>the good guy wins in the end
The good guy wins in the end
Other urls found in this thread:
>im moving to canada because IT WAS HER TURN
My gigabit internet says otherwise.
american internet is shit to
As a ''canadian'' , I call bullsit
Did anyone even end up moving there
Sorry what's that? I couldn't hear you over the freedom of downloading at 900+ Mb/s
Trannies can't file lawsuits if I refuse to wax their balls here (yet), so nope, articles wrong.
face it canada is a great country, its time to respect us
Pakis, indians and the odd Lebanese
Obviously not counting the chinks since BC is chinese soil.
>Bluepilled Canada trounces on redpilled countries
whoa really
>I didn't need that third of my paycheck anyway...
Yeah, shitskins moved there too lmao.
Enjoy your massively overpriced groceries
>Hong Kong
You don't have that freedom though
NO no no no no NO
Stay the FUCK out of my country
We're just getting over Trudeau, people are finally waking up and seeing how shit the liberals are, how their retarded policies have ruined the economy and made Canada into the laughingstock of the world. We don't need several thousand California communists and assblasted American SJWs with a race/victim complex making this country worse than it already is
What's the best country English-speaking country to live in? Australia sounds pretty based, I was thinking of moving there.
no thanks
Get this man a Puppers
What's the best English-speaking country to live in? Australia seems pretty based from a foreigner's perspective, was thinking of moving there.
No take them I'm tired of Californiggers ruining America
I hope illegal brown people start moving there then. Canada is a liberal area that respects them.
When Canadians can afford to eat meat at least once a day, I'll believe it.
What's the best English-speaking country to live in? Australia seems pretty based from a foreigner's perspective, was thinking of moving there.
Not really, Canada is very picky on who gets a free pass in.
Fuck off, we're full
You allowed them to spawn, you deal with them
It's not a stretch. Poverty really fucks up the poorest in the US where as basic socialist programs lets many people coast in Canada. Skews results.
fix your shit gook moot
Wow, that sounds pretty racist
If I wanted to move to Canada, what's a good place to live? I'm not a big fan of urban areas, and the outdoors.
>chinese to the left of me
>filipinos to the right
>ooh here I am stuck in the middle with ackbar
No way lol. Canada is in an extreme affordability crisis. Only chinks with offshore money are surviving.
Rent is unbelievably expensive even in small towns with nothing in it. We have high taxes, cost of goods is very high. Most expensive cell phone plans in the entire world, most expensive insurance in the world. It’s a hellhole.
>good guys
sadly your country is already a huge meme. every libtard from across the worls has a raging boner for canada
Is it true that cheese is expensive in canada
Uhh no... Canada is full of pajeets, 34% percent of canada's population is Indian inmigrant men
Don't lie to any future immigrant. We all know that Canada has the best healthcare and it's free.
>Wanting to live somewhere that has "spider season"
A tax from your paycheck isn't free. When the government says free, it's a lie.
But I have gigabit internet in Vancouver too
So you want a small city like London or Kingston. Essentially that middle ground between an actual liveable city and rural hillbillies.
this isn't vidya faggot.
Only because of Justin Castro
Horny women and potheads elected him and he's ruined our image ever since
Our economy is in shambles and China is buying our land because he lets them
Not really that hard to imagine
Most states in the south-east are basically third world countries
States in the north west and mid west aren’t much better off
Most of the US is a shit hole filled with poor people
You only have to pay significant taxes if you're rich and well off anyways. If you're paying a lot of taxes, then you're fine.
>the country that's let in less immigrants is better off
Wow, racist much?
1 month and he's gone. Scheer is a fucking slug but at least it's not trudeau.
Why do retards from Red Lake believe all the retarded bullshit they hear from their equally-uneducated buddies on Facebook, this isn't remotely true.
>every fucking tards move to leafland
>burgerland finally be free
Yes please move to mapleland
>Most expensive cell phone plans in the entire world
Nah. I'm on Freedom, $15cad for unlimited data, text, 100 minutes talk (which I never used when I had unlimited talk)
>ruined our image
Someone didn't live through the Harris/Harper years.
Did he ever legalize weed for them? I never heard about it but I don't care to look.
Also what was up with that dog thing?
not sure why you added a 3 in front of that 4, but ok.
>B E R G
Canada has even stricter immigration policies. The average american doesn't even qualify.
Found the Torontonian.
No user, they were here first
Why do you think they have daily protests? Fight for your rights, something that amerilards are too lazy to do.
>when if to torrent shit you have to use a VPN
Yeah, most of them do, unless they use the wrong pronouns and get sent to jail for "hate speech."
Its almost like mass importation of third worlders has a negative effect. Who knew?
The American dream was to escape feudalism. basically to escape rich people telling you how to live and taking a lions share of your paycheck. That is definitely not Canada.
They weren't great, but they're nowhere near as bad as Justin
Yes, and now my street stinks of weed every night. Of course DUDE WEED LMAO got all the zoomers to vote for him, never-mind that consuming marijuana at a young age is proven to cause brain defects and can even cause schizophrenia. It doesn't matter as long as weed man got their vote
>no freedom of speech laws in Canada
What's the difference between torrenting on a VPN and without one, when it comes to freedom?
No pls I like Canada sure it's not perfect like we got too much migrants but life is legit good overall here so I dont want more ding dongs entering my borders also I need to get a white gf because this i stupid
>Did he ever legalize weed for them?
Yup, locked that up asap
Nah, I've never even been in Ontario in my life
>t. illegal pajeet at Ontario
Uh sorry, but I'm for Mississauga Ontario and this is true. wherever you look you will find pajeets or Pakistanis
Cucknadians import more browns than anyone else
Is there not an age limit on weed?
I believe you aren't supposed to use it a lot before you're 25.
lmao Freedom, get a real service provider. The moment you leave a metro area, reception goes into the shitter
this is the most bluepilled thing ive seen all week
go to a CiC thread on /pol/
>if only you knew how bad things really were
Import implies control and it seems Canada is too racist to allow free flowing travel of immigrants into the country.
Rent is unbelievably expensive even in small towns with nothing in it.
I don’t know where the fuck you’re living but rent is nothing here in Halifax. If your definition of “small town” is a suburb on the outskirts of Vancouver or Toronto I could understand. Unless you’ve got a mine or oil project in your town shooting the average wage through the roof, small town Canada is pretty affordable.
