Their sacrifice was not in vain
WoW Classic
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ive seen tons of launches with issues but this one has just been an absolute cluster fuck
You must've missed the first 4 versions of WoW, SC2, D3, and OW.
i missed SC2 and OW, but not the others
How is it an issue? Queues are there because people are fixated on playing on this 'one' specific server. After a while they will probably give up and find a new home and only the dedicated people will stay on them. What can blizzard do? Ban them from playing on the server they want? Besides, there are servers without queues
D3 was the worst launch I had ever seen.
Error 37
Only one hour left in my queue bros
>Got into the game at the exact time it launched and servers didn't go down.
It literally had a better launch than BfA despite the queues
>this one has just been an absolute cluster fuck.
Do you even know what that word means? As long as you get ingame, there is not lag, disconnect or crashed 99% of the time. The only thing that really bothers people this launch are the queues. Every other expansion release and even the vanilla release had queues along MUCH worse problems.
just moved to thunderfury
>cool name
>instant queue
>high pop server
blizz initially planned far too few servers, they didnt project demand at all, then opened up name reservations which corralled tons of guilds into the small number of servers they made. now guilds are too afraid of splintering and fracturing to relocate, and we have the massive queues going on everywhere. you might not see it if youre playing alone, but if you got a guild spun up for launch, its been pretty fucking nasty
best way is to wake up early in the morning and the wait is only 20min.
They did say that players should avoid certain servers because it's gonna be crazy. It will all fix itself in a couple weeks
I gotta wake up early to get to the wage cage before my boss replaces me with Juan Pablo or Rajesh Abudhabi
Same. Even though I'm east coast. Hopefully the extra ~35ms doesnt cost me too many deaths in pvp.
huh? what server?
i almost forgot how much i love class quests
t. plays asmonburger's server and complains about queues
>play on grob today
>instant queue all the time
>servers always full
Rake the Grobpill.
Okay I am a scrub and a new so I have some questions
I picked herbalism/skinning like you guys told me and I am selling all the leather to vendors, but what I should do with the herbs? I was thinking in either respec skinning later into herbalism or tailoring. What do I do with my linen and wool? Is fishing a meme?
When I should go for RFC? Should I just do it once or level there till the next dungeon?
As a shaman I just unlocked flametongue but it seems weaker than rockbitter, what I am missing? Also what are my most important stats as a shaman? Nothing seems to power up my spells
WoW is so bad it unironically makes runescape look good
If you wanted you could bank all the leather and herbs till 60, then drop both and pick up Leatherwork and Alch.
Herod, for one
>people constantly complaining about queues
>regularly get into grobb without one
I've been playing these past two days and have had to log of several times and the only time I had a queue was on day 1. How does that work?
Yeah and then the servers they joined to avoid full pop also became full pop so Blizzard told hem to avoid those servers and get on these new ones THAT ARE NOW ALSO FULL POP GOD DAMNIT BLIZZARD WHO THE FUCK OPENS WITH TWO SERVERS
i want to play, but i have next to no money after coming home from getting my master's. circumstances currently suggest it'll be a little while before i will change that. need to save all i can for necessities in the meantime. hope you guys have fun if you're playing.
>Oooh look a flower
>Pesky mob right next to it, I'll just fear him away while I pick the briarthorn
>He domes back with 4 of his friends
I've made a huge mistake.jpg
>joining full servers
But that is why it's kinda funny user.
Blizzard genuinely believed that ''people only convinced themselves they want to play this, they really do not'' and clearly planned for the game around this premise.
people are stupid, i've only had to que once and the wait was like 10 minutes
This really makes me want to play. I can't remember the last time I saw so many players in WoW. WoD launch night is the closest thing that had that kind of crowd in ages.
>playing an Activision-Blizzard game in the year 2019
>wagies aren't even level 10
Lvl 20 paladin Chad LFG
As a waggie that maybe only plays 3 hours a day. I am already level 18. I hope you aren't so bad at the game you aren't even 18 right?
20 isnt high
i have a level 30 and a level 20
Why? Why would you spend time on a new character? You should really focus on 1 for now.
Go to sleep, Phil
If you were smart you would probably be level 40 by now and could be a top streamer simply because you are ahead of the curve. Not even asmongold is level 30 and plays literally all day.
Kirtonos only has 1-2k queues during peak hours.
I made a warrior first and it was slow as fuck and everywhere was crowded as fuck as a human
>be a waggie
>realize most people are waggies
>realize the people rushing to max won't even have enough people to raid till the waggies catch up anyway
>realize they realistically won't be able to do high end content
>realize the best content in game is the leveling experience and not the end game
Taking my time. Slow and steady...
>EU gets less servers
>all are Full in prime time
>over half of the names are shit
>no scandi servers so the damn nordics keep spamming their bullshit language in /1
2 days and I'm already tired of this
business idea: if classic+ becomes a thing they should rework tier sets for hybrids to be truhybrid instead of healing focus. and I dont mean gay ass tbc shit of picking spec specific tier set. make the sets total clusterfucks like t2.5 druid. make hybrids mediocre in everything and give them the ability to adapt for everything mid encounter.
India... home
tfw having the shits is slowing me down
We'll see how many players actually stick around for more than a month.
>tfw chat is moving so fast noone will ever notice me saying nigger
Only a poo in the loo could enjoy an MMO with these over crowded places
Clearing vanilla content is going to take months. Not to mention they will release it in phases with huge world events. My hope is that they will continue adding new content on top of the old one, but in the spirit of classic. They should fix the balance too
Vanilla player who raided up until halfway through Naxx here, ask me anything.
Won't be playing Classic or any WoW in general but I might as well dive back into the nostalgia through fellow Anons
why not hop back in? its not the same feeling as when you first played but it's still fun
I was 16-17 back then with all the time in the world, but not anymore. And I've played other MMOs since then that I liked so much better to the point where it's hard to come back to a more old school MMO, especially one I've played to death already.
what class should i roll?
There is so much scrubbed content from Vanilla that they could just finish.
Do something with all those random portals. Finish Hyjal. Give the Ulduman questline a proper ending. Make the Azshara battleground. Dragon Isles. More class quests.
That's like 2 years of content right there.
What do you like doing?
Imagine seeing "LF1M DPS SM" and joining a party with a druid tank. Would you stay?
okay what class can tank?
Blizzard during vanilla WoW was different than it is today. I imagine those things were scrapped for a reason, and not just because they decided to cater to hardcore raiders and tourists. I doubt modern Blizzard could revive that content without putting their own take on everything, which would result in broken content filled with virtue signaling. It'd be slow death the game suffered all over again, just in a different way.
Druids are fantastic dungeon tanks, especially while leveling where Warriors eat dirt because of their shit gear.
t.delusional druid
warrior and no, druids cant tank.
Yes. I don't understand where this idea that shit wasn't doable is coming from. Obviously it wasn't optimal, and required some members of the party to be on the higher end of the level rec, but it was absolutely doable.
