Pay your respects to El Hijo

Pay your respects to El Hijo

Attached: El Hijo.png (820x1120, 1.74M)

Other urls found in this thread:!X7hh3CxI!TCu4I3mwQQGycyknfJTLIQ!viZwWSIC!Gv0J26OMvNdDPyZ5SFeNaw!q6g0SIJA

15 years ago I once stole my sister's chocolate chip cookies she was saving

El Hijo al 1% puede derrotar el padre grande
¿Es este el foro le corporación lobotomía?

Is this the new stealth format for our threads now that "hey hey people" is gonna release a video?

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And for /vg/ fags

Robé las bragas de Tiphereth

Así es cabron el nuevo formato va a ser todo en español y disfrazado de shitposting de dragonball super

>Shitposting de Dragonball super

¿Ya es hora?

Un Pecado y Cien Buenas Acciones


El administrador jamás te dará hasta pa tus tunas Ángela

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Attached: Silence.jpg (1100x800, 154K)

Alguien tiene el link a los mods desnudos de Corporación Lobotomía?
Quiero ver si puedo hacer un pájaro castigado con todo y la rola de “why are we still here, just to suffer”

>Lobotomy corp general instantly got absorbed by indie general on /vg/

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Duro menos que el Yamcha!
For real tho why are things so bad in there? Never went there so I don’t know how things are…

I like spanish.
They are not "bad" perse, the problem is that niche games generals usually get pushed out of page 10 really quick because there is so many gacha games generals that are super fast (Fate Grand Order has literally TWO Generals.

/vg/ is where all discussion goes to die and get replaced with clique drama.
on the other hand shitposting is universal and only gets more intense the longer something is on Yea Forums so you're fucked either way

De ninguna manera, marica

Could Manager Blanco beat him?

Attached: lo24.png (928x522, 813K)

Manager blanco could make all the fem sephirahs drop their panties wet with a single snap.
Even Myo!

Whoa, thought it was too late in the day for one of these threads to show up, lucky for me though, I drew a request for and wanted to post it. Hope this thread lasts through the night. Stop with the tacotalk though.

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I confess El Hijo, im a Binahfag. Please forgive me for this sin

Nameless fetus?, more like nameless nigger amirite?

Goku no había llegado a esa parte AHHHHH

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If you’re still taking requests, i’d want a “Silence Binahfag” version of “Silence Clerk”

How about Wolf and Hood DBZ fighting in honor to the new format?
Ya basta con los espoilers Freezer!

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Question, i usually dont call them that but i was wondering, what would nugget employee be in spanish?

Direct translation would be "pepita", in b4 los pepitos.

Attached: lobchar.png (134x211, 39K)

Sure. Disclaimer, my drawrequests do not reflect my own views. I do find them funny though (plus I prefer Gebura)

Attached: Silence Binahfag.jpg (1100x800, 71K)


>Suppress 3 different Aleph abnormalities
So Melty and MoSB probably aren't that bad, but the only other aleph I have is Blue Star which seems like it's a pain to suppress.
Is it worth trying to do it with the alephs I've got or should I hold out for something a bit easier to stuff back in its box?

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Midnight ordeals count, and birds are important

censored is piss easy with a firing squad. Orchestra is not bad if you can pass the dps check.

Excellent, and don’t worry about the whole views thing, after all, i’m a Binahfag and i’m the one who requested this because I think it’s fuckin hilarious

Oh I didn't think ordeals counted for the suppression missions. As for birds, I only have borb and I already bullied him enough for the waw suppression thing.

Try to get CENSORED, just as easy to suppress as MSoB

Attached: three ounces punishment birb.jpg (648x960, 149K)

I just got the rabbit team, would they be able to suppress blue star by themselves or is it still going to drive my entire facility insane?

How can anyone like that disgusting woman

I unironically think Angela is best girl

Attached: Disgust.png (142x167, 35K)

Never tried rabbits on Blue Star, but they have pretty high damage maybe they can kill it

She appeals to me in many ways.

Attached: Of course, manager.png (503x666, 121K)

So i am at Day 41 and i have yet to do Malkuth's Dusk mission, should i outright retry from 1? and then again once i complete Hod's supression?

Linda y graciosa

I like her due to a mixed bag of delusions, her looks and mannerisms, foolish fantasies of her being loving and caring, a bit of masochism, and a bunch of other similar reasons

Attached: Musicians.jpg (369x631, 26K)

>Day 41
>Didn't do Malkuth's final mission

Son, are you serious? Half of the game's challenge comes after that. Finish the run, retry and then complete all the missions.

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I'm on like day 8 and shit's starting to melt down left and right and my dudes are dying... should I bite the bullet and just take a loss on one or two?

How the hell do you get that far and didn't deal with a single Dusk ordeal?!? Do you just end the day instantly whenever you get enough energy? Just... spend the next day, force your way through the mission even if you suffer losses, then buy back any gear lost, memrepo, and day1 (in that order, the game can bug out if you buy then day1 right away making you not keep the gear)
If you run all your agents out of the department with Blue Star you can call the Rabbits without them shooting your dudes, but if your agents are low on stats you're gonna suffer losses. If you stick a chad or two down where the Mountain hangs out, when all the clerks meet as stars and he breaks out you can deal with them both at once! Honestly though it doesn't matter all that much, as long as you don't beat day 45 you shouldn't have to worry.

