Play league of legends, dog

play league of legends, dog

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god i got so hard every time the girl from ruiner called me puppy, absolute kino game
also fuck league of shit

Y-yes mommy

i would rather bury my face in her ass

eat shit loser

League is so horribly designed around Flash. Summoning spells were a neat idea once but the problem with Flash and to a lesser extent Ignite is too much. Instead of balancing and/or adding more summoning spells they just pruned a la Blizzard style so that you really only have ONE choice.

I think this is why I hate Riot so much. They remind me a whole lot of Blizzard. Original League had soul and was interesting with cool wacky characters. Now it is just riddled with buff males without shirts or partially clad and overly curvy women.

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Sorry, I like Dota more.

shut the fuck up and keep posting ass

Not until my jungler and bot lane stops being fucking retarded it's one of the other sometimes both I can no longer play tanks and win because i can't rely on my team for shit. So I can only play carries now which are banned half the time and even if I get my damn Jax it's against Darius riven or fucking karma and I can't win unless they fuck up which won't matter cause I'll get camped by the enemy jungler. Truly top lane is the ghetto if the game

Why is she looking at me with such disdain? I'm a decent player

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Flash is great though. Gives a chance at outplaying your opponent no matter what champ ur using.

I don't play Riotshit, and you're a cunt.

Either pull down those leggings or fuck off.

2010-2011 LOL was better.
Old Shen, Vladimir, Swain, Mordekaiser, Urgot...
Stacking Atmas, revolvers, warmogs, GP5 items
Wit's End burning mana, Malady and Force of Nature existing
Dodge mechanic
Spell vamp being a thing
Global ultimates
All chat enabled by default

With all of this gone there is no reason to play this piece of shit game.

Alright cool. Lets give everyone a sort of 'phase' ability. You know, so you can dodge projectiles by phasing out for a small amount of time! It requires skill and you can outplay your opponent! Now everyone has to use this ability!

hurr durr

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How do you beat this asshole?

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Nah, the old game was terribly balanced to the point of utter shit.
If you actually think League was ok when it had dodge chance then you're just shit at videogames, and there's nothing wrong with that.

*gets banned for saying a bad word*
*gets banned for intentionally throwing a game faster because we had lost anyway*

They don't want people to play their game, stop pretending they do.

>Lets give everyone a sort of 'phase' ability. You know, so you can dodge projectiles by phasing out for a small amount of time! It requires skill and you can outplay your opponent! Now everyone has to use this ability!
You mean STASIS? Lmao it's already in the game and anybody can use it, they just have to buy it.

Not for akali you don't
Absolutely dumpster tier champion kept that way because she's highly effective in pro/challenger Elo play
Same as irelia

cúmbrains... were home

Why is everyone so obsessed with worst KDA?

Eve > Kai'Sa > Ahri >>>>> Akali

>she knows fe fagots are subhuman

You ban him.
Literally the only champ riot is on record saying they regret making him.

>Literally the only champ riot is on record saying they regret making him.

It was on one of their dev blogs but I dont have it at hand. Theres hundreds of those

You don't get banned for throwing games

they ruined sol because the kids with adhd don't want to have to actually think

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I saw those changes, they look terrible.
Why turn an actual unique champ into another burst mage

find it

I'm suspended right now for 3 weeks because I inted in ranked.


shit taste

You should be gunned down in the street, desu. I sincerely hope your family dies.

but im a cat OP

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post KDA lewds

*bans u*

*bans u*

>Get banned for breaking their rules
>Get banned for being a sore loser

The system works.

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that was a joke
please don't

Play league he says while Dota has

>option of mixing cosmetics
>all free heroes
>all viable heroes
>good updates
>denying creeps
>stacking jungle
>pulling camps
>actual invisible sentries
>multiple terrain options
>better esports
>90% of active items

yeah i'm not a faggot so i don't play league, keep playing you casual garbage you absolute nigger

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this was a joke too
actually continue

all the league players i know are creepy pedophile incel soiboys. they're all super far left hillary obsessed aut drones too. really weird.

for some reason you can just tell lol players all have really small dicks and trade CP on discord.


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I'd play league if it didn't feel like a cheap korean knockoff.

>the launcher is terrible
>so many map assets are 2d, the stairs are completely flat
>the ingame ui and font need work
>cannot stand the default music while playing so I have to mute it

I fucking hate KDA.

Gonna have to agree and I don't even play mobatrash

your not me
so shushy

I tried but I kept getting pissed off and just ended up screaming at my screen 90% of the time so I just uninstalled

Still more fair than p*ke

Oh yeah? Maybe this will change your mind

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femdom is wrong

He's actually pretty shit
The standard metapicks can shit on him with a bit of skills, just go for the extended trade instead of simple jabs, you will not outsustain him
Once he pop his pool he die pretty easily to all-in

Otherwise, mundo or ranged AP work well, I know he's free food as Malz that's for sure

Fast movement, dashes and blinking is what makes the game fun. That's why Dota only has 200k players while LoL has millions.