Nigger I'm playing a Warrior. We don't even get Taunt until level 16, and not having Tactical Mastery is absolute aids.
I like dpsing so far.
cool i'll play a warrior.
>judgement is 10fucking yards
How am I supposed to pull as palabvll tank?
Body pull and drop the big dick consecrate?
If you want to dps you're better off going rogue. mage, warlock, hunter. Warrior can also dps fine but most tanks won't want the loot competition from bringing you along.
Use a grenade.
>Wants to Paladin tank without Engineering
Yea, bodypull and pray your retarded DPS know how to hold their boners.
I don't mind tanking. while leveling i thought you meant for raiding. I don't think i could get away saying no to other warriors or paladins though aren't people worried about getting blacklisted if they don't invite anyone that competes with them for loot?
If the dps were good they wouldn't join a group with a Paladin tank lmao
Even when leveling?
"Blacklisting" is a meme.
The early game gatherables are basically worthless, even on a AH with money in it (which wont happen for months) you're not going to make a lot of money from overfarmed early game herbs or skins.
You can just sell everything you get from skinning/herbs to a store and use the money on skills/items you need.
Honestly nobody would join a palasissy “tank” or “dps” group.
By putting the cage and dress on and asking your warrior master to tank, sissydin.
Engineering is even better while leveling, since the shit you make to skill up is precisely the shit you use while leveling. Rough Dynamite and Coarse Dynamite are your bread and butter until level 35 ish.
I mean i'm a priest and I try to avoid joining dungeons with other clothies if i can help it. Today I lost a roll for a wand I needed to a warlock and it felt really bad.
As a priest you're probably the healer so start your own groups and exclude other clothies
but everyone talks about it.
so warriors want to exclude other mail users and healers want to exclude other cloth users.
I'm just a noob but doesn't this situation seem unhealthy?
how do i exclude people/classes without getting blacklisted?
may do so in the future if theres a piece of loot i desperately want from a dungeon.
This kek. Coming from private server where 2 years went by like nothing I knew people would stick aroud.
trying to tank as pally in classic? he actually has no idea pepelaugh.
pally at end game are healers only.
Theres no blacklist. If theres going to be any blacklisting going on it's going to be for ninja looters. 2019 Blizz might have a no tolerance policy for such toxic behaviour though so the blacklists might not even be needed.
anyway, is kronos still alive or did it die? I kind of wanted to try it out since I dont have any cash to buy wow
The one true king!
you start your own group. you are the leader in charge of who gets in a invite and who doesnt. no one else in the group has to know 4 clothies offered to fill the last dps slot just keep posting for what you need. dps are slaves to tanks and healers in classic. For every hunter you kick for needing on a agi 2h and stealing it from a warrior there is 15+ dps players who dont have a group in general chat that will instantly fill his spot when he is kicked.
Soulless piece of shit. Go back to retail you nigger.
All hunters deserve to be kicked. You weapon thieving cunts.
I installed 10 addons and the soul is gone, this was a mistake
Fucking huntards. Thankfully people in classic are smarter and are more considerate about loot roles from what i remember. No stupid faggots need rolling on everything because they think needing is the default.
What compels a living being to pick the horde side? Please explain
female tauren
jamaican trolls
Thanks user I'll try this.
A functional brain.
Then uninstall the addons
personally this shit felt unplayable without questie
>level 23 prot warrior
>drifting into duskwood for the first time to clear out some early quests
>enjoying some wolf and spider genocide along the darkened bank
now THIS is what i call comfy
Which addons?
cast bars and swing timer is all you need
Questie is truly a godsend. Just for finding where the quests are.
due hunters are retarded. i need that melee 2 handed sword more than you warrior. oh you want a ranged wep i also need the ranged wep? oh a staff dropped the healer wants ill need on that as well since i can use staffs LOL.
Anyone else noticed how fucking bad CURRENT YEAR BfA players are? They don't Line of Sight in dungeons which adds other mobs a lot, they don't pull back because they don't understandyou can actually wipe, many just AoE for no reason. They also have zero social skills as if they never talked in a game before. Absolutely crazy, people will get fucked up in 40 man raids if they are actually this retarded.
I haven't experienced anything like that yet on my server. Which server you on?
No, which level are you on? I wiped in WC several times because of this with two different groups.
Spurdo spörde lörs lärä :DDDD
honestly don't care that much about questie but I went through some list of the working ones and I just couldn't stop myself
>leatrix plus for like 1-2 features
>arkinventory, love that shit
>prat because I want names colored by class
>simple map for a non-fullscreen map
>auctinator because default auction window is absolute garbage
>totalquestXP, first time trying this out so wanna see if it's useful
>vendor price, this is too useful for dropping worthless junk to replace it with junk of higher price
>necrosis to see what the deal is all about since everyone claims its a must have for locks
>atlasloot so I don't have to everything up in the browser
>questlogex, boy I sure loved seeing only 3 quests on the list
>map cords
I promised myself not to teach the action bars and nameplates, especially now that you can move the nameplates in this new classic
Is there a release timeline for content like aq and naxx?
Nice cope
>enter barrens
22 Alliance. I've done VC with no issues. Maybe i lucked out but most players i'm seeing seem to not be completely retarded.
I play on Kirtonos
Literally the best part about WoW is being able to modify the UI and customize it with addons. Also this shit is tame as fuck compared to the automation you used to be able to do in Vanilla with shit like Flexbars and RDX.
Fucking Oceanic servers, Why did they only start with 2?
Enjoy staring at brown for months, weirdo
I just wanna tank 5 mans an get free rides as healer lol
I listened/watched a big streamer do a 2h30m run of RFC yesterday that included something like 7 full party wipes. It was the funniest fucking thing ever.
thanks for this quest log addon, that small window made me so fucking mad.
Anyone else here playing on faerlina just to streamsnipe streamers? I wanna find a guild where the only goal is to fuck over asmond.
Most of you are alright. Don't come to Goldshire tomorrow.
And then they spam /1 with their retard zoomer questions because they're too stupid to read quest text.
What's going to happen is that you'll try to stream snipe only to get killed by his entourage of dick suckers and embarrass yourself on stream. Plus you have to be on a server with ridiculous queues. That's just pathetic.
This, it's like they never played WoW before despite probably having 500 days ingame time. Shit, if I see one more faggot claim "retail is fine just different" I'll lose it.
can't wait to hit lvl 42
>classic is miles better than retail!
>just download these dozen addons that simulate retail's functionality!
Which site do you download from?
Retail is literally fine, though.
>a bunch of addons that existed back in vanilla
I don't understand all these retarded zoomers and larping boomers who never played wow like it was some idiot filled land of incompetence.
What do you need 42 for? I have been summoned by a level 19
>vanilla needed addons even back then
>claim with a straight face that it's better than retail
>be EE major
>school already started and can't enjoy classic launch week
Am I missing out on a once in a life thing or is it just a meme bros....