Attached: Wabbitz.jpg (800x800, 56K)

I got here without any deaths so far, i would retry the day if a single agent died, so sometimes i just got fed up and kept going to the next day

I like Angela as well

t. El grande padre
Honestly, dbz threads on Yea Forums are great thanks to the guaranteed BEGITA SAMA, CHADREN SAMA and kiss my wife posts

Dunno, we just call them nuggets here too
Maybe "trocitos de pollo"? I mean, that's what nuggets ARE but only an autist would say that

If you want to crush Blue Star, here's a quick and easy solution.
>first, pick either your gigachads or the rabbits, it's probably going to be easier with gigachads honestly
>send all employees except the gigachad squad into an elevator, send the gigachads if you're using them into a different elevator, I recommend the two bordering information near the portal to Central
>send in a prudence IV employee to work Insight on Blue Star, wearing good white res armor so they don't die but still lower his QC
>the INSTANT their work is done, pause and white shield both elevator squads and the worker, then quickly unpause and repause once you know the football's location
>send in the kill squad to beat his ass, he has average defenses and HP and zero defensive attacks against people or abnos attacking him, his only gimmick is the pulses he uses to panic and kill
Keep the white shields up and you should be good to go. Ensure you've got a fresh clip of bullets and have de-clerked to prevent MoSB from having a field trip to the cafeteria.


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I've done the Hod suppression, so none of my guys are particular dumbasses, just kinda depends on how long it takes the bunny brigade to take him out.
That being said, if I can get SO or censored after suppressing the cute and funny sephirah, I'll do that instead.

oops meant prudence 3

how do you memrep to day 1? I'm on cycle 41-15 and I can go back only as far as day 41

Go the the main menu and click "first day"
It works the same way as a regular memerepo in that you keep your abno info, gear and quest progression.

If you go to the main menu you can restart your run from the first day. Make sure you pick the option that keeps your current Codex data. It's the exact same thing as a regular memrepo.
It's ok user, it's what she's made for.

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What a S.L.U.T.


Shut up Angela

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>the cactus is blooming

papas fritas

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why's there so many beaners in these threads? The expendable employees are illegals?

At least they'll have an easy time with all the free EGO from restart now.

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What's his problem?
Don't actually answer that I'm still on day 49

¿Podría La Niebla Roja (Forma Ocaso) vencer a La Noche Blanca?

>every sephira doesn't look human
>every "cute" female abnormality hides something monstrous underneath
>only Angela is as cute without filter
Anti-Angelafags btfo

is there any decent art of him?

Remember to eat Jack in the Box at midnight and you will be blessed with deathless Day 49
Fucking epic, I recorded it too.

Attached: Screenshot_225.png (818x743, 345K)

Pic related is unironically cuter than Angela.

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congrats man!

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>55 emplyees
>I'm on day 49 and only have like 22
A-am I not gonna make it

Is the golden gauntlet a good weapon? I am withholding until day 45 where I don’t have to deal with Green Midnight

One of the best

Nice. Its always neat to have draw request done, thanks.

Very high DPS but you have to remember who's using it if a Green Midnight is coming, hopefully you know what each of your nuggets is using, right manager?

Has he actually said he will?

You should bee fine, after all, the answer is always death ball if worst comes to worst.

Wow user, well done. I was trying to do that a little while back, but it's really draining and I got tired of it. Maybe sometime I'll do it too.

Attached: The darkest of night falls around my soul.gif (2124x967, 1.07M)

Probably, I've been expecting one ever since that edit in Heroes of Might and Magic.

i seem to have made some kind of rape corner

Attached: rape.png (1600x900, 1.31M)

HOW THE FUCK DO I DEAL WITH THAT STUPID ASS FUCKING WHITE BIRD. That fucking witch doctor transformed and started killing everyone and everybody was transforming and shit. I can't bring anyone to it because they all immediately panic. I tried going back a week AND THAT FUCKER WAS STILL THERE HOLY FUCKING SHIT.

Attached: REEEEEEEEEEEEE.png (221x228, 12K)

How do you grind teddybear? My guy always dies when going back

Literally just alternate. It only kills if the same person goes twice in a row.

He only wants to save everyone.
Employee needs to be level 5 to even begin work. If you can't satisfy those requirements you're best off just going back to Day 1.

What the hell is this shit. It's AoE white damage attack ate through 50 SP 0.7 resist WAW armor COVERED IN FULL WHITE SHIELD. IT HITS HARDER THAN FUCKING BLUE STAR

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Pretty sure I tried returning with one guy going in between and he still died, but maybe I made a mistake and sent the same guy to another abno sort of like with little prince... whoops
All that's left now is to try out that Boss Rush Day 47 mod, but I really doubt I could do it with this facility.

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>it moves into an empty room
>"nice its gonna be there for a bit better send som-"
>clerk walks in, dies, retard house is now in a different corner of my giant ass facility
fucking hate this piece of shit

What song they dancin'?

Electric Light Orchestra - Twilight

Yes? Blue Stars gimmick is that it hit the entire facility but Alriune is probably the hardest white hit in the game

Is it possible to skip ordeal of Noon?

If you use We Can Change Anything :)

Why? Noons are piss easy

You make it look so easy. Now I'm motivated to do that myself.
How good are your nuggets? All max stats? How about gifts - does everyone have some stuff?

I'm on day 15. Once the ordeal spawn, it kills everyone. Is this a sign that I should use memory repository?


>he got GREAT LOVE'D
Move your dudes to an elevator my dude, the big pillars only drop into rooms

>can't search for it anymore
>have to hope i see it in the catalog randomly

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It'll be find as long as they just keep using abnos and malcute as headers

I just started this. I have a bunch of abnos that have instant kills if I don't do the right work.
This fucking sucks


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Almost all of the ordeals can be dealt with with good positioning. Just try to learn how to position for each

Is that Devil Jin?

Yo quiero El Hijo

How hard is each ordeal from easiest to hardest?

How do I git gud at this game?

Be born a korean

Alright anons, tonight is the night I beat day 49.

>Hod suppression

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With zero casualties.


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Wait till you reach Gebura suppression

Is that one user that was working on a group nugget pic still around?

>Mfw listening to the song and remember Yea Forums made a music video to go with it.
Oh god take me back to 1980, it sucks in the future.

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what are the best ALEPHS to do gebs mission with? Mountain is a fucking jobber so hes in for sure, silent isnt even a threat but he will gear check you. what fits in best for third?