Fuck. Me.


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Yea Forums hates LoL because they can't be annoying little shits and spout their racist remarks in it without getting banned. See .


Lmao. Yeah League has trillions of players, so what? Dota esports scene is still doing better and is a more complete gamr in every way. Also since when the numbers make the game better, is fortnite your favorite game? Fucking retard

seething shitskin detected

>esports scene
nobody gives a shit about esports but twitch zoomers, grow up

>caring about e-meme sports
A game having e-"sports" doesn't attract or detract from my enjoyment of it. Literally not an argument.

Maybe you boys would follow league esports if it had more than 2 kills per game and wasn't trying to be so professional.

At this point the game has been balanced with the existence of Flash in mind.

Without Flash, low mobility champions would be helpless against kiters. Flash actually gives Chad champs like Morde and Udyr a chance to compete.

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doesn't league have a fantasy theme since it's a dota knock-off? what does this bitch have to do with league

She’s a playable league character retard

next you're going to tell me blink dagger is great and has SOUL

100% this.

Also, whenever people talk about "the good old days" and "oh no they nerfed my main" or "I remember loving X champion" pretty much every single time you talk to someone like that, the reason they love the champion is because they were non-interactive and didn't give their opponent any room to interact with them. Literally the reason why they had to be changed. And all of Riot's VGUs have been tremendous successes.

I want to play old league of legends instead but can't because it doesnt exist.

Go back there

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she doesn't look like much of a fantasy character

Good man

Fix your shit first

New Pantheon is god awful so I wouldn’t go that far

Blink dagger HAS soul tho? Higher range and not a cuck 250 seconds like flash is

>have fart fetish
>tell girlfriend about it
>she just laughs about it. Later rips a fart straight into my mouth
>tastes far worse than I expected

skins, user

It’s a cosmetic skin. She’s a kunoichi.

Here's your videogame, bro ;)

>And all of Riot's VGUs have been tremendous successes.
Get a real job shill

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Sure, he was released underpowered slightly but I think that gameplay wise, he's much better than he was before. The fact that his spears used to be point and click took up so much of his power budget that they really couldn't make anything else about him good. Now he actually has 3 abilities and a useful ultimate. All he needs is a slight numbers buff, or for people to figure out some good strat for him.

Change my mind

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I was really good s2 2,5k+ elo but the game got worse with every patch.

The absolute worst thing was newly released faggot champions with giga OP new mechanics like eg. Windwall.
You can't even balance those champions because their kit is just overloaded and broken. Only people who play this game are egirls and twinks.

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>Hides like a bitch
You don't, you wreck the place down instead or leave you team to gangrape him for being a faggot character.

wahhhh I got Diamond abusing skill-less non interactive champions and when Riot removed broken mechanics I couldn't stay high ranking anymore! When faced with actually skillful champs, my broken old piece of shit didn't work anymore!!! BAD GAME DESIGN!!!

>new champ being op
At least I could meme with different builds and not everything was a skilshot nor did everyone have ridiculous mobility creep.

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Out of the most recent champions, Pantheon has been pretty "meh" (not overpowered, pretty balanced imo) and Mordekaiser has zero mobility.

In what world are you living?

>At least I could meme with different builds
Only because you and everybody else was legit utter trash at the game

instead of adapting you kept playing the game the way you wanted it to played, not how it should be played

Is she balanced?

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i got permabanned for insulting feeders, i will never play again lol because you can play like worthless faggot and nothing will happen to you

I wont play until Kindred gets a quality 1820 skin.
Fuck you Riot

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Ult is too strong, with the CD nerfs maybe. Still feels really shit when you're stuck in your base.

Absolutely not. Have you seen what her fucking ulti can do? It's a straight up better Gnar Ulti that can be used from range, does more damage, and has 2 other uses. All while pushing your entire team into a wall and stunning like half a lane.

FUCK no.What are you, high?

>E>Q’s you for unavoidable root
Hell no.

No. LaQuiya is just worthless and she only be "decent" after Riot "balance" her which means making her busted as fuck, such potential is there.

She's one of the most overpowered pieces of shit in the game after Pyke.

She's broken as fuck
Like most top tier champ her kit is busted because it's unreactable, she press buttons and you die, she'll probably never be balanced

You know, Pyke needs a slight nerf and he's good to go. Tryndamere on the other hand.

I only play aram and never get her

Oh look another one. Windwall is playable, you just have to be smart and not blow your load immediately. The game got worse before it got better, I think it was in a good place around 2015 but they kept changing the jungle and that really tired me of SR, good thing ARAM exists.