>not vidya
Kyt and yourself
Is wojak the classic story of the good guy/ pure neutral guy becoming a bad guy?
Ugh, it's even worse to the south of you. Busses smell awful.
Same with most other things, ~18 years old. If you're a legal adult then it's fine. Government isn't a total nanny state, if you wanna fuck yourself up as long as they make money off taxes who cares?
i dab on canadians every single day
It's absolutely hilarious how Americans suffer from constantly deteriorating standards of living, literally dying from not being able to afford the outrageous costs of healthcare, owning property is a fucking pipe dream for an entire generation, worker pay has not increased at all in 40 years while executive pay as skyrocketed (even though productivity is at an all time high), and these FUCKING RETARDS WILL STILL DEFEND THIS SYSTEM LIKE NOTHING IS WRONG. Every American is a fucking retard who thinks he's a future millionaire and refuses to acknowledge this system is fucked and continue to vote on a two party system with candidates that don't give a flying fuck about anything of them.
>Country with funny monopoly money
>Better off
>Videogames are $90 CAD
>implying amerifags dont
Tf state do you live in
If you want to know what our government thinks about it, here's an actual ad they made and posted everywhere using our tax dollars
but bro... MAGA!!!!
MURRICAN isn't a race
>Is there not an age limit on weed?
Of course. Kids just buy it from the pre-existing dealers
Why would I leave?
Canada doesn't do welfare unless you're disabled or first nations though. If you work and are under the poverty line in ontario you get about 800 a year and that's it.
>fucking Hong Kong
Hong Kong is literally not a country, it's part of China. This is just the jews at human rights watch seething that China has so many restrictions on western businesses
I agree, Canada should take on these undocumented immigrants in America who are treated unfairly.
We had some dude up here, but he ran off a few weeks in.
Valid point, carry on
This goes way back before Trump and will continue after him, you're a fool to think he's the cause.
They just go through Montreal who sells citizenship to the chinese
You won’t be able to reason with him. /pol/ bants have rotted his brain and left him with a persecution complex. Nothing will satisfy him until our government starts brutalizing women and minorities enough to get stormfags a hardon.
This, you guys are nice and will take all our poor, uneducated, unskilled unemployed immigrants, right?
oh no no no no NO
see pic
they failed to meet the basic standards for immigration
pirate you faggot
>Venezuela is a bottom
Hell yeah
Meme ads
gee I wonder why. let's continue on paying for Apple's tax refunds guys. That new Iphone won't manufacture itself without trillions of dollarinos in the bank
are you on fucking crack
the dollar is worth 63c to the USD
Florida here, no state income tax ftw
>good guys
/vint/ proved that 90% of shitposting was from Canada and Brazil. They’re no better than third world hues.
I don't know jack shit about US taxes, only that the government takes away half your major lottery winnings which sucks ass. Canada used to have skill testing questions (ie basic math shit) on various winnings, but pretty sure they got rid of those years ago.
amerifats seething right now
Vancouverfag here. I hate this faggot country with my whole being. The job market sucks. Chinks ruined the real estate market. The only cupture is "dude weed" and some city funded fag pride parades, and the white working class only cares about crappy beer and hockey and let it all happen. On top of that you can go to jail if you offend some jew or some faggot and the fucking pajeets and pakis have ruined the suburbs.
What is this meme. I've literally never gone a day in my life without eating meat.
why yes i use /int/ instead of /pol/ making friends from all around the world and calling each other fags, how did you know?
>/vint/ proved that 90% of shitposting was from Canada and
I do enjoy shitposting
The irony. How can canadians possibly ever critique americans in good faith without being hypocritical?
I sure do love getting fucked in the ass on the conversion rate
Taxes in US are easy. It's basically Income - Deduction = Taxible Income. Look up Income in the IRS table and you're done. There's Federal and State Tax. Some States have shitty income tax like California. Some have none.
What bullshit exchange are you going by? It's 75 cents on the dollar and most exchanges don't go over 70 cents on the dollar with their fees included.
Good faith doesn't mean we have to give our country away for free
Oh so am I, weird that since Toronto proper is a really expensive city to live in immigrants choose the cheaper suburbs. Wow what a shock! Listen dumbass I hate brown people too, but 34% is nowhere close to being accurate.
Good, hopefully now all the lefties and gibs sponges move there now. But unfortunately they won’t because that would take effort, instead they will stay here and continue to piss and moan.
You are know aware the Federal Reserve is a privately owned entity and not actually a part of our government.
she isn't even looking at faggot Trudeau
Explain further
You mean hamburgers, right?
Notice how nowadays they're making those out of plants? They can do that because the meat in hamburgers is so far removed from meat that you don't know what meat should taste like anymore
Sounds like something a white supremacist would say
Downtown Toronto is all chinks and brown people, who are you kidding?
>*gives 38 Billion dollars in aid a year to Israel, a nation with free health care*
Makes you really think how there is so many dual citizenship Israelis in congress.
So wait is it actually hard to get into canada now? I was wanting to go see the great lakes next year and go to a casino
Fuck off, I didn't even mention race, you're the one who brought it up
This is what I mean when I say Americans have a race complex
>the good guy pretends he won when he really got the bad end
But according to Canadians America has to.
The problem with America is its people. Do not come to Canada. You will ruin it. Stay in your shithole ghetto country where you belong.
You made this bed, so now you have to sleep in it.
Also, this is not videogames.
So does that mean all the spics go to leaf land now?
So? I don’t understand how that’s a problem. Sounds to me like some racism.
Post in store grocery prices
>people privately smoking in their home affects you in some way
I'm sure it does buddy. Don't you have a cloud to tell incoherently at?
What kind of person makes these things?
75, which isn't great but it's better now than during Harpoo's oil crash
Don't lie to yourself, just look arround, 3 out of 10 people you see are pajeets, there is also a valid source where I read this from but can't find it anymore
Don't Amerisharts have monthly data caps?
China will dab on america in video games, next is economy which is already happening, then america will be forced to economic submission and will tariff all china related goods and esports by triple fold making china the victor
Oh look, the racist is trying to deflect his gas lighting attempt that Canada belongs to only Canadian born people aka whites.
That's coincidental because the problem with Canada is Canadians, and Canadian boomers love coming to the states.
