Are you enjoying it?
Are you enjoying it?
Other urls found in this thread:
i'm considering giving it a try
When i'm not waiting in queue, yes. Theres a sense of camaraderie that is absent in retail, multiple people have gone out of their way to help me and I've made a friend in game already. vanilla wow is unironically what video games are all about
Didn't play Wow since TBC, gave this a try. Felt it sucking me back in. Remembered how I used to play it every moment, to the point where i lost a job... no. Not again. NO
lfg hogger
Be honest guys, will classic last or is the current hype just nostalgia? What will happen to the player base once the hype dies down?
Dude just roll on a low pop server lmao, who cares if all your friends rolled on a server and you can't play with them?
i rolled on a low-med pop server and it's literally a ghost town already
even more so than nostalgia i'd say it's zoomers and casuals buying into the hype. doubtful they'll play past the first month, but i think there'll be a playerbase that'll keep this game alive atleast for half a year.
>get a new quest
>type "anyone wanna do (quest)?" in chat
>instantly get 3 whispers
>form a party of 4 in minutes
>questing and chatting with new people
im loving it
Explain to me why everyone’s playing this shit. surely can’t be that good, right? I would check it out for myself but don’t feel like getting addicted because I’ve seen people treat it like crack.
Half my friends want to stick with their character on a high pop server that still has huge queues and the other half already rolled to a lower pop server. We're all split up now and I'm sad.
It's not but it looks like it is because of layering. If you do /who you will see 50+ people in every zone.
I should be enjoying it but Darkshore is fucking dire. Need that Darnassus rep though
Stop using discord its all psychotic psychopathic death cult trannies
It's worse than crack. One streamer is already in the hospital because he forgot to drink water/eat he was playing the game so much
I wish account sharing private server spergs weren't trying to make classic about racing through a solved game. Despite the imperfections of the original vanilla WoW's world firsts, they were infinitely more interesting than the rehearsed minmaxing endurance tests these so called pros are doing.
>world first
are you a literal faggot?
>Can't get past queue to play with any of my friends
It's honestly just demoralizing.
Of course it's not that good. It was just the best game available in 2004 and was the first accessible mmo.
I actually am
Why is the human area so much quicker to level in than all the others
>most fun I've had in years
>6k+ login queues
The only downside is how long I have to wait to play.
One of esfands buddies I think, they mentioned he got hospitalized with an iv on the method stream
>paying money to stand in line
Yes. I love waiting in lines anywhere from 10-45 minute so I can kill a single enemy or collect a certain item. I also love having to google where to go for some quests because they’re so vague and the game doesn’t give you any more hints or descriptions. I’m also digging how difficult it is to level up a profession because everyone is trying to level up their profession too and farming everywhere. It’s awesome! Just like good old times!!!
It's comfy and already made some friends
until raids ruined it. fucks raids and fuck raiders.
Prior to Classic I hadn't played the game since early Cata (started playing near the end of vanilla) and I think I'm quitting already. MMOs just aren't for me anymore I guess, which is probably because my hatred for people has spiked in the recent years.
Just remember you're paying Bobby Kotick 15.99/month to not play the game.
recommend me addons to install
i already have questie
Yes user
>server restarting at night
>quickly do one last quest
>running to the inn
>2minutes to server down
>people from everywhere are running toards the inn, filling with people
I'm enjoying it.
Then check AH every time you are in the city and turn on the filter for people putting items below vendor price.
I have gathered a bit above 10g just spending a couple mins mass buying and vendoring items of retards.
Mandatory slampig
No. The game is boring as fuck. Its nothing but mindless repetitive tasks - once youre done waiting in line. Just a bunch of pathetic losers talking about how comfy it is to play an old, slow, easy game
yeah but im in queue thats why im here to respond to your thread
Kinda, warrior leveling is as aids as it can get though
/who duskwood
>27 people
Deviant Delight is dead
Raids were supposed to bring the community together but instead they just cause a bunch of elitism and drama. Still fun if you have a good chill group to raid with. But good luck organizing raids with these queue times lmao, hopefully Blizz gets their shit together by then.
I'm already at that point and show no points of stopping. Holy fuck it's crazy how good the game is.
its good, the queues are fucking insane though and its a huge grind to 60
the pace of the game is also designed to be a marathon rather than a sprint so a lot of zoomers are angry and will quit pretty early
what matters though is that it makes retail look pathetic. it exposes all the retarded design decisions made over the years that turned the game from an MMO into the pile of shit that it currently is. so even if it doesn't do as well as expected due to the 15 year old class design and slow pacing it at least shows other companies that its still possible to make a successful MMO if you get the basics right
>Are you enjoying it?
No. Everyone else is having the time of their lives and I just feel empty. I wish I could enjoy Classic like they do.
awwwhhhh yissssss
that feel when you get Gravestone Scepter at level 23 on your affliction lock
its shadow damage too, so fkn choice. all my +shadow dmg gets pumped into it and my dots.
almost willing to log out now. been playing since 3 am x.o
im home bois
>layering works so that all players are split up
yea that makes no sense, this would completely disregard the meaning of the whole of saving server performance
I didn't understand the appeal of this game then, still don't understand it now.
There's no way it's as good as people hype it up to be, MMORPGs aren't good in general.
my friends picked a full server and have been playing for a few days now. im late and only just now subbed. idk what to do. will these huge wait times always be here? i dont want to wait 4 hrs just to play
split up on the same server to mitigate load capacity, ya dip.
Hell no. Fuck this jewy grindfest, hope the servers get shut down
got it at level 18 on my priest, started hitting alliance for 20% of their HP with wand hits in ashenvale lol
we need to differentiate between amount of channels and amount of players on each of them
Tbh, Horde would be better if their architecture was more than just warcraft 3 building models. Something like using ancient ruined cities and buildings as base for them.
Anyone have a comfy playlist to listen to while I grind some lvls?
Hey, alliance, you mad? You mad?
Yea, you mad.
>tfw walking back into old Org
So comfy, bros
We'll take the classic threads there when you throw console-tan tuesday there too
What items should I start to jew for AH dosh?
>no shoes
Did you just skip over every Undead settlement? There's not a lot in Vanilla sure, but still.
Considering how long the private classic servers survived, half a year is quite the understatement.
Thunderbluff and Lordaeron are both unique and a ruined city!
Yes, I'm loving it. ask me anything
holy sheit. kek
its so fast too. cant even escape the fury
just beat a 25 hunter with it. said "ouch" at the end lol
good thing ashenvale is a contested area
most fun I had
I'm ready to cancel my sub and use the gold I hoarded in retail .
yes. I'm extremely comfy
This is why I laugh at the desperate FFtrannies swearing up and down that it'll die out in months, hell the phases won't even be done rolling out until at least half a year from now and only then can you even START Naxx
Vile Poisons or Improved Poisons?
Only 183 minutes left in my queue bros
It’s based on how it looked in TFT. Plus a large amount of Stormwind’s architecture are WIII buildings too. But yes, except the fact that the horde had less effort put into it, and that human and dwarves got the kino zones.
improved poisons pve vile poisons pvp
I fell like I am missing all the fun there guys.
I am a wage-slave and only be able to play in the middle of November.
I haven't been this in love with a game for a very long time, the wait was worth it to me.
You're really better off skipping both until 60, you have enough better leveling talents in the above tiers to fill past them.
Do your parents hate you for never moving out?
>Sitting in queue for the past hour and a half and I'm still not in
Yeah no, fuck this, I'm out until it gets better
I'll activate my sub tomorrow when I come back from work
>get home from work
>7 hour queue
>log in early with teamviewer the next day
>power goes out on my way home
Fuck Blizzard, just add more layers to huge servers and block people that don't have characters on them from making new ones
So, so much user. Meaningful character progress, making friends along the way. Feels good to be home.
bless you wagies
truly the backbone of society
Literally just don't play on Whitemane or Faerilna. Grob hasn't had a queue all day and when it does it's like one hour long. Plus RP-PVP servers are comfry.
We've got a good relationship. I was on my own for a few years working, now I'm commuting from home to save some cash and taking classes. Nice try, Schlomo. There is nothing wrong with living at home, especially since immigrant families all stay together while kids are well into their 30s.
