Game is the copy of the other original game

>game is the copy of the other original game
>copy is superior in every way possible and original is forgotten or worse
What game Yea Forums?

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The fuck is Beyond Meat?

i thought you people only support natural plants?

Impossible burger is the GMO-frankenmeat you are thinking of

A plant-based meat substitute that tries very hard to replicate meat in texture and taste. Beyond Burgers incorporate beet juice, for example, so they 'bleed' and cook up pink on the inside. The interesting...and amusing...part is that it's likely worse for you, health-wise, than meat. It incorporates a lot of fat and sodium for texture and taste.

Cultured Meat. In other words synthetic/artificial meat.

>it's, like, totally vegan and stuff
>just trust me

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if everyone stops eating meat what will happen to all the livestock?

they all get to go free :)

I feel like they'd taste similar to Boca

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I dont understand this "I cant believe its not Meat!" Fad
Why not just eat regular vegan food instead of a burger(onions)?

Honestly I wonder how wild chickens would fare. I can't imagine what they would actually do though.

Would we just sequester plots of land in the great plains for cows and chickens like for wild horses? Would we put them in zoos eventually?

They will shrink

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Because burgers are nice, even (some) fake meat vegiburgers. Don't get me wrong, a real burger is nicer almost every time, but some of the substitutes are good enough that they're worth eating if you can't/won't eat meat.

Aren't chicken omnivores? I heard/read they can eat other chickens as well granted they have a taste of the meat.

You know those clips of people recreating one whole strawberry with other sources, and is almost always 1000% more unhealthy due to the ingredients? This is the meat equivalent of that.

The vast majority of domesticated species would not survive being put into the wild. Dogs, cats, and pigs are the only ones that would turn feral properly and thrive by being released into the wild, and even then some breeds of each wouldn't make it. Of the three, pigs do the best job of turning feral and a domesticated pig turns into a proper hog in a year or two, at most. Turkeys, chickens, cows, horses, sheep, goats, etc. would all starve, be killed, or get diseases upon being released. Most of them are straight-up too retarded upon being domesticated to take care of themselves, even if their wild equivalents would do perfectly fine, turkeys being the most obvious example.

>Fake meat burger

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Pigs are fucking wild man. I remember back when I was a kid, I heard about some other kid got eaten up by a bunch of stray pigs

>it's likely worse for you, health-wise, than meat. It incorporates a lot of fat and sodium for texture and taste.
Classic, the more produced and manufactured it is the worse for your health.


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Crash Team Racing is much better then anything

Who would fund these zoos? Who would pay the salaries of people looking after the chickens? The reality is they'd probably still be slaughtered

Even love?

>It incorporates a lot of fat and sodium
How much? Meat does that too

>retards actually think these chickens are raided up
If you buy meat birds from a hatchery and raise them on compost, regular chicken feed and let them roam free, they get that big. They’re just bred that way

I meant compare to other cart racings

I don't think people realize even domesticated pink pigs grow tusks and farmers cut them off. They'll fucking eat people that fall into their pens. That's why the farmers all dropped their shit when Dorothy fell into the pig pen in Wizard of Oz. There's a reason they're always villains and basically half the religions revile them. They're fucking nasty.

after a few generations without having livestock in the collective conscious they'd put them in the zoos next to the other animals, I'm sure. They wouldn't be livestock at that point, just another animal

No, that's not mass produced yet. It's just Uber processed plant-based "meat"

>the more produced and manufactured it is the worse for your health
Thats why I don't trust doctors and their fancy manufactured """medicine"""

Trey and Matt have KFC insider information confirmed

Please keep eating chicken

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I thought horses and donkeys made it. Isn't there like a population in a desert somewhere? And I thought wild turkeys were already a thing. I can think of wild equivalents to all of those but chickens.


Oh, my bad.
Can't wait for meat factories. Real meat will be rich's men privilege

Is KFC actually any good, but I've noticed that KFC doesn't seem that big of a thing in the US, but everywhere else it's popular especially Japan.

It's good everywhere else but the US.

Are you black?

>grow meat inside an animal
>grow meat outside an animal
What's the difference

I'd rather go to Popeyes, Chick Fil A or some Korean fried chicken place any day desu

Yeah, that's exactly what I said. All of those animals existed in the wilds, but were domesticated. The domesticated versions of all of them (except for pigs, really) are significantly different from the wild ones. Primarily, this comes in the form of domesticated animals being retarded and unable to fend for themselves. The best example is turkeys. Wild turkeys are basically an ideal animal. If they survive being a chick and get old enough to fly they basically outgrow any natural predators. They're too strong and fast for a lot of animals to kill and everything else they can just fly away from. They also roost in trees (except the females sometimes roost on the ground and that's about the only time an adult turkey will get killed by another animal).

Meanwhile domesticated turkeys are so fat they can't fly and are stupid enough that they can grievously injure themselves just walking around.

Colonel Sanders is rolling in his grave. Also fuck this fake meat "plant based" shit. I hope these buinesses suffer a major losses from this.

it's way more soggy than other chicken places. I just stick to popcorn chicken when I go there

If the process is perfected, nothing. The question is will it be perfected, and will we be capable of mass producing it well enough to replace actual animals?

raising caine's is king of fried chicken

It's my guilty pleasure.

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It has been sold out in one day

And like most fads, it won't last beyond it's initial hype.

Some people keep chickens for pets.

Horses can easily go feral, especially in cold climates where they thrive. I used to drive by feral herds all the time visiting family up north.

Chickens as well, will do fine ferally, though only in warm climes. They revert to their wild form rapidly, much like pigs do.

Sheep will die, inevitably, because their ever growing wool will get them killed.

Turkey's will probably struggle just because they are such easy targets for large predators, it just depends on how long they take to revert to their wild form.

what were sheep like before we domesticated them if they die when their wool gets too heavy

Maybe, from reviews it was 50/50.
Half liked it, other half don't

their wool would shed

>Is KFC actually any good, but I've noticed that KFC doesn't seem that big of a thing in the US,
Which third world country are you from user?

Pretty sure stuff like this is needing to become more of a reality due to the shortage of livestock and the fact they're so expensive to keep. I'm not a vegan, in fact I despise the concept of such and consider them less than subhuman, but synthetic meat should be the future.

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Wild sheep shed.

Oh, I did not know that. Thanks guys