Someone doesn't go downtown often, lots of Chinese live around UofT, but it's still majority white people. Source: live/work at King and Spadina. Hell I'll see a lot of chinks at work but that's 'cause they excel at what they do, ain't gonna fault them for that, very rarely browns/blacks.
Stop being such a /pol/ faggot, you're gonna get left behind.
If you win something over a certain value without having paid anything for it, you still need to do a skill testing question (basic BEDMAS / PEDMAS stuff).
If you win the lottery it was with a bought ticket, so no test. Of course, they will still take a percentage, but not half.
>Canada mattering ever
Yikes, my dude. Keep dreaming with your cuck of a Prime Minister.
>You will ruin it.
Little late for that mate
post the grocery store prices
>Ameriburger isn't a meme after all
Today I had bacon and eggs for breakfast and barbecued salmon for dinner. Literally how is any of that vegetable product?
So how do they come up with that number?
Test the amount of freedom present the natural water reserves or oh wait that makes no sense and the metric is entirely made up.
I bet you'll find shit like:
>They allow gay marriage so lets add +2 points!
wow, thats really fucking stupid
uh huh
This, as well as pay checks, taxes, and documentation that shows free, immediate, high quality medical treatment
Any nation that allows foreigners to own property are fucking retarded. It should literally be against the law. These chink fucks already fucked over California, now rent is fucking sky high everywhere. Them and the fucking tech faggots.
Post screenshot of your last medical scan / surgery bill.
Not on Verizon, but they actively don't want your money and refuse to lay fiber. Meanstwhiles, Comcast will charge you 3x the amount for 1/10th the speed and give you a 1TB data cap while forcing you to bundle TV.
The only white people in Toronto live at Bridle Path. And that's a small rich area.
You can't find it anymore cause you're full of shit user, brown people all together barely add up to 5% of our population as of 2016 (census report, what how this /pol/ cuck tells me to dilate or moves goalposts), you're just too much of a NEET retard to see past your nose.
But I don't have any bills.
That's basically why every study tries to classify blacks as conservatives when comparing iq. Blacks are the least tolerant and the studies think least tolerance = conservative
Data caps are peak Jew.
We're actually not doing AS bad here in Alberta. But from what I gather from the eastern dirt bags, their prices are unreal.
I love how they say Canada is better specifically because mexicans ruined America.
Wanna know what's fucked up?
My chinese boss bagged a job in California specifically to bring his wife over, fuck her on American soil, and fart out an anchor baby.
They then shipped the kid back to China, who now has ez granted dual citizenship. He will be brought up a Chinese nationalist, then will fly back to America in the states, and buy property as an American citizen.
God Bless America
Australia is based BUT they have 2 major flaws (at least for me)
1. Skin cancer
If you are a pale fuck like me you'd have to cake yourself in anti sun shit every day that you go outside and still have a prety high chance of getting skin cancer.
2. Gun laws
Gun laws are pretty cucked in there.
That's pretty much it.
New zealand was the choice for me but not after the christcuck shooting which gave politicians a cad blanche on shitfucking gun laws.
I can typically buy two monsters for $7-$8 or $5 when on sale most of the time, or a 4 pack for $12. Haven't bought a resealable 1L can in a while but I think they're $4-$5.
Not hard when your population is less than California.
As an American, I can 100% say this guy's right. Safeguard your country, bud. Don't let it become a shithole like the U.S.
Lol US will never rely on Canada. Also Canada is like 90% liberal so I don't know why you're trying to act like a hardass for.
Sorry but no, the american dream was a marketing gimmick invented by america to attract high skilled foreigners.
Canada can't have it because the events that caused it to happen are very unlikely to happen in the modern world.
And besides, just call it something else instead of just ripping off one of americas only 2 ideas.
>America was always a melting pot you bigot!!!
Is there a bigger sign of mental retardation?
acceleracers was made there so i guess they deserve it
>all this try hard denial
yes, found the illegal immigrant pajeet, please give me your address so I can report you, you and your people need to leave
Don't forget how all the wildlife wants to kill you
Err Fort York, City Place, Woodbine, Riverdale, Leslieville, Downsview area, any pocket of Italians all over North York, Jane/Bloor, South Etobicoke, Royal York area, High Park/Roncesvalles, The Junction. Rosedale, Yonge/Eglinton, the list goes on. All white neighborhoods where young white families move into or white people have lived in forever.
Stop pretending like you know fuck all about Toronto, you're just some cornered suburb rat.
By the way, Bridle Path is mostly Jews, I thought poltards didn't consider them white?
Who could have guessed that gender studies degrees, experience in fast food, and tens of thousands of dollars of debt wouldn't qualify you for citizenship in another country?
There's no point arguing with an American who thinks only about race. If you think the only people who are Canadian born are white, you're the racist one. When I said we don't have to give the country away for free, I meant we don't have to give it away to those who hate our culture, but you'll probably take that as being racist as well, because in your mind the only people who can adapt to a peaceful, productive Western culture are White, and everyone else are children to be coddled
Who said that? Which Canadian? Nobody I know thinks like that. Not every American is a SJW from California, and not every Canadian is a SJW from Toronto. If a Canadian says that shit to you, tell them to fuck off
>finally got a solid paying job
>40% of my salary is gone in taxes and pension
>not mentioning that the wild life wants to murder you on a daily basis
Shit like this is why drumpfy wants to make birthright citizenship a no-no. I'm inclined to agree.
Mostly terrorists and ex terrorists get the free ride, sometimes they even get 8 million dollars.
Err Fort York, City Place, Woodbine, Riverdale, Leslieville, Downsview area, any pocket of Italians all over North York, Jane/Bloor, South Etobicoke, Royal York area, High Park/Roncesvalles, The Junction. Rosedale, Yonge/Eglinton, the list goes on. All white neighborhoods where young white families move into or white people have lived in forever.
Stop pretending like you know fuck all about Toronto, you're just some cornered suburb rat.
By the way, Bridle Path is mostly Jews, I thought poltards didn't consider them white?
LOL like pottery, has nothing to say for himself, as expected from some NEET cuck, your parents are probably happy their bloodline ends with you.
We don't get those. And our scans are top notch
-t Radiodiagnostic technician.
What the fuck does this have to do with video games
Just visiting is easy. You need a passport now I think, but I think that was an American idea
>Limit citizenship rights for all dual citizens claiming dual citizenship AFTER being granted US citizenship
Problem solved. Someone vote me in as Senator.