>who never played wow like it was some idiot filled land of incompetence
This. It's also why I think people underestimate how "hard" AQ40 and Naxx will be. The only reason private servers could rush through content like that was not because it was so incredibly inaccurately scripted, but because these servers existed for years and at some point guilds had LITERAL BiS 40 man raids with full T3 making the content much easier. If you run into Molten Core with blue and green gear only, it will be hard simply because the mobs hit hard regardless of mechanics. Naxxramas with T2 and T1 shitters is still hard as fuck simply because everything kills you if you just make 1 mistake. People will be surprised I think. It's not like everyone couldn't play the game properly in Classic.
existed since vanilla you god damn retard which is the reason it was eventually even added to retail
it's literally UI improvements
wrong spell,I meant ritual of doom
>taunt at 16
how fucking retarded are you you fucking retard jesus
You're missing out on everyone being low lvl. In maybe 2 weeks time you'll see 60s prowling around STV and Hillsbrad ganking ppl.
>join server with 16 hour wait queue
>play horde and level in fucking Barrens for 40 hours
>finally can dab on Asmon after days of poopsocking
>spend hours in Org getting told off by people until you find the ten other Yea Forumsirgins who not only want to waste time to attack a streamer but were knowingly rolling on a streamer server.
>You and your ten autist turn on the stream and spend an hour walking over to where Asmon and his forty man posse is
>burst Asmon once
>proceed to get dabbed on and corpse camped by forty people who are actually just as good as you are at pvp (not very good).
>Asmon goes back to his autistic business.
>Your five minutes of fame was getting called a bastard on stream and getting facerolled with your group of Yea Forumsirgins
Wow. Sounds fun.
>admits that vanilla was so shitty that Blizz needed to implement addon functionality into the game
>still claims that retail is worse
You are missing out, but even if you only play a couple hours a week you get to experience the magic.
Focus on school though, WoW fucked me up academically back in early TBC
>tank and spank is hard
Vanillababs, everyone!
>tank is hard
>just spam revenge and shield block
Hit level 17 tonight, at what point can I finally start pvping? On horde btw
You clearly were not around for Anarchy Online launch. Or WoW back in the day. This is perfectly fine, it's just overcrowded servers and was expected for the first week.
>mfw RP servers are taking the hit with everyone just rolling on whichever server is open
there will be no organized pvp until second wave, so months from now. world pvp is all you get until then
I mean when can I world pvp, and where?
Anyone on felstrike here?
>game is shit because the UI is not as useful for some people as it could be
shit bait, no (you) for you
This game has already destroyed my sleep schedule, I woke up really early to bypass the queue, slept throughout the entire afternoon and now I've been playing all night.
you can world pvp whenever, but particularly in contested zones like stranglethorn.
You won't find the opposite faction until your mid-20s until you get sent into neutral zones that have quests for both factions. You can go explore the world and go into enemy territory if you want.
>wanted to sub
>realize I don't have the time
>check out a stream from time to time and get my fix
I guess trick is not to watch the cancerous ones.
Now that Classic is dead, what's the next normalfag fad?
Ashenvale is usually the first zone where horde and alliance meet. It's 20+.
They'll never make it to 40 man raids. Most of them will quit before 20.
Classic has the one thing retailfags like you can't even begin to understand.
Resource management.
Biggest difference I've noticed is they don't realize CC is a thing. Sap and sheeping is invaluable at times.
>shit game has shit ui
This, even in that promo vid that asshole chuckled that his co-worker would actually read the quest letter.
Blizz are delusional.
Yeah I've seen my group wipe with the mage not sheeping the caster in the back sleeping everyone while the tank is just ignoring aggro of half the mobs. And it's ALWAYS the ones that defend current WoW.
>Blizzard genuinely believed that ''people only convinced themselves they want to play this, they really do not'' and clearly planned for the game around this premise.
This comes from developers who naturally believe all those updates they released in a decade were improvements. Getting caught up in a convenience feedback loop is dangerous.
OCE ded
RIP Arugal
The greatest tragedy in that situation is that Quin62 didn't get taken out by the outage.
Only because he followed all the other streamers to Faerlina like a good little cuck, because he knows nobody on OCE will bring him to raid anymore on account of him being criminally retarded.
Thanks for the money, vanillacucks
>there are servers without queues
not anymore, mine went from no queue to 6k.
get questing in Stranglethorne, prepare ur anus.
Could you imagine playing alliance and having to put up with all these RETards who think they're the next coming of Uther and Arthas. On horde, shamans are looking forward to being resto and being a team player.
Styled on some level 25 gnome mage there today, have no idea why a gnome was in ashenvale but I dabbed on her just the same.
how the fuck do i see the timers of debuffs that enemies have? i just wanna know how long demo shout/rend/hamstring have left, etc
I'm looking forward to rolling resto, creating groups because zoomers are too autistic to do it themselves and reserving whatever I want.
You don't, that was added in TBC.
How the fuck do you wipe in RFC?
B-but Esfand told me I could be a RETBULL if I invested heavily into a very specific build and Engineering and put in more work than most classes do just to be effective. Y-you just have to pump it up!
well, damn
now THAT's nostalgia
shamans can literally tank any instance, so yes.
Firemaw is nordic clay.
Friend who is new to the game asked me, "How the fuck did people quest without Questie?"
I don't remember when they added quest markers but it doesn't seem like it was terribly late in the game's life. Like TBC by the latest. I don't think they showed where you're supposed to go to do a quest until Wrath, but it really seems like TBC had quest pickups and turnins as trackable on the minimap.
Esfand is as good at playing a paladin as Asmond is playing a warrior, so I trust him implicitly.
in classic you can't, but there's an addon that tries to keep track of it and with omnicc you get numbers on it
idk what the name is, just look around on addon sites
REtards are completely fine in PvP though. JUST in world PvP though.
>resource management
>still spam revenge off cd
Am small brain and never played warrior before; when use thunder clap
>literally all servers have +15 000 que
>why did you go all same server???!?
never change 4chains xD
when fighting 2 or more
Dungeons to make the tank's life easier.
Shut the fuck up, not vidya
>no que on the morning
>13k que in the evening
Fun, innit?
Thanks frens. I like having buttons to press so it's good if I can use it in dungeons
no problem
3 hours.
Did I get memed or what
It was a successfull launch. It cannot be done better than what they did.
Ignoring the queues and crowdedness, does it hold up? Are you guys enjoying it?
Don't use thunder clap if you're not the tank.
I'm not sure, but I think I might have a clot developing. It's probably fine.
I got more excited for a drop of grey leather shoulders than I did for any mythic forged bullshit from BFA.
yeah it isnt, get up and walk around unless you want to lose your limb
I'm having a blast. The community is back in the game in full force, I've seen more active chat in every zone at at the lowest hours than I ever saw at peak trade in retail. People actually want to play the game and interact with each other again. It's fantastic.
k then
if you are the tank and you are ever using thunderclap, you're actually garbage and most likely not holding threat. dps warriors should use it during aoe pulls and bosses to keep the debuff up, but not spamming it because the damage is bad
retail, pls go
And how many are having objectively fun rather than just appearing for the short novelty of it?
