Which idol(s) from the video game series iDOLM@STER do you like?

Which idol(s) from the video game series iDOLM@STER do you like?

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Chihaya best girl

This is disgusting. No IRL woman looks like that.


Must be why no one is attracted to 3dpd

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Arisu, Arisu's black-haired friend, Arisu's blonde-haired friend, Sachikp, Anzu, Yayoi, Makoto, Iori and Hibiki


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Why do they look underage?
Stop normalizing sexual infantilization

Did you mean to say sachiko or sachikoP

how rude!
they have a medical condition

The most desirable idols are underage.

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>t. Roastie hag

it's like charlie brown and the peanuts

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Why, Arisu of course.

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What happened to the sperm brain posters? I mean, i'm not complaining but I just realized it's been a few days.

What the fuck is that?

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Does she have to pee?

un... unh...

















ughhhhhh... unnnnhhhh...

give me that sweet cu cu cu........................




th- tth-th---hh...



HERE!!! uaggghh... take my..


to your

y-y-y- your- your-



hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm CACAAAAAAAAAAAA


J-J- j-j-j-j-jjj---j-jj- g gg--gh-g-jjg----ffffffffkkhkhhhhhh

jj--jj-- J-J-J-J-JJ-J--









uuuUUUuunnhhh.. ugh....

huhh... huhh... huhh...



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No little girl has an ass like that so surely she must be a grown lady. Unnnf i wanna lick her asshole.

bros wouldn't it be great if instead of dancing idols just fucked every guy in the crowd

>People only like Sakuya because of the design and porn
>Don't even play her game
>She's really cute and has an amazing singing voice
Fuck secondaries

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dude.... that post is freaking epic.

That's why RL sucks.

Didn't she come in last place during FAN voting?

Panties with a little window like that are itchy as hell. I feel sorry for her.

For me, it's Project Fairy. The best idol group.

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Yeah, which is a prime example of why a bunch of fan art/porn doesn't actually mean a character is popular

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No. games should look more like real life. It should reflect our society. You people are losing your grip on reality with these disgusting looking girls.

Juri and her tummy

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Post songs

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No I think you don't understand, friend. You want to lose your grip on reality, reality sucks.

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I don't like whores.

>When you complete an SSR unit

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I want to pat Rinze and Kaho's chest

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For me, it's chama.

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These threads are almost extinct here on Yea Forums

How do you not feel like a fucking monster when you do that shit, I giggle when they threaten or get mad but Kaho legit is all "I'm sorry, did I bump into you" but she knows you're a piece of shit, but is way too nice to say it

Who cares? Almost no one posts 765 anymore.

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For me, it's Hello Happy World


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Megumi is my wife. Kotoha can watch we fuck.

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What even is the gameplay of this series

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Silence bangdream filth

Rhythm game sweaty, keep up

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Sachiko approaches

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Rhythm game.

do people still care about OG imas other than takane and iori?

>tfw iM@S boomer
>tfw know absolutely almost no one in these threads
I can't keep up with all the mobile games. There's like seven different ones. I just like the old girls but they're not very popular anymore

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you wouldn't be able to handle PRO difficulty

I haven't played in forever but I still appreciate my wife Nao.

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I enjoy my escapism, I like being able to escape from politics, the apocalypse and women with my vidya

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My entire existence is pain.
It sucks, my dude. Always remember there's at least another one like you in this god-forsaken place.

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Kaho's just so innocent about it. And I'm sure she says a line about the hero's heart or something when you touch her chest

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Who is this girl? Anyone who rolls is fine with me.

>tfw they would be old hags by now
I wonder if Makoto ever grew out of that boy stage or not.

For me, it's Radio Happy.

When you're affection 3, 2 or below she tries to make an excuse for her but her tension still drops, meaning she knows you're a bad man


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For me, it's Miki.
I stopped playing a long time ago

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So have any of you retarded faggots actually played the PS3/360 games? I'm playing One For All now (my first Idolmaster game) and it's not what I expected. I thought it would be a comfy VN but it's actually an exp/money grinding simulator. Kind of like a predecessor to gachas.

Well, at least I can be with my wife Takane.

Ritsuko>Takane>Azusa> rest of 765> Million Live≥>≥>>>>>>>>a stinky steamy pile of shit>>>>>Cinderella Girls


Get back to work, Miura, I don't want another Griffith chapter.

