Can anyone of you actually explain what a soul is ?

can anyone of you actually explain what a soul is ?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Effort, care, and love.

old thing good
new thing bad


The OP image is more shit cause while its true about the costumes its the same image posted over and over again.

>Effort, care, and love.
where is "skill"?

explain this then

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invented in 2000 and thus soulless

its heart but after age has refined it.

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>muh söyul

ah, so soul is just looking like shit

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Idk OP, I just looked it up in the dictionary right now and it only had this picture next to it

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soul isn't something you can explain, it's something you feel

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A mix of nostalgia, aesthetics and love

Delet this

There's no such thing as soul that's just a buzzword spouted by butthurt trannies it doesn't exist.

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You are the npc here

This isn't so much proof that Adventure was good as much as it only got dumber overtime.

Everything even before the twist was still really dumb.

What are the best Mario Party games?

I'll admit I haven't played them since the N64 games, is there a switch or 3ds version? Is it good?

I just want to have fun

Soul is something that stimulates your imagination.

It's as simple as that.

>different costumes of your example
suck you into the imaginary world giving you jumpstart to think about being a pirate, wizard, explorer stuff more than if it's just bland mario everywhere. Like people in real life dress for the job and don't wear their home clothing everywhere, showing they're invested in what they do.

>Low poly, fog, off lighting
makes your imagination fill in the gaps

If everything is explicitely served to you on a silver plate your imagination is on idle, and things seem bland and boring.

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mario party stopped having costumes past 2, if this is your gauge then its been soulless ever since

Adventure was absolute kino

Right there in the top best games ever made with Paper Mario 2 and Rayman 3

Soul is a thing. It's just not simply old game good, new game bad. Monty Mole panicking while playing whack-a-mole is an example of soul found in a newer game.

the devs actually enjoyed making the product, simple as that

incorrect, soul is not real, you can't touch it.

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Soul is what happens when imagination transcends the confines of limitation through creativity - the end result is the cup of imagination brimming over.

The more power you have, the less limitations. This reduces need for creativity, which leaves you with a half-full/half-empty cup.

Soulless to me feels like trying too hard to pander to a crowd but end up looking artificial and fake

Soul is not so much old stuff, but when people were still experimenting and trying new things, when you look at GameHuts channel on how they used to code SFX and other stuff it's genuinely impressive. Now every game just feels bloated
Modern soul is a few indie games, but it's hard to find good ones

Someone made a good comparison in another thread.
The Star Wars prequels had soul, while the Disney Star Wars sequels are soulless.
Both are shit, but one is soulful and one is soulless. I think it's a very effective way to describe soul.

This game is the reason my N64 controller broke

The fun thing is, new model uses less polygons and less textures.

DS one looks photoshopped to the background, 64 looks like he belongs in the picture

When a creator is thinking bigger than the door of his chosen medium will realistically allow, but tries their hardest to put their idea across anyway, the creation will have Soul. Soullessness is playing it too safe.

What are some recent games that were made with soul?

For me it's using limited tools to make something beautiful

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You know why nobody talks about no one calls bad old games soulfull? Because they were so shit, that NOBODY wants to talk about them. We only post "old soulful games" because those are the good ones, the ones we want to talk about, because good things are good. There are a SHITload of old shitty games that have absolutely no soul, but I can't even think of any off the top of my head because I don't think about shit games.

Tight budget.

Left one intimidated the fuck outta me when I was a little kid, right one looks boring

This. Ambiguity is what made Dark Souls faggots get so invested in trying to find out the lore. If we were just told everything, it would've been something of a bland fantasy setting

Well you answered your own question, old shit games are forgotten. But current shit games are in your face all the time

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but the ds image is very low res

When a game is first made, it has no soul.
As years pass, it accumulates soul.
Once a game reaches 9 years old, it becomes soulful.
Its soul continues growing indefinitely.

