I do development in VR and have been working in the industry for years...

I do development in VR and have been working in the industry for years, problem we always keep coming back to is motion sickness and ruining your experience with collusion.

Knowing that Yea Forums what do you want as a VR game?

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A 2D game playable in 4k because VR is a meme gimmick.

A 3D suit that allows my brain to maintain perfect proprioception in the VR game = no motion sickness.

Bouncy spinny mouseball hamster wheel thing in a cage to move on so I don't run through the windows of my house.

I would pay $25k for this setup and the engine. I could make my own games with it. This does not exist on all of planet earth and no one working in VR has even one shred of talent so it will never happen.

>caring about motion sickness
Just advertise to hardcore/hobbyists. You gain your VR legs after about 1 hour.


Nope. I've had VR for years at this point and there's still games I straight up can't play due to the sickness.

The only thing that contributes to motion sickness is bad tracking and/or poor frame rates

>waah the vibeo gaymes make my tummy feel funny... :'(
People who get motion sickness from VR are fucking weak

It’s probably the shit games making people sick

Something beyond the arcadey stuff. UI and item interaction become paramount in VR. See Boneworks as the absolute minimum of the kind of interactivity you need.

This and depth of field.
Low frames make me dizzy
If I'm looking for someone down a map and the truck i think someone is hiding behind looks like aids it gives me a headache. This is why I can't play Onward for too long but can spend hours in Pavlov.

They let Russians write parts of the VR games script.

Arx Fatalis in VR or something similar.

Motion sickness is a myth. Stop demoing unoptimized builds with shit tracking to your playtesters and they'll stop throwing up.

I want you fags yo make motion controls optional

Is that how you talk to your girlfriend?

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>ruining your experience with collusion
It's a slight hindrance.

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I've been playing a lot racing games in VR by now and Dirt Rally 2.0 is the only one that legit managed to give me nausea. And it's not the fact that they're using some weird not-steamVR hack with steam home cinema at what feels like 60 fps with added blur interpolation.
The cars just move like complete ass, there's certain hairpins where you completely lose any sense of a logical connection between your inputs, the cars rotation and the ground moving underneath. Like someone is artificially pulling the floor sideways under you. Dirt Rally 1 in VR was fine despite the retarded moon physics with infinite grip and undampened suspension, how they managed to fuck it up this hard is beyond me considering this was supposed to be VERSION TWO POINT OH of something they already did.



all the VR RTS that have come out by now seem like they're straight android ports with as much gameplay depth as candy crush


Motion sickness is a meme
I bet people got motion sickness from TV when it first showed up
Here's the real problem. People assume VR = first person with motion controls, but honestly the best implementation of VR I have seen aside from H3VR, which is more sim than game anyways is Luckys tale. Terrible game, but it's actually a game. With levels and proper platforming, which is the approach I think more people should take. Ignore wagglin', it's mostly a gimmick, with some use. Just use VR as an option to replace a normal monitor.

problem is you're combining two seperate gaming niches, so the target consumer base ends up even smaller

Torture Simulator. I've played a lot of Blade and Sorcery, and I just want more.

But I also want a full game, some day. At the end of the day, VR suits, hands-free tracking, a full FOV, or clear-as-day resolution won't matter if the games are too arcady.

This. I want more VR games that aren't 1st person perspective. There hasn't been nearly enough experimentation with that. Astrobot was a step in the right direction.

Also stop pandering to sissies with weak stomach. Nothing you do will make it better for them so just focus on the people that can stand it. There's literally millions of people who that play fine in VR using a PSVR+Base PS4 without getting sick.

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Attached: Doom 64 VR.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

VRchat without the weeaboo and furry cringe

How about a game that doesn't require you to leave you chair? Like maybe some kind of wheel chair deathmatch game?

I'd like to see more normal games that have cross-platform with VR users. Stuff like The Forest, No Man's Sky or even Tabletop Sim are great because if I don't want to use the headset I can just boot the game up normally and play it like that, or if I do want to play in VR I can actually play with my non-VR friends.

I dont want pay $500 USD for a fucking blindfold with two giant spoons making impossible manipulating objects. VR requires someone to be a genius at setting up PC shit and have patience to get through the calibrations. Some headsets are worse at this than others.

Attached: CROWBCAT - Virtual reality games are not so great [720p].webm (656x462, 2.18M)

Bring back the Theme Park genre through VR, have a game like Roller Coaster Tycoon in VR where you have an isometric state where you look down on everything and create your park like an architect and a pedestrian view where you can walk around and ride your own coasters.

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