Why Did Kojima Betray Him?

Why Did Kojima Betray Him?

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it's not the same character my guy

Jealous that people cared more about David than him.

wouldnt give up his white snake pussy to live out hideo's kojifantasy

>implying Hayter made Snake iconic
Kojima did a billion other things to make MGS what it's known today - not Hayer

The real boss has the exact same voice, so no.

Money. Hayter's in the SAG so has to be paid more every time he voices "Snake" He got paid 1.1 million for MGS4 where as Kief was only $500,000.

is this the guy that makes the funny oblivion videos?

Hell the theory that GZ was a recreation with real Big Boss/Solid Snake showing up voiced by Hater in TPP fell apart when people noticed the Jap voice was the same as always, same guy who voiced Solidus even.

so? venom is no clone dipstick

>Hayter's Snake voice is a memorable part of the character
>Snake's dialogue had shit completely made up by the translator
>the story of MGS1 was co-written with another guy
>the main theme was stolen from Russians

As time goes by it becomes more and more apparent that MGS1 was popular because of everyone but Kojima

To think that Hayter is so washed up that he waste all his day being mad at Kojima and selling audio clips of him supporting trannies with Snake's voice

He's a faggot that still cries about that shit to this day

To be fair Keifer said like 32 in the whole game and 11 were varied grunts.

He talks a decent amount in the tapes and Kief also did press tours for the game.

Just look what happened when he went it alone

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He did write the first two X-men movies.


who cares about russians

Kojimbo probably tried to rape him and Hayter just refused. He tried to warn Joosten, told her that money wasn't important. That your soul and integrity always come first. But she didn't listen. It would be only this time, she said to herself. Hayter begged her to leave him, but she just stayed quiet. Kojima just laughed like a villain and called for his guards. Get him out of here, he shouted. That was the last time they met. But some rumors say it ain't over yet. A small team of indie devs. Working for no company, no brand, no political agenda. But for themselves.They need no reason to develop. They need no reason to fight. They fight because they are needed. They will be the deterrent for those with no other recourse. They are soldiers without borders, their purpose defined by the era they live in. They will sometimes have to sell themselves and services. If the times demand it, they'll be revolutionaries, criminals, terrorists. And yes, they may all be headed straight to hell. But what better place for them than this? It's their only home. Their heaven and their hell. This is Outer Heaven

Why else? 24 was a hit when the game was in development and Kojima was able to secure Kiefer for the role.

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jesus christ
I'd prolly commit sudoku if I made a mistake that fuckin huge

And they sucked ass.

Fucking oof

>24 was a hit when the game was in development
this game was not in development in 2002

24 had been cancelled for a while and the reboot flopped so hard a negro took it over.

Hayter is Solid Snake. Not Big Boss.

Completely seriously though, Hayter fucking sucked after MGS1, his only decent performance


They cared so much, they made Wolves such a big hit. Oh wait...
>Muh George Lucas false equivalency

he ruined guyver
fuck him

>establish Xavier and his good mutants
>establish Magneto and his evil mutants
>establish that humans hate mutants
>make some "mutants are homosexuals" metaphors
>plot is X-Men saving humans from mutants

It's not hard working with a franchise so well established you can do it by the numbers

>yfw its just MGS1 for gay teenage furries

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>Hayter is Solid Snake. Not Big Boss.
>Voiced Naked Snake in MGS3, who goes on to become Big Boss at the end of the game.
>Voiced Big Boss in PO and PW, who still prefers to go by Snake.
>Big Boss is literally addressed as Snake in the leaked MGSV script.
>Akio Otsuka still voiced Big Boss and Venom in the Japanese version of MGSV.
Anyone who seriously thinks Kojima had Hayter replaced because he wanted a different voice for Big Boss and Solid Snake is naive.

Remember when Hayter gave up his paycheck for the twin snakes?

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he only did the screenplay for the first x-men and then was 1 of 3 writers for x-men 2
pretty much for every big movie he's credited being "writer" on he's one of several writers
literally the only movies that can be claimed that he wrote is the straight2TV movie and Wolves which was a huge turd.
also somewhat related, he had written a Black Widow screenplay ages ago before the MCU but nobody picked it up to actually make it, not even now at the height of superhero schlock

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Maybe he shouldn't have built his entire professional life around being Snake.

>Get a huge actor to play the main character
>turns him into a mute
It pisses me off even more knowing that there were a lot more voice lines in the game that were cut because Kojima thought it wouldn't fit the game.


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Because Hayter betrayed Kojima with a bad performance in Peace Walker, if not earlier (peaked in MGS1, IMO).

He didn't. Hayter was just a dub actor to him that he only met in person twice.
He's barely even a real voice actor. Snake was just a gig that turned out to be really lucrative;

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Shut the fuck up Hayter. God dammit go to fucking reddit and bitch

to mirror how the medic was betrayed

that's not a cheeta user please rename it serval.
t. kemono friends fan

I highly suspect Kojima is gay, now that wouldn't say too much but remember how vengeful Japanese tend to be so let's say Kojima got rejected and then threw a tantrum, now I would wonder if Dorito Pope is gay and got his role in Death Stranding after NOT rejecting Kojima's advances.

What's this about Russians?

the main theme of MGS2 was plagiarized from a russian composer.

God dammit Kojimbo

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To be fair he's not a musician and shit at that poitn doubt he was even actually calling the shots.

Unionized filth.



let it go, david, it's been like 5 years.

Hayter made Snake popular

It was certainly not the godawful weebshit writting

reminder that mgs1 snake is the only good snake david voice, it was mgs2 when he started doing that sorta rhyming questioning type of talking that everyone pokes fun at. mgs1 had some of it but the delivery helped it keep it grounded.
mgs2 every line is the same delivery.

Go to bed, david.

To be fair, Kojima was a complete cunt. David Hayter is the VA that was most dedicated to his role. Kojima was really an ungrateful son of a bitch.

he got old

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i dont even think kojima even commented on hayer once
which makes hayter talking about MGS funnier
they're both retarded

everyone are casino chips on your hand, you just wait when is the best moment to cash out.

>yrw you pay Hayter to say something nice about trannies in Snake's voice.

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>Not being the guy that paid him to talk about the USS Liberty

>24 was a hit when the game was in development
Did you just wake up from a coma and MGSV was your very first game?


He was good in mgs1 after that he sucked shit. Like christian bale's terrible batman voice.


David Hayter sounds like a teenager.
Kiefer Sutherland sounds like an actual man.

>he will not use lethal force and is overwhelmed by the pack
>but then his bitch is kidnapped and he kills them all
Does it make more sense in context or is protag's morality that fickle?

Sup, Kief

to be fair kojimbo doesnt care about the japanese localisation

his voice acting is too video- gamey and mgsv was a realistic game.