Aside from ANZ servers shitting it right now, it’s one of the smoothest launches ever. Who gives a fuck though. Every launch there are issues, every launch people play. Blizzard knows to ignore the crying and if you are sensible you’d take a chill pill.
I played with one of my friends earlier for several hours just questing in Wetlands. We ran around farming gnolls and slimes for quests and we ran into and interacted with several random people along the way, who either helped or hindered us.
We had a great time trying to pull the packs of gnolls apart that we weren't quite high enough level to fight and we genuinely had a good time together. It reminded me of how I used to feel about the game, years and years ago, and it makes me sad that the retail game doesn't really allow for this anymore.
Does it hold up? Fuck no. It's antiquated as shit, full of outdated design and it looks like ass. Even for the time it wasn't a looker. Playing it feels like a constant reminder of just how much better the game got in TBC and Wrath.
Yet we're having a ton of fun with old MMO concepts that have sadly been paved away by the modern era, and I'm really enjoying showing this game I used to love to a friend who never got to play it.
Something about it sucks you in. You lose time playing it. It gives you that feeling of "what the fuck, it's been four hours?"
I'm having a really hard time leveling my warrior. Westphal is an absolute nightmare. Send help please.
Can't even use clap in defensive stance, might as well use demo or battle shout for threat instead has the bonus of not breaking CC as well. Dps warriors can keep the debuff up because I'm busy just trying to get some sunders up on the mobs in the first place
Pretty good, some quests that are clearly designed for a group not being marked as group is a tad annoying but there's generally people around to quest with.
When you buy new ranks of your spells, do you actually take them out of your spellbook to replace the old ones on your action bars? I don't know if it's like this in Classic, but in Vanilla spells didn't update automatically once you bought them.
My two buddies have blacksmith and tailoring respectively so I'm gunna toss all my leather their way
Check the AH. On my server leather is about twice the vendor value and ores about 6 times. This means if you are selling to vendor you’re an idiot.
As a warrior you'll be eating glass until level 40 at the minimum. It's why people tell you not to make it your first character. It is not an easy time, especially if you aren't too well versed in how the game works.
I’d do it. Dungeons can be tanked by any class basically, provided your group isn’t retarded.
>smart pulls
>smart kills
ghahahaha enjoy your living hell laddie
Asmongold tanks and uses thunder clap, you're wrong.
welcome to warrior levelling
>some people will take this post seriously
Druids make fantastic dungeon tanks and can help tank in raids as well.
>not having a druid tank for Patchwerk's hateful strikes.
Don't listen to the hater idiots, even shaman can make decent dungeon tanks.
come to NA orcman
t. Emasculated both physically and mental retailturdbrian
>being a quest slave
>not just roaming free doing occasional quests and going wherever.
Always laugh at the people waiting in line for a quest respawn.
I’m serious considering a no dungeons before 25 rule. I had one good group for RFC and one complete trash one. The latter was so bad it put me off.
I hate this stuff, it gets everywhere.
All memes aside there's no reason for the game to not have a modern graphics toggle. It's the one thing that bothers me about Classic - regardless of how SOULFUL people find the 2004 graphics, it is a blocky and difficult to look at mess at times and the game is just the Legion client running emulated Vanilla code anyway.
>story time
What happened?
the servers are laggy enough as it is, I don't want extra >200ms on top of that
dead game in a matter of months
Seeing guilds cry about Princess Huhuran and Vaelstraz will be funny.
C'thun also perfectly weeds out any shitters in the raid just in time for Naxx.
It has been a long time and various patches change the way you get it but i am 99% sure in this version of wow it is a level 60 spell that you need to get "Grimoire of Doom" from blasted lands doomguard/a doomguard in dire maul
It was around late TBC, but literally everyone who wasn’t an absolute brain dead moron had quest helper so in cata they just placed it in the game
literally looks the same as retail
>lose your limb
That's not what happens! Usually, the clot detaches and gets stuck in your lung.
Oh man, the incoming alliance tears at LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE Viscidus
What the fuck was that attack?
he shoots a laser beam at the first person to aggro him and it chains to close by people doubling in damage at each jump
>play with my ff14 fc leader
>tell him i want to play ret pally in PvE
>says sure go nuts, wont keep me out of content
>make an alt and trade over the warrior starting gear just to confuse people
>and Wrath.
Was waiting for this. Please stop posting your "opinion". Wrath was a disgrace and introduced every mechanic that eventually killed WoW.
I'm levelling priest, I have spirit tap and wand spec and I'm level 20 now. Until I reach 40 for shadowmeld should I put points into shadow or disco? Which is better below 40?
Princess Huhuran will be super easy now that people should know to save barov peasant caller.
Even with like 10 people in our raid having it back then it made the fight trivial.
I just installed one that autosells all the junk in my bags, might get a swing/cast timer soon
Getting the tank transitions is the hard part of Huhu, not healing the stingers
No, it's still quite fitting. This is the classic 2005 experience, people suck dick and you make it work after some raids. It's exciting. It's just hilarious to me that the very people that go "Naxxramas was so easy!!" are the biggest shitters.
Yup. Have to coordinate running in, our guild did it with groups on each side because it's easier that way. Also pretty sure you run in by packs of 2 groups.
>Be kinda whatever about the relaunch
>Think of trying it for nostalgia's sake
>Remember that I have no clue where my authenticator is since I moved in December
Maybe one day it'll show up.
Enjoy your dead game, dumb blizzdrones.
>be in the EU
>no queques
feels good man
The first time that happens to your guild is like a rite of passage.
Shit is always so god damned funny.
Not a timeline but they are doing 6 phases (including release).
>be in EU
>be at work
>character still logged in at home
pretty based
>Get sub for classic
>Haven't logged into WoW with my vanilla characters since the beginning of Wrath when I quit the game
>Decide if I already have a sub I might as well make some screenshots of my old chars real quick
>Log into retail WoW
>Go to OG
>All these blizzdrones playing BfA talking about how they don't understand why people play classic and how they will come back to BfA within two weeks
>tfw I was there for 20 minutes and Classic is all the server talked about
They are absolutely seething to see it succeed. Shit, they all wanted it to fail. Made me laugh.
these greentext stories are truly engrossing
what fascinating people dumb blizzdrones are
It DCs you after a certain amount of time.
Because as one user already said they basically see every move towards convenience as progress. Of course regressing to something that's not that is seen as incomprehensible. Can you imagine such people playing without personal loot where you can spend an evening doing a 40man and get nothing?
You can always use the app.
Actually LFR wasn't introduced until Cata but I get what you're saying. And I agree, Wrath has the beginning of the grand casualization that eventually lead to the game becoming the shadow of itself that it is today.