Dude I went to school at UofT. It's all Chinamen and Indians.
>thinking outsiders are nothing but people who hate your culture
Yup, you're a racist discriminating against others who want to look for a better life and escape poverty.
Also on Bloomberg
It's always been hard, we had gypsies get refugee status here but based gov't figured out their lies and kicked them out, took like 3 years though lol
>LOL like pottery, has nothing to say for himself, as expected from some NEET cuck, your parents are probably happy their bloodline ends with you.
Seething pajeet
just proving my point. please leave or commit sucide
Fuck off, we're full.
>BC is chinese soil.
Richmond, Victoria and Burnaby isn't "BC".
Go anywhere else and it's run by river chimps/feather niggers
Good luck getting any of the jews to fund you
What year is it
Hey, I'll take it when it means I don't have to go to the store, campus, or basically any large gathering without fear of being shot up by mass shooters, niggers, or police officers.
Fucking true. We have big meets with all the university in Quebec + Ontario for our program, each university take turn hosting the rest. Freshman year was in ottawa, and every single UoT student was chinese.
How could you tell from your basement, plenty of whites in all programs, you act like the school is only yellow and brown.
>We don't need several thousand California communists and assblasted American SJWs with a race/victim complex making this country worse than it already is
Did you forget about all the draft dodging hippies that came here 50 years ago? They're the ones that voted for the first Trudeau.
im a half mexican legal immigrant who is currently working two jobs that i know whities didnt get
Technically, birthright citizenship doesn't exist in the US -- it's even said as much during the signing of the 14th amendment.
But the fact people even think it is, or even should be, a thing is worrisome.
I remember hearing the most fucking annoying language ever when eating lunch.
It's either mandarin or cantonese. Whiny and fucking awful.
ive always respected canada
LOL classic pol broken record, stay mad cuck
Probably because all the white people have to work.
Probably cantonese, mandarin is chunky
93 actually
Plus tip goy
I can afford meat every night lol
What video game is this from?
Sniper Elite 5 leak?
In any case I feel like a minority in Toronto. As a white dude. Not that I care or mind "diversity" but it's literally a fucking Chinese colony.
This actually isn't a surprise. Take into consideration that Cuba a has a higher life expectancy than America.
You'll find my respect for you down this chute. Go get it!
Hmmm near which college? They usually travel in packs, pretty harmless, just go to Einstein's if you wanna be surrounded by whites my friend
So can I. Why would you think Canadians can't afford food?
Chi chia shua wuaaaa
Ho shia shin shua chong washi shua
>non-whites everywhere, not a fucking meme literally places that used to be predominantly white 10 years ago are now riddled with disgusting brown/black/chinese people
>wages are the same but everything is 20% more expensive than it was a few years ago
>prime minister is a cuck retard
>despite making up 5% of the population, "first nations" (AKA natives) make up 27% of the prison population while still asking for handouts from the government and from people on the street
>"top news" in the country for over a week is that some guy in the army was also in a neo-nazi organization because thought crimes are a thing in canada
>CBC promotes white genocide and is late night tv levels of ORANGE MAN BAD at all times
I mean really, Canada is only a good place to live because the rest of the world is so shitty overall.
It wouldn't be so bad if the Chinese weren't basically bottomfeeders that have zero morals or ethics
Of course. Now, if only Verizon would expand, or Comcast would stop paying the government to prevent Google/competitors from installing fiber optics. If cable in the US was actually capitalistic, we'd have the same non-jewish standard.
We'd still probably have a shit time in rural areas, but it'd be an improvement.
>Non video game thread reaches 200+ replies
>Actual video game threads get ignored
faggot board fuck you faggots this entire thread is a faggot ass bait thread
>He doesn't make his hamburgers from scratch
Buy a grill, user
>l broken record
>only replies cuck
>uses broken english
>unused internet slangs like "LOL"
oh honey, please consider suicide or go back to your shithole india
"Behind several communities, Canada contains the world's tenth largest Indian diaspora. The largest group of Indo Canadians are those of Punjabi origin, accounting for nearly 50 percent of the Indo Canadian population.[3] The highest concentrations of Indo-Canadians are found in the provinces of Ontario and British Columbia, followed by growing communities in Alberta and Quebec as well, with the majority of them being foreign-born."
I'm not going to give you more sources, learn to look for yourself, this ain't pol for discussing. never @me again.
It's a government job. They have their own pension fund on top of the country plan that's subtracted from each paycheck. Not to mention the union fees. Shit is ridiculous.
But at least if I stick around, I'll enjoy retirement and go on shitty ship cruises with other old people.
Some tech guys from Seattle moved here because they thought America was going to murder all transgenders
Many people got well paid internship during summer, so they don't work much during winter when the event is held.
The only reason liberals are fleeing bluestates is because they're crime and rat infested hellholes. Not. Joking. They're bringing the plague back. The plague, man!
Harper was the worst PM this country has ever had you underaged b&
get off the internet for a bit
>in store prices
>World is getting smaller and smaller because everyone just destroys everything, runs out of things to destroy, and then run somewhere else so they can destroy that as well.
Crazy plan, we wait until everyone comes to Europe and America, then we'll all colonize South America and Asia.
Its genius.
>I just want everyone that isn't white to die, what's so wrong about that? :/
China is worthless bugmen
Japanese people are respectable, wish we had them instead.
Let's show em that we can do better than the USA and give it our all !
40% ? We can do so much better
reminder that if you are:
>1) a leaf
>2) not a cuckold
you should vote for bernier this coming election or you only have yourself to blame if Trudeau or (((Scheer))) get elected and run the country into the ground
You realize treaty payments are paying for the land you reside on right? You basically leased the Canadian land from natives for eternity. Deal with it nerd.
Honest to God question: why does anyone give a fuck about trannies?