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Tryn is annoying but he's nowhere near overpowered.
Pyke is beyond busted, the fuck you mean. They need to revert the abomination that was his extra gold ult. No, he should not get nearly 2k gold for a double kill bot side.

She's even more busted in Aram cause walls everywhere.

>Play DH Malphite
>R to E combo the entire enemy team attacking turret
>Delete 3/4 of their HP
>Quiyana drops and land the OHPentakill

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If you are actually good at this game you are literally the biggest beta possible, and you make a 45kg söyfaggot aushwitz escapee look like primetime Arnold. If you willingly babysitting and changing diapers of 20something ADHD fucktards whose brekafast is ibuprofen with xanax and teenagers who play this crap when their vodka-redbull runs out and they are unable to focus on fortnite.
These people by some ridiculous reason believe that a some pixels with a victory screen worth to spend 40 minutes of their lifetime with the aforementioned entities. Anyone who says otherwise or even dares to say: league is fun, make yourself a favor and put a camera in front of you when you play, then rewatch. In fact anyone who defends this shit excuse for a game should do that. The only "fun" you can get out with this is to abolish the game of the playerbase, but even that gets old quickly because every player reacts the same.

The only good vgu was Nunu. Rest were shit with worse voices, design, and Especially animations. Katarina is a good example of riots laziness. Kate used to move both her arms as she ran, her hair flopping about as she pranced across the rift. She was very animated, stabbing, cutting and kicking while she attacked. Riot made the new one slow, she isn't very animated at all and and looks like she moves at a snail's pace. All of the new vgus gave old characters slow animations.

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>Tryn is annoying but he's nowhere near overpowered.
>Moves faster with an ablity that doesn't rely on mana
>R makes him survive for a period allowing to dive under turret and leave without worries. Also soloing the entire enemy team.
>Not overpowered

Your incompetence is similar to Riot.

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You didn't play before s3 did you?

Tryneis cancer shut the fuck up reddit

Miss me with that gay shit, shitter

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That faggot should die. Everything he made is cancer besides Zoe and Yasuo.

Did they nerf riven, people were complaining about her thr last time I played. Riven mains blamed conqueror

What an interesting way to out yourself as a newfag subhuman nigger.

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What happened to league chess?

>Also soloing the entire enemy team
Looks like it's YOUR incompetence.
Tryn is dangerous only in the lowest (like bronze/iron where people are full retard) and highest elo (where people actually can play).
Nobody fucking plays Tryn because he is nothing special and has a lot of bad matchups.

Died. Exposing Riot as idiot once again.

>He doesn’t dance around turret to kite.
>He doesn’t cc till trynd starts panicking about his ability to kill you under tower.
>He will never know the joy of getting called an op champ and how he should kys just for killing and kiting under tower.

I feel bad for you.

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god I fucking hate pike, he could ultra feed and go 0-15 by 30 and can literally make up for everything by mashing R in a team fight completely resetting the gold advantage

>Nobody fucking plays Tryn because he is nothing special and has a lot of bad matchups.
Like any melee character. Not an argument.

What happened? It was pretty huge once it launched

tahm literally denies his entire laning phase and akali/cass completely shut down his late game, darius also dunks on him hard as fuck

yes, the Q compensation buffs were too much, so they nerfed Q.

fads die.

Riot said they wouldn't make NB permanent since people would abandon ship after the novelty wears off and to prevent to lose players in SR which is a disaster since last year)... this was exactly what happened in the end.

And NB still is gone.

Not every Tryndamere is a brainlet, dumbass. But it's fun to watch them die by stasis.

>Pick Azir take hail of blades as main rune
>Poke him with w to demonstrate your power
>If that shit stain going forward you with full bar get back he will cast in on minion instead
>Only last hit
>Farm till your jgler gank you
>If he dives wait till his hide over yeet him into tower
>Watch the panic
>Enjoy salty tear from a faggot

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Just make a Blink Dagger item and add a turn rate to heroes. That way you can't just get kited as a melee hero and you can easily.
League is just poorly balanced.
The entire item roster gets totally reworked almost every year, to the point that there are more deleted items than there are actual items.
But mostly it's all just band aid fixes. Instead of having something simple like Dota, they just pile more and more shit on top, until the game is totally incomprehensible. Because they fucked up and can't make simple heroes like Shaco or Teemo anymore because they either end up being useless or overpowered with no inbetween, that means every new hero and every new item has to be more complex than the one before it, which is very bad for a game that advertises itself as being more newcomer friendly and yet it has utterly labyrinthine heroes like Jayce or Riven or Kayn or Yasuo where good fucking luck understanding what they do without the help of a wiki.
I mean, I couldn't tell you what Yasuo can do if you asked me.
But I can tell you what Meepo does:
Q is an Aoe Root, W is an aoe nuke, E is a autoattack effect, R is a passive that clones Meepo.
See how fucking simple a Dota hero is? Yet Meepo is more difficult to play than any League hero.