I want Semiramis to look at me like that and call me names while jerking me off with her other hand
I'm already level 20, rich with gold and comfortably able to play whenever I please on my medium pop server knowing that I didn't have to follow a bunch of stubborn people into a high pop queue realm. Feelsgoodman.
never gonna make it boi
>get on at lunch instantly
>get back on at 8pm
>10k queue
Fucking hate zoomers
it's great
Perhaps, but I doubt they would ever say so. Mostly I think they're disappointed in me.
it's been 80% queue 20% actually playing, so not, not really
Joke's on you. You'll be coming home to a queue of 4+ hours like everyone else. And that's AFTER they increased the maximum capacity with a hotfix. Just in time to go to bed!
> to the point where i lost a job.
I mean assuming you were 15 and it was a job at a grocery store sure why thats fine.
If you are 25 and lose your big boy job you are a loser brainlet who should be playing video games
Been playing since launch, sleep from 00 to 8am, grind the entire day. No college this week. Still having showers and regular meals. Help anons I don’t want to lose my mind.
>LFM Stockades
Why doesn't anyone want to do BFD? Like seriously Stockades is trash.
>Like seriously Stockades is trash.
It is, but it's ridiculously easy to get to and very straightforward
Nobody wants to run out to BFD. Stocks and DM are right in their backyard.
there is a horde town on that strip. alliance get smoked there
I am not worrying about 4hr queue.
I will have 4 months vacation afterwards.
What I am worrying about is that I will miss all the fun and people already be tired of playing this game.
The simple grind is too hypnotic. I look at the clock shortly after 12 and that shit is suddenly deep in the AM. I've already relapsed
>tfw keep playing a class until level 10 then changing to another class
How do I stop?
Somebody answer something for me real quick since I'm still ingame and I'm gonna make a decision in mere minutes
Which zone is the lower level for Horde quests. Stonetalon or Ashenvale? I'm level 24 currently. I know I can do either one btw, but I want to know which zone is the lower level of the two.
I've been in an endless loop of rerolling to a medium pop server because the one im on becomes full and gets hour long queues. Theres one EST PVP server right now without an hour long queue and its at high pop.
Alright I was initially against that LFG addon but now after trying to find a group for a specific dungeon I'm seeing that it's kind of needed.
stonetalon is
You don't. Leveling up multiple classes is pretty fun.
If I've never played WoW before or really any MMO before but I like RPG games like Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect etc.. Is it worth it to try out Classic? I've always wondered what the hype around these games is for and now seems like a good time to try it out.
>Leading a bunch of low level boys into Ashenvale to die
I can't fucking stop playing, I'm already level 24. WHY IS IT SO GOOD BROS.
I have no idea what class I want to roll, I'm definitely playing Alliance on Grobbulus though.
You're associating yourself with zoomers if you're worried. But god do I ever hope it does die out. It was a horrible drug for anyone with legit addiction issues, probably moreso nowadays with all the competitive racing to the most boring part about vanilla. I'm having a laugh because good luck putting a raid together with these queues. Even if half dropped the game and they turn off layering, there would still be high queues.
>Is it worth it to try out Classic?
no you fucking zoomer kill yourself
I don't doubt that, but every class seems to suck HARD at level 9. Maybe it's because of the anticipation for the cool level 10 skills, just got a rogue into 10 and now I feel like restarting to make an orc warrior.
literally every horde just runs past, they can't be assed having flown out for 10 minutes to stop and fight, but i bet you're that one undead rogue that thinks he's hot shit for "smoking" people 10 levels under him
thanks bro
Are blizzard bans/strikes account wide? I have a lot for raging on overwatch and I'm thinking about whether I want to play wow classic on my real account or make a new one for it so I don't get permabanned if I get reported once or twice
Hey Yea Forums how do I install addons and what addons should I get?
You clearly don't understand even the basics of networking.
>accidentally spend half of my gold training polearms because i wasn't expecting the training to be so expensive
this 2 agi upgrade better be worth not being able to buy any new abilities for a few levels
zoombegone and questie if youre a cheating asshole
Yes ignore the retards telling you no.
BFD is fucking far
If you hate classic, why are you in a classic thread? Also they just expanded the maximum number of players each server/layer can hold today so queue times are down on a lot of servers.
RP server?
go combat
>zoomers already at endgame because they used questie to tell them exactly where to go
it's not fair bros
Its Blizzard's fault for allowing addons in the first place. Blame them.
had a kek @ ur expense m8
I on't understand the justifications for using addons like quesite, every quest tells you exactly where to go in one paragraph. What the fuck
why are people retarded enough to give Blizzard money (subscription fee) to play old content?
I think I'm regretting leveling a warrior first. Taking down a single mob takes forever, running around takes forever, hunting for professions takes forever. I'm still enjoying it though, but I'm seriously considering rerolling either a hunter or a rogue and then coming back to the warrior later.
i remember back in vanilla my little brother couldnt read so i had to read every fucking quest to that shitter, i wish that addon existed back then
game is full of zoomers ruining parties everywhere. this priest i partied with earlier didn't even know what pw: fort is. i wish they made servers you could only access if your account was created during vanilla
>Need that Darnassus rep though
What for?
I joined a guild on a whim and the people in it are these older nerds.
One or two sound like legit autists but I've been having fun.
Did RFC today and I'm planning on doing WC tomorrow.
Why don't you just explain to them what pw: fort is?
playing with idiots is half the war
already cancelled my sub, game is boring as shit lmao
secret to leveling warriors: stick to green mobs and quests.
Queue craft
no loss
The euphoria is already waning, gotta be honest.
My weed didn't even arrive yet so hopefully that will make it better.
I'm playing on kromcrush US right now. haven't hit a queue time yet. level 16 with about 11 hours played.
So far pretty fun. biggest complain is only 1 graveyard per zone. sometimes takes up to 4 minutes of constant walking to reach corpse.
I use Bagnon. Should I switch?
Seriously, why the fuck are there no Spanish servers? They need to fuck off.
Yeah, shows how bad most modern games are.
don't die then, lmao
How's affliction warlock or ret pal?
>tfw I play Kromcrush but theres a queue right now
It's absolute cancer and purely designed to waste time so you stay subbed longer. Also it's not about that at all, it's about FINDING quests and the location of the turn-in.
Make sure you use a 2 hander. Sword and board is obviously shit damage, and dual wielding pre-endgame is a noobtrap.
Ret pal is a meme
warlock is good damage and fairly safe leveling compared to most classes. also around phase 5 and 6 warlock become arguably the best dps
>Make sure you use a 2 hander.
Having a real hard time finding a 2 hander. I'm level 13 and still using that one handed axe you get from the blind guy's quest where you have to kill a tooth-whatever defias guy
>every quest tells you exactly where to go in one paragraph.
No they don't. Many are vague, and some are downright misleading. You've clearly never played without using Thottbot or an addon.
Warlocks are a good, all round class, that especially excel at leveling and the absolute highest tier of the game.
Ret paladins are only viable for leveling (which they’re still slow as balls at), and PvP. And if you want to get geared for Paladin PvP, you’ll need to do your time as holy healing people.
I wanna pway too :(
Having a blast playing with a buddy. Feels like how an mmo should.
not even that user but that last line was projection incarnate
ive been having no issue reading and interpreting from the quest log where i need to go. much better this way too as it acts as a retard filter
Thanks. I'm only really interested in PVPing, may give affliction a go then.
Were you not taught to read as a child? Apart from the occasional Mankrik’s wife meme the quest text did a solid job.
Well keep in mind there aren't really any "specs" in the game. there are talent trees. but you never click on a specialization and get certain spells for that spec like you do in retail. some of the best endgame builds have plenty of points in several talent trees. not even reaching the bottom of them. its kind of weird
Okay but he's not wrong. Sometimes its vague as fuck.
They were free retard
But you go heavier into one, yea? Like being a prot pally
>Are you enjoying it?
Its making me waste too much time, I shouldn't have done it.
Wish the mexicans would have their own server so queue time would go down..
As a real zoomer that hasn't played the original vanilla, what should I know going in as a mage?
