What was her mental illness?
What was her mental illness?
Shes a woman.
I'd let her cut my dick off 2bh
PTSD and sexual abuse, I'd guess.
Manic pixy grimdark syndrome. Otherwise known as the "topics"
Even though A:MR wasn't that bad, it felt empty and us wanting more. Sadly American Mcgee is a retard and that Alice Asylum game will end up mediocre
mcgee is an idea guy like romero who can still do shit when the wire gets down to it but mcgee has apparently the single worst luck to any man ever born
Who needs tits when you've got eyes like that?
none she's a victim of awful circumstances
I don't think McGee's played many video games either.
I have a thing for crazy but she might just be too much
She visited /pol/
being in a edgy game...she could go grab some bread and in the way she would end up in the middle a giant gang of human trafficking rapists somehow
>and that Alice Asylum game will end up mediocre
Probably. It doesn't really sound like he knows what to do, because the story for it is basically following the same plot as what happened in the first game. At this point I think I want to play the first game in virtual reality more than anything.
Being a roastie
Is there a raid or why is posting giving me so many errors?
sounds like proper coal age london to me
Being sane.
Why do mentally disturbed women make me hard?
Having a vagina is a chronic-degenerative illness.
crazy sex
Schizophrenic, disassociative personality disorder, PTSD
watched her family burn alive, convinced herself she was the cause of the fire, her therapist tried to brainwash her to be sold as a prostitue and quite possibly (I'm misremembering) tried to sexually abuse her younger sister.
-Overactive imagination
-Life goes to shit
-Retreats to her inner fantasy world to escape her horrible reality: left alone with at 12(?) in a cold world where only the harsh punishments for rapists in Victorian London keep her from being raped on the streets continually
-Buries the truth of what happened to her family in a well of denial in order to deal with the PTSD
-Eventually comes under the care of the family friend physician who was actually the cause of her family's death, only to find out that he was grooming her to be the top draw in his child prostitution ring.
-Overactive imagination goes into overdrive, literally ascends to a higher mental plane, so much that she's able to manifest some of her inner thoughts in the real world.
It was her older sister, who was a college student where he was a student-professor. He tried to hook up with her, but she brushed him off, so he stole into the house, raped and possibly killed her, then set the whole place on fire to cover his tracks.
>tfw Lizzie was actually a bit hotter than Alice, more of a sensual beauty rather than a cold stark hottie.
>physician who was actually the cause of her family's death, only to find out that he was grooming her to be the top draw in his child prostitution ring
I feel like these retcons try too hard to make her a tragic figure and just overcomplicate things. The first game shows a cat accidentally starting the fire and the point of her not blaming herself for an actual accident seems better in my opinion.
You are remembering correctly. He actually started the fire to cover up his abuse of the sister
I have hope
not gonna lie, some of the level design was pretty good, the platform design was pretty trash on many parts though.
>I have hope
Its an EA game. I don't have any hope and I loved the first two games.
Doesn't leave much reason for a sequel though if they just went with the 'It was an accident, I've gotten over it and moved on' line that the first game ended on.
the art style and direction is great, to this day it's one of my favorites, but the levels and platforming dragged on for way too much. By the last two chapters I just wanted to get it over with, specially the last one which seemed endless.
Will probably re-install it one of these days tho, it's one of those guilty pleasures. I heard they had more content but EA put them on a tight budget and deadline, though I'm not sure if more content would have made the game better.
Yeah I understand that, but making her the tragic figure over and over again is going to wear thin at some point. I think someone said there was an idea floating around of having her visit other people's wonderlands to help them with their own issues. I think I would've liked that more.
you don't talk to women in real life, aren't you?
I'm a Yoga instructor.
It's true
Which Alice is the best?
More like fucking bloated. It should have been a 10 hour game. I don't think I'll ever replay it despite really enjoying it's good points.
The thing I loved the most about Alice games is actually the concept arts rather than the games themselves.
unironically borderline personality disorder
also known as
More like fucking bloated. It should have been a 10 hour game. I don't think I'll ever replay it despite really enjoying it's good points.
ptsd mixed with schizophrenia. although, its not impossible that Wonderland is actually real.
also, did this many people really play this game?? I NEVER heard about it, when it came out. I bought it on PSN, a few years ago, because it was on deep discount. I love it, but it was so weird, and so deeply 00's Mall Goth, that I can't believe it sold very well
I agree. but, there is a kind of art in coming up with such an over-the-top evil villain, though. I mean, he was so outrageously vile, that I respect the story for doing that.
The perfect encapsulation is in... that level with all the glass walls and everything is wood... you go through this little maze and wind up at this huge drop. on the wall, opposite you, is the mounted skeleton of a bird, with two crow wings nailed on either side like a crucifix. Just... silly macabre. It was a nice touch.