Qiyana has been out for a while and to this day literally no one knows what the fuck she does


I would legitimately kill people if that's what's between me and sniffing & licking qiyana's butthole until my brain shuts off.

I haven't touched the game in 5 years. Is it suddenly better now?

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no but I think urf is soon so that is some fun

The opposite. ARAM is fine for now

>Enemy toplaner picks Swain
>Goes 0/5/0 in lane
>Leeches off so many passive stacks from his CC heavy team that he has an extra 500 HP almost by midgame
>Essentially gets a free Warmogs whenever he ults
>Rushes Visage after RoA, but still does a shitload of damage despite being mega tanky, heals are off the wall thanks to that item
>Ends game 17/6/24, we lose

Real balanced champion, Riot.

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fantasy doesn't mean much, look at warcraft, there's spaceships, goblin mechs, submarines and machine guns. anything fantasy these days doesn't seem to mean much since a magic portal can open up and allow through anyone or anything from other times/dimensions.

>I don't know what I expected

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Its the opposite, in fact it actually becomes an impressive feat to fuck up a game this badly. Its just like WoW. It takes actual skill to be this damn bad to turn a simple yet good premise into this awful fiesta and to top this you manage to be still employed, when you do such a horrid job.

I prefer playing games than watching someone else do it, you need to go back zoomer

>enemy toplaner picks swain
>they didn't ban Renekton
>shit on him at literally every stage of the game no matter what he builds

>in fact it actually becomes an impressive feat to fuck up a game this badly.
>It takes actual skill to be this damn bad to turn a simple yet good premise into this awful fiesta
Complete truth.

All tryns are brainlets. They lose their cognitive functions when they start to stroke themselves about how elite they are. Play a female champ of any kind and I guarantee they will all in you level one because they REFUSE to lose to a 3D woman. As they try and all in you, they will be distracted by the rape fantasies flying through their heads as they envision killing you. Then you just style on them and you can hear their balls go sub zero as they turn a deep blue. This way, you can kill the tyrnd and the player at the same time.

Ez win, Ez life.

Swain's recent changes make him probably one of the most slept on champions in the entire game. The infinite stacking bonus health that people complain and say barely makes up for his poor base health very quickly becomes Nasus tier stack autism bullshit to deal with the second laning phase ends.

If Swain is picked and the game isn't over by 20-25 minutes, you lose if he has even half a brain. If he gets six items at any point in the game and has at least 80 stacks, he is almost literally unkillable and can genuinely 1v5 an entire team with how much he will heal and how much fucking health and damage he has. There is VERY little you can do to stop a Swain unless you either turn all his other allies into nonissues or end the game very early.

>New Pantheon is god awful
git gud, you are just shit at the game.
he was already decent and just got buffed again

What the fuck did you expect to happen? Do you not know how bad gas smells?

see, the problem with swain is he gets stunned and the someone like fiora melts him in 2 seconds even if he has 4k health

I mean you have your simple ASSFAGGOT premise. People like it for what it is, but changes are inevitable, just like how people got over with the zombie survival fad. Now here comes the train loaded with shit, you have to change to stay in business. Of course you'll never please everyone, that's impossible, but you literally spit into your own consumer's eye is not going to end up well.
Its the same matter as the word "toxic". Lmao who the fuck cames up with this shit, since damned CS 1.6 times, hell go back further since nintendo-couch gaming with 2 controller times we talked shit to each other. Now comes Riot and says NU UH YER TOXIC :) and the matchmaking cancer triples this up. Nobody gets what wants, people are frustrated as fuck that their actions are so limited, now you have to choose the exact role you want to play, there is no variation, builds wise too.
All you have this incredibly uneasy, sterile and cringeworthy safe-space box gaming community, where its impossible to have a good time, its more like a sweatshop job where the only thing what holds you sane is that keep repeating: next time will be better, while the big brother is watching every single letter you type down. However it never gets better, because the only way you win is by not playing the game.

if swain faces any of the champions that force your jungler to sit in bush for 20 minutes then you already lost

If Swain has ult up, he can easily tank a Fiora. If he has Hourglass, then he might as well have had nine Soraka ults casted on him by the time he comes out of stasis if he's in the midst of a teamfight and has Visage and Ravenous Hunter.

>t. brainlet
Swain can literally feed hard for the first 15 minutes of the game and still turn into an immortal death god the second teamfights start, as a Swain will be picking up 50+ free permanent health every single skirmish if he can even remotely aim.

>Its the same matter as the word "toxic". Lmao who the fuck cames up with this shit, since damned CS 1.6 times, hell go back further since nintendo-couch gaming with 2 controller times we talked shit to each other. Now comes Riot and says NU UH YER TOXIC :) and the matchmaking cancer triples this up.
This very ironic; RIOT tried to hard o force an agenda, failed at even conceive said agenda and ended up with their game being the embodiment of said agenda.