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Miura just started a new manga. We're firmly back on the boat.

I know, I learned that the hard way because I kept touching them and noticed why the tension wouldn't go up.

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>actually tried playing Shiny Colors
>sakuya became one of the least favorite idol
actually none of L'Antica members click for me except maybe for the whatshername goth GF

go Juri or go home

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My wife Makoto, because it is her birthday in countries that matter.

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Shut up, fag.

>Not even the best girl in her unit
Take a gander at a REAL woman

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Kiss party please. New venue.

Tsurui still exclusively does like 4 OG books a year. I'm not a fan of this summer's but he does refuses to stop pumping them out.

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Christ Almighty, user. Are you ok?

It's sad that I haven't seen much love for her on Twitter

I love Kaede!

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It can't be helped. A chunk of iM@S is the live performances, and the original 765 VAs aren't getting any younger. It's only a matter of time before they're gone entirely.

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I actually started playing it because of Yuika. Now I'm staying for hkg climax specifically for Kaho and Rinze

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For me its Hotel Moonside

That because shes old and busted


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She's still young in my heart

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hey I just like them tomboys man

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>those hip windows

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I don't know most of the girls' names I just fap to the nude filtered art cards.


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More like Yukiwhore amirite

I dunno, Juri is more traditionally tomboyish but Nattyha is literally pumping dumbells in cafes, she's not traditionally girlish in any sense of the imagination other than looking gorgeous

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the song she played before your first encounter

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Emi is a real stand-up girl.

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Based Japan.

Who /live/ here next week

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yep, her friend too

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The milddle ones song

765 and 876 only worthwhile idols everything after trash

The dweeb idol

>taku "tekken man" inoue's songs

I feel sorry for you poor fucks who didn't have the love and courage to pull through. You turned tail and ran at the first sign of trouble, lamenting how "the good old days are over" instead of accepting the new reality and enjoying yourselves.

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I remember kind of liking SS, I didn't have a lot of songs unlocked because I was new.
Then I tried Live Party and heard this absolute fucking BANGER and it pushed me to level up and unlock all the songs, it was like a gateway and opened my eyes to the game at large.

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Shut up weebshit

I'm 30+ and CG is the best, babby

what have they done to the earth? WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO OUR FAIR SHIBUYA RIN


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Baseball jocks make for some of the cutest idols.

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protecting nono with my life

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Thanks user.

But can I sexualize infants?

She won't need it for long, she's growing up!

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these two

Sorry bro, I defected to 283. The girls are too good.

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I don't follow idols but holy fuck I think Kaede is fucking great. I may play a game for her once I get a better phone since I really like rhythm games anyway.

The new Shark girls is really cute too.

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>playing EDF5
>shibuya rin's brithday few weeks ago
>make EDF5 room that day
>name wing diver "shibuya;" make her black with little bit of purple like her newest outfit
>name room w/ indication of being an entertainment production office in the name of MISHIRO
>2 japanese and 1 korean player enter almost instantly
>"nations coming together for EDF, huh?"
>they're higher-level guys
>but they're not playing like high-leveled guys
>they rush in; are generally reckless
>they die
>had to revive them
i realized they knew who she was and was trying to impress her and maybe even be saved by her. rin is pure love

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I'm so proud.

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how many fags here that are regular in /@/

Did you nab her limited or have you already got it from before?

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these past few days have been good because i saved me a bunch of new nono pics

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These ones.

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i really like her parts in tulip and pretty liar a lot. the huskier voice really works

>You turned tail and ran at the first sign of trouble, lamenting how "the good old days are over" instead of accepting the new reality and enjoying yourselves.
Not really, it's just too fucking hard to keep up with the franchise when the series goes from 13 girls to 300
I'm not against the new idols at all, they're just not my personal cup of tea and I could never get into them like I could the originals

The only one I've bothered to learn the name of is Sakuya Shirase.

Because GOD DAMN.

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The one with big eye brows


me in the back with the oral fixation

Forgive me lord but I must flex once more.
Nono is a good girl coming home without a fuss

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Mayu is my wife.

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This even out of those new one I only liked maybe 3 tops. The OG cast will be my go to despite them being slowly phased out for the newer models. Makoto for life.