>doing the last questline in Arugal's Folly
>need to farm 6 Fyrewood shackles off of elite mobs
>started later than my group
>server shutdown in 15 minutes
>group farm with me up till the last few minutes even though they already finished farming
>get the last one 45 seconds before the shutdown
>we run out like madmen and logout somewhere safe
Thanks bros.
>yeah man just don't play on the same server as all your friends and guildmates
Im going destruction warlock, did i fuck up?
Just level with affliction. So much faster with no downtime.
arcane is a meme, frost is dull but good,
Don't fret about rushing, just go at your own pace and don't try to min-max. Explore and have fun like the boomers did their first time through.
>45 minute queue on grobulus
Are the queues fixed yet? I was gonna start my 3 day weekend binge tomorrow
As an OG day 1 vanilla player I thought a lot about coming back but I won't because I know exactly how it will end up:
>create a level 1 female human rogue
>don't rush to 60 but instead spend a lot of time in BGs and try to have the best gear possible, no matter my level
>become somewhat known because of my catchy unique name, kindness and presence in game chats and skills
>hit 60 and join a raiding guild
>do 60 battlegrounds constantly unless it's raid time
>eventually get my perdition blade and core hound tooth, along with some T1/T2 and PVP blues/purples
>/played time: 84 days
In the meantime IRL:
>appartment is a fucking mess
>can't remember the last time I've been to the gym or stepped outside unless for work or to go buy food
>started drinking more and smoking weed because it makes the game more enjoyable
>one evening during a raid, an item drops and for some bullshit reason I don't get it (ie: guildmaster gives it to his best friend in the guild)
>after the raid I go do some BGs and lose 10 in a row because my team is awful. While tipsy, I curse at them in the chat, calling them a bunch of usess pieces of shit and saying I wished everyone was as good at me
>then it hits me:
"What the hell am I doing? Why am I so angry at a video game? I need to stop and live in the real world. Enough is enough, just WAKE UP user"
>go to a major city, vendor all my stuff, yell in world chat:
"Come to SW bank and open trade for a gift! Giving golds to everyone!"
>once I got nothing left, walk naked to the human starting area
>drown my character in a small pool of water
>logout and delete my character. Uninstall the game
No thanks. This is exactly what's gonna happen if I get in. Life is too short to play World of Warcraft
dont whine because youre an addict bitch
Yeah but most people call it something else. Like there is a pvp warlock spec that goes heavy into demonology but not all the way in. people don't call it demo lock they call it "master summoner lock" or whatever one of the last talents they pick up in the demo tree is.
to ride on a tiger dummy
>he thinks 45 is long
How fucking weak are you WoW players?
I played it for a free trial 2 days in 2007, did not even hesitate to drop it like a bag of turd.
Playing ESO now quite actively. WoW is cancer.
Been waiting almost 3 hours.
everyone is going to ask you for free food and water but you can charge them
I’ll cum on your baby nigger and you can’t stop me
I'm not enjoying trying to find a fucking group for Blackfathom Deeps as alliance. All these niggers want to do is run Stockades and Deadmines.
are you trying to find an established party or are you making your own? I always found that everyone is usually just waiting for someone to make a party
Why is Yea Forums the only working board right now (that I can tell so far anyway)?
the queues have kind of killed it, after waiting in a 2hour queue i dont even feel like playing
no because i've spent 50% of my time in queues
What if there is nothing out there in the real world anymore that you feel is exciting? I've experienced so much in my 35 years that honestly the game world feels more exciting to me in many cases (not WoW though).
Be a man and just start your own
Kek, you couldn't get addicted to ESO. You need a good game for that.
What if there is nothing out there in the real world anymore that you feel is exciting? I've experienced so much in my 35 years that honestly the game world feels more exciting to me in many cases (not WoW though).
I tried to make one but getting people to join is hard enough and most people don't even have the FP. and some don't even have it for menethil harbor. I've tried making a group 3 times only to have people drop out on me.
affliction is more efficient and you spend less mana. destro goes oom fast while leveling. you'll also likely pull aggro off your pet easier with fatter shadowbolts than with slow ticking dots.
When given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game.
They're ok at best and often are vague.
>dude, go west of the landmark, bromandudeguy
>it's very fucking clearly southwest
>dude, go talk to So-and-so in [place]
>[place] is big, and you have to search the entire thing
Sure. They're fine if you like scavenger hunts that sometimes mislead you. There's nothing wrong with enjoying that, but it's not everyone's thing.
Not going to lie the nostalgia is making me really hooked on Classic again. Wonder if this will change once I hit the huge wall of 40 and then again at 50. I miss items actually mattering I forgot how important even a small stat on an item was.
Also I never leveled a Lock during Vanilla, I only managed to max level a Pally and Mage so playing a Lock makes it much more fun and totally new. Though I am aching to give Pally a whirl for nostalgia.
What will make or break the game for me is if they cave and add TBC. Fuck all the zoomers that said it was an amazing expac it ruined WoW imo.
this. ive been having fun using questie and having mobs marked.
The game is still challenging and requires socializing
but you're not running around in circles looking for one poorly described spawn
I don't know your story brother so I can't really comment. I'm just at a crossroad in life right now, I'm at a point where I'm not getting any younger and need to turn my life around otherwise when I'm on my death bed I will definately think "fuck, I was dealt good cards but I fucking wasted my life man..."
Why do I fucking love druid so much?
Anyone want to make a Thee Oh Sees fanclub guild with me? name could be something like "Thee Oh Sees Fanclub". I wanna talk about the new album, which rules of course
Friendly reminder that if you don't hit 60 by phase one, you're fucked.
Dear Lord. The WoW graphics are even more disgusting than I remembered.
How the fuck can you people play this? It looks like fucking Candyland.
im 26 and i feel the same way
>Leveling in contested zones around 30
>People just walk right by each other
>Leveling in contested zones around 40
>Ganksquads running all over the fucking place
That was quite the shift.
The ganksquad with more players has always won regardless of faction and that's kind of disappointing. But it's also probably just because everyone is bad at the game, myself included.
whats the biggest TBC changes that ruined Classic? Flying mounts?
my friend ruined it for me. Though admittedly its my fault.
>join big guild before it comes out
>big guild just so happens to pick the server i wanted anyways
>friend i wanted to play with joins late and joins another server because mine has a queue
>his friend already joined him and started playing and they dont want to move.
Now if he was a really good friend he would have asked me what server i was on rather than just joining a random one and telling me to join his guild, granted. But now im actually torn between joining him and having people i know irl in my guild or keep playing with the random internet retards who spout shit memes in guild chat, but are otherwise cool. I feel like a bit of a jerk for saying no i just wanna play my rp-pvp server even though from an intellectual point i know im not in the wrong at all. wtf is wrong with me?
What is phase one
You resorted to frogposting. That's what's wrong with you.
I don't know your story brother so I can't really comment. I'm just at a crossroad in life right now, I'm at a point where I'm not getting any younger and need to turn my life around otherwise when I'm on my death bed I will definately think "fuck, I was dealt good cards but I fucking wasted my life man..."
>see Yea Forums complain about trannies
>tell myself they're just joking and pay it no mind
>log in during daytime hours on my day off
>multiple trannies talking about trans rights in general chat
Other than that, having a blast.
Its fucking seeing buyer remorse from retards who bought the hype too
>Holy shit its just like how i remember it we are home boys... but i dont think i will resub tho
El Oh El
This is where the real fun will begin.
Nostalgic Assholes telling people what to do and kicking them for small mistakes.
what server
apu is not frogposting
Yeah, now that I've gone to my own server.
This game made me remember how big of assholes my friends at that period actually were, and that I left their guild for a reason the first time around too.
Every other discussion getting elevated to a private chat for some random drop drama or because two people dislike each other and can't just leave it alone in the dungeon party chat.
What's more fun? Mage, Warlock, or Priest?
that was contained to the new expansion and didnt ruin classic by itself.
it was simply the start of making things easy that killed vanilla, it was a slow death
Honestly, rogue isn't that much better. So many mobs are linked and they struggle to kill them like warriors. Both are late bloomers.
PVP ranks, but no battlegrounds. WPVP will reach max intensity and anybody leveling when it hits is going to have a bad time.
herod probably, it's the official tranny server
Do you want to push 1 button and make money from portals, push 1 button and spend 2 hours before every raid collecting soulshards, or push 1 button and be either a dwarf or an undead because all other priest races are garbage?
