Why did Kirbopher nuke his own career right before the biggest role of his life? He was a main character in a Fire Emblem game and he fucked it all away with that apology blog and broke DMCA while doing so. Now he’s blacklisted by Nintendo and everyone knows about all the horrible things he’s done ever since his teenage Newgrounds days. Why did he do it?
Why did Kirbopher nuke his own career right before the biggest role of his life...
why did you post this awful thumbnail
If a veteran like Christina Vee got hit with the same violation, obviously their contract stipulations were not explained well enough.
Either way, he wouldn't stand a chance against Rina-Chan's 2B performance.
He’s still fucked though. Vee can bounce back no problem Kirb is fucked for life though that shit will follow him
I wonder how this will affect the ToME RPG.
It’s vapor ware. Either that or Little Kuriboh is going to have to bail Kirb out by buying the rights to TOMW
This Nigger is one of the worst Newgrounds alumni out there. He'll grandstand on how other content creators are bad people but he has a worse reputation then they do. His past was bound to catch up with him because of multiple posts calling out his behavior of cheating, lying, and being a general cunt. This guy only got anywhere with his shitty unfunny cartoons and the clout that came with their popularity.
A shame he was one of the few Newgrounds guys who still animated to some extend mostly in touch ups for TFS and Yugioh Abridged. I’m glad he’s fucked and the replacement guy is better
A shame, but you're probably right.
I'm out of the loop.
What's up with Vee, and also is there a list of old newgrounds folks and what they got up to these days?
He's not eve an actual rapaist or anything. The twitter.com callout post just made him cave in to how much of a dick he was and he sperged out amillion apologies.
The internet generation of VA have been pretty fucking terrible for the most part. Especially with the political situation in the industry, the shit the old newgrounds people did is a hard sell.
Vee was originally Edelgard but broke NDA so she got replaced with Tara Platt. Listen to the original Three Houses trailer and how much younger Edelgard sounds.
So they both broke NDA?
How do you even fuck that up? Literally all you have to do is nothing.
Vee also broke DMCA by announcing her role to early. As for what the Newgrounds people are doing
>Ego and Ross are doing Game Grumps
>Oney is doing let’s plays and making video games
>Pebbles does Voice acting online and freelance art
>Spazkid went off the grid
>Hotdiggitydemon lives with his parents
Out of every Newgrounds artist only one is still standing SpeedoSasuge who draws porn and music videos
spazkid is still drawing porn and banging his two hot gfs
Rina chan is now an actual Professional VA. No controversies I'm aware of so she has a good future.
Tomar same as above but also a regular on Oneyplays from time to time.
RicePirate, again same as above, is also working with Disney on something not revealed yet.
Oney is currently making a video game called Blowbo and is the creator and host of Oney Plays.
Psychicpebbles is working on an undisclosed project and appears time to time on Oneyplays.
Spazkid and JohnnyUtah are still working on Nightmare Cops. Corey (Spazkid) shows up more on Oney plays than Jeff (JohnnyUtah) does.
Niall, not sure where he is. Last I heard he had trouble with his Visa and is in Ireland rn, also streams I think.
Stamper, he got into some crazy shit with a lady that is too complicated to get into. Also got fired from the big behemoth for fighting with some dude on Twitter too. Currently is recovering from a meltdown he had and is living with his sister atm. Also is posting some of his twitter videos to his YT channel.
GuitarMasterX7, went under the alias of Lyle Mcdouchebag for years until recently making the business decision to rebrand as Lyle Wrath and his main Channel being the Wrathclub. He is currently an editor for Oney plays as well as a regular on the show, he also streams from time to time.
GonzoSSM. Not doing much atm, he made super toss the turtle and occasionally makes cartoons.
Egoraptor, creator of Game Grumps and currently a woke PC piece of shit. Go to kiwi farms for a more in depth look at him
That good so far?
He thought being upfront about everything would gain him some respect
Shit really? Good for him I kinda lost track of most after Sleepycast
>caring about dub fags
You people disgust me
You can get fired and replaced just by announcing a role early?
I could understand spoiling something from the game, but just saying you're doing something in it is grounds for replacement?