>tenth largest group of brown people
>equals 34% of our population
Keep breathing those paint fumes, I'm happy my tax dollars are paying your Ontario Works, the system is meant to help our most useless survive after all.
t. bullied by pajeet in highschool
they don't Yea Forums has some weird obsession with them, they barely exist in the real world but neets dont go outside
>Freedom in New Zealand
>People get arrested there just for searching the video of the mosque shooting
>Yea Forums is range banned there
Lots of freedom, what a kike shilling
>they don't, but 4ch-
Oh but they do.
what the other guy said most people don't care one way or another other than to ask transgender people what they have in their pants
Yea Forums is obsessed
do you actually go outside i have never seen a tranny and i go out 5 hours a day every day after work
Cause they think they're royalty who demand their special pronouns like the royal "we" in the past, and places actually give them power by firing people who misgender them. Living in a tattletale culture like that of China's social credit isn't fun.
this, unironically this thread belongs on /pol/
fuck off you dumb, idiotic white child
You're probably bad at spotting trans people. Not all are the really weird looking Benjammin Franklins. I've got really good transdar and see about 2-3 a day.
social credit shit is fun as fuck
>not reporting extremists to whatever will get them in trouble
>A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven. - Jean Chretien
There's nothing wrong with being white.
It is physically impossible to be bullied by a pajeet. They are weaker than white women. The only wespon they have is their smell.
Get out of Twitter more often
I worked with one. It's walking on eggshells with then.
why the fuck are you actively looking for them you freak
Yeah but think about it like this. If someone is trying to live their life why make it worst for them? Let them live. Their lives suck most of the time. Why not show other human beings some common courtesy? We have enough hate in this world.
So what do we think of him?
Looks like he's into sniffing farts
Lol that won't last long when they start importing niggers en-mass and promoting sluttery and faggotry instead of family values.
retail worker detected
you are
Are you projecting right now? You're the freak buddy.
There's your problem
Define “Freedom”
Cause your definition of common courtesy will never live up to your standards. No matter what people do, it's never good enough unless.
I like loyal monogamous trans people. I don't like the polyamory meme super promiscuous ones. Fucking sluts.
why is it never mexico?
Is it cold in petersburg, comrade?
For every good idea he has 3 bad ones. Just like every PM candidate. There is no winning move in the next election. Although as someone living under Ford's pure insanity if this guy get a a majority government I will likely lose the will to live. Especially if it leads to another Liberal majority Premier in a few years.
Time to move East.
>you're the freak
im not looking and counting how many trannies i see in the streets LMAO
polyamory is the biggest form of degeneracy and should be discouraged
>Hong Kong
these are the same kind of lists that had venezeula on top in the 2000s
Moot moved there
Ability to fuck animals or be naked in public
>*gets arrested for naked cartoon kids*
Nope. Just more bullshit Leaf propaganda.
salty eastern euro detected
Completely nonfactual. Canada is like America but worse in every way and doesn't even have the world's reserve currency to prop up their standard of living. Their main benefit is being adjacent to us.
>live in canada
>work as a self employed patreon Porn artist
>make over 70k a year
>converts nicely over from USD to CAD
>buying my own house at 23
>all my friends who slaved for years getting degrees and struggling though calculus now work retail jobs paying off their debt
It feels good bros.
Then why don't trannies just let people who don't agree with them live? Why do they stage massive harassment campaigns and get anyone who speaks even the tiniest bit of criticism or disagreement fired and permanently blacklisted from the job industry forever?
Cheers to a fellow Haligonian
Theyre already infesting the midwest.
Post wait time for literally the simplest procedure
this doesn't happen outside of the internet or the game industry and you're a fool for working in the game industry
good for you man, especially the USD to CAD conversion, our dollar is complete shit right now
my farts are stinking
Nothing wrong with that except for being a mental whore
>We all know that Canada has the best healthcare
Do you have any idea what the best hospitals in the world are?
So now people shouldn't be wanting to work in an industry because trannies want to blackmail people and you just write it off calling the victim the fool for wanting to work there. Oh the irony.
This isn't video game related. Can the mods just delete this already?
It's sure to go up once we elect someone who isn't literally the son of Fidel Castro
he has the face of a child and often looks like he's about to break into tears.
I heard they were trying to do it to Texas too. All you guys better do something fast, it only takes a couple of decades.
Luckily i'm in Florida, it's too weird for them down here.
isnt Canada infested with low shit people like Pakistanis and Indians?
Pack it in guys
This user has never seen a tranny
Guess they dont exist
Indians are pretty high in shit, user.
The damage is already done, you'd have to deport every noncanadian and close the chink gate.
None of that will ever happen.
even that wasn't the case you have to be a manchild to want to make video games
It won't. We have a resource based economy and the resources aren't selling crazy high. It's actually good for a lower dollar as it makes sales more appealing.
The reason we managed to be at parity with the US for a few years was they hit a recession and Canada did not. Oil prices were also high at the time. Things have returned closer to baseline since then and it doesn't matter what PM we have in office.
>uses the wrong pronoun
How do you feel about Wonder bread?
I often wonder what another world war could do for the west.
>the FUCKING LEAFS unironically believe this
thanks for the laugh cucks
Canada has the highest immigration rates it's ever had in the last 12 years.
So this is the mindset of the tranny, and people still claim they are mentally sound.
Why are you whit*oids such pathetic incels?
do or say whatever the fuck you want, but just dont fuck over other people psicaly or the stuff they own
Depends on the ISP. I have unlimited, but that doesn't mean much because I barely get 3 Mbps because shitty small town American ISP. My grandmother has unlimited too, but her ISP is currently sending letters around, trying to trick people who don't know anything into switching to an internet plan with a 200 something gig a month data cap.
Canadian government healthcare is such shit that they had to let people start buying private insurance again.
The best hospitals are in the United States. My dad has a rare heart condition and goes to Mayo. My boss is the first known survivor of a rare form of cancer. He'd probably be dead if he lived in Canada. Definitely wouldn't have made it with Canada's "free" healthcare. You get what you pay for.
Our healthcare is fucked up, but it's fucked up because of the government's involvement. More government involvement won't fix it. We literally cannot afford all the spending the government already does on healthcare.
World wars aren't an option anymore.
A black guy on /r9k/ told me white people can't be incels.
i'm not a tranny you have to be literally retarded to work for $9 an hour after getting a game dev degree for "muh hobby"
Who knows.
>country literally undergoing destruction
>better make porn
kek no wonder canada is over
based, game industry workers are the most cuck humans imaginable
I kinda wouldn't mind moving to Canada, but their current president sounds pretty awful and I'd have to sweat bullets any time I imported /ss/ books. Otherwise it seems like a nice place.
The American Dream is a marketing term made up by large corporations (the exact kind which Americans worship) to justify working long hours for low wages for the vague prospect of success.
If you look at an average poor person in both countries, the one in Canada is better off. If you look at someone who went to college and is working an office job, you will make more money in the US and just have more opportunities in general. So I guess if you want to be poor, you belong in Canada...