There's no such thing as toxic 'behaviour' yet Riot managed to make League of Legends a very toxic enviroment.

and that health won't matter when you went 0-6 against jax in lane so he snorts some pcp and smashes down all of your towers before you can come online

swain has counters that are hard enough that you should literally change lanes with the mid or support rather than fight them

Get fucked for your literaly shit taste fartfag.

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>If he has Hourglass,
A man of culture; the ultimate cuck your enemies item

>Ult with Swain
>At brink of death
>Stasis happens
>No HP in the bar, surrounded by enemies
>Still dealing damage
>Stasis effect ends
>Suddenly 1/3 of Health
>Ultimate ends
>Kill 2 of them

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>Ignite is OP
You don’t know enough about League of Legends to talk about the state of balance.


Now that the demonflare is based on damage healed rather than the old retarded soul stacks, Hourglass is possibly one of the literal best items in the entire game for him to build

Of course everyone is a fucking raging tryharding sweaty asshole, you mix up all kind of people into one environment, and you don't let them out their frustration. However the frustration comes not only because of this said mixed people, but from the game design itself. Back then you didn't choose role, there was char select and thats it. Now you have this extremely sterile environment where you have to behave like an AI instead of a human being, which everyone hates.
Like I said before to anyone: If you say you like this game record your face as you play, I heavily doubt you'll see a happy person.

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Yasuos kit is easy.

His Q is a short range skillshot that basically functions as an auto attack. Every third hit he throws out a tornado that knocks people up.

W is the wind wall. Everyone knows that.

E is a short range targeted Dash

R teleports Yasuo to a chosen knocked up enemy, keeps them knocked up for a second or two, and does some damage.

Each ability by itself is simple but they work together to make a unique, skillful champion

Sorry I can't hear you over the rampage I just did with Techies

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>go gangplank
>tell my team to either baby my lane or let the game go on forever
>if they do either then I achieve godhood and can nearly kill entire teams in a single barrel

Soraka is another. Irelia has the dubious honour of being recognized as a mistake TWICE, both pre and post-rework.

Well, RIOT is chink, and there's nothing the chinks love more than repress the free speech of an individual.

>one leg is cold
>the other leg is warm but the ankle is cold
>jacket is drafty and doesn't provide any warmth
what the fuck is this waifushit fapbait?

that's the board for you, normie

soraka is pretty much fine now, she functions like a more healing oriented sona

she's a modern "delinquent" aka a hooker


reminder that garen before the rework was literally the worst competitive champion ever made, hopefully the rework changes things

>The infinite stacking bonus health that people complain and say barely makes up for his poor base health very quickly becomes Nasus tier stack
It's 5 hp per stack
Mid-late you'll be at around 50 stacks if you didnt get stomped too hard
That is 250hp, the equivalent of 600 golds
And that is garbage

I still think he's good, but the meme stacking mechanic have nothing to do with it

just play annie and faceroll her

it's supposed to be sexy. don't think about it too much, just fap and then wait for next fapbait skin.

Koreans seem to like that kind of shit, reminds them of their entirely authentic, and not completely manufacturated, pop bands

What did he mean by this?

i stopped giving a fuck about LoL as soon as they updated the map & started balancing the game around LCS

why the fuck would a game with 50 million players be balanced around the top 50?

just because something is viable/balanced in comp play doesn't mean it'll be fun for the people playing at home

i just got so fucking bored of clearing minions & pushing turrets for 25 minutes, only to get a pick at the 30 minute mark and finish the game

fuck riot

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>Playing League of Losers in 2019 Anno Domini
Be a man among men and play Dota 2

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only for TFT
Normal league:
>4 throwers in your team
>8player FFA
>1 thrower in your team
objectively better

What the fuck is this?

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>balancing the game around LCS
you can play pretty much anything and be successful with it
theres a fucking teemo jungle main in challenger

garen in the history of pro play has won a single game at a major

There is no interesting and sexy hero other than WW

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they ruined the game with sightstone, then they decided to ruin those ruins with trinkets and ward changes. honestly it's just a pile of shit compared to Dota, wish I started it earlier

>Auto chess
>Locked for 20 minutes in a RNG based "game" where you can win by being a total retard or even throwing on purpose
>TFT Ranked

Sol got nerfed while his WR was already at 46%.

that was because he was an extremely common smurfing character

>locked for 40 minutes in a team of shitters who are guaranteed to throw
>LoL Ranked

>i just got so fucking bored of clearing minions & pushing turrets for 25 minutes
That's the complete opposite of what the game look like right now
Early game stomper/assassins are meta and game ends at the 25min mark

