Why is it legal for developers to blatantly lie when advertising their game?

Why is it legal for developers to blatantly lie when advertising their game?

Attached: cyberpunk.jpg (2530x820, 1.16M)

Apparently it's fine to lie if you're Polish

Whats being clean got to do with anything?

It looked like it was going to be the hottest shit when that first teaser was released. Now, it's just shit

take a break my guy. this isnt healthy

It's still going to be better shit than 99% of the rest of the shit in this market.

What's wrong with any of the things on the bottom?

Does that mean anything anymore? Half the industry is telling white people to fuck off

I don't mind THE FUCKING SUN or this transnigger shit if the gameplay is fine
but I'm very concerned about the change in art direction
I mean what the fuck did they re-do their whole department?

>/pol/ has mossad schizos
>Yea Forums has cp2077 schizos

Attached: 242342355.jpg (258x245, 17K)


Maybe we should listen and believe.
I bet most people who shill for this game here are non-white.

This, /v keep covering their shit up because they were supposed to be """"""right wing"""""" lol

Listen, I spent a lot of time making that image and I'll be goddamned if I don't get my (You)s.

>mossad schizos
it's mossad mossadposting
just like the court documents proved fbi was fbiposting

Cyberpunk is the most shallow genre since all people like about it is rain and neon lights

Attached: 1418845764561.jpg (306x306, 20K)

you dont even get (you)s, you get (OP)s
and as we all know OPs primary occupation....

Anyone else concerned by the amount of ads for this? You'd think if they had confidence in their product they wouldn't be begging for pre-orders.

Because they put a little disclaimer on it that says "work in progress"

It's literally funded by the Polish government

kill all trannies

Are you stupid? Ads sell games better than quality ever will.

Attached: BtwT0FUCcAAgqi2.jpg (600x377, 30K)

I like it for its futuristic sci-fi setting with machines, corruption, and crime.

>Begging for pre-orders
>Confirmed that you get zero bonuses for pre-ordering and every version of the game gets the same content
Yeah man, soooooooooooooo despserate
Also, OP
You're a fucking faggot. Anyone who even remotely cries about "Trans" in a game where you can literally swap out your dick for a pussy at any given time should honestly kill themselves. You have no idea what the fuck Cyberpunk is.

No one learned any thing from NoMan's sky.

Cdpr is a based indie studio though!

This game is going to be great, and half of Yea Forums will be so butthurt about that. The other half will be in love with the game. I can't wait to see it.

Attached: 1559435818612.jpg (465x430, 28K)

BASED CDPR cowering in fear of the trannies and capitulating to their every demand while literally marketing their game to them. Absolutely BASED right-wing CDPR filling their games with anti-white cuck shit every chance they get. Truly, they are indeed /ourguys/.

nice cope tranny

Why didn't they show off the gameplay demo with a PC?

For all this talk of "player freedom", why can I not make my body entirely into a machine and join up with those glowing orange guys from the demo mission?

PC isn't their target demographic anymore

They did, you fucking idiot. PC played with an XBox controller.

The planet doesn't rotate in a cyberpunk setting

Why is it so blurry then?


Could you please finally start putting something easily identifiable like "Cyberpunk 2077" in your OPs? You seem to have missed my post in one of your previous threads.

Yea Forums is left wing tho

Lazy strawman. There's a good way to do daytime cyberpunk. Case in point:

Attached: 1450302735641[1].jpg (790x620, 157K)

you mean tranny wing

Yea Forums is national socialist now.

Attached: thirdpositionroom.png (1459x547, 442K)

Sorry. What was it?

Could you please finally start putting something easily identifiable like "Cyberpunk 2077" in your OPs?

seething. have sex

What is it about this game that broke something in your brain?

nice dialog options
-tell me more (yes)
it's fallout 4 again

Attached: d.png (888x1048, 927K)

Okay, but you have to promise you won't filter my threads. This is a serious topic and I want to include as many people as I can in the discussion.


you could just avoid that cunt entirely though
she's as good as dead anyways

Attached: anthony gilchrist.png (549x720, 426K)

How are they lying

>You can avoid her
But not kill her, because they made her so overleveled she'll one-hour you

she can one-hour me anytime

One shot* I doubt it's even possible to kill her anyways, she probably heals to full since she's essential

I can't imagine it'd be easy with the high-level bodyguards protecting her

I doubt the game allows you to grind xp anyway.

Well, for starters, it's an entirely different game, and secondly, it's a fucking downgrade.
