Game has high iq comedy writing

>game has high iq comedy writing

Attached: L.jpg (739x415, 14K)

>OP has low iq faggot writing

Portal 2

>game has fart jokes

Attached: 1409201396381.jpg (800x810, 259K)

i dun geddih

Borderlands 2

Kill OP

Kilogram of steel equal as kilogram of feathers cuz they both weight 1 kilogram



i dun gettit

user, you're a fucking genius. Best post on this board, proven even the website, right now.

>retard character makes a profound statement that you wholeheartedly agree with
>other characters make fun of him and by extension you

>game has high IQ puzzles that everyone had to look up a guide for

Attached: TESV_Dragon_Claw_Diamond.png (473x608, 181K)

what character and statement

Devour OP

wakka talking about how maester seymore shouldnt be telling people to pretend they didnt see crusaders using forbidden tech and telling wakka to pretend he didnt hear a maester saying it. hes very adamant about the teachings of yevan and hes honestly a sincere guy who believes the only way to stop sin is through the final summoning in yevans teachings but the mc agrees with maester seymore and so does lulu. they also dont see it as wrong for a public person to have a different private opinion than their public opinion

Put OP in bag.

my god i regret asking


user, that was beautiful.

Attached: 1498564882917.png (1001x823, 806K)

It's like he's not even being clumsy, he's just trying to fertilize the grass

>game has obvious cringeworthy game
>somehow it's not cringeworthy because they're doing it on purpose
>somehow ironic shitposting is no longer shitposting
>and the scene is unskippable no matter what playthrough you're on

Guess the scene. It's a real laugh-riot.


tidus laugh?

final fantasy X laugh scene or the dance scene in xenoblade 2

>high iq writing of any kind
pick one

>character speaks in such a thick irish accent you cant understand him
using subtitles just kinda ruins it as well