Pagle. Server seems to change dramatically during night time hours, was in chat just the night before shooting the shit with people who actually know how to have fun
Mage is so much fun in PvP. The mobility and ability to 1vX people can't be beat.
>and PvP
No. I tried it back in the day and you get wrecked by any dps even if they have shittier gear. Holy is the only viable spec period. You actually have more of a chance at winning by being holy and auto attacking while healing yourself occasionally. I even had the unstoppable force and the hits were pathetic compared to warrior or rogues.
>You can't have an alliance and horde character in the same realm
What other realm than thunderfury is fun?
I’m on deviate delight. This server is based. Literally has not had a queue once
stick with warrior a bit more maybe. Sword and board is good until around level 20 then you want a 2hander. Warrior is strong first few levels, then feels weak in the teens and mid twenties, it starts getting better then starts popping off in the 30s. Sweeping strikes talent from arms paired with cleave is great for tanking and soloing down 2 mobs at once, it is very satisfying especially after suffering through early warrior leveling.
If i was going to level destruction i would get shadowburn then improved firebolt and also improved imp from demonology tree. Level with the imp and kill speed should be good. The biggest thing you miss out on would be not having an instant cast corruption or nightfall talent from affliction, siphon life is also pretty good. other than that affliction is over rated.
Don't fall for Esfand and his cult's retbull memes. Ret paladin is shit pretty much everywhere.
>networking = hardware performance
you clearly dont understand even the basics of computing
The human area was the starting zone the developers put most of the work in to. There was an interview about it. Despite the dev team being almost completely pro-Horde, they found the human area the easiest to work with because it's fucking humans.
>join server
>get put on a layer with hardly any people
>guild complaining in discord that they cant tag any mobs
>mfw mobs are respawning faster than i can kill them
here friend
i bought an item today for less than 20s that will sell for 10-20g when most of the pop hits 60. I keep scanning so i can scoop up more of them from unsuspecting noobs. Starting to think i should be more concerned with farming gold than leveling so i can buy up a wider variety of the higher level items that get undervalued by new players as well.
When I was in school, WoW was probably the #2 reason that freshmen would drop out.
>mfw getting ~25k xp per hour aoe farming RFK with a group of 5 silent autists
ahh... home..
What's with all the fucking warlocks?
best leveling class that isnt a huntard
Did /wowcg/ not give you enough attention?
>Step one foot into Elwynn Forest
i cant even play on the same server as my friends because of this wait time. i already regret resubbing to this honestly.
>mfw I get ganked by a horde warlock and resist 3 fears in a row
can only imagine how mad he was walking back to his corpse
I just raided Astranaar with 50 level tens. RPPVP servers are the holy land.
>lfm dps
the biggest issues i'd say would be that everything in TBC being completely sequestered from the rest of the game and having questing greens in outland replace top-tier raiding gear from vanilla. everything else pretty much stems from this; the idea that expansions should always involve a completely new zone with its own self-contained endgame and everything in that zone being objectively better than all the previous expansions' content. power creep became a massive issue in later expansions because of this design philosophy. other things like flying mounts, pvp resilience, arenas being the primary pvp progression, badge gear, adding shaman and paladins to the opposite factions, and lore butchery are rather minor in comparison, although i do take personal issue with flying myself.
basically, TBC started the trend of focusing on vertical character progression instead of horizontal progression. that said, vertical progression is pretty staple for RPGs as a genre, so putting a limiter on that is admittedly a very difficult thing to do, especially when you're trying to move units and have a lot of potentially cool ideas, which admittedly TBC did have.
Classic versus... The WoW we have today? Why did they need to rerelease classic? Did the current WoW have too much content?
I can't believe Blizzard got away with this. This is a dark day for consumers. A 14 year old game is being sold at retail price with no significant upgrades or changes and they're being rewarded for it because of zoomers and nostalgia fags
i don't get it
Why is Yea Forums so desperate for another tortanic?
I prefer whorelock
>TFW no rape druids of ole' to chase you around worgen infested forests for the lulz.
Why even bother?
I dont know why but people posting those "I'm stupid and have social issues/anxiety" stories with retard pepe/sad anime girl images really piss me off
Redpill me on Priest vs Paladin.
I cant even shitpost about the situation. Consumers are rewarding a company lead by a literal pedophile named Bobby Kotick. Then you have the fact that connections on Yea Forums are slow to a crawl all day. Fuck lads they are trying to shut down this place. What a timeline we are on.
just farm the winterspring saber bro
TBC is actually a good and fun expansion, but it introduced the things that would go on to ruin WoW. It's the Resident Evil 4//Trails to Zero/Ao of its series.
--Flying Mounts
--Neutral Capitals
--Cross Realm Bullshit (started creeping in at the end of Vanilla really)
--Horrible story that made the character player feel more important they should (seriously they just gave up writing wise with TBC, it's fucking pathetic)
--Huge focus on 'the daily grind' with daily quests and the like (Sunwell Island was basically where you spent all your days in later TBC)
--Much larger focus on Arenas and Battlegrounds. Horde/Alliance cities were positioned so that world PVP was rare. No Soutshore/Ashenvale type setups.
There were still tons of good decisions however. Heroics were a great idea, even if the loot in them were often too shit to bother.
get help. seriously. what u typed here is not good
only women play priest
Guess who found the deviate fish recipe and is fishing right now FAGGOTS?
Don't worry, you're going to be on your death bed wishing you didn't spend so much time working like everyone else has.
Priest slaps Paladins shit. It's the only class that can handle the Paladins garbage in pvp and can even prevent the bubble hearth bullshit since they have an instant cast fear.
this fucking game is so addicting. can't believe how much better it is compared to games today.
the only reason I stop playing is if I decide I don't want to throw my life away. help
I was until I realized I was never going to raid at 60, so it was pointless to keep playing. Same reason I stopped retail, cant do the end game.
yeah and when you get to sixty they'll axe the rp component killing off everyone you knew on the server, even if you don't personally care, and merge you with other low pop servers
while you wait for them to do that, enjoy the entire four guilds that survive the first three months of the game and have a decent number of 60s
I've got a rogue at lvl 14 so far. feeling pretty burnt out honestly. hopefully when I get into the 20s some pvp will be a fun distraction.
seek help
>things that'll never happen
Daily reminder for levelling warrior that piercing howl is an absolute life-saver for levelling, while being also very useful for PVP and tanking. You'd have to be absolutely clueless not to grab it asap
Really? I got to know the most people in raiding guilds.
lmao you sound like this guy called Alera I cucked in 2005. That you buddy? Come back so I can cuck you again. My chad paladin cock is ready to one shot you after fucking your girl.
2-4 weeks from now, the big name streamers will bail and move on to something else
Classic will go from 250k viewers on twitch to 10k in one week
Servers will all change from "full" to "low"
3 months later, classic wow will have the exact same amount of attention as private classic servers
no surprises
Just play responsibly. I mean if its better than other games today, wouldnt you be playing inferior games if you stopped playing Classic? That sounds like a waste of time
Because you have to make more socials to complete quests and such
I prefer to level as arms, but either way I always go for Tactical Mastery first.
Rogues are boring af when you start but they only get better
I didn't really get into warriors until TBC. So I'm going to miss a lot of the abilities that let me shine the most. Like that intercept move (forget the name) that was a lifesaver.
No I'm not Alera but go on, curious to hear your cucking story
So Warlocks use Swords in Classic? Based as fuck.
Most people telling you how good it is are just people who played it back in 2005 having the nostalgia trip of your lives
It's a good MMO sure but without the nostalgia factor what's left is a frankly rather slow MMO with very simple classes where most of the things there are to do is a whole fucking lot of walking and extremely simple quests
Very good atmosphere though, but not that enjoyable unless you can go "Oh wow I remember this" every 5 mins.
Warlocks are a cool class in Classic, definitely a lot different from retail in a lot of ways. They're definitely not for everyone, though, and I can almost guarantee once the tourists leave in a week or so they will be just as unpopular as they were back in the earlier days of WoW (most people will probably switch to Mage so they don't have to farm shards)
>make it to level 14 on priest
>5/5 spirit tap
There are swords that are BiS for locks too even.