The only way the term "soul" should be used is to describe things that had actual heart put into them.

Let's compare the Link's Awakening Remake to Pokemon Sword/Shield. Regardless of how you feel about the artstyle, you can tell the developers were putting their heart into it with it's miniature-inspired look, and keeping things like the Mario enemies looking like they did in the original, instead of copypasting a goomba from another Mario game.

Whereas Pokemon S/S is another game in the series done on autopilot without any real motivation other than obligation. The last Pokemon games to have soul were Black/White 2, and after tantrums over ice cream and not being able to use older mons for a while, they realized they didn't need to try anymore.

soulless is just a Yea Forums buzzword for new things, because they want every new thing to be the new Tortanic

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wow almost like the remake was made 8 years after the first one and you weren't a kid any more.........

I've been collecting Mario Party since I was a kid. I have nearly every console game with the only exception being 9. With that said I have rented and played 9.

>Mario Party 1
Competitive minigames where you actually take your opponents coins if you win. It also has great board variety. It's easily my favorite in the series.
>Mario Party 2
Similar to 1, but you no longer steal your opponents coins. This one introduces an item and bank system. It's my second favorite and THE favorite of my friend.
It's alright, but the items are way too plentiful and the maps aren't that great. It has the best minigames though.
It implements a big and small mechanic that can really make or break the game for you. I'm not a big fan of this one, but it isn't bad.
This introduces the capsule system, but it isn't refined enough to be that enjoyable. It's and okay MP, but I was never a fan of capsules.
Easily the worst in the series. The day and night mechanic sucks and this is when the series really started to get stale.
Still uses the capsule gimmick which could make or break it for you. On the plus side there's a huge roster to choose from and the team mechanic adds some freshness to the overall experience. I'd argue that it's the best one on the Gamecube.
It's alright. Sometimes there is a bit of slowdown on the game boards and the realistic art-style really wasn't the best choice. The boards get very tiresome as well. Every other one feels like Candy land, but with a twist. Despite all of that it has some solid minigames. I really enjoyed playing this one with my family.
The car sucks
The car sucks and the Bowser mode is only fun when you're playing as Bowser.
>Super Mario party
Arguably the best one since the 64 games. The character roster is incredible and the interactions they have is a nice touch. I'm running out of text, so I'll just say I like it a lot. It's underrated even. This one is up there with the first 2 for me.

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oh god as soon as I read "hasta la vista baldy" the voice turned into modern sonic. I miss when sega was ambitious with their games.

you didn't explain anything user

what DC game is this? it looks so familiar. PSO?

thats actually a pretty good comparison.

paper mario

Soul can't be explained, just like how colors and sounds can't be explained.
Soul is an experience. You have to feel it for yourself.

i'd say the n64 version's more detailed textures and more ominous lighting is what makes the ds version soulless in comparison, but in the end it probably just boils down to "old good, new bad!"

>new model uses less polygons and less textures.

Something can be bad but have soul

I read your post from start to finish. I agree everything after 3 just felt "eh". I stopped buying it at MP8 after I actively started disliking it.

>funkopops to pander to normies
>destroying the OST
nope, that's the antithesis of soul.

Much like cooking and music you can tell when actual work and effort were used to create something. It's original instead of just creating a duplicate.

nostalgia googles.
impossible to get rid of it.
for example I will never not think of playing some n64 games or japanese ps1 games on a rainy day while drinking chocolate milk.

First of all, giving 20 playable characters unique outfits isn't easy compared to only 6. Secondly, the maps in the newer Mario Party games are beyond forgettable and aren't worth the effort of having stage exclusive costumes

the overly serious nature of the adventure games (and by extension 06) is a direct disservice to the series’ early american cartoon roots. while i believe the newer games are trying way too hard to be funny it’s certainly a lot closer to what sonic and eggman should be. Which is Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam.

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if you have to ask you’ll never know

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Super Mario Sunshine is the epitome of soul.