CENSORED is easy if you use rabbits.
I used Blue Star/SO/Mountain when I did that mission, but I also found ML to be pretty easy.

I just found out if your nugget wears Feathers of Honor armor and walks into Snow Queen containment they instantly die

>get a white noon at the same meltdown as when binah shows up
Maybe you’re right

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>3 day weekend
I'll draw that maid angela and take more ABNORMALITY requests after I leave work and finish all my assignments

Birds are important
Apocalypse bird counts as 3 alephs in one

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Bros I can't do this anymore. Should I just revert to day 1 and not pick the bird?

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seriously? i have 3 fucking annoying ass alephs in my base for no reason now, all theyre gonna do is escape and make a mess when i get the third bird for apocalypse

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Amber Midnight

White Night
You asked for best, so I assumed its for challenge

Green midnight*

Is it possible to trigger Apo birb and Whitenight at the same time?

>can’t assign all the dark meltdowns until it’s too late for the last nugget to get there
I’m not sure I’m gonna make it

Well, which one is it Yea Forums?

Amber is easier because you don't even have to move in the elevator

Pause the game and accept the death.
Or deathmob Binah before Blue Star sucks everyone in

You won’t even need to take that long if your deathball is big and good enough

How do you take EGO off?

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What is the "right" way to play this game?
I just do the energy harvesting and try to do the missions without an employee dying, then before the day ends I try to harvest as much boxes available, then end the day before I hit another ordeal. Also what's the optimum way in spending LOB points?

Why the hell are lob threads filled with taco speech now? Did sseth tease his upcoming video?

becouse this

By running to your department sephirah and masturbating furiously in front of them.

>my best nugget dies

How? They're a box

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>finally got my first Aleph on day 31
>just finished cores
>send in a Level V full EX with the best WAW armor I have and his Aleph weapon
>goes hopeless and panics mid-way through
>Aleph breaks out
>send all the employees lemmings style filled with level IV and Vs
>33 employes dead
What the fuck

Attached: nervous.png (202x233, 75K)

Pues mira si aún no has derrotado a Hod lo mejor es que ni gastes un solo LOB. Luego si pudiste derrotar los ordeals ya no tienes mucho que temer el resto de ese día así que mejor grindea por estatus para no tener que gastar tus LOBs en eso, ya si quieres ir por regalos mejor espérate hasta vencer a Binah porque si no va a ser un dolor de muelas.

Censored I’m guessing? That one’s a bitch, you want lots of SP and LOTS of black resist.

Speak english faggots.
The spanish version of the game doesn't even exist

Have the highest black resistor WAW armor and make sure the chad wearing it is a temperance chad.

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¡Se acabó El Jiren! He leído el manual

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Can't I make do without farming for stat points? I hate farming. And if farming to raise my employee's stats is required to survive the later stages, then fuck this I aint wasting time again and again. I tried farming for stat, did about one day for almost an hour and not ending the day. But then one ordeal spawned some monsters that breaks the abnormalities out and killed everybody.

Very carefully

on your first play through you should be looking to just get gear and research abnormalities. you should be able to hit around day 25 assuming you dont pick up something insane to deal with. you only need to worry about farming stats on agents when you have a lot of good gear and want to push past day 35

Every day, every single day we're gathered and tense as fuck as an ordeal is about to happen and this smug motherfucker just walks into the you're bald abnormality room and just sits there giving me this look while everyone has to deal with the ordeal.

Dude is my senior and has been here for apparently more than a year and he's not even level V, and that's all he does in the company, this smug bastard just goes in the goddamn bald abnormality. Manager refuses to fucking tell me why, what's his fucking purpose?

Attached: Bald smugman.png (289x408, 71K)

i have never hired a bald employee or taken the bald abnormality. bald agents are literally worse than clerks

My information team has both the Soda abno and the Bald abno, I can make the most powerful boomers in existence.

Attached: Bald hero.png (286x405, 77K)

>Not wanting the best EGO gift

So on day 35 onwards I still have to farm for stats?

this entire game is farming dude, if you dont like the current gameplay should just save some time and drop it

It's easier when you have some HE you can work on

Where am i supposed to fujopost?

Angela is only a slut fo the manager
>live footage of agents with their sephirah

Hod in the middle.

>we are we are lobcorp!

you should have alephs by then, which will let you max stats in a single day

On my dick

Also it's very hard to hit 128 stats without ALEPHs en mass when you unlock it

What does her hair smell like

Me behind the camera

Pues nadie te está deteniendo solo que ahora lo tienes que hacer en español.
Y que las Fugoshis locas reciben unas nalgadas para que se arreglen y usen sus habilidades para dibujar monas chinas

OK that's atleast doable. I'm just frustrated because of the thought of losing time. I'm already going to memerepo to day 1 because White Night keeps killing my runs.

Comisioné a una amiga fugoshi para que hiciera nopor de Tiphereheth Y Hod

Do it here. No such thing as bad traffic.

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You should aim to get Aleph on day 12, this will let you maximize your ability to gain stats best to worst : Censored, Blue Star, Nothing There, Mountain of smiling bodies, melting love and silent orchestra

Hijo, Hija, o por que los dos?

>two hours later

Probably like something sweet, but not too sweet
With a hint of vanilla maybe

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>Censored as your first Aleph
It's like you want this user to get CENSORED

She killed everyone. Even X for herself.

I’m going to say it Manager

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You can always get borb before him and tank black damage :^)

No such person

Para mi, es Leticia.

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Oh mierda no especifique que Tiph quería!

Estás enfermo de mierda


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Estoy sorprendido que ningún Binah poster haya llegado ya, probablemente ninguno habla español o tiene para comprar un diccionario

Binah is old hag nah

A nadie le gusta La abuela

She's perfect lads

Puedo confirmar, no sé español
t.La Abuelafag

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What the hell who made my boy cry

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Is it vise decision to place Melting Love in Central command?

