where's the DiaPer remake?
Where's the DiaPer remake?
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Diamond was my first pokemon game
Dawn was my first vidya crush
Rate my basedness
After SwSh
I love these edits.
more DPs
Here it is without that shit meme
Based wh*tebois seething
I want 3ds versions
And after all these years, not a single good Dawn doujin has been made.
Don't say I never did anything for you OP
we know no white guy is going to fuck her until she's scatting in a diaper
imagine being a Japanes artist who pours love into his work then having some retard on the internet shit all over it with MS paint edits
see what I mean
imagine being a blacked shill
BabyRage post fag
10/10 because same
how did anything in his post advocate for blacked
You guys won't make it
I want to fuck Dawn
You can't deny the quality.
they're just little kids who shitpost, they are bored and don't have brains so they just say things to try and get the most (You)'s because that gives them a little dopamine hit. Fucking gross ass edits on good pictures, can't even make tasteful ones need "WhItEcOcKOnLy" written in fucking ms paint on her thigh
Bleached edits are cancer but necessary
>he still wants another remake after ORAS mess
>some retard on the internet
Oh no, not that!
You would know all about that, wouldn't you user?
obviously someone who has never made anything with their own two hands with value would not be able to empathize
You write like this but other people are the little kids with no brains?
My nigga
It's more of a side fetish of mine as long as it doesn't involve literal shit but I'll never understand why everyone who draws diapers is so bad. I've never been casually browsing boorus and come across good art of it, it's almost all western deviantart types.
because that's how it's literally writen in the picture lmao
Have you seen some of the shitty BLACKED/BLEACHED garbage?
You will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'"
3/10 for the first part
9/10 for the second part
its actually written
you're just a fucking twitter nigger and you aren't fooling anyone
Do you even know what you're replying to?
Is that why you can't empathize with the guy who made that edit? Walk a mile in his shoes user maybe you'll learn something.
Since when was dawn in the strike witches?
Dunno either, same reason people shit post? some people like shit, case in point.
Diaper fetishes are for fags
This, it's only good if she's gonna have a proper accident in adult panties.
>tfw no incontinent gf
stop lewd posting right meow
Could we get a few blacked and/ or bleached edits on the diaper edits please?
That makes no sense
They're not edits user. This is an original diaper pic from back when oekaki was big with the nips. God I miss the old internet.
I mean it wouldn't take away anything..wouldn't add much either.