Also this one.

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I've gotten hooked on idol anime recently and want to try idolmaster. Are there any good non-gacha non-rhythm games available in english?


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i actually got that kaede from the recent free singles. that makes a total of five kaede SSRs cards (three being duplicates)

I got that perm from last year's anniversary free 10's and her Cinfes from Golden Week free 10's along with Ranko's Cinfes.
I was fully expecting to get her new years since that dropped with free 10's but I got Takumi instead, but I ain't gonna complain

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Is Cinderella Girls dead/dying? I notice that there's a couple of new games out with all new girls.

no, you'd have to play an untranslated japanese game with a guide

THAT'S the one that's kind of dead.

Her and Riamu seem the most likely to be rebellious. Big turn on

mah Kanade niggas

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I've always been a Ritsuko fan.

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Her voice is so fucking good, her personality is also sexually intimidating for a shyboy like me.
I usually only fuck around with idols that have long hair because I find short hair unattractive to a certain point but Kanade is a massive exception

The one with all new girls is the one doing the worst by a significant margin, at least girl wise
I couldn't fucking tell you how SideM is doing


Syoko singing power metal when?

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why is Rika better than her sister?

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Society isn't even real, we're just pretending user.

She is younger.

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How. I was under the impression that CG and ML's doing good with SC performing the least from looking at the downloaded apps.

take a shower or don't buy itchy panties.



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Are you sick bastards really going to leave me hanging?

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One really stressful unit to handle.

Have more cards you fake slut so I can produce you more and step on me

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She's already perfect though.
Dat level 5 appeal absolutely decimating everything it touches

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So why are we leaving out best girl?

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She's busy currently, if you catch my drift

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Why is Decade there?

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Whenever I see her face or hear her voice, all I can think about is how much I love this adorable child.

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Like our savior, she once fell from the heavens, LIKE LIGHTNING!

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But she's committed to me how can this BE!?!?!?!?

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I thought the same once, many years ago. There's a saying that "The more you learn about something the more likely you are to get interested in it". Exposure to the new girls will make you a believer.

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I dunno, that boxing match seemed pretty brutal

I want to tease ranko

This is actually really creepy. What will you tell girls you meet? That you like this creepy pedo shit? They all look underage and unnatural.

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Girls only really avoid LL fans

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are you silly boys juggling two threads?

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How do I git gud from grade 4? Is 感謝祭 the only way to get the better skills? The judges sudokus my idols because all they have are more mental damage with xx% bonuses

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I play a lot of im@s and I don't know what the fuck this is.

There's iDOLM@STER SP but not all of the girls' routes are translated

Grade affects the AI strength in FES?
I just build the girls up around their memory appeal
If her memory appeal gives 1.5 vocal, pump the SHIT out of her vocal stat.
I have the SR Kaho that gives 3.5 Vocal and +50 attention to me from judges and Mistumine's Dance SR that does 3.5 dance and lowers my Vo/Vi by 50%

It was tragic, but I'll keep loving her regardless!

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the hell is that? enmity idol?

I can respect a man of your fortitude, Fumi is a good girl.
I'm the one who uploaded it lel

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What have they done to the Earth? WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO OUR FAIR SHIBUYA RIN? Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her. Stuck her with knives
in the side of the dawn and tied her with fences and dragged her down.

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That's Shiny Colors, the most recent game.


Fuck that song, really.

Shibuya Rin, ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her. Stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn. And tied her with fences and dragged her down.

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This one

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Is yayoi's route translated?

her other one

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Explain yourself heathen

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Between you and me let's hope she doesn't see that. In the meantime I will read books with her while she recovers.

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Best jump to an alternate universe.
That Fumi is now going to suffer from increased libido and wanderlust for DICK

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I don't know shit about this series, I just want to produce the cutest idol. Is that a problem?

Shiny colors. Had a rough release last year but it's improved right now. If you find the OG somewhat RNG imas gameplay good, you might like this. Girls are few but that means more focus on them.

It's more like you're ranked with the other autists' idol units and I noticed that their units usually have godly skills whereis my stat dump with vocal+/mentaldamage+ isn't cutting it anymore

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Acceptable answer, I was fearing you were one of...them

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Please explain.