>early american cartoon roots

Elaborate on this

Sonic started off like classic cartoons (Mickey Mouse, Looney Tunes), but in the late 90s and early 2000s, it transitioned to the retro-futuristic anime-style aesthetic that was popular then.
However, I prefer the latter aesthetic. Adventure/Heroes era is peak Sonic and peak soul.

Originality. Something that looks like it was made unique and with passion and not churned out on a factory assembly line in copying the latest fad.

Imagine being unable to identify soul

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This might have had a point if any mario party other than 2 did this.

Have you tried out Super? It's pretty good. The boards aren't great, but it's the new partner mechanic that really shines through. Being able to rely on your partners to add to your role is absolutely legendary. Being able to use your own diceblock is also fantastic. I wouldn't blame someone for skipping this one purely for the lack of boards, but please keep an eye out for the sequel. It has potential to be incredible.

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Prove OLD GOOD NEW BAD fags wrong by naming:
>one bad game with SOUL
>one SOULLESS good game

Fuck this game was amazing. Truly the most epic fighting game.

Wish they'd remake it

Ok so you're talking about how Robotnik and Sonic would play off each other. I was worried you were implying that dreadful cartoon was some sort of origin.

>just like how colors and sounds can't be explained.

There are entire fields dedicated to doing just that.

Most of the time in games however "soul" as people use it, can be boiled down to "mindfulness" and there's a reason older games have that a lot more than new ones. Memory. Back in the day one extra item in a room might make you go over. So everything had to be carefully considered, what impact it would have had to be thought about in terms of atmosphere, performance, etc. Things had this feeling of being thought about, considered, someone actively put this object there. Now things can be thrown around willy nilly and you're never really likely to run out of memory.

SA1 and 2 aren't serious? They felt like an playable anime if anything and that why I love them. Sonic 06 is the one that went too far trying to be serious and the main big bad killing sonic, nuking the timeline, and then becoming the literal anti christ.

All skill. No heart, no victory.

of course. Sonic’s design is heavily rooted in old cartoons like Felix the Cat and of course Looney Tunes, look at any of Oshima’s early sketches for the character and the influence is clear. It’s because of this that I think the drastic shift in tone taken with the series even as early as SatAM for american audiences is extremely strange. Imagine if Yosemite Sam launched Bugs Bunny into space while holding someone like Porky at gun point and it was played completely straight. That’s the adventure games in my eyes. it’s like Loonatics Unleashed but they just kept fucking going.

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The Wii and the advent of NSMB killed all soul within the Mario franchise. Galaxy and Odyssey may deceive you into thinking soul is still present with whimsical music tracks and fun gameplay mechanics but it is a front to the sterile lifeless husk mario has now become.

With that image you might as well throw every other MP that isnt 2 in the garbage if your measuring it by costumes

>SA1 and 2 aren't serious?
SA1 isn't, but SA2 tries to be at times and it just comes off as stupid. S3K and SA1 have the general tone Sonic games should strive for.

Super's minigames are excellent but its boards are so small.

>one bad game with SOUL
Sonic Adventure
>one SOULLESS good game
New Super Mario Bros. U

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Early Sonic is essentially the videogame equivalent of a Wile E. Coyote cartoon, except you play as the roadrunner.

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>one bad game with SOUL
Myst IV: Revelation
>one SOULLESS good game
Soul Calibur 5


soul is many things
the closest comparable term would be to say a game has personality/identity, it's inspired
soul comes from effort, passion, creativity, originality, and while it may difficult to say objectively how the game was made, there are certain subtle teltalle signs
soul manifests in atmosphere, writing, art direction, attention to detail, things that were not necessarry to the actual experience, but show that effort was put there and enhance the game even if by pure flavor
note that none of these are explicitely related to gameplay, as most of the soul is visible in presentation, it is however possible for soul to come from gameplay if you try to apply the same principles, base it around some original idea, maybe have some kinds of secret attacks, or variations depending on the circumstances refine how it comes together

a soulless work is something coming out of assembly line, there's no place for passion, no secrets, no flavor, no unnecessary effort, it wasn't anyone's dream to make it, it's not original, it's ruthlessly optimized for profit, hitting bare minimums to gather interest of the widest possible audience

Digimon World 1, Motor Toon Grand Prix, Sim Theme Park, Undertale, Age of Empires III

Crusader Kings 2, Daggerfall, PUBG, New Super Mario Bros, Super Mario 64, Civilization V.