They still balance around LCS tho, but only when it's convenient
Warwick hasnt been competitive for years and is never getting a buff for some reason
But they genuinely had a Yasuo buff planned for the world patch

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WR means nothing when shitters always make it drop on all high skillcap champs

>get into doturd
>its fun as fuck
>spend some shekels and buy skins and things for best girl, Legion Cummander
>friends for some fucking reason get back into league
>they invite me to play
>sure whatever
>we start climbing together and its actually kinda fun as a casual thing, not gonna lie
>spend some shekels here as well to buy some skins for best League girls, Illaoi, Poppy, Irelia
>sale happens on steam and I need just a couple more shekels
>sell all my items from dota to get enough for a couple more games
>am talking very rare shit
>now I cant get back into dota because I keep remembering all the stuff I used to have

I outplayed myself.

the skin line? or the fact she's holding the wrong end of a collar ?

>Caring about muh e-sports
I though you were saying riot was gonna fuck him with another of their shitty reworks.

>locked for 40 minutes

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It's not a straight up nerf, they are huge buffs in the mix

Why would anyone smurf on Aurelion when they could pick Akali/Talon/Zed/Yas ?

and he was picked only 9 times in pro play with 33% winrate

Tbf lol games are won in like 5-10 mins

Eh, flash.
The thing is that no matter how hard they nerf flash it is still the best choice. Even with 8 minutes cd it'd be picked over anything else.
I honestly believe that Riot stopped nerfing it over and over because they figured out that people will always pick it anyway and stripping power out of it just makes the game more boring.
Flash is your core protection against ganks.
Flash is your playmaking tool.
Flasg is love, Flash is life.

>Why would anyone smurf on Aurelion when they could pick Akali/Talon/Zed/Yas ?
because shit players are always out of place and never ward, under those conditions sol is literally the best champ in the game with his fly

I tend to counter him with Shen. Combination of good sustain and shields nullifies his lane poke. And you have repeatable hard engage on him so you can abuse him over and over despite pool. And that was before Shen's recent buff.
The only downside is that you either get Executioner's and never upgrade it or take Ignite to ensure you don't just push him out of lane but reliably kill him.

Brainlet argument. Flash makes high mobility champions even more broken and old champions with mo mobility tools even with flash have absolutely no chance Vs newer champs

>removing his passive movement increase from his E
>revamped W that only lasts 3 seconds
>only buff is a better Q

aurelion kills the mid, disappears, 4 seconds later appears bot and stuns both champs then kills them, back, comes back to kill mid again, disappears, 4 seconds later appears top and kills the top lane

now the only way you lose if if 3 members of your team afk

i haven't touched the game since early season 6
all i remember from back then was picking jinx & hardpushing turrets & minion waves for easy victories

even if it's different now, I just don't enjoy the game
it feels way too different than the game i fell in love with back in 2011

probably just me

Pyke would be completely fine if they nerfed the gold generation on his ult. His passive health regeneration and slipperiness would still be annoying, sure, but he wouldn’t be able to swing games back in his favour as easily as he does now.

You're retarded if you ACTUALLY believe mobility creep is a thing.

Just look at Mordekaiser. Juggernauts and low mobility champions in general are better now than they have ever been before.

Let me fix pyke:

R: Recast removed
W: Healing removed.


>pyke and his carry are both 0-6
.>get in to 1 teamfight that the top and jungle win for them
>manages to ult 3 people
>carry now on equal footing with enemy carry and pyke has more gold than the enemy support

if one league champ was gonna be represented in smash bros, who would work best?

fuck off

The thinking man's choice: Teemo

Nah its not just you. I played since release and the game just went to shit. They either removed or nerfed all fun shit and just added more copy pasted shit.

Yeah but then you actually have to kill them with Aurelion Sol Q and W which are easily dodgeable
You can roam with assassin too, and as an added bonus you can win lane and 1v5 with most of them

Speed buff and CD on his Q
W AP ratio buffed when activated or not, the huge fucking buff is that you no longer lose your stars when you're CC'd now
E was somewhat nerfed, but with huge range at lvl 1 now

>another normie board
let me add one more and the trinity of shitfest will be done

Everything on that area is fucked up, it's like the artist can't decide whether the arm is going to cover a part of her waist or it's supposed to be in front of her


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>normie friendly
they would get chewed out

>Everything he made is cancer besides Zoe and Yasuo.
>Not cancer

i use ghost on every champion and i'm D1. you're bad

if you are smurfing with aurelion then you aren't missing w hits and can force Q hits

>Everything he made is cancer
>Beside his two biggest, most well known cancer
user I have bad news

/pol/ is the biggest influx of newfags and normalfags

normies are the backbone of those boards, faggot.