As I said before, this is not new behavior. He's consistantly a bad person in general and his past finally caught up with him.
its the principal of violating a contract. a lot of companies wont give an inch about breaking agreements because then they might have other people they have contracts with try and weasel around them. its to make an example of him more than anything
Its not even that bad for Vee since so is so big and popular and can easily bounce back,
huh, I could see Vee using her Noel voice for the pre timeskip but her Velvet Crowe voice for the timeskip
>Rina chan is now an actual Professional VA
Literally who? Runka chunk? lol that just goes to show how shit western voice acting is.
But why would they specifically stipulate not to announce the role?
He was always a bit of a faggot, even back in the Newgrounds days. This doesn't surprise me at all.
God I wish more people knew about street fighter chose.
I said she was professional motherfucker, not good. You try to say with a straight face that being 2B's voice actress doesn't make her professional by definition.
It’s not just a voice actor. He was also one of the old guard at Newgrounds. When everyone left by the early 2010s he Was the last one standing with only Speedo outlasting him
Whatever happened to StrawberryClock and the Clock crew?
Last I saw of him, he made a post on Newgrounds early into the month. I couldn't find anything about him this year. I guess he decided to be just a normal albeit notable user.
Nintendo in particular needs to be careful with NDAs since VAs are tied to potential characters for Smash. More generally, companies prefer to be in control of when reveals are made since they usually make plans for how much information is contained in each announcement.
You realize majority of people consume content in their own language right? The sub-only crowd is a minority
I never kept up with kirb, what did he do in the past?
lyle's also doing stuff for destructoid or something
All that means is the majority are a bunch of shitters
Spaz is still doing stuff, just more unrepentant steamy hot chubby Kawakami porn
OP can't post a bigger image because Kirb's nose exceeds the file size limit
Ah shit I forgot all about that. My bad.
He has some controversies about his autistic behavior and a former friend (maybe girlfriend I don't recall atm) saying he is a liar and a jerk. Most of them did post this info as a Tumblr post. I've actually spoke with an OG Newgrounds guy and he's not a noisi fan, he's the one who told me about a Bagel Story which is Noisi being a nasty open mouth chewer in the middle of some sort of important event that would have helped him be a voice actor. Just look up Noisi Bagel story.
It's kinda funny, voice actors complained about not being told about their roles when coming in to do their job, but these companies were just protecting them from themselves.
Who cares. Fuck Kirbofag and fuck Rinachunk
>Shoop da Whoop is a racist stereotype and I'm ashamed for having liked it in the past
>replace Vee with literally fucking anyone on Earth
After Velvet she could spoil my whole fucking game on every social media outlet. I don't give a fuck, just get that screaming in my god damn game. Holy shit, rage ladies are my fucking DIAMONDS.
Can you elaborate on the stamper situation? I know he was messing with some homeless chick but I wasn't aware he had a meltdown.
Can I get a quick rundown?
Niosi did nothing wrong. If he's blacklisted doing voice work for Nintendo what are the chances he gets blacklisted from other work after that.
Also I heard he's been suicidal for the last couple days.
>He's consistantly a bad person in general and his past finally caught up with him.
Tell me, did he hurt you and ruined your life that badly? Why do you hate him so much?
Well Vee is still popular but Niosi isn't and there's a good chance he might now get any voice overs and talking about being suicidal recently.
Was his voice removed before three houses came out or is it getting patched out?
I like how Byleth sounds, especially after the timeskip.
So as you said he was messing with a homeless chick who showed up to his door one day and stamper loved spending time with this woman. All his friends told him that lady was trouble, stamper didn't listen and to make a long story short some dudes threatened his life because he was associating with that lady who might have some gang/mob connections. And as I said this is off the curtails of stamper being fired from big behemoth since he was fighting and calling out another Newgrounds content creator and was frankly being super toxic to that dude he had beef with. Stamper represents the big behemoth as one of their main voice actors so one of the main voice actors sperging online didn't look good. So when they fired him he was also fucking with that homeless lady and that's essentially a brief yet concise description of what happened. I think there are still pics archived of his meltdown on twitter he had somewhere. But yeah the guys from sleepy cast like him still but they are giving him space since when they reached out to him Stamper basically told them to fuck off so. I still love stamper and I hope his recovery living with his sister does him good.
I hope Niosi survives it. Suicide isn't the best option for him.
He sometimes comes on oneyplays with oneyNG too.