New Super Mario Bros 2 is the epitome of soulless.

It was a change in aesthetic. Sort of a pocket paradigm shift.
I prefer the Adventure/Heroes era. I love the late 90s/early-mid 2000s anime aesthetic.

Soulless means aesthetically overrefined, it's as sinple as that, good games can have no soul, bad games can have lots of soul. It's about how walled off the possibilities of your design language has become.

The newer generations are born with soul as time goes on.

>boomers have 50-60% soul
>zoomers have 10% soul

Too surface-level, not always true.

It's actually:
>Hand-crafted imperfect thing made out of passion for niche audiences good
>Artificially-manufactured plastic-perfect thing made for money for focus-group audiences bad
It just so happens that newer things often fall into the latter category, especially video games, due to the Hollywood-ization and corporatism of the medium now. It's easier and more lucrative to make bland cookie-cutter products for general audiences, which works really well for a business focused on profits over human integrity.

Yeah, people have pretty much pinned down what soul is and why it is rarer now, when we have teams of hundreds + offshore workers working on the game vs back in the late 90s when the teams were much smaller while still being big enough to not make small / barren games.

Donkey Kong 64 is literally the epitome of a bad game with soul. It had so much soul, in fact, that they forgot to make it a fun game because of it.
Like other anons said, NSMBU is a solid platformer but utterly soulless in its presentation. I'd also count 3D World in this.

Consider a game like Bloodstained. The graphics look awful and are one single step above out-of-the-box Unreal plastic. But the little touches in the gameplay and the character interactions save it and give it tons of personality. Everything having to do with chairs, bullying OD, the piano scenes, etc.

That's what soul is, independent of gameplay quality or nostalgia. When the game has a sense of direction and personality that is well executed and charming (as opposed to say Borderlands where the personality is present but obnoxious). Nowadays it's harder for a game to have soul only because these fun details are the first thing cut for budget in HD development, but it's not Old Good New Bad. Hell, even soulless games can have amazing concept art that looks full of soul, but it gets diluted to nothing during the development process to make it "safe" and protect the investment.

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A project following the developer's vision to create a world, rather than a closely-monitored deadline with hundreds of fingers in the pie catering to as many demographics as possible so the shareholders are pleased.

Soul is where game devs give a shit about the game and put real effort into it.
A soulless game is only made for money not to make a good video game.

that’s perfectly fine, maybe disservice was a bit harsh as I DO like the art style of adventure, but I don’t know. as someone who grew up with the genesis games it just felt like such a confusing jump to me. It’s just a matter of preference i guess.

Compare the fights and Bowser's movement in both games, Bowser looks and moves weird in the DS version meanwhile in the 64 Bowser his movement is natural

Also they fucked up with the final fight because you need to play as Mario while the whole shit aboy this was playing with more characters,in the original idea there's a screenshot of the 4 characters fighting him,that would be a real difference between soul and souless

>no dynamic lighting
It's objectively worse and probably a reused asset.

SA & SA2 are the most soulful games out there. They check off all the boxes of nice little things. And are just fun campy adventures.