Classic will only be a success if they pull a OSRS and start making future content (IE Classic+). Not sure if anyone realizes this but OSRS was on the brink of death until they announced they were developing content for the game. There needs to be a reason for players to continually gear up in any MMO.
I play OoT every few years or so, same with other classic games. I cannot possibly see why anyone would devote more time than that into a 15 year old game. I'm having a blast leveling, doing some dungeons here and there, and the occasional world pvp but I couldn't see myself nor my friends doing more than casual raiding and bgs throughout the next year or so.
rogues are missing tons of their key abilities until levels 20-30ish. poisons, vanish, blind, cheap shot, kidney shot, cold blood or preparation via talents, all of these are total game changers when it comes to playing a rogue. it gets better, don't worry.
>Alera plays a human female rogue
>online 24/7 seemingly
>just sits around in cities or popular areas, usually in an area you can only get to via some clever jumping or glitch jumping, does it for the attention
>in general, attention whores constantly but in an aloof manner, as if he doesn't really care
>has a night elf e-girlfriend (this is a RP server by the way)
>me, level 15 paladin, start roleplaying getting drunk with night elf in goldshire
>ditch the human priest my character was with (her player was landwhale)
>eventually end up fucking the night elf's player IRL (she was a huge slut)
>Alera seething
>Make chad guild of humans and dwarves, don't let night elf slut in
>She joins his new guild with a randumb name
>He finds out we fucked, still wants her as his e-girl
>Literally bribes players from the top horde PVP guild on our server to gank me (my guild were permaflagged for PVP)
>He didn't know the guildleader was a friend of mine. This guy once killed three gnome rogues by himself as an Arms Warrior, he was a good friend.
>End up fucking the night elf's player again, then Alera mysteriously vanishes
Fucking female WoW players was always easy, but never let them into your guild or inner circle.
.t 30 year old reckoning spec boomer
Anyone else go on the RP server so you could avoid queue times?
Anyone else go on the RP server so you could avoid queue times?
Playing classic only cements my opinion that all retail needs to be saved is to both release the vice grip being held on the players hand, and force player interaction. Unfortunately things like lfg will never go away. The shitstorm would break the game.
I don't know if Classic has endgame longevity. I'm not playing it right now but I'll gladly resub once I have some time just to enjoy the leveling experience again, but the PvE experience at endgame is just so barebones and simple that most classes become 4 button wonders.
Then again classes are already 4 button wonders in retail and people still play that shit so who knows, maybe. There was a lot of unexplored and empty stuff in Vanilla WoW map, so there certainly is space to add new stuff.
Playing with two friends. One is a wow veteran, so it makes the experience a lot better doing it as part of the group. Don't really mind the graphics, it has a charm to it. I tried playing wow when it came out, but didn't really get around to it. So classic is the first time I actually play this with friends and get to experience old wow. I'm playing a holy paladin, any tips? Feel kinda useless with my sledgehammer dps wise. But then again I suppose my class more meant to be a healing slut?
Playing with two friends. One is a wow veteran, so it makes the experience a lot better doing it as part of the group. Don't really mind the graphics, it has a charm to it. I tried playing wow when it came out, but didn't really get around to it. So classic is the first time I actually play this with friends and get to experience old wow. I'm playing a holy paladin, any tips? Feel kinda useless with my sledgehammer dps wise. But then again I suppose my class more meant to be a healing slut?
Classic WoW in a nutshell:
No it's boring. Played it for a couple hours at launch and haven't played since. No idea how people find doing irrelevant quests of "fetch x" and "kill y enemies" over and over and over again
>Having 5/5 spirit tap by 14
>Not splitting your points between that and wand spec
Disgusting. Not having spirit tap proc 100% is offset by the fact that you don't have to cast as many spells because your scooping chunks of your targets hp out with your wand. You only need it to proc every once in a while anyways to maintain peak smooth.
boring as fuck, stopped playing
wish i had the nostalgia for it but i never played wow before
My only complaint about classic so far has been some of the drop rates and monster spawns.
There are three or four quests I've run into so far that took a literal hour to finish just because the drop rate was hilariously bad or the mobs were spread as far out as they possibly could be on the map.
I swear one of the devs was having a fucking giggle with the scorpion spawn locations in desolace.
Everything else has been 10/10, fun as fuck.
So you had IRL sex with a girl you met on wow? I find those stories impressive because the odds of meeting a girl thats down to fuck AND doesnt live like 15 hours away seem pretty low
Nearing 40
Can't wait to have a mount
My internet went bonkers. Didn't mean to double post.
I agree that it's boring, but doing with friends make it a lot better. Only annoying thing is that it makes quests where you need to gather x amount of item much longer since we need to split it all between us rather than getting the item at the same time. When was this feature added to wow? As for me it's a quality of life thing and I can't think of a good reason as to why people would want fetch quests items not being given to each group member at once.
>beg for classic servers
>finally get them
lmfao. You are the best healing class in the game though, yes. I raided all the way up to 12/15 Naxx in Elysium and the top 3 healers in the raid were almost always the best few paladins duking it out while sometimes a priest would get lucky enough to join them.
But you probably won't raid, so just do whatever. Every instance is easy enough that your build won't matter, especially since it's 1.2 and they nerfed everything. Pre-nerf Scholomance was the real shit.
Is Skeram a good server to join?
Me too
I can't wait to respec and get shadow form
I am going to fuck every person that walks by in the ass as hard as I possibly can
>the scorpion spawn locations in desolace
don't worry once you're done with that quest and running between other spots those niggers will be everywhere and never leave you the fuck alone.
I thought that I did but I didnt.
Absolute fucking bullshit that warlock and paladin don't have to pay for theirs
This, I have never met a chick online that was even close to driving distance
Grobbulus is the Yea Forums server
So this game is just about fucking other people over. You must be a huge asshole to enjoy it.
It's actually worse than private servers.
God this game is boring, and i really wanted to get those comfy boomer feels.
Fake and gay, also fuck layering.
Yes its fantastic. Mindblowing how much better than modern wow.
>he's getting 8 hours of sleep
>still couldn't handle it
fuckin amateur hour out here
I started playing for the first time since 2012 because some old friends were and I thought it'd be a chance to catch up with them. Now I'm awake at 5am mining. Many such cases!
I hate it, I've been playing warlock since 2006 and now they're fucking everywhere.
Somebody lying about having sex on the internet? That's never happened before.
Yeah the drop rate fucking sucks. We've spent a lot of time killing mobs before we get the needed item. Don't mind that each member need to get the item they need rather than shared loot equally but please make the drop rate a lot more
Neat. Figured so. My friend did say it's a good healing class. We do plan on dungeons and raiding, but of course if we all actually will still be playing some time from now remains to be seen.
All the gamer dads going "hard" right now are only gonna be like 30 by next week, realize its gonna be a nother month til 60 and probably quit.
Whitemane is the Yea Forums server
I know a guy who found his now wife on WoW, she lived in a different country though
I tried it but I'm enjoying osrs more.
should I play as a shadow priest or a warlock if I want to be a dark wizard?
>his last uploaded video was
Imagine being one of those people who thinks leveling is the fun part
We're still in the honeymoon period but once people get to lv 60 and realize how easy the endgame is they'll start dropping like flies
>tfw you get ganked by a group then come back with a bigger group and corpse camp them
I needed this in my life
Call me when they release a tibia classic, I don't care bout this baby shit that literally ruined MMOs
>Picked up Classic with my lifelong friend
>Both agreed to take it casually
>We get on a low pop server, so we get off of work, qeue up, then by the time we've finished making dinner and eating we're playing
>Not rushing at all, taking our time exploring
>Both of us finding all sorts of neat little locations and secrets we'd never seen before despite playing the shit out of the game back in the day
Fun as hell.
People will just make alts. It's literally a different experience every time, because it's actually a well-designed MMO.
It absolutely is. Vanilla endgame had a ton of soul but it certainly wasn't challenging unless you were guildmaster.
That's an entirely different situation to getting a hookup through WoW that integrates into guild culture and impacts someone else in the game. It's obviously a made up story.