Attached: 72gi.gif (480x480, 405K)

Hey, no insultes a Binah, ella no es una vieja bruja y mucha gente la ama

Anyone got the textures/images for the team department backgrounds? They'd make good wallpapers

Regresa a tu sotano bruja del 71

Protege esta sonrisa.

Attached: 1557383336108.gif (147x166, 505K)

Honestly no, for infectious anomalies id rather not put them in the highest concentration of workers!X7hh3CxI!TCu4I3mwQQGycyknfJTLIQ

This should contain most if not all department assets


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Solo cuando dejas que Angela te chupe la polla

Vuelve a mirar el cactus, gilipollas

How the hell are you supposed to catch those clown meatballs in crimson dusk, they're about 2 times as fast as my agents and they don't bother stopping to attack most of the time.

I just ignore them

Damn train nigga and nothing there are fucking raping me, I think I will just study nothing here until right before memerepository and repo them out to oblivion.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.22M)

Mine just stopped in the doorway and then decided to fight gigachad

Nah, just keep on your toes and identify which ones actually escape or otherwise have a deleterious effect and prioritise them. Ones that simply reduce your energy quota can be put off for last.

slow bullets or wait for them to hit a wall

the Manager said it's my turn to use the xbox abnormality.

Attached: 69231886_p8.jpg (999x1030, 223K)

left click

>No e.g.o

yeah, that will be all your sanity + tip agent.

is this a or spic thread? wtf is going on?
very cringe

Hello Nothing There, time to eat your daily dose of Pale and Black damage

I have had the game for about a week and only found out on Tuesday that Yesod was male.

we are afraid of going to /vg/ but since our game is kinda weeb and not boomercore like starsector, boomers will find any excuse to cry to jannies to move us there, so our game can rot.

>can't speak at least 2 languages
Miren a este clerk

>No korean anons

Attached: 1566540208819.png (1100x750, 130K)

>speaks spic as a second language instead of something useful for things other than commanding your gardener or maid


That doesn't make sense. Are people butthurt that we are bumping their threads with only 1 or 2 posts off the catalog?

>speak two languages
>pick Spanish

You're american aren't you? Only them would feel proud of brainlet behaviour such as being monolingual.

Para combatir al demonio africano el formato ha cambiado a ser en español

The point was the usefulness of the second language, not that there is a second language at all.

>just got Laetitia
Is this the safest HE to grind on? I have 1 uber in the department and as long as I don't accidently send them to another abno I'm safe right?

every time a lobotomy thread is made, a smash or wow thread gets deleted, think about it user. How annoying it could be for those anons to get their thread deleted and be forced to either go to one of the other 5-10 threads or worse, go to their stick'd general over at /vg/

Bueno entonces muéstranos lo bueno que es tu mandarín pues

절대 포기하지 않을거야, 절대 실망시키지 않을거야
절대 돌아 다니지 않고 당신을 버리지 않을 것입니다
울지 않을거야
작별 인사를하지 않을거야
거짓말을하지 말고 다치게 하지마

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I'm a trilingual Finnfag who used to be capable of conversing in German as well, but my disorders and brain rot have just about taken all of that from me.
And what I meant was

How's Yea Forumscorp doing? I was thinking of doing day 49 but then I realized I would rather stream day 50.

dunno what you said, but tu madre tambien puto.

how do I 勉強 Korean?

Do ordeals really count towards the WAW mission from Gebura? I did the HE mission and they didn't count.

Arguably yes, maybe tied with Child of the Galaxy since the only condition is pretty lax
If I were you I wouldn’t have more than 1 person assigned to working on one of children at a time though, maybe there’s an emergency or a meltdown and your best worker risks death because they’re friends with one of the two

I got the mirror and cheesed CENSORED with it.

Attached: Happy and excited.png (626x686, 401K)

No cuentan
O dios mío está hablando el lenguaje que está en “no me toques” claramente tiene que ser maligno

Damn what an easy abno to farm, you guys were hyping me up for nothing lmao.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1M)

Let him out for a little walk.

Ow my sides

Yeah, she's a good girl. Just never let her breach and don't throw weaklings in.

>he wasn’t on Yea Forums during the whole gohan blanco posting
>he didn’t witness when blanco became canon
Shiggy Diggy

Yeah, I think its also bugged because my nugget Joy here has lvl 3 justice, and bitch is not doing anything.

this is some easy ass shit to farm, equipment also looks promising.

Attached: file.png (850x608, 390K)

El problema es que si escapa ya no hay nada que hacer aparte de reiniciar
Y pensar que la Niebla roja agarraba a esa cosa como compañero de calentamiento.

cual es la niebla roja?

Lo que viene por ti cuando escuchas esto

Is this from a song or something

gets me everytime

Cute and Funny sephirah suppressed, with minor casualties, most of which was because I'm a clerk and I tried to get them to get around Green Midnight by making them walk through it.
I also got music man, so I don't have to breach blue star to make Gebura happy. All in all I'd call it a win.

Read the manual

Attached: IMG_20190829_110724.jpg (500x418, 24K)

Moshi moshi, manager. Read the manual!

Attached: 68399829_p15.png (900x635, 577K)

Why should I?

Should I ?

Attached: file.png (538x580, 147K)

Oh no

i got too cocky.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.18M)

Get ready for some Goodbyes user

nah its rewind time brother

Also, I can't understand why Qlipoth counter went down seemly at random...

>finished 4th meltdown
Let me guess, you have killed big clown?

Yeah, but what does that have to do?

Cool, thanks!

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Attached: sticker (6).png (252x224, 12K)

Wait, shit, I meant painting of another world.

Nuggets are so cute when scared! Nuggets are CUTE!

Big clown upon the death spawn 3 small clowns that teleport into "random" part of the facility(it's not really random, those bastards always go after ALEPHs)

Oh yeah but I killed them too

what are the easiest ordeals to deal with?