When I think classic Sonic, three things come to mind
>Running through loops at high speeds
>Killing robots
>being a badass

I have no idea how in the everloving fuck this looney toons faggotry wormed its way into the arguemnts about how Sonic should be portrayed

>bad game with SOUL
Crash Twinsanity, it's dogshit but it was the last Crash game until the remixes to understand Crash.
>SOULLESS good game
Doom 3, because Doom 3 was a decent action/horror game for what it was, but everything from the monsters to the environments was bland and lifeless and soulless.

A lot of Sonic games have SOUL and tried new things, they just didn't end up very good.

>dynamic lighting
>opaque rainbow gradient placed on each individual part of bowser’s “model”

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I can hear the argument that Odyssey is using surface polish and smart production value to cover for a fundamental quality it lacks, but Galaxy has plenty of soul and uses all the space stuff and Rosalina's melancholy to great effect. Galaxy 2 onwards, sure, but I'll defend Galaxy 1 any day.

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Soulless: here's that thing we thought you thought you wanted. Give us yer money, we gotta make more

Soul: here's a thing we had faith you'd like as much as we did. Give us yer money, we have to eat too

Effort and creativity. They had a vision and went for it.
Phoned in. Something that was just made with cash in mind.

You can't give exact definitions for these terms as they're subjective at best. Old=Soul a lot of the time due to older games having to try more to get their ideas across. You could also say that the older games are remembered due to their soul. There are plenty of old games that were shameless cash grabs that no one cares to remember.

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And here's the screenshot

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Those things are gay AF

I don't get why buzzwords are considered good

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>Crash twinsanity

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>I'll defend Galaxy 1 any day
Same here, Galaxy 1 is SOUL incarnate. It had the best modern depiction of Bowser, and actually made him an ominous force to be reckoned with; its music fit it perfectly and the theme perfectly; Rosalina was a fucking great character, anyone who disagrees focuses too much on her overexposure in later games. Fucking great.
I love Odyssey too, but it didn't scratch that same itch.


>Easily the worst in the series.
Legitimately when is the last time you played this one? If you somehow think this is worse than 10 that's ridiculous.

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easier than thinking

That's your nostalgia talking. Twinsanity is short as fuck, glitchy as all hell, and seriously unfun to play. The music, presentation, boss fights, humor, and dialogue were all perfect, but the game itself just is not fun.
One of the main reasons I wholeheartedly support a Twinsanity remake; the game could've been fucking amazing but the rushed cycle made it a short, glitchy, unfun mess. Fixing that while keeping the god-tier humor and SOUL would make it an amazing Crash game.

I can take the short and glitchy arguments because the game was rushed and it's even mentioned by cortex but you really ruined your shitty complain with the humors, it's legitimately funny even in modern days

Yeah, that's Falz's altar

Up to a stage in their life cycle, buzzwords succintly help get a point across, but once a particular buzzword attains a degree of value and becomes overused - and these two phenomena regularly fuel one another - its meaning becomes unclear and it collapses under the weight of its unintended associations.

I literally praised the humor.


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My bad. I should have said that it's the worst of the capsule games, imo.

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The major problem with 10 is the poor maps. They feel small, and there aren't enough of them. I remember MP3 as my favorite, due to mini games.

You can't touch your brain rn either, so I guess that doesn't exist too.

Literally just copy old maps, if it's hard to think up new ones. Take a map from MP 1-6, and add them to the new MP. No tactical thinking required. You'd just need an artist to remake the board assets, which Nintendo could easily do.
Same for mini games.

you could

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The N64 version was an artist's best creative attempt at translating Bowser into 3D. The later version was a standardized "on-model" look so the 3D modellers didn't have to bring any of their own creativity or expression to the design, it was like a paint-by-numbers job.

Ill never understand why he has old white jew hair

Modern games arent all soulless. I'd say odyssey has plenty of soul.

So does Smash Ultimate.
How strange that Nintendo's the only AAA studio that regularly publishes soulful games.

>Adventure/Heroes era is peak Sonic and peak soul.
zoom zoom

3 really did have the best minigames. I kind of wish they would bring some of them back on top of new ones.