The issue is they keep defunding healthcare. You're right you get what you pay for, and Canadians have been paying less and less into healthcare over the years as demand rises. Things get cut and waits get longer. Too many people lining their pockets or throwing money away on insane election issues that only 5 people care about instead of doing their damn jobs.
Freedom of the press, quality of life, human rights, economic stability, security and safety, size of government, and freedom of assembly are usually what indices look fat. But because Americans are naive and ignorant, they think it simply means guns so they should be at the top despite having third-word crime rates and shootings every single day
how much money is worth getting shot for? =)
The servers have been acting up all day, they're probably trying but keep timing out.
I've never been shot.
Good man, I pretty much did the same thing but only with writing smut and ghost writing for things like obituaries.
I'm not proud of it, but if keeps me from working a shit 9-5 in come awful office or factory.
or robbed, raped, assaulted, etc etc etc.
Sounds only fair to send any undocument immigrant being taken advantage of by American corporations to Canada then. America is a racist shithole and these poor don't deserve the suffering.
that black kid just KNOWS she's going to be eaten vore fetish style
Oh Jesus, not ol' Scotia
>Freedom of the press
This is not true in canada.
don't worry, there's plenty of time for that =)
Toronto had more homicides last year, despite having less than half the population. Don't believe the "Canada is safe" bullshit.
>guys you NEED guns to protect yourself from being robbed or raped
>America has higher rates of both than countries with strict gun laws
Really makes you think
Toronto had more homicides than New York I meant
Reminder that your tax dollars funded this.
do americans really live in america
the girl with the dog is VERY cute.
the rest of the crowd should all be put down.
Canada is 18th, the US is 48th
Are the mods Canadian? This isn't vidya in the slightest.
No we live int he United States retard
Nifty to know
>immediately gets anecdotal and obsesses over jews
Even despite the anecdotes you're spewing, New Zealand is still at the top. This says a lot more about other countries because they aren't even trying kek
toronto is one of the safest cities in the world, top 10. you need to pick a better example.
finally i can post this again
You need to go out more. She's no higher than 5/10
>The best hospitals are in the United States.
Everyone knows this. The U.S. has some of the best healthcare in the world, the only trick is being able to afford it.
>lol crazy Americans and their shootings XD
Go to bed, Max.
fuck those Hamilton is the superior choice
>China is literally buying everyone's debt
>Still waiting for the colossal prank when everyone simultaneously defaults/repossesses property.
Why wouldn't it work? Aside from the immediate nuclear armageddon by an outrageously angry bunch of Chinese?
California has more people living in it than Canada. Nobody cares about fucking Canada.
>canada has no free speech laws
>has cucked hate speech laws like britbongistan
>oral sex with animals was just made illegal JUST LAST MONTH
yeah fuck that
Everybody knows it's the niggers who are doing most of the crime.
You need to watch less porn.
Hamilton is a god awful place.
>toronto used to be one of the safest cities in the world
fucking leafs
the day of the racket will come soon
man I love videogames
It's funny watching /int/ posters in action, they really do all just talk out of their ass, making up completely false praise for their own country and making up bad things about every other country (usually America, since every other country is so obsessed)
I work at a hospital, I see scores of people daily.
Have sex
i personally hate video games.
Among MAJOR canadian cities. Some smaller cities in Northern BC and Manitoba have gangs of hatchet/machete wielding indians going around killing random people.
You're also discounting the fact that it isn't the 20th century anymore, NYC is generally really safe.
because white people try to conserve their ethics and behaviors meanwhile shit people like pajeets and chinks only think about reproducing and making the world a shitter place
average it out over the last 10 years, there are outliers.
pajeets, pooinloos and chinks
I've seen a lot of people on Yea Forums and other boards complain about Brampton which is nicknamed Browntown by its inhabitants
lots of crimes by niggers up here too
Look, Kingston isn't great, but fucking HAMILTON?
At least Kingston has RMC, Queens and St. Lawrence cuties available at all times.
anyone else excited for the comfy hurricane streams
Nice try bitch. You don't get to brag about your crime rates from 10 years ago. If they're on the rise now, they're gonna keep rising into the future.
That guy is retarded. God I hate hamilton.
>when a single terrorist attack that totally wasn't manufactured defanged the whole country in less than a week
>human freedom
I always wonder why some non-Americans are so obsessed with America that they have to shit on it every chance they get. Is it just some form of contrarianism? I mean, there's plenty of legit complaints people have about America, I just mean the ones that want to make sure everyone knows they hate America but never have any actual complaints.
does that mean all our mexicans will go there now
>Maple Syrup Land
Do people really say "eh" a lot up there?
Is Hockey like our Football where the entire place goes crazy?
>Toronto had more homicides last year
If you want a good luagh google image toronto shooter or toronto murder suspect.
>assume it's gonna be blacks
>it's blacks
So what's the Canadian excuse for blacks acting like blacks if they can't use slavery.
>Do people really say "eh" a lot up there?
I think it depends on the region. I have a Canadian friend who lets an "eh" slip now and then, but it's not too frequent.
Another mad insect who doesn't want to be responsible for his own safety I see. Guns are simple tech and never going away. Come and take them.
>Maple Syrup Land
EVERY KID I knew growing up used Aunt Jemima and looked at me weird when I asked if they had maple syrup.
>Do people really say "eh" a lot up there?
>Is Hockey like our Football where the entire place goes crazy?
Yes, and I laugh at them because canadian teams never win the playoffs.
Fuck Sports
I just went looking for that video on yt. Looks like Leafistan had to rake that one back in.
The racism from white supremacists in America is so strong it radiates all over the planet and FORCES poor innocent black people to commit crimes they otherwise never would.
You're right. When you are dealing with a failing country, you have only the past to bring your attention to.
You can see detroit from toronto
I'm actually surprised there's only been one major hurricane so far this season. Granted we might see more in September but the heat waves in July and the warmer waters in the Atlantic, I'd figure there'd be more Cat 4-5 storms this year.
Quebec has an "investor immigrant" program that essentially allows foreigners to become permanent residents after 5 years if they loan the Quebec government $1.2 million. The Canadian Federal government scrapped a similar program a few years ago.
