Thought of getting MHGU on Switch. How does this measure up to FU, 3U and 4U?

Thought of getting MHGU on Switch. How does this measure up to FU, 3U and 4U?

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Obvious listfag thread
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It’s pretty damn good. I put about 200 hours into it. Same for World

Pretty good overall. The hunter styles and arts are a nice optional extra to spice up gameplay if you mainly stick to only a few weapons (ie Aerial Hammer to double smash the crab species shells in midair). Not as many new monsters but the repertoire is solid with fan favorites like Zinogre and Tigrex as well as some meme picks like Plesioth (best of the best and some of the worst). Hyper monsters aren’t that great but the deviants are sweet (even though grinding for the tickets to upgrade their gear can be a slog sometimes).

It's fun. Styles can take some getting used to, but there's a lot of content to go through.

its the unfortunate waste of space between classic monster hunter and new monster hunter.

Don't bother with it, get 4u

Eh, its a pretty good send off for classic MH and has most of the good monsters in it.
Too bad Gigginox couldn't make the party.

>Too bad Gigginox couldn't make the party
He was judged to be a inferior Khezu by the devs.

If you've never tried it, LBG is extremely fun using hunter arts, instant reload of all ammo and the dodges.

It's the last classic MH and it also has the biggest monster list out of any MH. My biggest gripe is that you can't use the hunting halls and other attractions of the legacy villages.

It has the most quests, monsters, areas, equipment, etc. And tons of qol features and care put into it. Unfortunately the late game balancing of weapons is very poor, and I dislike the deviant system even more than mh4u's late game which was also shit. Endgame is basically not worth playing at which is a shame because the game is a lot of fun until that point. That's still around 180 hours of content though if you start from hr1. World has better weapon balance but the entire game is a casual joke so I don't know what they will do next.

It's got content for days. If that's what you're into with Monster Hunter, it's got you covered. It's got a ton of over the top moves, but there's always guild style if you want a more traditional experience.

Stop fucking replying you tards


Quote spam should be a bannable offense.

I'd just wait for Iceborne to be completely honest - pick it up afterwards if you STILL need your MH fix.

Which is dumb as hell, Giggi is an infinitely more fun fight.

Maybe you should get banned listfag. Stop shilling this shitty fucking game

If you're a pchad you can pick it up before iceborne.

Don't worry HD Monster Hunter will get a similarly sized roster in a few more iterations. You can calm down.

It's also because Khezu is a newer monster to people that started the series on nintendo consoles.

make me, bitch