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Ohhhhh, my shot wasn't from the player teams but the AI on Hard.
As for Fes against players just have teams for different stats, I know it sounds simple but you have to build every single FES idol from the ground up, you want TONS of buffs on your main stat right out of the gate
I'm easily winning Fes 4 with the suicidal 3.5 vocal+ lower defense and higher attention because player FES judges ain't shit

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>couldn't get her or mankoto during that event

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Hey as long as it's between her and I and it's out of pure love then we're good. I'll have to keep you posted on that.

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I wish to have my head crushed between Juri and Makoto's tomboy tummies

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neither did I
You know what I mean!

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Can someone explain to me there is no English release for literally anything im@s

Ah, you meant the Fes rehearsal. Yeah, it doesn't scale but I don't know if it's normal just juggling between grade 3 and 4 each events. There's like a huge gap in skills. Pic not related.

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Look at the garbage that is the LL and Bandori playerbases.
Nothing against the series themselves but the western fanbases are dogshit, To be fair the nip LL fans are also fucking autistic
I don't want any more garbage that has already infected iM@s to be encouraged by the official material.
If someone isn't willing to bother looking up translations that are fucking everywhere, they're most likely subhumans that would contribute nothing meaningful to discussions anyway

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did you know? these three don't need solo songs -- or even voices -- because they're the ones who perform the BGM. they are always there; always layla on drums. happy birthday, seika

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Clan I play im@s on PC yet?

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Sometimes it's just about playing until you don't get pitted against an uberwhale user, which is why I play until I get enough points to keep my grade or rank up and don't touch it again

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More of cute girl please

Even worse, here porn is all terrible. Retards draw her with fucked up proportions like a dobson comic.

Awww, you don't mean that

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you can try shiny colors and cinderella girls

This dork

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You can start right now. Works in Chrome. You'll need to sign up for an account to save your game.

My wife yui is so cute

So what do I do if I'm not invested in the actual game but invested in the girls?

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She is very cute, her eyes and hair are almost spellbinding

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>bony knees

Oh well, not that much of a big deal. I'm mostly in for the cute SOL stories anyway. Looking forward to know more about straylight and hopelessly praying for a chance to win to go to a live event

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I only like the younger idols like Arisu and Momoka because I want to fuck them hard.

I wish you luck friend, I'm not in a place in my life where I can freely travel because I won a contest, I'm a little envious

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My cute tomboy

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Thanks Fuyukobro. Best straylight

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Do I need to learn jap to play Shiny colors?
how the fuck does the game work?

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Absolutely based

shut the fuck up bitch nigger

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Washboards can't be idols nor be best girl.
Therefore, she is shit.

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Attached: EA8eOllUYAApJCG.jpg (1390x972, 192K)

post more idol tummy please

Attached: 1550663963001.jpg (600x800, 147K)

What a piece of girl, so sexy.

Attached: Screenshot_20190806-060436.png (720x1280, 539K)

Attached: 1555161522119.webm (640x360, 1.7M)

Me in the back being 20 years old

Attached: 0948b1800500e9ee9db9356d23af020f.jpg (640x800, 265K)

Attached: __shirase_sakuya_idolmaster_shiny_colors_and_etc_drawn_by_hanetsuka__1e9fce09b035ff67642255ef212de54 (1894x2048, 393K)

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Spoopy of course

Attached: 5d00b84e1c6f04688da50f82db4e193f.jpg (884x1000, 120K)

I see Anya

Attached: 1561280064669.jpg (750x1065, 124K)

I want to nono Nono in her nono

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Attached: 1563925017754.png (538x751, 434K)

Attached: _ae0d89c99.jpg (800x850, 274K)

Shark camgirl

Attached: __sunazuka_akira_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_etc_drawn_by_agung_syaeful_anwar__sample-d8ca03d4c1 (850x1012, 153K)

Yeah I do

I miss when she got on the news after the paris attack

Attached: 1517817740394.jpg (760x2400, 637K)

Wow Koume is rude

Attached: 1548805787070.jpg (1706x2048, 279K)

Nono got to tweet @gordon Ramsey

Attached: 1566978683790.png (828x587, 417K)

Yayoi for doing what needs to be done.