But damn if it wasn't fun at the time.
>RP server turned out to be the most comfy with the most laid-back community
It's fucking beautiful, some retards tried to do some talks about "le current year+4 and politics", they got chased away by general chat.
I can't wait for the first "WTS BLIZZ, 3 ITEMS ONLY!?"
Either remove it from your account or use the phone app.
post the mmo you're playing. I need a good laugh
How does it feel to be a paypig of a company that despises you?
no that was actually TBC
>dude tokens
>dude badge gear
>dude bring the player not the class
>dude flying
>dude resil
>dude 25 man raids (10 karazhan)
>dude raiding is what matters most
Holy shit there is some serious seething ITT.
Are those shadowniggers or gw2 furfags or who?
If you're talking about Grobb it's just full of people who thought they could dodge the queue by going to a "smaller server" because they believed the RPPVP tag would scare people away.
People are chill but don't fool yourself, it's just a regular PVP server. Absolutely no one is RPing.
delusion is not a safe way to cope
Shit dude that still happens even with personal loot "you raised and wiped for hours on end progressing with your guild here's 30 gold fuck you"
Retail players. They're the ones with the most to lose with Classic's success.
>>dude bring the player not the class
This was the weirdest shit. You have a fucking trinity system so you ARE bringing the class no matter how you swing it.
Already been invited to 2 guilds, played in multiple different groups, people going 100 miles an hour everywhere, dinging all over the place and already higher than I want to be.
I just need to slow down and stop, level my professions and spend to time doing some serious hardcore fishing.
Hydraxian, Euro one.
And already saw some pally preachers, elf hoes and the usual stuff.
I wonder what is horde doing....
Prrröööööh:--DDDD swedes fug off
This is absolutely true. The server is infected with non-RP friendly names and guilds. I fear that it's already too late to try and fix it. Hell, it hasn't even been two days and there's already server drama surrounded a guild named Final Boss because they streamed themselves talking about taking over the server and running it.
I don't think GW2 players give a damn. FF14 types do seem keen on preaching for some reason, but it's the retail bunch that seems to be having a meltdown.
Do I level warrior as arms or fury? fury looks like it has better talents for when I need to tank.
>People are chill but don't fool yourself, it's just a regular PVP server. Absolutely no one is RPing.
to be fair this was always the case with rp-pvp servers. people just ran around with fancier names and met in secret to do some cross-faction shit.
not if you somehow make your character move around every once in a while ;)
Every expansion has made the game more casual. It’s been incremental so there was no one point the game was completely ruined. WoW can never go back though. Blizzard wants the casual audience.
It's weird to think just how EARLY that mentality creeped into the game. It remember it was fucking SUNWELL that term first cropped up.
My friend who's new to the game was even telling me today that he loved how unique every class was, how they all seem to have something different to offer and all play differently.
And I had to tell him that yes, it's great, and it's a tragedy that the retail game completely shit all over this design.
level as arms
Fury until level 40, then you respec to Arms for Mortal Strike.
>everyone shit on layering pre-launch
>no ones complained about it since
>all Yea Forums shitflinging is now about queues
Asmongold layer....home...
Teach me
yuuup it's fucking flawless based blizz
bro which layer im his biggest fan pls bro.....
average horde player
So Rich Turpin has been laying low since launch?
Why exactly do we have these queues? Couldn't they just put up more layers? Or is it true that the new server technology is worse than the old servers wow ran on?
Barrens.... home...
learn ahk
Don't be such a delusional faggot. Pallies and Druids can tank all dungeons, but Warriors shine in Raids and dungeons
stop posting underage thots in boomer threads
But I love fresh 18yo thots
who? the only wow content producer that matters is verycoolguy
Everything feels so forced. It's not the same.
So does sit+stand batching right at the moment of hit for proccing reckoning works? Talking about
Kinda want to level paladin, but dont want to kill myself while at it. Otherwise think will just level priest to heal stuff
This underrated one flew right under everyone's (you)dar.
Go away with your normalfaggot western garbage, nu/v/eddit.
BEcause they are free retard
what eu server would you recomend playing on?
cant be fucked t play on a server with streamers
Doesn't really matter so go with your PVP preferences. Streamers don't really have a footing on EU servers.
Are you retarded? Most people playing Classic are boomers. Nobody cares about spending 13 dollars a month on a game, that's literally going to some fastfood place once a month.
>druids cant tank
here's someone that never did Patchwerk and probably didn't even put a step in Naxx until it got rereleased
I miss teleport hacking like on private servers all day long while pretending to be an upstanding citizen of the Alliance. Good times although I suspect most private server players who played on servers that didn't have anti cheat did it anyway.
>Sitting outside RFC
>Ignored by literally every single degenerate horde nigger
I am going back to Alliance
They are amazing 5 man dungeon tanks and if they are overgeared I think they would be fine for ZG, AQ20 or MC as offtank too. Other than that no way.
>shaman and paladin thinking they will get Sulfuras to make pvp videos and they aren't the guild vagina
They don't just shine, they're the only option pretty much. The only time I've seen druids and pals tank anything back in vanilla was against Majordomo adds (but you can also just sheep them) and Garr (but pets can tank just fine).
I'm sure there were other cases but I can't remember, your 4 warriors will do 99% of the job just fine
Everyone going to the entrance does so with a group. Go to Barrens and ask in /1.
Until 4 horsemen then you need your 8 warriors
It's been on par with other launches WoW had when the game was still popular.
>tfw using steam link on my phone to stay online at work to dodge the queue
Only if those fast food places serve 15 years old dishes dip shit
>Other than that no way.
These are the people acting high and mighty about their classic experience lmao.
>All these complaints about queues
If you faggots weren't trying to play on the streamer servers like the zoomers you were you wouldn't have any. I play on a server with literally zero queue at all times and every place is still packed.
There's plenty of offtanking trash mobs (For example the huge trahs mob group after Vael on the room after the steps) always tanked by druids.
Never fought them, rip, only cleared the spider wing, Razuvious, Patchwerk, Grobb, Gluth, Noth and Heigan and got stuck on Loatheb (literally impossible)
Fuck blizzard for releasing Naxx so close to BC
>the only time I've seen druids and pals tank anything back in vanilla was in Molten Crap because that is where my raiding started and ended
yep sounds about right
>"""Yea Forums""" now unironically plays and likes babys first casual mmo garbage which everyone agreed was shit nearly a decade ago
really makes you wonder who is browsing 4channel nowadays
If blizzard was cool they would put talisman of binding shard back on the loot table but then immediately remove it after one person gets it
>posting babby's first entrylevel waifu garbage
really makes you wonder who is browsing 4channel nowadays
user, I cleared every raid up until Naxx, I just can't remember if other bosses required so many tanks that we ran out of warriors even once
>really makes you wonder who is browsing 4channel nowadays
Based on the misinformation and lack of knowledge from the people constantly posting on these threads I'm positive is people that played in a semi-casual way (the only actual funny way to play mind you) and never really went deep into the actual timesink that raiding is.