Maybe 1 poofed when you thought it died

Have you used tried to work on Nothing There, used Shelter abnormality, maybe clown triggered it right before death, did you have any panicked agents before that happened?

Oh shit I remember, shelter had a meltdown so I sent someone quick

from easiest to hardest
1st: purple, green, yellow
2nd: purple, green, yellow, purple (Clerk lovers in facility), magenda
3rd: green, yellow, purple
4th: green/yellow, purple

Malkuth is a bad influence, Hod.

Shelter always gets me

Should have let it meltdown.

Agents cant fucking read the manual themselves, why should I?

Yes faggot the tip says that if letitia gives you a gift you should only work with her, If I send you to another abno, then man the fuck up and tell me I messed up.

Based, imagine employees willingly marching to their deaths instead of knowing how to speak up. Those are the kinds of employee I'd promote to vice manager

But Manager word is obsolete. If he says you have to go to another abnormality then you do it, even if it means death

Agents and clerks have absolute loyalty to you merely for the fact you hired them and got them out of the shithole outside world. Even if they know what happens they could be thinking you have some master plan.

They have to follow every single order without question, that is their job.

I got fired from my job after I told my manager he did something wrong, I guess something about me saying it when we were with the district manager and couple of employees made him mad af.

How would Angela punish an agent that questioned the manager's order?

Sorry for being super late, for the most part everyone has a simple set of gifts like spider eye, 1.76, and apoc bird. Then a bunch of random gifts according to what's in the facility.
The only 5 I really bothered to work on were my control team.

>No worries, I'll just pop an agent in, wait for him to go there, and then click him out once he's confirmed inside it!
>Yeah there's other meltdowns to take care of, including those that require my immediate attention, but I surely won't forget to take the guy out of shelter!

I fucking hate how this game continually proves to me how retarded I am

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My assistant can't be this cute!

My department "leader" got upset when I explained to him his hardass and bringing a kiss ass from his previous store who is also an ass hat is the reason why they had 5 people quit on them in a month. Thankfully after that they actually changed their attitude quite a lot, probably because the store "leader" was there at the time when I said it.

Does anyone have clean images of the department backgrounds used on cutscenes? Some of those would make good wallpapers like extraction team.

Wait this game has cutscenes?

You must be joking

Attached: 1562255535203.png (472x497, 61K)

>huh I don't remember the singing machine being here, wonder how it got th-
>everything explodes

One, I guess.

I understand playing the game because you like the abnos, but the game does have a decent lore to it.
The story even expands itself in the sequel.

What do you mean

Had Flesh Idol and Shelter on Day 49, if it wasn't one it was the other. The only tool abno that is really useful is clock.

another user has shared this link and he seems to still update it sometimes!viZwWSIC!Gv0J26OMvNdDPyZ5SFeNaw!q6g0SIJA
is what you're looking for in there? otherwise I might see if I can extract the ones you're looking for

rip I forgot to take my ticked so I could shitpost here.

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Attached: file.png (935x731, 791K)

Thanks user, it's exactly what I was looking for. May the plague doctor bless you.

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When I saw the train in the trailer, I always thought it was a breaching abno's special ability. I imagined there was an abno that looks like a monstrous train conductor, and when he escapes he unleashes his hell train as his giga-attack, similar to NT's Goodbye.

Attached: 1565987550273.png (405x357, 38K)

>Train in right department
>Burrowing Heaven in left
>Shelter in the central
>All three melt down

Ok I feel like I just got fucked because of the lack of personnel I have.

Should I spend a day just mindlessly grinding different works with lvl 1 nuggets? I feel like I wont make it with the shit quantity of nuggets I have.

Attached: E75FEA01-B047-45D2-A0FF-EA6E26C5E32C.jpg (840x1188, 118K)

Should always have 1 giga nugget per department until you take care of HOD, then throw 10 LOBs at new hires to get Red White and Black to IV, find what abno's are best for black and blue training, and prioritize those.

He just wants your attention, user. That's all he wants

Attached: 1555179439911.png (1100x1200, 882K)

>another thread I didn't notice until over halfway through post limit because you dumbass fucking faggots keep sperging over SEKRET CLUB status
holy shit though fr when are you guys gonna grow up?
games get new players sometimes


LC is a big boys club. Go away.

Attached: 1565282380160.png (189x230, 57K)

I'm 100% sure Burrowing Heaven was came from Angela and her demand for manager attention as none else eyes matter

You know what you're acting like, user?

I mean, my abnos are not that hard to contain.

Orchestra might be the annoying part, but I can save all employees by evacuating them to another department.

Cherry blossom and red shoes are easy, punishing bird is all about ignoring, ppodae and forsaken murderer are not that strong, and schandefreude is a joke if you don't see him.

I think I can manage grinding the whole day.

Attached: file.png (1605x1080, 778K)

If I day 1 do the suppression bonuses carry over?

Quick Yea Forums, the mods are napping post lewd malkuth


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>Burrowing Haven is Angela wanting the Manager's attention
>Nothing There is Angela wanting the Manager's love
>The bathtub is Carmen

How does it feel to have Angela telefrag you?

Then what happens during meltdowns?

Going through the assets on mega, didn't even notice one of the fixer's guns had runes on it. They mean future.

Attached: pistol-resources.assets-4616.png (204x89, 11K)

Painting is extremely good, I don't know what you're on about, you can make your employee go work on something that would kill him and transfer the damage, you can also apply shield bullets to the guy who's getting damaged, ids real good I tell ya.

Nothing if all of your departments are immune.
t. did 2nd run after doing all core suppressions

I see, thanks user

Attached: 6833B10B-F497-42E7-B941-6668612C0A6B.jpg (840x1188, 159K)

Nothing there isn’t too bad to surpress if you have someone tank him while you deathball his ass

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>can’t recognize abnos/nuggets/sephirahs at first glance
Get with the times old man

If you have enough dps to kill him in first stage. If he gets to third there is literally no gear that can tank his attacks

just let shelter meltdown, the fuck is it gonna do exist menacingly?