>being this new
/r9k/ made the phrase "normie" so much common that it replaced the original term normalfag,now almost everyone uses the former even outside Yea Forums.
Who are you trying to fool here

Yes because seeing people praise hitler and having nigger hate threads and praising trump is normie friendly

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Well said (I think).
I really can't form an opinion since I haven't played it in so long, but i do remember my one friend getting angry as fuck because his splitpush Warwick top build kept getting outscaled by champs that became strong somehow.

He used to he able to 1v1 anybody, but as time passed, he kept dying to Riven, Fiora, etc, and gave up on his unique build.
Once he realised his preferred build was trash, his only options were to conform to the meta, keep losing with his build, or quit.

He chose to quit, sadly.

Maybe it seems that the lack of "fun" in the game is due to the domineering meta requirements? Pick the meta, or get stomped, is what the game became.

>Hating on icefrog's son

not at all. i loved old karma; they could have fixed her by adding her new passive (reduce mantra CD on AA or 3 charges) and kept her unique. instead they just smashed lux, leblanc, and lulu together and called it a day.

riot is 80% marketing, 20% art, and 15 monkeys programming the game. They don't listen to the player base, and they refuse to do anything but "progress"

/pol/ is literally the gateway board on Yea Forums

>thinking this is the only thing going on there
>being this of a horse
keep on keeping on, brainlet-kun

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holy kek
>Q is a short range skillshot that basically functions as an auto attack
Very unique
>Every third hit he throws....
There are so little champions that do something on their third hit , only about 50 of them
>E is a short range targeted Dash
Literally every adc in the game has a dash on E
>"they work together to make a unique, skillful champion"
Imagine actually believing Yasuo is unique or high skill

Neck yourself, braindead zoomer

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Remember when the lack of meta meant you could do whatever the fuck you wanted in the game and still have fun?

Now I feel like the team with the least amount of LCS wanna-bes is always destined to lose.

Am I just jaded? Or is the meta in this game overly dominating as fuck?

When's the last time you've seen an off-meta pick be viably played by anybody that isn't 200IQ?

I mean its not even about one certain build but more about their mentality in general.
>removed stealth because its toxic
>removed global skills because they’re toxic
>removed gpm items because its toxic
>remove anything against meta because god forbid people try out anything different
I stopped playing this game because every game was literally the same and you would see at most like 20 different heroes because any non meta hero would be trash.

The champ is a huge stack of numbers and passives, hidden or not

But he's an edgy anime char with a katana and dashes so people feel like they're skilled when they press buttons with him
If he wasnt so popular and sold so many skins they'd have gutted him long ago

>nazis and fascists are fringe minorities
>/pol/ is the most normie friendly bringing in the normie influx
gotta make your mind up lad

You assume that these fucks get tolerated on /pol/?
You do know that most people can't stand /ptg/

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Whats wrong with private trackers?

wait what

I see your point, well stated.
The game really felt like all the DPS were Ezreal clones, & all the tanks were Jarvan clones, didn't it?
Shit man, idk.
All I remember is being bored of playing the same matches over & over & over again, and getting stomped any time I tried something new.

/ptg/ is private trackers general

In /pol/, /ptg/ is president trump general, generally full of redditors and overused memes
Not that I hate Trump or anything, I voted for him and I plan on doing it again

based goy

based cringy newfag

And who the fuck do you think is a better choice?

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Kai'Sa > Ahri > Akali >>> Eve

Unironically bernie sanders.
An insane old man millionaire is less of a threat than a jewish slave, he would be occupied doing retarded shit instead of waging a war with iran for israel or fucking up poland with jewish robbery.


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>I'm voting on shabbos goy nr.156 can be at the top instead of nr.192

>voting for a senile communist jew
There is no free lunch you commie

2016 elections were a mistake

Thankfully, I'm not an amerishart, so idgaf
You are the whole package hug

That's what makes him better, he's senile.
A senile commie is better than a jew slave doing their bidding.



Let's just give everything away for free!

This is an excellent way to run our government!

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This is what Riot does. No champ is safe; this rework shit needs to die.

There is no third position in amerisrael.

It's a collar and a leash you dweebus

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based and redpilled

>W AP ratio buffed when activated or not
No they didnt it was a lower base damage and made it a flat .25 in stead of .18-.35 with level. Plus they put an extra 20 second cd on his E. Legit they ruined my favorite champion and now on I'm playing Swain.

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yeah and?
dogs need to be collared

revert Eve

>LoL still exists
>People still play it
>It's one of the biggest games in the world, STILL

Why? What possessed gamers to have such unrelenting autism? League of legends just isn't that fucking good. I played from the beginning, and I always remembered my friends and I wondering when LoL 2 would come out or if Riot would start other projects and the more they dumped their resources into LoL the more crazy I thought they were. I can't even believe people are still playing the same little shitty game all these years later with absolutely no change.

