
back to plebbit
I don't get the water part. Is it because niggers can't swim?
>burning things to make steam
>not using a hydrosolar boiler to make steam
plebs, it's like solar panels but without all the toxic materials and uselessness.
thanks for giving me a trip to filter, faggot. kys
None of you will ever be civil engineers, putting gas lines on roofs and water lines right through the middle of houses
I hope you live in mud huts or something
4d chess board.
Good, newtonian physics and ESPECIALLY FLUID DYNAMICS are so boring you want to inflict torture upon yourself when studying it.
literally just do it in 3D
One, nothing wrong with me
I too like running my water lines next to my electric lines
Middle house
well done
I'm sure not everyone knows about planar maps