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How do I recreate the bug to skip skullbro?


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talkin mad shit for someone in execution bullet range

Attached: Heart.jpg (576x432, 37K)

LC treads jump to the Eye like a sore thumb if you know what you are looking for, meaning you are a poser.
The virgin Netzach yaoi addict vs the Stacy Chesed AMV creator

can't one sin literally nuke an entire facility depending on the sin confessed? I remember someone saying he did just that after someone confessed that they abused, killed, or diddled a kid

so this fucking clerk killed my dude when my white chad was on his way.

Clerks aren't people.

Attached: file.png (281x252, 72K)

Promote him. Now.

Attached: 1550809973310.png (555x739, 142K)

Should have used red bullets on him, incompetent manager, that's why no Sephira likes you

One sin is capable of highest damage in the game, but he only uses it on extreme villains

Look at his smug face.

>day going perfectly, grinded the 5 WAW kills from Alriune and got all the EGOs.
>about to finish everything up
>suddenly mini-chad dies while grinding Instinct with Wolf
Fuck it, sometimes sacrifices must be made.

I love how all the Sephirahs are a bunch of assholes who all hate you in their own little way

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The clerk proved himself. Promote him as an agent now.

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Yeah I don't know how to promote him, so I'll make sure to see him die before the end of the day.

To be fair the manager is a fairly awful person himself


I like how they get over it once their qlipoth-shit is dealt with. Especially how the chastising pop-ups turn into comforting and encouraging ones.

Make a new employee that looks exactly like him. He deserves it.

I wonder what would be their responses to "Let me fill your data slot"

It's all Hods and Binahs fault though

This. I hace this format. Stop being obtuse and put LobCorp in the OP

Give him a OneSin plushie and he'll calm down.

Attached: 1566029248994.png (600x657, 127K)

Make a new agent and name him after said Clerk also change the appearance to match
False! One of those is on your side 100% of the time and wants nothing but your victory

How the fuck do I supress fiery bird it keeps toasting my gigachads.

can someone post the angry review of the guy that said red shoes was a hard abno

I don't religiously scan every single thread on Yea Forums you fucking mongoloid I do'n' even come to this board most of the time but you refuse to make a proper general

No way fag
/vg/ niggers haven’t even found this thread lmao

>tfw Binah will never turn you into a monster of a person and then use you as her personal sex slave.
Why live?

Attached: seductivebinah.png (564x800, 326K)

I typically don't. The weapon isn't worth the trouble

you're fucking a lot worse than they are
you're just making the thread annoying for everyone else that isn't a massive autist about muh sekret club, just leave already if you're so afraid of speaking to anyone new

Because that was review when game was in beta, when red shoes insta-charmed female employees no matter their stats

lol. I'll give them one thing, the game isn't always clear about how to prevent things like an employee putting on the shoe

Shit, you're right. Hahah fuckers

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You can go back to r/videogames

Los conserjes tumbarían esto inmediatamente si hacemos eso, no seas joto y aprende español el formato actual está bien

Fiery bird has weapon?

The game is designed around late game and stat checks. The point of the early game from day 1 to day 12 is to get as many EX tier employees and good gear as possible.

Each time you do a work on an abno your stats get better up to a cap and the harder the abno the better the upgrade.
You could grind El hijo for hours to get EX levels but this game suffers from memory leak so it's better not to force it.

Poke it into charging and sick your entire facility on it with red shields
The bird's a nigger anyway, all of that effort with a mix of a ton of ALEPH weapon usage + random WAW weapons, only for a mediocre weapon with honestly a really cool animation but it takes 3 separate days to get all three copies

He was clearly an asshole before that as well. The attack happens after people have already died, after all.

You need to suppress him to get it.

>muh sekret club
Fuck off cum-slurper, gatekeeping is a good practice and should be enforced.

Suppress the birb and see if it’s worth doing it 2 more times

Yup, a reward for suppressing it

Attached: Clerk uprising.jpg (607x608, 60K)

Shitty forced meme by a spic.

But the manual is shit


just stop posting or move on to some other game if you can't handle these threads
what the fuck is wrong with you dude

Attached: 1563818276765.jpg (400x400, 18K)

Stat check abnos are a bitch huh?
Longboi suffers from the same bullshit but pale damage is easier to handle than MASSIVE black damage.


"ok" retard

Why would you want that?

Have a laptop and multiple external batteries, hope I have a good time playing this game while the storm hits Miami.

I have retail work like hell and wont be able to come here until after the storm passess, any tips?

Guess I got lucky with having KoD available. Gigachad I have has like 170 hp, put him in the nothing there ego, combined with the KoD blessing, and a red shield for a little help, makes him nearly indestructible against red damage. I think Goodbye only took off one fourth of his health probably less

Yeah no, I have been posting on them since March

Manager already turned her into cum bucket locked in perpetual hell, who would want such a woman

You farm stats the whole game. Sure you can get a couple of EX Chad's very early but you also need good ego gifts and it's very hard to manage more than 3 agents per department.

Because I have taste
Her bucket is empty user, I shall fill it up.

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Wow, so you mean you don't work for Project Moon and didn't even play the game for over a year after it released?
Gee, sure seems like you're fucking special and are definitely in a place to be gatekeeping new players lol
Grow the fuck up and get used to the idea that you aren't special and nobody cares about your irrational phobia of anyone new playing YOUR game

You can get multiple abno raid weapons?
The Red damage hat little matter once you have WAW or ALEPH gear but the White damage charge can and will panic a chad on WAW gear and seriously damage a gigachad on ALEPH gear

lmaoo, destroyed

>wanting to be injured physically and mentally is good taste

>hidden thread because retards are too scared to go to /vg/
>It's nothing but spic shitposting
Pretty ebin

Even Angela is better



Attached: tongue.png (370x429, 120K)

Hey Angela can I listen to Joe Rogan podcast while managing?

can't wait for LoR so we can appreciate better girls

Attached: Zwei.jpg (1200x675, 63K)

Shit forgot related image
Did you really expected those scarecrow fodder/Gacha addicts be able to talk a speck a second language? Or remember that google has a built in translator?