>pull 2 mobs as tank
>instant Blizzard/Rain of Fire
>"pull faster so we can AoE more plz, spam demo shout, it totally out aggros our instant AoE"
>nches with issues but this one has just been an absolute cluster fuck
what?? what about D3 release, the game was literally unplayable
oscillating fan+pen+keyboard = permanently online
I just open the virtual keyboard and use it walk around a bit every 15 minute or so, take a fp somewhere and repeat.
the rest of you really need to step up, there really is no excuse for being logged out unless you get dced or there's a server restart
I'm already level 30, what are you talking about?
you dirty hacker
It was bad but i have seen much worse. WoWs first launch was actually worse than this. When it comes to MMOs though i dont think any game will ever beat anarchy online's launch as the all time shittiest launch.
absolutely based
This is just false. They had 2 (two) pvp servers at lunch i got names and I got my characters to level 15 day 1. Im not fixiated on playing on a specific server i want to play on my character
> south park episode reference in general chat
Do I have much to look forward to in endgame as a druid?
healing and maybe tanking when people realize that druid tanks arent bad
Healing and battlegrounds. You can not tank at 60 dispite what anyone will tell you
Cringe. What is next, reminisce about rage faces?
>but literally everyone who wasn’t an absolute brain dead moron had quest helper
You mean "who was".
Im 19 and people keep asking me to sap shit. Everyone please spread the word that sap is shit in classic unless you are specced for it which no one will be ever.
>Im 19
begone zoomer
Imagine being on Yea Forums over 25. Get with the times Gramps
Level 19 dork. If you are asking my age im damn near 60.
>actual service advertisment on the trade channel of RP server
Good shit.
Mothafucka you're old.
there never was a good MMO to begin with, which is what fake oldfags don't realize. MMOs in general were for casual faggots, WoW was just the most casual.
There are restrictions on Sap, but with
>Incapacitates the target for up to 25 sec.
in mind you have to be crazy to think it's bad. Most rogues are bad and selfish players, that's what it comes down.
Pretty sure he says it's bad because sap breaks stealth without talent s
Also sap rank 2 or whatever the fuck i have at 19 doesnt last anywhere near that long that on top of getting aggro from everything because sap drops stealth and you have to be behind the mob and you dont have distraction yeah its shit.
>playing in a Yea Forums guild
>it's full literal, UNIRONIC, trannies and homo twinks
Absolutely disgusting.
Lol just get better at the game you casual lmao
>mfw making a killing with Swiftthistle and Oily Blackmouth
That's on top of fishing shit from debris.
So I made the mistake of promising my girlfriend that I’d level with her. She grew up with the game, I didn’t, and I’m super fucking clueless to everything.
I’m having a lot of fun, but our schedules are pretty different and I don’t get to level as often as I’d like. What’s a fun class to play solo on my own time, that also does decently in group content? I’ve had the most fun with warrior so far. No paladin since we’re playing horde.
>he doesn't constantly prowl around in stealth pickpocketing shit left and right
>making a Yea Forums guild for anything that has a thread on /vg/
>not expecting /vg/ trannies to flood it
WoW even classic WoW is casual and it always has been. There is nothing hard about this game. That being said sap is still garbage without being 60 and having talents for it.
> constantly prowl around in stealth with a 50% movement speed penalty to get 3c assuming its not resisted while your group runs off without you.
You didn't play vanilla then, sap is the hardest non-combat CC to pull off but only a shitty rogue would refuse to do it, you should use your fucking distract and sap on nearly every pull.
Good luck soloing dungeons without it too
Yeah nah fuck off.
Every time of day I log on to play on a server with my friends there is a 5,000-10,000 Q. I only have like 2 fucking servers to pick for an Aussie pvp server.
1 hour playing ends up being 4-5 hours in a Q.
There is no distract at 19 you fag how many people do i have to explain this to. Jesus christ you people are dense
Druids are better dungeon tanks than warriors and don't have to be coddled like a little bitch for loot.
Sap is bad for PVE. Without talents in the subletly tree. Without talents it takes you out of sap, so if you sap one mob from a pack, you will pull the rest. With talents you can reduce that to 90%, so still out of every 1 out of 10 saps, you will unstealth.
Unless you have a good tank and he picks up the mobs when you aggro or you use vanish.
Just level up. I'm level 26 now and got cheap shot. Will get kidney at 30 and 35% stealth reduction.
Anything works, there's no bad class in vanilla PvE, pick based on what you like and what role you'd like to play in group content.
Are people really excluding classes that are competition for their gear? I've yet to experience it but I believe it. Don't know why, running dungeons multiple times is pretty much standard.
> just level up
My whole point was retail fag refugees asking me to sap when im only level 19. For fuck sake just stop posting.
Who cares, stop being a bitch and tell them. How can you expect someone to remember the details of every spell from over a decade ago? I completely forgot sap was like this until TBC.
Do druids do anything endgame besides heal? Are balance or cat form feral any good for pvp?
No. Paladin tanks, Druid main tanks, DPS ferals or balance druids, DPS ret, and several others do not work. Stop pretending.
yeah i want to swap server but i can't decide and feel totally alone
I specifically told him to pick based on the role he wants to play in group content.
Rogue brehs.. what is a good early level weapon progression? Im lvl 13 and I have a white sword and a green dagger. Also which professions are you running? I have skinning and leather working at the moment, but I dont know if leather working is optimal.
He said group content. Raid content is broken by design, which would still be acceptable if it wasn't the only way to progress past a certain level.
Also how the fuck do I earn more gold?
Did they ever give a hard date on when layering will be removed? Not gonna bother playing until that shit is gone.
There shouldn't be competition, there's a T0 set for each class, if you roll on leather as a hunter, you're worse than hitler.
just buy a green sword from the AH
Yes i am a paladin and no i dont intend to lolret my way in the end.
Please dont judge your future heal slut.
On melee weapons as well, fucking hunters.
>all these people are paying subscription mostly to queue for hours
Leather is BiS for several classes including warriors and hunters.
your glower is then stolen by another player
Raiding and dungeons are group content, retards.
I would understand these queue times if it was a f2p game but for a company like Blizzard to be so cheap on having shitty servers that can't handle all the players...
Itemization in vanilla is shit and there are several leather pieces that are best-in-slot for many classes, including warriors and hunters.
>2 PvP servers on Eu
>Pick Shazz/Gole
>"Ey Blizz, mb release some more servers?"
>Couple of more servers
>People worried about first ones being full
>Blizz suggest move to new ones
>Move to Firemaw, brand new server and "Recommended"
>Firemaw full aswell
>4 more servers the release day
>Move again cause blizz told to do so
>Launch servers become full. Queue again.
>Move to random Stonespine
>Queue in evenings despite being a literal who server
Remember goys, keep switching servers till you have about 6 characters at lvl 10. Not blizzs fault.
