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>Select the character you wish to play as
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Attached: 6lYZiqA.2.jpg (1024x599, 45K)

The guy on the left is literally me except the facial hair. I'm probably a stone heavier as well. Nothing as good as a full head of hair.

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Chad face can become swole

Easily right, how is this even a question? Chad is already swole.

Guy on the right looks cool
I want to look like that someday instead of fat

>dude just lift bro
imagine balding at age 20

Make fun of Senator Armstrong at your own peril

Am I tripping or is Armstrongs left arm longer than his right

It's the lighting.

Who the fuck is balding in that image, he just has a receding hairline

you look kind of like a fag user


Nah man if you compare it to the tiles in the back the left is definitely slightly longer than the right.

just do it

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>receding hairline
wtf are you people smoking? Do you expect straight edge an inch from his eye brows?

>guy on the right: nanomachines, son
>guy on the left: son
of course i'm picking right it's not even a contest


You should come over


why do people go for whatever that style of musculature is called instead of high speed low drag also known as operator/fit/?

The guy who can break the president in two with his BARE HANDS

>just work out bro. You'll be a chick magnet
OP's pic proves that no matter how hard you lift and how swole you get. a skinny dude will blow you the fuck out in the attractive department.
I want to gas everyone who say "just lift and b urself bro!" fuck all of you

His hairline /is/ receding retard.


Dude you've got shit fucking taste. I'm a straight male but Armstrong looks like an actual man, pretty boy looks like an eternal 21 year old.

left: charisma maxed
right: strength maxed

I'll go with right because I like front lining

I've seen this image a trillion times and I still don't see the appeal of the left one.

you can either be an ugly fat fuck or a fit ugly fuck. you might as well take the second option.


>that dude near the bottom with no fucking neck

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Holy shit the cope in this thread. Dude on the left would easily get girls as he is, but he also has the option to work out and be a gigachad. Dude on the right can't fix his face and the only ones attracted to him are closeted fags and ugly niggers who think gymcelling will automatically make them chads.

ugly cope

Left since he wont be an incel laughingstock

What questline does he start when you talk to him?

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>STRfags vs CHAds


left for charisma and romance play through, right for str and kickin ass play through

Left. To maintain the build on the right I imagine you have to constantly be eating and lifting, which is time better spent on video games

Do you do drugs?

normally I think bean beards are cope as shit but he needs it

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You retarded lanklet fucks. An ectomorph peasant twink cannot become an endomorph noble top. At most he can gain about 20 lbs and swim fast but he will always be in the lower weight class and 1 second from getting his shit snapped like a fucking twig.


cope baldy


Great rebuttal

genetics are so unfair

>literally me except for hair and weight, the two most defining physical characteristics besides race

Attached: 1546583307248.jpg (640x360, 31K)

>lanklet fuck
>noble top
>getting his shit snapped
>fucking twig

Literally me in the future. I will always have an incel face.

Attached: PicsArt_11-03-04.34.56.jpg (510x522, 31K)

yea but im 5'8 and ugly so i look worse than left and right
fuck my life

He's less handsome but he'd look a shitload better with contacts and different haircut, and them gains are no joke

No... you're just retarded and deluded

wtf? what the fuck does that even mean idiot

even with the creator of this trying to pick the worst not all of them are ugly
but that one dude with no neck

>microconstructions dad

If you wanna fuck girls, left.
If you wanna fuck guys, right.
>inb4 left is twink
lmao twinks dont have facial hair

the guy on the bottom left looks so scary holy fuck

Left can always start lifting. Right will also have a face like shit.

>Don't fuck with this senator!

half of being a loser is a dire case of needing to git gud, half this thread could probably be passably attractive if they knew what they were doing

>genetic lottery gave me decent face
>job ironed out most of my social ineptitude
I know it's no one's fault but my own.
Gotta do more exercise and eat better.

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looks like a bad guy in berserk

>good face
>good body
>but short
Feels fucking awful man

don't worry bitch

why would you wear such a long shirt.

Attached: thiccman.jpg (396x597, 61K)

Are these seriously unedited?

This fucking hell.
I'm given the body to bed every women on earth, yet I squander it.

Lifting is absolutely pointless if you aren't good looking. Left will always have a better base, and of course he could also start lifting.

>The guy with no neck

Attached: 1562022906229.jpg (492x365, 36K)

>fix the hair
>wash the face
>contacts instead of glasses
>grow decent facial hair

Could make most of these guys into chads

>Be good looking white guy
>Doesn't fucking matter because your city is like 70% brown
I haven't seen a cute white girl my age in months. Send help.

Jon Kortajarena always and forever

Change residence or die

Nothing changes bone structure. Most of these guys should just powerlift and be huge/ fat, but excel at it.

Bodybuilding when you are ugly is pointless.

Post pic faggot

would you rather have an ugly face and no muscles or at least get beefed up enough so no ones gonna give you shit for being an ugly little worm? Stop trying to blackpill our boys out of gains with this garbage


i choose this one

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At the very least half of these guys fuck on a regular basis so not sure what youre trying to prove? Most of these guys would have no issue getting a 6.5/10 without a lot of effort

Omega chad

to match his long ass arms

>no bearmode option
Literally unplayable

They can probably get average chicks with the self-confidence working out gives alone