We'll have to see what they go with in the next game. I think they opted for maps that could be used for the team mode as well as traditional.and that's why the boards were so dull. I could see them giving us a mix of both.

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>Why yes, I do mindlessly spout memes free of context, how could you tell?

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Soul is about recognizing your limits and doing everything you can to make something great within those limits.

Most modern games feel soulless because at a certain point in their development they just give up doing anything else, and you can feel that I the game.

They didnt reach the limits of what they could do, they reached their budget and had to launch.

They stopped being about "when its ready" and because about releasing on a schedule and patching the rest in later.


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Nintendo isn't triple A.

Also it relates back to what this user says Nintendo consoles are so limited that they dont waste time and money on the unnecessary shit and just focus on the soul of the game.

Ok, I'm gonna drop the Yea Forumstard shit because I'm actually confused. I thought a AAA company is a big company that makes videogames. Is that not Nintendo?
I'm not being sarcastic, can you please educate me on this, if I am wrong?

>zoom zoom
Quantify this in words

>Crusader Kings 2

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buzz off, he is right (I'm a millenial)

We can all agree that there will never be a worse Mario Party than 10, right?

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This was Sonic to me for a while. Sonic generations finally introduced me to the proper classic titles and it quickly became my favorite version of Sonic. I still have a lot of love for the first two adventure games, but Classic is without a doubt peek Sonic.

He's right about the Adventure games and Heroes having charming aesthetics/soundtracks/presentation, but I don't know what he's talking about regarding it being peak Sonic. Heroes sucks from a gameplay standpoint and the Adventure games are filled with automation just so basic things like ramps and loops work properly.

Teinsanity had soul, had vision, but lacked proper execution. I'd pay double for a completed version of the game.

Details, that's it. Best example is some of the stuff Marphitmus has found in Half Life

>Nintendo isn't triple A
Kill yourself consolewarrior

Charm, just fucking say charm
It's about the presentation

by my calculations, about 2 zooms

Why do people say a game is 'soulless' when they really just mean they don't like the new artstyle? I guarantee you that if NSMBU was completely the same, but Mario looked like his Kotabe art and the background was and orange purple sunset, people would cry "SOUL SOUL" for days.

>Sonic as written by the Borderlands team

I find this pretty neat

The n64 has such awesome lighting

>if you take a good game with bland art and gave it flavorful art people would like it even more
No kidding

Yeah but it doesn't equate to 'effort' or 'care' or 'love' put in the game

How would using drawn art being used over standardized 3D models not equate with more effort being put into development?

Sure, but it's defined by the marketing department wanting everything to look perfectly on-model for merchandising backed by Miyamoto's autism, not by the artistic vision of any actual dev-team member. Effort maybe, but no care (beyond strict adherence to given model sheets) or love. When that's allowed, you get things like M&L's old Luigi design, with overalls that don't quite fit him and stripey socks that emphasize his personality/role as envisoned by a particular artist, as opposed to a heavily focus-tested plastic product of the NSMB artstyle.

Asking the wrong question.
>Name a game released after 2014 that's bad and have soul
>Name a game released before 2014 that's good and soulless

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Oh and I can actually answer these
>Bad and soul - Dishonored 2
>Good and soulless - GTA V

Food is not art, dumbass. It's a necessity.
Supermarkets > pretentious grocery stores

Soul and soullessness are pretty easy to identify.

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Bowser : Mario!, you are the next

Mario : BOWSER!

Bowser : Oh? You're approaching me?, instead of running away, you're coming right to me?

Mario : We can't beat the shit ouf of you without getting closer

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You have seen the version of Bowser on the right in so many times in so many games that it doesn't mean anything to you. It's an image of Bowser that conveys nothing except that it's an image of Bowser. The image on the left actually makes you feel something because it's unsual. You don't know the word to describe that feeling, so you call it soul.

Not using formulas to just sell games