

Attached: kino gear solid 4.jpg (1920x1080, 106K)

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It's sad that my favorite part of the game is the part where the hud changes into the visuals of a better mgs game

Honestly no gaming moment has or ever will top this boss fight for me


>The part where Snake and Liquid inject each other then toss the needles.

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was just gonna make a post about this
i think i ejaculated in my pants the first time i played that part

>No gaming moment will ever top a QTE boss fight

I could rewatch the cutscene before this fight a million times and still be blown away.

Retroactively ruined by the reveal that it’s not even the real Liquid

I don't even know what the point of that was when he really was possessed by Liquid in 2.


>tfw the most fun magical girl show of the season that is already filled with references to mecha, spec ops shit, and vidya (animu is created by ex wild arms staff) directly references this scene by have two magical girls shoot each other up in the same way.

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Wasn’t it set up in 3 that Ocelot inherited some of the Sorrow’s medium powers?
That would have perfectly explained how Liquid could possess him

oh man I forgot about wild arms. those were fun games, IIRC. I liked the puzzles and different tools characters had

That's canon why Liquid was able to possess Ocelot in 2, but they backtracked on that and said "oh he cut off Liquid's arm after 2 and just pretended instead"

God I hate Kojima’s retarded story choices

It was more jank Tekken than QTE.

What show?

this thread's theme

you haven't played a whole lot of vidya then

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that's a lot of brown.

MGS4 was retarded, honestly. Answered too many questions that didn't need answers.

That's how it be in 2008


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it's called Symphogear my dude. It is on its 5th and final season right now. First season is just called Symphogear.

Season 2 is called Symphogear G
Season 3 is called Symphogear GX
Season 4 is called Symphogear AXZ
Season 5 is Symphogear XV

It is extremely good, loads of fun.

Some clips (I'd prefer you go in blind, but if you need some more convincing, these clips might help convince you)

Attached: [ReinForce] Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ - 03 (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_09.32_[2018.0 (1920x1080, 294K)