Yeah I guess. Getting tired of listening/reading people talk about it.

this is not cyberpunk
this is fantasy jrpg slash em all with cyber fantasy western setting skin game

honestly got clickbaited and thought this had something to do with cyberpunk 2077

guess the nearly 500k viewers thought that too

combat seems nice


Attached: 671D6A67-4E1A-4DCF-B28B-D628AE1181E9.jpg (1080x1080, 730K)

I’m honestly so retarded because I though this was supposed to be CP2077 and I was ready for the hype to come to a crashing halt

Attached: cyberpunk.png (1028x450, 509K)

Reminds me of shadow warrior 2. I like it. The gun sound effect is poop and the level design seems to game like. Besides that it's cool.

Attached: 79E4E358-66CF-46C8-949D-5412B3FF44CF.jpg (700x876, 308K)