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Did that hit a nerve?

Attached: steam.png (495x173, 6K)

I personally want to see right guy dressed on a magical girl costume.

Honestly what makes you think anyone, literally anyone, gives a fuck?
Who the fuck are you? Why would we give a shit?
Get over yourself lol


>Sseth makes video
>Forsen tries to play the game again after "reacting" to it.
>Project moon gets loads of money out of nowhere
>They hire actual voice actors.

Tell me bros, which english voice actor would you want to be in LoR

Someone get this hothead out of here

>voice actor in LNs

I'm not even doing it for the gears, he's my 5th WAW abno and I need it before it's day 36 and I have to do core supressions on tiph and Cheeseburger.

It's already fucked up that i'm going to have to sacrifice someone to burrowing heaven and then chase around the king of greed and Alruine.

Attached: suffering.jpg (1095x1195, 327K)

That wasn't me complaining about the usage of spanish here, dude. I just noticed there wasn't any butthurt posters complaining that we're talking about video games in Yea Forums again, and that made me grin.

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This but unironically.
Worst thing about it is that it feels like Yea Forums tier MUH SEKRIT CLUB ELITISM spergs.

>Did that hit a nerve?
No, I enjoy seeing new people join the thread.
However gatekeeping is important in the long run, especially if the game will have a sequel.
I don't want some braindead schmuks shitting up the thread about how hard and unfair it is.


Elitism is good, you cancerous little newfag. It's why Yea Forums isn't full of Twitter-threada, bait, /pol/ and they actually talk anime, manga, characters and LNs.


Attached: 1520375517089.jpg (1050x741, 142K)

>This subreddit has been set to private. Please beg literally fucking who #82 for permission to participate.

get off my board already

Attached: 1459258880517.png (640x427, 557K)

>Elitism is good
Elitism and gatekeeping will ensure that the game will keep it's soul.

>I don't want some braindead schmuks shitting up the thread about how hard and unfair it is.

Well I like it when there are 2-3 newbies that get fucked by some gimmick. Don't know if I will like it when there are about 30 new anons, all circlejerking about how hard Tree of cherry blossoms is hard.

And then they all will start getting tripcodes and shit to not just be the "random newbie user" and differentiate himself from other dozen.

Lurk more or fuck off, you retard.

Yes a simple language barrier did the job. Maravilloso
¿Quieres oir algo gracioso? Puedes derribar al mismo WAW 3 veces y te lo valen yo lo hice con dimentional difraction, ve por 3 King of greed

>my board

Attached: 1564528472954.jpg (400x400, 45K)

Still no idea who you are or why you seem to think you're so important, hon!


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Guess what faggot /vg/ and Yea Forums have almost the same userbase since they switch from generals to normal threads between games. The difference is that you are too much of a manchild to go to a different board.
>but muy quality and /vg/gayposting
Look lobotomized turboretard, these threads have been nothing but shitposting for weeks now and this has to be one of the worst so far. I want to be on a LobCorp thread all day because I love the game but not if it means having to deal with such an unfunny and backwards way of posting just to keep using your preferred board. Not to mention, holy shit, Yea Forums is not a paragon of quality posting and impeccable userbase so threads migrating from 1 faggot board to another shouldn't be an issue.

Again you niggers are just being difficult for the sake of being difficult. Same problem with Sseth's video.

Take me with you moot

>Same problem with Sseth's video.

I don't know if this is supposed to be sarcastic or not. Yea Forums went to shit because of the huge influx of new people and mods being retarded

Then go ahead and kill yourself. You're the Yea Forums equivalent of a nigger walking into Europe.

Hey hey user, Sseth here.

>getting famous named English VAs
Biggest mistake of both the anime and Asian-to-west vidya industries. Just hire people from British theater. They're not going to miss opportunities like that and they actually know how to act.



You hold no power here anymore, google-kun.

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Holy shit he's rolling for Nero Bride!

>Angela with British accent

no pleae

why can't we just have comfy threads?

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Hey cut that out y'all, i liked the threads because they were comfy, don't go full retard.

That's just Yea Forums UUUU user...

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>still hopped up on adrenaline after that Day 49
Binah, you can take me off the drugs now, I beat your challenge.

Attached: Screenshot_224.png (283x304, 104K)

Do you think humans will die peacefully in the face of an imminent and unstoppable apocalypse

because its user's thread and you have to follow her autistic rules

There are no girls on the internet

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this general is literally already worse than /vg/ in regards to people trying to have "personalities" and jerk each other off though

Day 50 is absolute kino. Especially right after the day 49 grind.

You have not spent more than 10 minutes on /vg/ if you actually think this.

Ya se español pinche inutil cerebro fe mierda y por eso se que es en contra de las reglas publicar en otro idioma que no es inglés pero al modo de vale verga por que tu mas que nadie ITT vale verga. Mataré pinche inservible adefesio más inutil que yeetus feetus.

>muh /vg/ boogeyman
do you exclusively go to shitty mobage threads and then wonder why you have a bad time or what?

Es hora

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>have to do Hokma's suppression with Whitenight in the facility
Did I just make a huge mistake?
Also, how the fuck am I supposed to suppress Whitenight? I really want that weapon.

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>flexing he's been playing a single player game with a limited skill cap at to prove he's worthy for gatekeeping.
Lmao, how does it feel to be the biggest most insecure cuck in this thread?

Either a lot of patience microing an agent with NT's weapon, or sicking as much damage on WN as possible with careful planning to topple both of his guards at once for undisturbed raping.