Morgana is a dork

>Riot having enough creativity to start other projects
All they do is take what's popular and add an ADHD spin to it. Their so called 'fighting game' is probably going to be a PC smash bros

I miss old proximity mines, the hero just feels so bad to play now.

The new ones can't be warded and now do 800 magical damage at max level
I think they're ok, I just hate the delay and beeping they do

I only come back to Dota every few months for Techies. What to build in an average game? I usually just go SoulRing, Euls and then I'm unsure and build bloodstone

in this order
>2 fairie fires, 3 clarities
>get soul ring arcane boots
>dragon lance/force staff into hurricane pike, bloodthorne, mijolnir, boots of travel
You should also pick talents that enhance your XP, mana regen, gold/min, and finally the 251 damage.
Watch Cayinator too, he's good at techies

Kai'sa >= Akali > Eve > Ahri

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if you play any moba why not the game with interesting heroes with unique abilities who are fun

fucking invoker has more ability diversity than 95% of LeL's roster.

No. But I unironically enjoy this

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Invoker isn't even that hard honestly
I've been playing him, techies, void and sniper more often now

holy kek I laughed out loud

It's just kids, they wanna go fast fast fast. No turn rate, no going oom, no thinking. Which is weird cause ultimate is popular and Melee isn't. NEW = GOOD for children.

I can't take this shit seriously because "pede" means faggot in french and I can't read people calling themselves "pedes" without laughing like a retard

League has only numbers going for them and you know it.
The fact that you have to bring up numbers to justify playing that game, makes me think that deep down you know the game is bad.

i've fapped to the video it self too many times.

>People playing = Quality

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Dude, meta has never been this flexxible.
> Jungle Annie
> Mid Garen
> Top Tristana
> Bot Garen
> Bot Taric/Sona combo
> Bot Zed
Every character type can be played anywhere.
Meta has never been this flex. Yet you sit and complain because your botlane Udyr was flamed for goin 0/4/0 I assume.

To add that, I have seen those picks in lower Plat rankeds on EUW so I don't talk about Korean Masters. Noone was flaming then or anything, often they were fairly succesfull.

Its so flexible because every champion feels the same nowadays.

literal garbage meme champ that is only played in the pro scene because of her aoe condemn ult
>b-but muh root
nigga she has 5 health and does ZERO damage unless you're already close to death anyway, just attack her lmfao
she has no escape

Not untill you fix Irelia
>45% Win rate
>Most popular champions are her counter
>There are easier champions which do a better job than her
>Probobly another nerf is coming
But hey i guess thats okay becouse she's good in e-sports

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I thought it's the opposite. So many champs have weird minigames. I mainly play tanks like Nunu, Maokai, Malphite, Nautilus and I consider them to be fairly different. Nunu is about objective control, rolling some sick snowballs and performing zoning ults in teamfights that split enemy team. Mao is about making people fight close to bushes and locking down targets in teamfights over and over. Malphite is a bursty mothetfucker with big wombocombo ult. Naut is godlike for picks and teamfight resets unlike the other tanks. Also, sneaking unreasonable amounts of damage with his W - but at the cost of being least tanky and lacking escapes/survival options.
All of them are fairly diverse in my book, unless you want Riot to overdesign shit like they do with some champs. But I still believe most of champs have decent and diverse gameplay patterns.
Except Akali ofc, this champ is pure destilled cancer.

I do play everyday and I am Diamond 3. I hope to get Diamond 2 soon.

Why does lol get all the porn and doujin
I just want dota to have the same level of porn lol has

Make this thread again when URF is up and I may play this piece of shit

dota has no good girls

Bad game for wigger anime fag hybrids

Crystal maiden, Lina, Vengeful Spirit, Phantom Assassin, Luna

>He doesn't know that Lina exists

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I’ve been doing a lot Morg mid. What’s a good build for her?

>had 4 irelias in a row
>they think her ult is an execute and either save it Last or miss it
>irelia mids think her damage reduct works with ap

Help, I can't have fun anymore unless I play a mage top or support.

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this poster has never even been touched by a female

im so fucking bad. im hardstuck gold 4 with a 48% win rate and mmr that's so so fucked climbing feels impossible. why do i still enjoy this game? why do i pretend i can get better?

Teemo is the most iconic by far.

I've never seen a wigger play LoL. Anime fans and faggots, sure.

uhm? Winter Wyvern you fool

>Muh winrate
All the broken champ in this game have shit winrates because they're overplayed by people looking for a crutch and blindpicked very early with no regard for counter and teamcomp

Irelia is top tier right now, I wouldnt mind her getting a nerf but I dont think it's coming, she's pretty in-line with other metapicks

Who cares!

>im so fucking bad.
so what? just enjoy the game

i wanna win, i wanna rank up

same with akali and kogmaw

>loving being called puppy by HER
my nigga

i'm still mad they removed urgot

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