God i can't wait to move to Canada because I have dual citizenship, America is completely retarded.
sounds perfect for canada
game is rigged fromthe start but VOTE PPC
>the city is surging upwards
>article is mentioning how the city is struggling
Imagine being this paranoid
>Canada will be less than 15% white in the year 2100
Every country is retarded, but I can understand wanting to move and deal with different forms of retardation after getting bored with your own country's.
>being a smut peddler while your friends learned calculus
You can't put a price on dignity, user.
Who cares about hockey when curling exists?
>literal non-vidya threads are allowed
>shitpost vidya related threads are deleted
for free
and i thought america cuckservatism was bad
How do you get into writing obituaries?
>S O
>C I A
>L I S M
americans eternally seething
They don't specify what it's surging in. I guess they are talking mean surging upwards in cost of living, overpopulation and crime.
Canada threads on Yea Forums are always fun
how the fuck is this thread up when there are jannies active right now deleting video game threads
>canada&new zealand
this is a lie
>don't call pronouns ,offend people get censored and put on kanagroo court of social justice.
>0 white
every time
>Non gaming thread about to hit bump limit
Fuck this site
I eagerly await the death of the Conservative party. they were never actually conservative, just centrist with big corporate and christian bumbuddies. absolute cancer.
>the only trick is being able to afford it
The best way is to just be a NEET and get Medicaid. Aetna, Horizon, and others are competing to use you as a vehicle to make money in a broken system while you pay diddly squat out of pocket. Some states even have dental for adults.
Oh yes, paying out the ass in taxes and shitty overpriced housing, along with food that cost a fortune is certainly the "American Dream" Besides, the "American Dream" was simply a kike fabrication to get dumb boomers to buy more consumer wares.
The site is slow right now, so it's been longer than usual pol threads that hit bump limit. Welcome to /vint/ user.
A story was just posted about how Canadians overstay their visas all the time.
I lived with one for two years, every stereotype about them is 100% true.
>literal pooinloo
I didn't know Canada was a literal cuck in politics, Canadians like:
>yes, you can fuck my country, do you mind If I record while yo...no? ook, I'll be fapping on the other door
As a Canadian these guys at Bloomberg are full of shit if you like being taxed to death while paying more than Americans do for your basic needs than hey come shovel my driveway.
by canada they mean the evil and racist Quebec outside montreal
Just talking with the local paper or funeral homes. I do some of the write-up stuff for funeral directors as well, or sometimes I even get contracted to write or 'touch up' the speeches given by family members.
It's actually kind of fucked to know that I've written some of the send offs people have given to their wives, husbands, children, etc etc.
>Apartheid happened in South Africa
>South Africa's Homicide rate is 35.90
>Slave Trade happened in Nigeria
>Nigeria Homicide rate is 9.85
>Genocide happened in Rawanda
>Rawanda Homicide rate is 2.52
Sounds like you're on to something user.
Yes user, please tell me how many people in Canada have gotten arrested for misgendering someone
>Apartheid happened in South Africa
>South Africa's Homicide rate is 35.90
>Slave Trade happened in Nigeria
>Nigeria Homicide rate is 9.85
>Genocide happened in Rawanda
>Rawanda Homicide rate is 2.52
Sounds like you're on to something user.
The worst part of being Canadian, is having to listen to all the retarded drama that comes from the states. Laugh at us all you want, but at least our country doesn't have race paranoia or a genuine, embedded societal mental illness like the States.
actually yeah.
A few nigs froze to death trying to walk across like mexicans instead of taking the bus.
Canada weakened its immigration requirements massively.
A story was just posted about how Canadians overstay their visas all the time.
I lived with one for two years, every stereotype about them is 100% true.
Singh has a helluva millitary record - look it up. He is no Layton, but he is better than he would first appear.
instead of race paranoia you have gender confused individuals making everyone else just as confused about gender
Americunts think they'll be accepted everywhere just for being americunts.
But the average Chinese does
Literally anywhere but Toronto. If you want to live close to a big city, try living in like St Catherine's, Richmond Hill, Markham if you want to be close to Toronto. Montreal is pretty awesome too
We're going downhill m8. Free speech is dead here. Steadily becoming horrifically overpopulated too so fuck off we're full and all that.
Maybe he didn't want to bring dumb memes to a serious discussion. Only a dumb meme opinions.
>the dollar is worth 63c to the USD
wow you absolutely do not understand economics
ill give you a simple example of why your brainlet logic doesnt work
1 single argentinian peso gives you 12 chilean pesos, does that mean the argentinian economy is stronger? no, its in shambles, in order to properly compare one currency to another you compare the variation in their exchange rate over a period of time
I'm going to respectfully disagree with that headline.
>The best way is to just be a NEET and get Medicaid
I tried that, but since I actually needed it and had years of medical evidence instead of coming up with a story about being insane, I was denied over and over again. So I started translating from home.
>Any nation that allows foreigners to own property are fucking retarded.
oh yeah who wants to sell products to people and earn money right? you goddamn moron
this is why commies and nazis are still a thing, because of uneducated brainlets like you
leafhere, this shit is untrue. Leafland is hell because of my retard prime minister and economic refugees, I mean leeches. They do nothing but fuck up the general work force, delivery jobs, fucking uber drivers are all shitskins, groveries are ridiculously priced. Fuck this place.
>>I lived with one for two years, every stereotype about them is 100% true.
do you even realize how terribly retarded what you just said is?
if you eliminate welfare then immigration is literally a non-issue since every person coming to the country will HAVE to work and provide goods and services in order to survive, serving the community and himself
Even I occasionally wonder if I'm going to get shot going to the store for some bread, but the last shooting here was several years ago and it was just a guy shooting his wife to death with a machine gun. He actually gave himself up pretty peacefully when the cops arrived.
Because you can at least expect the average insectoid to be good at math, docile and industrious. Can’t say the say the same for Tyrone and Carlos
nigga which coupon did you use to get this? I pay $40 for the same on Freedom.
>making everyone else just as confused about gender
It's 2019. It's not that difficult
>Destroying your country for muh free market
Nice lolbert LARP, almost made me angry there
a lot of those top countries are also nanny states
australian and kiwi friends fucking hate it there, they want to move
Were you trying for SSI at the SSA, or just Medicaid at Social Services? Social Services can be real assholes with Medicaid eligibility, one would probably have more luck applying for SSI which just outright comes with Medicaid upon approval.