Hardly a boogieman. At this point I've spent hundreds of hours on /vg/ on several different generals and most are MUCH MUCH worse than these threads when it comes to tripfags and personality cerclejerking.

Runka-chunk for Angela.

stopped reading there

Attached: 1556583701530.png (512x433, 79K)

Sasuga Yea Forums retard. Too stupid to realize how stagnant and putrid that board has become.

I think the game would do just fine without them

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>muh board
The clown keeps doing it.

Yeah man
We could use more traffic
Quality control is out of question

Attached: it keeps getting worse.png (1053x401, 18K)

Are you seriously so new you've never read that joke, "my board" before?

we've got one tripfag too many already, don't jinx this for us

On who's authority do you determine which posts are of sufficient quality to be in your special general, your majesty?


Attached: 60E71AFA-AB0A-40C9-8B0C-3ADB3292A83F.png (840x790, 77K)

The reason why these threads have to go into stealth mode is because autists are scared the big YouTube meme "ruins" their comfy thread by reviewing this game.
>SS13 got revitalized after the video
>Starsector became an actual thing and thread became more enjoyable after the video
>Fixing the overall boringness of LobCorp threads by injecting new players into them is considered bad

>6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

Attached: 1548661079801.jpg (1401x1455, 2.42M)

Obvious newfags, Wojak- and Pepeposters, tripfags, waifufags and other shitposters should be banned.


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I think an influx of new players would be a good thing, there might be some managers who would properly appreciate the work that Angela puts in towards running the company.

Attached: 1555790641194.jpg (572x800, 249K)

Okay since your entire argument seems to hinge on you LARPing as moot for some odd reason, could you post a timestamped pic of yourself instead of meme ones?

>posting pictures of yourself
>on 4channel (formerly Yea Forums)

Newfag or not no one actually likes Angela.

Attached: 1551046048322.png (252x224, 15K)

I like her

>complains about quality
>worst posts in this thread are DBS spic shitposting which as the solution to "newfags" and faggos defending said shitposting as gate keeping

Go back to work, Angela

Attached: manager.png (515x667, 93K)

t. angela

Have you finished the game with all abnormalities researched?



Attached: EF7904E0-7DA0-47EC-8B8D-A4B0FD29E817.jpg (840x1188, 59K)

nothing can tank multiple Goodbyes, sure, but there's a ton of windup on it so you can just micro your guys to dodge. HELLO? is harder to micro around but you can easily eat 2-3 of them in decent WAW+ gear, and/or healbullet away the damage.


Attached: 1543533701402.gif (734x1100, 237K)

Not to mention more drawfags and we would get to enjoy someone discovering the game for the first time. But you know muh /vg/ boogeyman. I LITERALLY CANT CLICK ON ANOTHER BOARD ;_;

You don't like Angela.

I don't think you've responded to a single post directly rather than just evading
Geeze I can't wait until the video comes out, maybe the influx of new players that make properly titled threads will really scare you off.

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was the original post really that much of a gatekeeping thing? I just thought it was kinda funny

Maybe if you were on this place for years, you wouldn't need someone to answer you this

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Does borb attack birb in game if they encounter eachother?

now why would they do that
they're better together

Attached: 1558445764451.jpg (659x550, 423K)

This thread feels like a general already, what's the problem if we are moved to /vg/? is not like people there actually go to threads other than the game they play.

Angela is my favorite character

Here's your Sephirah, bro

Attached: 1566123056023.png (1994x1455, 442K)

Birds are for cute, not consuming

Attached: 75749842_p0.jpg (847x553, 299K)

/vg/ is gacha hell

bring back snacks

but it said common

Attached: file.png (231x204, 73K)

>punishing bird flies towards me
>open my mouth and swallow it
not today

It would improve the overall quality of the threads, yeah. I'm also okay with the threads staying how they are though, it's entertaining hiding the threads, and I might stop doing drawrequests if any actual artists show up. I mostly do my shitty flash doodles to keep the OC fresh because I'm one of like 3 drawfags who hang out in these threads.

B word

Attached: 21.png (450x800, 199K)

The employee must have been too good
Now that'll be all your energy + tip

Attached: 1559579675167.png (455x677, 338K)

When will I be strong enough to cancel his concert?

Newfags learning the game > faggots complaining about newfags


Attached: PUNISHMENT.jpg (1200x1200, 212K)

No it was not but the faggot op started virtue signaling for oldfag points and it blew in his faggot face.

Still waiting on you to tell us who you are that makes you the chosen one destined to determine what posts belong in these threads instead of making yourself look even more retarded dodging every single time you're asked a question

Oh I got a cute abno

Attached: file.png (819x514, 329K)

and it will remain that way as long as people refuse to make threads about actual games there

>Still replying to

Koreabros, pls.

Hug it, user. Hug it now.

I just want narcissistanon to go and stay go so these threads can be decent

I don't know plastic weeb but I'm sure it's something like " if the painting is bad I'm going to cut your cock off"

I kinda want a punishing bird themed tenga egg now

real affectionate too

Attached: Melting love.jpg (853x1200, 913K)

I don't know man
If a thread gets filled with 2 many Anons we might actually get pushed away to /vg/

If you want decent, find out a way to stop people from making new threads all the time. There's not enough to discuss, so people turn to faggotry.

Can der shoot punishing bird

There's nothing new to discuss because there's barely any new Anons playing the game.

They are too busy playing WoW and shitposting on how's gonna be the next Smash DLC fighter

I don't care desu
Its a better board if people actually get over their weird fears about it.


No user plz
My general is always on page 10

Thats exactly why that board needs more people playing good games to push back the gacha menace tho

punishing bird doesn't aggro off der request shots, and two will suppress him. You don't get anything from doing it though.

>Still not done? Show it to me when you're finished.

>der is such a chad he can suppress birb and get away with it

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