When did I imply otherwise?
Fuck off
9 hour queue yesterday. I might grab a script to keep me from AFKing and just stay permanently in game. 1-2 hour queues would be fine but if I log in at noon I don't want to start playing at 9 pm.
feels like Gehennas is like 70% Swedish. People in general chat are furious at their /int/ shitposting.
Phase 2 whenever that is. I wish they had layered it even harder though because standing in actual queues for quest mobs and whatnot is fucking stupid.
What's a good free MMORPG where you don't have to talk to people?
I can read but I have no memory of this, please give some examples.
>21 warrior in redridge
I've finished darkshore and have the breadcrumb for Ashenvale. Should I move there now and work into going into BFD or what?
Welcome to classic. Where paladins wear dresses, fury warriors roll on your rogue tier 0 pieces, and everything is hunter loot.
Warrior, rogue or warlock Yea Forums
Mask of the Unforgiven, Truestrike Shoulders, Devilsaur arms/legs are the big ones for pre-raid BiS.
Do Deadmines if you didn't already.
>when he tried to make a raid to gank this one alliance in ratchet and gets instantly btfo by guards
glad he did a long stream
Warlock > Rogue >>> not playing WoW >>>>>> playing Warrior
getting a warrior to 60 is fucking aids
Come to felstrike!
That's fine I guess.
Still, I don't see those being better than a full T0 of your respective class. At least that's what most of us started MC with.
>tfw you slowly replace your cool-ass rogue T0 with the ugly T1 shit
Well you're wrong. T0 sets are itemized like shit and the set bonuses are awful. You can raid MC naked so it's not like it matters in that regard but BiS is BiS.
Druid tank is fine, but druid healer...
Rogue or Mage for a wrathbabby zoomer? I’d be 100% down with rogue, only that leveling lockpicking and poisons seems like some real tedious bullshit that I don’t really want to fuck with all that much.
Mage just straight up seems like the easiest class in the game on paper, and they look fun too.
But what makes the Mask BiS for example?
I haven't played since vanilla and a my memory is fuzzy but the T0 had more stam along other dumb stats.
Is it for the 2% hit chance?
I really hope that they do classic+
I'd love to see some of the stuff they never got around to implementing or finishing in the game. BC ruined everything.
Rogue is a lot more involved in vanilla raids, you're going to hate yourself in some encounters, Mage is kinda Hunter tier where you're just chilling at range not doing much mechanically.
But heh, easy food and you can make money selling portals.
Welcome to 2019. The gaming community changed over the years. It will never be the same again. You will never truly go home. Some will realize this sooner, some will stay in denial forever.
But in reality J. A. Brack was right.
it's based on how many people are trying to play, they gave a timetable on when they WANT to remove it, but not when it would be best to remove it because obviously they don't know that yet
>You can raid MC naked so it's not like it matters in that regard
Absolutely wrong.
Poisons level itself you really don't need to do anything, lockpicking is fine - getting to 300 is no priority
If you want to play rogue don't let something like poisons, lockpicking or even ingredient farming stop you. Every class and the game itself has some amount of tedium to it. Personally I would take rogue's stuff over mage chugging water any day.
world of jewcraft
good show
quality post user, keep it up.
world of queuecraft
This. Druids can't do everything in raids but having a hateful soaker with FIFTEEN THOUSAND LIFE makes things much smoother.
>J. A. Brack was right
What did he say exactly?
>be rogue
>Provide saps in dungeons and peels for the healer as soon as he gets aggro
>Evasion tank to prevent wipes
>Plays a troll
>set alarm for 6am
>have a leisurely breakfast and shower
>no queue
>play all day
>go to bed at a reasonable time
it's not hard, bros
>When you need to be Sub to sap and even then it's still risky
Literally no problem if you're in queue it's your fault.
>log in in the morning before going to work, no queues
>run script that presses w and s in few second intervals
>come home from work
>can immediately play
feels good
could have used a fishing bot since you was going to do . its the exact same shit anyway
might get reported/banned, this is more subtle, I just hide somewhere in a basement behind some props
>Sap one, gouge other, Sprint to tank
It's not that difficult user.
Focus on the degree you faggot
>once in a life thing
you think they're gonna shut classic down in a few months or what
Fishing not can get you banned. This at most will get you kicked.
>Classic Paladin
>being able to do anything but panicbubble and run away
i spend all the time from tbc to mist seeing the same 4 fishing bots
they don't do shit to bots
Ja brack is a retard who doesnt have the balls to steer wow back to something good
>tfw would swim onto fishing baubles and block them
>say I was checking if they were a bot whenever someone threatened to report me
I never got in trouble for this and I did it almost every day I played
That just means nobody reported you.
>tfw did the same but with mailboxes in capital cities
one of those must have been me, i remember seeing people do that but i used to just do others things while checking no bullshit and stuff happened
got a few conversations with gms while botting too
Fishbots are almost undetectable, so they have to rely on manual reports. GM will come to you while fishing, ask you to respond and if you don't you will get banned.
>Put an afk/dnd note saying you don’t talk while playing because anxiety
>tfw 23
My goal is to hit 30 today. Let's fucking go. Will play 15 hours if needed.
Some of us have jobs, family and study. We can't waste our lives like you. Enjoy your free time while you can and use it wisely.
NA is just filled with Brazillians instead
>sap misses, gouge parried, get dazed and 4-shot, party wipes because tank is a BfA retard zoomer and the priest was too far back and forgot to heal
>25 hours to level 23
lol. Its gonna be more than 15 to 30 at this rate lil buddy
why can't people play on low population servers?
yea . but i was reporting them , so in 4 expansions all my reports did nothing?
>Ally warrior that I'm playing with two friends is 18
>Ally mage I'm playing solo is 12
>Horde warrior that I'm playing with one friend is 15
Fucking blast. Especially now that the early slog is mostly alleviated. Tons of fun in RFC today too.
>going down righthand side path to first boss and grab two mobs
>shortly after, the healer grabs two mobs by the second right side path on accident
>run over and pick those up; he switches which side he's on
>pat comes up on his side and goes after him
>pick that up
>we get two or three down before healer goes OOM, and I die, followed by healer, followed by mage
>but the two buttstabbers emerge victorious, standing on the pile of corpses
Good stuff. Then two of us tied with a Need roll of __1 on boss loot.
who here /waitingforqueuestodieout/?
>paying blizzard a sub to wait 6 hours in a queue
>paying blizzard a sub to wait in a 2 hours queue to complete a lv1 quest
>paying blizzard a sub to get disconnected by the server so a random streamer can get in instantly
cry more, this is what everyone but blind "home"fagots expected lol
>rushing to hit lvl 60
>hits lvl 60 fast
>bro wtf i remember it was harder
>it's not the saaaame maaaan
kek this shit will crumble in weeks
Gråt hårdare din snopp.