>not a leaf blower
I look at this and see.
if you eliminate welfare then immigration is literally a non-issue since every person coming to the country will HAVE to work and provide goods and services in order to survive, serving the community and himself
You can make decent leaf mulch with a wood chipper on the "slow and painful death" setting
Australian here, can confirm.
>countries on us' shit list need more freedom
rev up dem bomber planes
>London or Kingston
Are you guys fucking high? Those places are absolute shitholes.
London is a shit college town, Kingston is a shit prison town, and Hamilton is a shit town with literal schizoids and crackheads on every corner.
I know lots of kids who got kicked out of school for misgendering people.
this is peak bootlickiing
based Quebec Immigrant Investor Program making rentcucks miserable
>>Destroying your country for muh free market
is selling foreigners say, a donut, destroying the economy? no
is selling them a new phone destroying the economy? no
is selling them a new TV? no
is selling them a car? no
then how come selling them housing is? its all private property, you are just making an arbitrary distinction here
in fact lets look at this case further
who are you to infringe upon someone else freedom? who are you to tell a free man what to do with the fruit of his labor? worthless statecuck
Before the thread dies, is there a cheap way to purchase MREs in Canada?
Reminder that Canada has been number 1 in Quality of Life for 2 years in a row.
Please don't come here.
>wax my balls
Dilate and cope, pussy
Why does Canada import so many pajeets? My whole city feels like it's part mumbai now, I can't go to a produce section at a grocery store without being swarmed with these shit stinking bugman speaking POO's.
>reddit spacing
not even gonna read the LARP this time
Yea, that's great and all but what's the point if I can't afford it anymore? At this point I can never expect to be a homeowner here.
Lol burgers really don't know what canadians actually think of them
You're not stuck with us, we're stuck with you
The indians franchise a subway and their 20 nephews and sons all live in a giant house together.
yeah, i'm a ausfag living in the states, can also confirm
>live in blue state
>get paid four times more than in australia
>redguard warriors selling tide pods on every street
>live in red state
>get paid twice what you do in australia
>get to own and carry guns that are actually fun
plus they don't censor vidya or try to make A cup tits illegal
>not even gonna read the LARP this time
collectivist AND illiterate, im not surprised
>reddit spacing
Unless you're Chinese
I don't doubt it. I used to take train rides up and down the east coast and my fucking god was everything terrible. The infrastructure was literately rotting away. The bridges my train would go across had car sized rust holes in them. The trains did not even have wifi services they were so out dated. I saw crumbling and decaying buildings in every state I went through. It was a sobering trip every time I took it.
If we cant even keep our infrastructure intact and maintained I shudder to think of how the rest of the country is really doing.
>tfw thirdies
>no caps
>meanwhile american thirdies
>have caps
Before the thread dies, is there anyway to purchase MREs for cheap in Canada?
I'm running a youth hunting camp for my reservation and I would like a way to cut expenses down in feeding them
>The only reason liberals are fleeing bluestates is because they're crime and rat infested hellholes
Sorry, Cletus, that's your backyard in the South you're thinking of. Which, by the way, would literally be a third world hellhole without federal aid from blue states.
Yeah lol America's trash.
>The infrastructure was literately rotting away. The bridges my train would go across had car sized rust holes in them. The trains did not even have wifi services they were so out dated. I saw crumbling and decaying buildings in every state I went through. It was a sobering trip every time I took it.
Toronto isn't better if that's what you think.
At least you have more than 2 cities to pick from to live in or live around. That is if you can afford the luxury price for the shit quality.
50 year old bungalos in my area are going for 2 million a pop, and that's like 45 minutes away from downtown.
Lmao just nuke the bible belt into oblivion, jesus christ
christ user you can't say that about african-americans you fucking racist
Chinks are based. They show the coons and dunecoons alike their place in society. I really wouldn't mind a chinese invasion
>the place where ISPs can block whatever websites they want because it hurts their feelings
I certainly don't feel very free.
>posting the nigger map
Nice try, fag.
You cannot take the situation in Alberta right now and make that claim. Trudeau has fucked them beyond repair.
Fuck off chang, you aren't fooling anyone.
Excellent. Can the Mexicans, Somalians, etc. be dumped there instead?
>That shit tier education ranking here in southern California
Fucking LAUSD needs to be destroyed and remade from the ground up
They voted in the NDP party last provincial election. They did it to themselves.
that cold though
I am a white man who studied maths at Oxford. They will accept me. They may not accept you, but you will be in peace of mind when they put all the coon subtypes down
I'm a white Canadian. Yellow fever fags should hang.
>my 0.00001% chance of being shot is worth not having free speech or the right to self defense, in comparison to your 0.000015% chance of being shot!
Okay faggot
so you prefer that your daughter is raped by durka durka niggers. I see. I will inform General Chang of your racial preferences in preperation for the upcoming Chinese Liberation of Canada.
if you kill your enemies they win
>freedom of press
Literally a lie
Holy fuck who cares, go back to /int/
>never-mind that consuming marijuana at a young age is proven to cause brain defects and can even cause schizophrenia.
And drinking causes problems as well.
Stop doing drugs, any drugs, you weak-willed mongrels.
"muh tough week, need muh booze"
Not even funny
You cunts let the chinks and durkas take over in the first place.
Imagine dick riding someone with nothing but contempt for you
I bet you think rap is real
cumskin paws made this post
Modern neoliberalist thinking, cultured in European peace and decency, yet perpetuated upon them by the muslim states in preperation for the islamic hordes has resulted in a population who thinks everyone is equally deserving of good treatment, even businesses; Chinese thinking is a result of years of bloodshed between those of differing ideals and has culminated to a simple line of thinking: those who deserve good treatment, should get good treatment.
Even China's most vehement enemies respect this in the Chinese. It is why they're not infested with dunecoons, and you are.
I've lived in all 3 places and can confirm although Kingston is probably the lesser of the evils, at least there is some work available there. It doesn't matter though, housing crisis is hitting all of these cities as well as people sell 1 bedroom apartments in toronto for 1 mil so they can buy a 3 bedroom house for 500k in one of these other cities.
NYC has a MASSIVE police population
I'd like to know under which globalist entity these rankings are determined by.
>comfy off topic thread for 4 hours
>very few mobileposters because of their low bandwidth and data caps when dealing with the servers acting screwy
It's been fun, fellas.
500+ replies not video games thread
epic just absolutely epic, wheres the next thread cant let this end right?