How did he violate his NDA? What did he apologize for? I don't follow eceleb shit.
To be honest I have an extreme dislike for him. I don't want him dead it's that I don't like fake ass cunts, the dude grandstands to his fellow newground content creators that they were bullies and are bad people, talks about how he is such a good person, and talks about how he respects women. Yet despite this there is proof this guy is a liar and a hypocrite. I used to like this guy along with Egoraptor but they recently prove they're cunts acting like they are better people cause they want that sweet moral high ground.
Ah yes the classic laser firing stereotype black people have suffered from for hundreds of years
I think he got patched out a few weeks ago. He was in it for like a week.
>How did he violate his NDA?
It's much bigger than what he did in the past actually.
HOW retard
I don't remember getting a patch for the game.
Is there a comparison between the two? I can only find comparisons of the FEH voices, both of which sound way different than in 3H.
Didn't Vee get rejected hard by her fiance and now become a lesbian with her girlfriend Marie is it that true.
>Egoraptor, creator of Game Grumps and currently a woke PC piece of shit. Go to kiwi farms for a more in depth look at him
seething, Egoraptor is the most successful out of all these literally whos, besides him the only one who went to do anything professional and make actual money out of this entire list is rina chan which shows how pathetic Newgrounds was
Wait, SHE voiced Velvet? Huh.
we talkin kirbopher or egoraptor?
If any the case Nintendo has much more influence to the US VA industry.
Imagine actually having an in depth knowledge about this shit. Imagine actually caring to this degree about ecelebs. Commit suicide.
why did Kirbopher make another thread about himself?
>unironically calls herself a latinx
>Commit suicide.
Niosi is doing that right now.
Didn't Rina do gravure shit in Japan because she thought she could make it there and then came running back when it blew up in her face, likely by producer-san?
>Lesbo latinx
The only reason I know this stuff is because I love the Sleepycast gang and like to keep up with them from time to time as well as watch oney plays. Kira buckland isn't on my radar as well as noisi atm. I only know what Egoraptor is up to thanks to kiwi farms.
>Fat piece of shit tries to have a career in an industry with incredibly high standards for beauty
Not sure what she was thinking if true.
>Guy who made Brawl taunts gets to officially voice Byleth in Three Houses
>blows it by breaking his contract publicly and possibly admitting to being abusive to family and friends
>Nintendo replaces his voice
>Byleth gets in smash
>mfw he gets absolutely btfo'd
You might like America, the hit comic from Marvel!
Kind of odd you claim to know anything without mentioning krinkels. Actually not a single mention of him in this thread. You guys are obsessed with facecam e-celebs.
Only FemByleth gets in not MaleByleth. FemByleth is more popular than the male one.
I can only find that she broke off her engagement to Natewantstobattle. Nothing is showing up on having a girlfriend rn
Lol really? I don't remember that.
Because he's quite literally retarded.
The man is a fucking moron. Every time he's popped up during the last decade, it's been a case of "look at this idiot fuck himself over".
He was just right place, right time. A talentless hack that caught the wave of post-Arfenhouse "slightly better than ground zero effort" Flash animation.
If we played this game we'd be running in circles all day
>Durr why didn't you mention Jonbro now known as JonoChrome Creator of Riddle School and Transfer
> Or Tom Fulp who Created Pico that inspired the Riddle series, fucking poser.
nightmare cops fucking when
Krinkles has just been working on Nexus 2, which looks like shit, got sober and was one that one Jontron episode, there's literally nothing to report.
I'm pretty sure it's on her ED page.
Christine Cabanos is a close friend and living with Vee right now.
Old newgroundsfag here: fuck this faggot he kept enabling tom fulps massive ultrafaggotry that led that site to the shitter. He can eat a fat dick the fucking flaming faggot shitter.
Lol, can you list a few things he did? I've never been to newgrounds before. This shit's getting amusin'
Well I was an old time forum faggot and basically when the site went to shit by claiming everything's work as it's own all the artists there rightfully got super pissed, m00t showed up around then and brought most of us over to this shithole. That fucking shitfucker not only sided with the site in this he actively vilified everyone who bailed when he could as publicly as he could. By the way newfag originally came from this back in 2004, because newfags were originally newgroundsfag and represented everyone not an originalfag.
Cringe, GTFO fags.
what fucking year is it?