I do way worse on the daily how are these faggots actually killing over after this little bit of staying up.
How fucking dilapidated do you need to be for this?
only cringe autists enjoy the 1-60, especially since classic is older than a decade, and has has numerous pservers that any sense of novelty is nonexistant unless ur new to WoW in which cass why did u bother getting into the mmo that killed mmos
>why did u bother getting into the mmo that killed mmos
because I've accepted this is probably the closest I will ever get to playing something like the older mmos
it's not perfect, but the other games I loved are never coming back
leveling is absolutely the worst part of vanilla and its not even close
once they get to 60 they'll have sunk cost fallacy and they'll also be able to go around on a mount shitting on people which is a lot funner than questing
That's probably just because most people aren't high enough level for Duskwood yet. Leveling is abnormally slow with so much competition for mobs.
Play SWG/Anarchy Online on a private server. Better experience overall.
>kill 100000 boars
nice Korean MMO.
I'm guessing they're either incredibly obese or incredibly malnourished.
>2 bars from 30 and zerker stance
Theme Park MMOs were more or less perfected with WoW. Sandbox MMOs may have gotten fucked by WoW, but modern examples of the sandbox MMO (such as Albion Online) have proven to me that they just straight up don't work today due to the increased ability for people to organize large groups of people. Sandbox MMOs just end up overrun with massive Eastern European guilds that monopolize the game; not the sort of thing you'd see in something like Ultima Online back in the 90's.
If you're asking for sandbox MMOs, they exist and they suck today for the reasons listed above. If you're asking for other theme park MMOs, they're just outright inferior to WoW.
>2 Horde niggers think they can come into Elwyn and fuck with our newby bros
>lvl 20 shaman, 21 warlock
>my lvl 16 rogue ganks warlock, shaman thinks he can run away in ghost wolf form
Fuck I love being a rogue. Fuck you Horde niggers, stay outta my forest
there are AO private servers? the main game seemed dead to me when i tried it, and a private server having people would be surprising to me
How the fuck are people leveling so fast?!?!?!
I've never played WoW before but I've been playing nonstop outside of sleep and food and toilet breaks since it came out with nearly 2 days clocked yet I'm only 22.
At what point does this occur?
I'm at level 8 right now and honestly nobody has been overly social. People might toss an invite to quick finish a quest and then leave without saying anythijg.
So far my experience has not been radically different than retail desu
No, honestly I'm not. I thought I would enjoy it a lot more, but I just don't. The gameplay is too slow and it feels unbalanced. However, playing Classic did make me update retail and start a character on that so hey, it did get me back into WoW in that way.
Shut up you lying faggot
should happen soonish, you'll get elite quests that require groups to complete
will really ramp up around 30 when you start playing in contested zones and group up to avoid getting ganked
Gaming is a completely different thing today. The average skill level of players is insanely high today compared to back then. There are hundreds of thousands of sweaty tryhards today when back then it would be hundreds max.
Twitch also allows people to sink insane time into wow and organize around this with their celebrity to do massive things.
MMOs based around gear acquisition will fail for this reason. I think the future is in VR social MMO games more focused on fun minigame like environments and adventures
Like a disneyland environment in VR that's social.
29 warrior. Starting to feel the burn now
Okay that's reassuring though it'll probably be a week or more before I hit 30. Hopefully I won't be so far behind the curve that level 60 death squads destroy me nonstop
Questie add on
Knowing a good route
Deadmines gives good Experience
You should follow a leveling route or have a party for dungeon grinding if you want fast levels. Also they already know everything about the game so any decision making is fast.
complaining about people working together to monopolize the game and engage with politics etc is the exact sort of thing mmos should have. its 2019 and the pinnacle of player interaction is using the chatbox and throwing buffs in the open world. Sandbox mmos work when the inherent games aren’t shit(Eve/Darkfall) complaining about huge player nations is retarded, and if you didnt want to zerg you didnt have to(Darkfall) the point was that player agency reigned supreme and that the players themselves both created the world and affected it on a meta level.
I just checked and retail has almost as many, if not more, full NA servers compared to classic. I'm guessing a lot of people also tried classic then are trying bfa.
You're rolling a shaman, right bros? You're going to make the paladins cry right?
Neither, it's waste of points.
In a good way?
26 priest
Time investment is too high for the reward desu. But once you hit 60 all you have to sacrifice is 3 or so nights a week for raiding and a day or two for farming.
totally worth it for the reward of gearing a char in 15 year old game.
The worst part of WOW classic is realizing how fucking terrible the gaming industry is that a shit old game is actually more interesting than all the utter shit online games coming out now.
Just fucking make a big open world game that has massive players doing something. Fucking not hard and no one does it right.
The queue's are so bad on most servers that the only people with time to play right now are streamers, gaming industry workers, students who skip class or don't have any extra curriculars, and the unemployed.
Gonna start enjoying it when they release BC , before that staying clear.
good open world games of people doing shit was killed by WoW. If WoW never came out NGE for SWG would of never happened
The chatbox has to go imo
Add proximity voice chat and voice chat support in game. Alllow for Raid groups of 40/40/40 people for WPVP
Chatting is retarded and it should be all voice.
Sandbox games like terraria or minecraft have been the best Return on Investment in gaming history outside mobile.
The genre is big. Just needs more time. VR is going to be the game changer.
>check out current WoW since it's included with classic
>all my items nerfed to low stats
>can't see anyone from my server, only other servers
>trade chat completely dead
>ships removed from Teldrassil and replaced with portals
>characters using a motorcycle mount at level 1
>dark blood elves are alliance
>fat humans can be druids
>someone riding a giant brontosaurus mount with auctioneers on it
>portal room in Stormwind leads everywhere for free
>game tells you to use Blizzard Authenticator to increase bag size
>dual spec disappeared, can switch between any spec at any time for free
>items automatically change stats based on spec
>there's like 90 heirlooms, can be bought at any time with gold
>someone in general chat says they're glad all the toxic people went to classic
rogues are possibly even worse than warriors to level in the teens because you cant hamstring kite.
it gets significantly better, but theyre still the second worst levelers after warrior.
In UO you could do your own thing and still be successful.
In modern sandbox MMOs you either align yourself with a massive omni-faction and do what they say, or you lose the game and move on.
This is not fun.
>dual wield at level 10
I'm level 8 right now and it's been pretty rough desu
Especially with the 1-2 damage dagger
hell no it takes up 60GB of ram
fuck that
No. The idea of sandbox mmos have been around forever. The problem is with WoW being so popular and sandbox mmos being literally dead BECAUSE of WoW, there's no developer out there that's big enough to put up the capital and take the huge risk when they could just copy WoW's formula and make slightly less money than WoW but still profit. WoW turned MMOs from actual virtual worlds to pre-canned experiences and mechanics that prey upon the worst parts of the human psyche.
it'll wear off in time. just enjoy yourself while it lasts.
>The average skill level of players is insanely high today compared to back then
Have you even played on retail? The only thing that's changed is that there's an icy veins guide for you class explaining in-detail how not to forget to breathe.
And that's a good thing!
I'm having fun, feels like layering is turned on too high or something though.
classic wow is pretty much the same with raiding, you need to be in a top guild, and you need to politic for the best loot.
How about instead of hopping on Herod, you hop on any other server?
>in EU or Oceania
Sucks to suck
>portal room in Stormwind leads everywhere for free
Horse shit. The biggest complaint everyone has with the portal room is because they removed some portals and didn't bother to put them into the portal room, making it more tedious to get to a number of locations.
FUCK wow
Which is why raiding is and always has been cancer.
I feel the same way but I like the constant reward system, even if it is just. "Your axe skill increased by 1" And constantly replacing your gear with the tons of greys you find. Feel sort of diablo ish.
Though everything is slow.
Painfully slow, the whole "commuinity" is fake, I only really joined people to make shit go faster. I didn't feel like I was making friends or a lasting connection, more like working with another guy at the office to get the forms in on time.
Walking to a dungeon doesn't make me like them any more or less. And I miss everything I collected.
I lost my mounts, my pets, my transmog.
My god everyone is going to look identical in a few months.
