Modern Warfare will never be better than Battlefield 4

Modern Warfare will never be better than Battlefield 4

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If only BF4 was better than BF3

if only you werent a retarded faggot who didnt realize that bf4 was unplayable for the first year of its release and the shareholders even sued.
MW2 was my favorite cod game explicity because of the striker shotgun and the seethe it generated before and even after its nerf.
COD has taken a shit lately and i havent had a new cod game since ghosts.

both battlefield and cod is soulless

>MW2 was my favorite cod game
yikes. Kys my man.


BF4 was just a copy-paste of BF3 but with Russia renamed to China and the color of the instagram filter on the graphics changed slightly.

Battlefield stopped being good with bf3

Yeah, I dunno, I still miss BF2 but both BF3 and 4 had allure, too bad they never get it right.

So is modern warfare a reboot or a sequel?

Why dont you guys play battlefield 2?Its alive you know.

Complete overhaul if the 50v50 is true

It's not the same as BF4 or BC2/Vietnam

True its much better.

>Modern Warfare will never be better than Battlefield 4
It has been since 2007

go back

It is.

I would fucking hope it is at this point
COD has had years to fucking evolve and nothing to show for it

>probably the worst designed maps in the whole franchise
The game was unplayable garbage.

How's life in 2013?

Siege is a trash map in a game that took them two years to fix, and even then the backup team had to come in and unfuck everything.