I want to see where all these fags will be in a month with no raids, no dungeons and no battlegrounds to do. All you have left to do is gank if you're in a pvp server and rim blizz' asshole if you're pve
>gear up for raids
>raid cities for fun
thats the only shit you can do without mc or bgs
>paying blizzard
retail drones are so desperate for Classic to die
you guys are beyond pathetic
i ain't even playing wow but i lurk the's still true what i said, people are already complaining that "it's not the same" when they themselves make it not the same by playing the game differently from back in 2005 with guides, addons, streamers, 2019 memes, rushing to level because already knowing everything about the fucking game. And they expect to go "home"..come on bro
Most casual players will take at least 3 months to hit 60. Even at 60, there will be plenty of dungeons and farming to do if you want to try to raid.
Face it, in pursuit of shareholder value, Blizzard lost it's ability to create good content for players. It's taken them over a decade to even entertain the notion that they were wrong. WoW Classic's success is just underlining how incompetent they are at managing their games.
>implying normalfags and retail drones are good enough to reach classic 60 fast
Have you not seen the streams? Good, you shouldn't, because it's 99% retailfags and normalfags repeatedly wiping on the easiest earlygame dungeons
now you have the priviledge to pay for 15 years old software the corporation that took that way
What worst, enjoying an old game and having fun, or sit on the forums complaining that others are enjoying said game, telling them they are wasting their time. There is lot of stupid shit on Yea Forums but this really takes the cake
I'll be solo farming maraudon ofcourse :)
All I want from Classic +,
Get rid of soul stone farming for warlocks, and ammo bags for hunters. Remove the necessity for rogues to farm or buy blinding powder. Allow meeting stones to summon again. Lower some of the more ridiculously long cool downs. Add more high level crafting gear for all classes, as an alternative to dungeon farming for BIS. Add more BG's and arenas. Rework the PvP gear treadmill.
>J "You think you do, but you don't" Allen is so assblasted at Classic's success that he's hiring shills to bring down his own game
You thought we didn't, but we did
I don't remember sc2 launch having any problems. At least not in the EU
no changes retailfag
think what you want dude, i genuinely don't care about this whole thing, i just say what i see. If people got what they wanted then why are so many complaining and crying about shit ?
no, druid in classic is just a heal slut. bear tank is the worst tank, boomkin is a joke and cat form is just a tank that does damage
except blizzard is continually stepping outside their comfort zone to add new shit to wow, which was evidently a resounding success with how people look back on Legion, and unfortunately not so lucky this time in BFA
there is no way they can ever release a content-void expansion like classic to the modern game
They've already changed a lot about the game. Shit, the servers hold like 5 times the number of players now.
None of those changes would fundamentally break the game. It would just make some classes slightly less annoying to manage. Especially warlocks. There is really no good reason to require them to farm soul shards forever.
People would complain about being given 10$ because they could have gotten 20$ instead.
Something you should have learned early on in life is that you can't please people. Give an inch, they'll try to take a mile, etc.
This, expect most classes ignored or mediocre in retail to be trash or only fit to play one spec in classic.
How are shamans?
>Had a goal to poopsock level 30 before Friday when I go back to work
>Got it Thursday morning
Mission accomplished, fuck yall I'm going to bed
some of the things you've listed are such core changes to the game the classic pop would go nuts if they were ever added and blizzard would take full blame for "ruining wow again" there is no way they're going to burn themselves on that fire
retail fags will play anything Blizzard shits out. It doesn't matter that the content has been progressively worse since Vanilla because, as I mentioned, these idiots will play literally anything Blizzard shits out.
You cannot commit to a $60 "expansion" every fucking year and think that the content won't suffer because of it. It was obvious by WOTLK that Blizzard was only in it to milk the whales. Anyone who stuck around since them is irrelevant because they are shit people with shit taste.
the grass is always greener on the other side
this time the other side was 15 years ago
You can made stupid money with dishing and cooking, but don't tell anyone I told you that
Why not? It's not like classic players are going to quit over them removing annoyances.
what class are you guys playing?
except WOTLK was the glory day of world of warcraft, not vanilla, so your "progressively worse" statement seems off
Wotlk was garbo. Sorry you have shit taste.
You're a fucking retard
yes, me and 12 million other active subscribers the expansion had
Why don't dungeon stones summon anymore?
It was the expansion that started WoW's decline. Not even BC could do that.
>and ammo bags for hunters
I hope you never go near game design, ever, fucking pleb cunt dumb fuck retard.
Shaman. I tanked WC with resto talents
It's been fun
except subscription numbers were around 12 million for the entirety of WOTLK, only starting to decline after the release of cataclysm
I'd argue it was that popular because it brought to an end the most popular blizzard story arc at the time
Mage. I played priest, warrior and warlock for too long. I want the easy way out I don't even care if I take longer to find a spot on raids and dungeons.
I liked ammo management, but ammo bags taking up a bag slot really sucked and gimped and already shit class further.
TBC>Legion>Cata>wotlk>second half mists>Vanilla>first half mists>BFA>Wod
Played them all.
People hate on cata, but I loved it. Hc dungeons were incredibly hard
Thank you. Do you know if Elemental or Enhancement is better currently?
you should seperate early and current BFA, they're fairly different
As someone who quit playing WoW towards the end of vanilla it's really jarring to see people hate cataclysm. From what I understand, it's the only expansion that really changed the overworld. It felt like someone was actually working to make the game more interesting for players rather than just tack on a new previously undiscovered island and incorporate some new exotic races into the game
I do not. I'm pretty sure I remember enhancement being shunned from late game pve though. Then again that was like 13 years ago
You obviously haven't seen how fucking terrible the cataclysm changes were then.
Yeah actually true
At a glance the only thing that stuck out was that a good amount of the changes were really ugly, like static swirling volcanos with magic bits in them.
Were people really upset over balance changes in babby's first mmo?
i get lost in leveling in the scaling cataclysm zones on new characters that i actually get frustrated by hitting 60 because i have to quest in lower quality content from then on
I'd agree if not for the fact that half of Cataclysm was pop culture references. WoW always had a few NPCs and quests referencing movies/games but Cataclysm had entire zones dedicated to a single joke or entire questlines about nothing but in-jokes. The world didn't progress, it went from a theme park to a circus
Well that sucks, figures that blizzard would balance out something slightly good with something oppressively bad.
No. They removed all the best questlines ike the Legend of Stalvan completely, they "streamlined" all the questing zones so you were always playing efficiently, removed all hidden quests, and nerfed all the mobs so they were easier, removed elites and generally fucked everything up.
they really should bring elite quest zones back, it seems like it would be such little effort but get such a good reaction from players, along with a small difficulty tune up in outdoor content
mcdonal is the best food ever created
i'm a spaghetti bolognese guy
vamo bokita el mas grande papa
best shaman spec?
Restoration if you want to actually play with people.
what's wrong with the dps specs?
optimal numbers takes priority over fun, even though optimal numbers isn't at all required for WoW.
It sucks, but that's how retarded tryhards are.