Is there any data on faction balance yet? Feels like any PVP server is horde-heavy`
>Reserve names on Bloodsail Buccaneers
>Never experience queues
>Still have tons of people running around
Have fun with your streamer buddies, anons.
i'm having a lot of fun
i just got my undead warlock to lv 20, and now i'm trying out an undead warrior because the tank shortage is insane
i like undead
You're talking WoW. I'm talking gaming in general. The average wow classic player did not understand hotkeying abilities and clicked on them.
The avg skill level (across all games) is insane today especially with kids fiending fortnite. Which even if you hate it the building is very skilled.
My guy there were literally people who were neutral crafters(DUDES WHO JUST CRAFTED) or literal merc groups who werent allied with any player nation in particular but fought for the highest bidder in Darkfall. Complaining about people cooperating in a MMO is fucking retarded
It's a far better game but nobody will admit it because modern gamers are too addicted to convenience and simplicity.
I'm mostly waiting until they reveal 9.0 and the changes this Blizzcon. If the changes to retail look good then there's zero chance I start classic. If there's nothing to look forward to then I will start playing definitely.
Classic has definitely boosted BFA's numbers. Not what I expected but I can totally see why.
>Wonder if this will change once I hit the huge wall of 40 and then again at 50
You will hit a wall once you finally get your mount at around level ~42
It's just nostalgia.
I just ran WC like 4 times today for no fucking reason and can’t bear to look at a monitor anymore. You tell me.
#1 most overrated thing about classic is the community
VRchat vs WoW makes it awfully clear. A text box in the bottom left with some random chat going on, almost entirely "how to progress faster" abstracted out lines.
What are the main leveling walls? And how would you rank them in terms of how bad they are
>trade chat completely dead
Bullshit there's always some shit in trade chat.
>ships removed from Teldrassil and replaced with portals
Since teldrassil was fucking burnt down, yer they don't need boats there any more.
>fat humans can be druids
Just as much lore of that as any other druid.
>portal room in Stormwind leads everywhere for free
It leads you to the continents. You don't even get sent to the hubs.
>dual spec disappeared, can switch between any spec at any time for free
>items automatically change stats based on spec
>there's like 90 heirlooms, can be bought at any time with gold
All good things. If we didn't have to go through 120 levels I would say scrap heirlooms.
Assuming you can find a dungeon group, you grind 37-43 in SM Cathedral
If you don't enjoy leveling then you're in for a shitty time because there is pretty much nothing to do at level 60
Grief lowbies
WPVP lag/zerg/mage fests
premade BGs vs randoms and win 99% of the time
raid all night for everyone to get buttmad about their lootbox boss drops.
Whats so bad about leveling warriors? I see people complain about it all the time
I still can't believe Wailing Caverns got away with such a design as a level 20 instance. Deadmines is a straight path. Shadowfang Keep is a straight path. Wailing Caverns is a fucking labyrinthine nightmare.
Be more willing to find a group yourself man. See someone else doing the same quest as you? Send em an invite.
>Wailing Caverns is a fucking labyrinthine nightmare.
And that's why it's good you idiot.
That's what makes it interesting though. Straight paths are boring. A dungeon should be a sprawling labyrinth you and your party delve into.
I'd like to but just thinking about going back to raising 4 nights a week puts me off.
Also the fact that there are 10 content patches to go through and I just don't have all that time. It's either only wow or playing the other worthwhile games that release in a year.
I'll probably sub and level a warrior for fun on weekends once the rage dies down, perhaps
Do you have no sense of direction?
Go play tranny fantasy 14 if you want straight corridors and square boss rooms
I didn't say it was bad. I just said I'm amazed Blizzard let it pass. I think Deadmines is great too and serves as a great introduction to dungeons. Wailing Caverns is fun, but as someone who played plenty of retail bacin 2004 when no one knew what the fuck they were doing, barely anyone ever finished it.
I love WC, except for the whole last boss sequence. that can fuck off.
Classictards are hyping the game up based on nostalgia. The social aspect is using other people to get gear, having drama over who gets gear, and the fact it was the fortnite of video games back then so everyone played it.
I actually am. It's refreshing to go back and play an MMO with an older mentality.
I'll probably not play it past a month cause i'm still invested in XIV, but it's a nice little distraction and a good hit of nostalgia.
that's because it's a meme
if you do any kind of grouped content in any game you're gonna end up making friends
it's not like wow is magical about it
I have been. And then I try to talk and they're fairly unresponsive or neither of us talk and they just leave after we finish the quest
Jesus fucking Christ why do you get so triggered? Calm the fuck down. I didn't even say it was bad. Bunch of drama whores lmfao.
FFXIV has much better quests than WoW classic. You can't take that away from it.
>losing your job as a teenager because of vidya games is fine
No, it is not. Please never have kids if this is the sort of work ethic you'll instil in them.
Every time i see a warrior come into the area where I'm questing I can only weep for them as every ranged player around them takes all of their tags, and when they do eventually get one they have to sit and eat while I'm already pulling my 5th add.
Is it Whitemane or Herod the most populated server right now?
having jobs before you're 25 and have a master's degree is fucking stupid
God know. I don't even like classic, but the ffXIV leveling is fucking terrible.
Planetside 2 was the most social mmo I've personally played. I didn't play it that much though since it was a buggy pile of shit, but actually working with other people to do assaults or defend points was 10x more social than grouping for 30s to kill some mobs then leaving group.
I think the mismatch in levels and quests actually hurts socialization as compared to a flat level game like planeside. The goal isn't to acquire in game power fast, it's to just play the game.
It's very sad the MMO genre is in such a shit state. MMO and RTS are both just completely untapped by developers.
>lmao i said something stupid and then people called me out on it, like whatever i don't care it's not a big deal
You said it, you're stupid, go eat a dick you stupid faggot.
Not that much better. FFXIV:ARR came in 2013 and yet WOTLK questing is easily better.
Classic cucks are unable to take anything that could even be interpreted as criticism about their game
Don't forget at the end of the day they're still rabid Blizzard fanboys, just with an even more inflated ego because they like a 15 year old game that everyone else likes
Retail raids are the easiest encounters and only require half a brain cell to do well. If you are so fucking retarded you can't follow the simple patterns then you deserve to be removed for ruining others enjoyment.
Wrath was the peak of WoW
How are you posting this from the 70's from the back of your shag carpet van?
What the fuck are you on about?
Based Paladin, keep smiting those abominations.
I always wonder what would happen if something like Tera Online or Warhammer online went open source with newly made editing tools.
Paladins are the best healers in the game, both PvP and PvE.
Retail raids are about LFR tier difficulty
Literally anyone who reads a guide for 10 minutes can play an encounter perfectly
People are gonna be shocked at how fast everything is gonna get knocked out
naxx was peak wow.
Wrath was the beginning of absolute cancer
TBC was worse than vanilla, but still managed to retain some good aspects.
Wrath is the worst thing that happened to wow you fucking casual. You probably say that because thats just when you got into the game.
Everything about it is great except the ques
If anything is going to kill this game it's the fact that half the people who want to play it can't and are stuck in 6+ hour ques
Boring as shit.
there’s not a version of WoW that isnt casual mate.
>fucking horde country
My classic experience so far has been leveling in 3 different zones at once and almost wiping to 2 mobs the same level as me
You'll have to respec for MS at 40 though. And you won't have TM when you get Zerker stance.
they should add an option to use Cata music. vanilla music is so bland and stale
Have any of you autists actually made friends with randos like you were supposed to in classic?
I think Wrath was the start of the downhill trend but still enjoyed it because I re-rolled Ret Paladin at the perfect time and would take over alliance towns and 1v10 them while getting mobbed by guards. It was so much fun being that broken. Only thing that comes close is DK in every following expansion.
Haven't masturbated since launch, so I guess so.
bro everyone is playing with their mates on discord
>All these complaints about queues
If you faggots hadn't rolled on the streamer servers like the zoomers you are you wouldn't have any queues.
t. Sulfuras
yeah. we ended up forming a guild together after running RFC for a few hours. it was rather comfy
Isn't that the second RPPVP server? The first one was the last server to get filled, so it's not weird for it to be dead.
This is true, but vanilla still retained casualized hardcore raid features of the time. TBC made it normified. Wrath completely and utterly removed any trace of hardcore raiding or after hint from then on.
This layering plan was not a great idea. I dc like crazy while at the same time not able to see everybody.
I've had two hookups through WoW, both became long term GFs though. One lived in Australia the other CA, and both flew to visit me.
Was good. I always thought it must have been crazy easy to get laid if you lived in the USA. Lotta thirsty e-girls.
Warriors need rage to damage. Warriors get rage as they do damage. It’s a vicious cycle where warriors without fear do no damage so have no rage so deal no damage. And before 40, warriors don’t even have a proper instant attack. They’re also melee with no healing and no escape. So there’s huge down time between a kill and if you over pull you’re dead.
I've made about 3 friends so far on the RPPVP server roleplaying as a night elf guy who's a centuries-old shithead racist. Refer to every other race's players by the name of their race, ie humans get called "human" and gnomes get called "gnome" and none of them are ever noted by name. Completely nice to other NE, but everyone else is "beneath" him.
This sometimes doesn't work because players of other races are just straight up better than me at the game, so I play off their superior skill by doubling down on my character's racism and becoming a cartoon villain of sorts. People like it. I like it. Got a human buddy I met killing gnolls and a night elf chick I met in the starter zone and another night elf dude I met that I ran the Stormwind walk with because we both needed to go see the human filth
and that's a good thing. Obsidian Sanctum and Wrath Naxx were the peak of raiding
females do not play world of warcraft.
>Not rolling with your friends on a 'low' server, or one of the new ones
I haven't had a queue since launch, and even then it was only 20 minutes.
go play with your fat character then furry faggot nigger
It will happen when you enter the 2nd zones where every field has at least 10 people competing for kills
I would say you hit your first wall around level 25 and it lasts until level 30. Reason being that gaining new levels starts to slow down for real this time and the questing areas at this level range are a drag to get through (Wetlands, Stonetalon, Ashenvale). The dungeons are very boring as well, like you'll only have the choice of doing RFK, Gnomeregan and The Stockades which all suck, especially RFK.
It turns around however to one of the most enjoyable parts of the Vanilla leveling experience which is when you start doing the Scarlet Monastery instances. Lots of nice loot there especially if you wear mail or are a caster.
Second wall is when you hit 40 and you realize that you're too poor to get a mount and people start mocking you for it so you decide to start grinding some gold. You spend the next few days killing hundreds of crocodiles and spiders in Swamp of Sorrows and finally manage to scrape up the remaining 85 gold you need to buy your first mount + the apprentice riding skill. Success.
However, now you realize that you have 20 long and slow levels left to go, and you're feeling kinda fatigued because there's less stuff to look forward to. You've got your mount, got your SM gear and got your highest tier talent ability, so what is there to look forward to now? On top of that you have to go to Tanaris which is kinda depressing and you also won't be doing BG's for a while because it'll take you a while to get to the top of the level bracket.
I don't know what the 3rd wall is yet, because I gave up at level 44. I probably did that mostly because I didn't want to play warrior anymore. This time I'm gonna try to pick a more fun class that's easier to level, like druid or rogue.
What exactly is Discord? I thought it was a chat client, but it's the new Vent?
>Release the exact same game as in 2004
>It's still just as playable (besides queues) as it was back then
That's quite amazing
Already dropped it desu. Queues were/are ridiculous. Made it to 20 on the warrior I rolled, realized I fucking hate tanking without any actual AoE and just cut my losses. Can't be bothered to reroll DPS and be even more behind than I already was.
They do if you play Alliance
Holy FUCK druid is so fun to level why play anything else?
breh that sounds like a self control issue more than anything
what profs should I go as a warrior? I've heard they're super gear dependant so I was gunna go BS/mining
It's an e-drama platform
Yeah it's for talking with both mics and chat. Don't even have to create an account to talk to your friend in the browser.
>why are people retarded enough to pay to watch esport games
Except it's only playable if you are a warrior, rogue, mage, or healer. Real """fun""".
I wouldn't go BS. I heard the gear you get during the first 20 levels are great but then it drops off.
Herb/alchemy can be nice since you don't have any self heals.
>The dungeons are very boring as well, like you'll only have the choice of doing RFK, Gnomeregan and The Stockades which all suck, especially RFK.
Anyone who can't appreciate Gnomer has no ability to recognize pure SOUL. It's second only to Mara and BRD in that respect.
Also: Just get your lv40 mount by killing a Whelping in Wetlands while waiting for the AB queue (This was before battlemasters in cities) and sell the pet for 90g
All classes are playable wtf you on
Druid, or shadow priest
>Whhaaaaa it's not EASY
>realized I fucking hate tanking without any actual AoE
what? use thunder clap
I sat down twice to play this game and each time 12 hours passed before I knew it.
>game releases just at the beginning of a new semester
That seems like a good idea. Thanks user.
>>Both of us finding all sorts of neat little locations and secrets we'd never seen before despite playing the shit out of the game back in the day
But user its a solved game everyone knows everything about it already!
Stop having fun this instant.
And Cleave.
But apparently Battle Shout is your best AoE threat. Surprisingly.
loving it. played 18 hrs first session, 30 hrs second session, will see how i go tonight
my endgame was and is bgs and wpvp so im gucci
that and there's literally nothing worse than molten core
Smolderweb is a comfy server.
Blacksmithing is good if you want to make yourself an Arcanite Reaper and/or Lionhead Helm, but there's no reason you can't just pay someone else to make one.
Two gathering professions are the best, just sell everything you collect for money, more and more money. You'll want as much as you can get for your mount.
Mining/Skinning is probably best but Herb/Skinning and Herb/Mine are fine too (although you can only track one at a time). Enchanting is also okay, since you can just DE all the greens you find, but it can definitely be a money sink.
When you get to 60, if you PvP at all, look up a guide for 300 Engineering, then collect all the materials and drop one of your professions for Mining/Gnomish Engineering.
Engineering is vital for any PvPer, but even more so for a Warrior.
>and the fact it was the fortnite of video games back then so everyone played it
im not sure where you live but in the midwest it was nowhere near that popular on release and even people who i knew that played wc2 lan religiously didnt hope on the boat til years later
This is all 100% pure hype right now. It will die.
WoW will honestly never be the same again.
We aren't 15 year olds anymore in highschool.
We don't have the same free time that we used to to put into WoW anymore.
>i mean unless youre a fucking incel but for the rest of us regular people...
Reminder the only people saying Classic is all about nostalgia are retail faggots who are afraid retail will get shafted by Blizzard if Classic is a success.
what's the rarest race/class/gender combo?
I want to be a special snowflake
>Someone posted this completely unironically
f dorf any class
Anything female Tauren or Dwarf
Female Troll or Female Tauren for race/sex. Class used to be Druid or Warlock, but they seem everywhere now
Its the casual class for normies.
>This is all 100% pure hype right now. It will die.
You are an idiot my friend.
Look at Nostalrius, look at Elysium, look at Light's Hope. The playerbase on those servers are what made Classic a reality.
>friends play fucking horde
>just want to be a comfy dwarf warrior
>some casual faggot is evidence that all this is a facade fueled by nostalgia
Please tell me where you found this option? I can't seem to find it
He's a retard but not a casual
Vanilla is easy as fuck, just time consuming
What makes vanilla great is the fact that it is F U N
>being free to play
>cuz private server
>now they have to pay
>all my items nerfed
so people don't end up doing 60m dps, fucktard
this is horrible i agree
>tc dead
portal room has less portals, yeah i dont know why they got rid of boats
>heirloom mount
boo fucking hoo
>void elves
cancer awful
>fat humies
blizz stopped giving a fuck what race played what class in cataclysm
>broto mount
then dont use it
>no dual spec, now its all spec
literally what is wrong with this
>items change stat based on spec
literally what is wrong with this
>90 heirlooms
so what, everything before 120 is irrelevant content anyway
>gen chat talking about toxic players
because boomers and literal 12 year old twitch kiddies have been moaning about classic for a fucking year and them being gone has made retail a better place
rating: frogposter/10 kill yourself
Roll a tauren and RP as a trans species dwarf.
horde is full of streamers, zoomers, and old boomer neckbeards
Go dwarf