Attached: 07ed183a787d5cd6d88a3482669c.jpg (640x800, 91K)

The child star. she already knows how to get roles in the industry.

Attached: aac8b20ee8b81fc64373d7dac0c196.jpg (640x800, 103K)

Would you a cow?

Attached: 4acbb1317bf6eee3269de90aa355e0d7.png (1570x1259, 1.19M)

Uuzki! She's cute!

Attached: CQCaD5HUkAEDDTB.jpg (640x800, 91K)

I want to lick Koume's ice cream .

Attached: 1540739102584.jpg (729x800, 185K)

Attached: uzupaka.jpg (1114x717, 139K)

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wsup leon scott kennedy

Is that the fighting game dude who keeps posting her?

Attached: 005.jpg (1254x1771, 523K)

Is she underrated?

Overrated. just a downgraded Rin

i think hiori is more rin, but i don't play SC

For me I like Fumika-San.

Wtf I love sharks now?!

I don't know anything about idolmaster but Kaede is the hottest girl ever. Every doujin of her's is fucking god tier.

Attached: 18e1bc117f2d68c93919df337e42b0dd77ee07e1_s2_n1.png (1280x720, 733K)

Kirari is extremely cute

Attached: 1554134493851.png (900x900, 445K)

Pretty fox.

You didn't before?

Attached: __sunazuka_akira_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_etc_drawn_by_gantan__sample-5b7aa6cb1ce1fee6e7d79c3 (850x1264, 154K)

Attached: 76186996_p0.png (1250x2000, 1.9M)

what's with all these Liam abuse lately?

Sunscreen for the 142's!


Attached: 1566562826081.jpg (733x993, 167K)

These 3.

Attached: 64112326_p0.jpg (720x1024, 693K)

shit tastes

gotta keep safe from the sun

Attached: 006.jpg (1254x1771, 488K)

Attached: 9f6ad5eb9c74c3eb5cc856db93af2f6.jpg (850x1200, 164K)

What's the title?

I like how Akira has that zoomer /fa/ vibe to her, smartphone attached to her belt and shit

Attached: 76172675_p0.jpg (1201x1505, 442K)

>school uniform
Rinze is made for Japanese clothes.

Attached: Dp2cxc-VsAAA0Q2.jpg (1136x640, 162K)

What is she gonna do in the meme pool?

i draw shiburin a lot but for me it's Haruka i should draw her more often


Attached: 007.jpg (1254x1771, 435K)


>tfw no gf with Bambi eyes and a nonexistent nose

Well she is an SNS idol so she keeps up with trends and fashion
take a swim

Attached: __shibuya_rin_and_sunazuka_akira_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_etc_drawn_by_norazura__sample-a1a95 (850x1203, 204K)

> Not showing up on the panda

Don't espouse rhetoric onto me fucker

Attached: 1565270924471.png (1444x1500, 1.08M)

>always the same 5 garbage girls

It's a non-h doujin i found and bought from the artist online. i just got too lazy to upload some of the ones i got onto the site.

Attached: sakidori_1280_014.jpg (906x1280, 1010K)

Stop using Yea Forums, sjw

This girl more your speed?

Attached: 395feb7e5ddc7154d5bb5ffe269539.png (599x763, 472K)

Oh well. Good taste regardless.

I wish we had more Ryo doujins and shit, shame they had to ruin the character by making him back into a dude.

I like Saki

Attached: 1541788801649.jpg (1200x672, 182K)

Good choice

wow, that girl is really cute

So glad I reached 75k star jewels during the cinfes with her swimsuit SSR, took 50k+ before I got her and I only ended up with 1 of her.

Reminder idols grow old and forgotten

Attached: 55496083_p0.jpg (1000x762, 1.4M)

What's the best way to get into Idolmaster?

Attached: D4WoO37U4AEwyS0.jpg (790x835, 117K)

I wish there were more doujins about idols getting into AV and prostitution work.

I do t remember her name but she had thicc eyebrows
Something kamiya I think

Delete this

>Yea Forums always makes me hard when I am at work
>come home and ready to fap
>no libido left
Fuck you.
European noons have the sexiest threads

I would suggest the manga tied to it, since idol anime usually sucks balls and is bogged down with anime original drama that just serves to make people dislike the idols more often than not.
You could play the original games if you can read jap, or go through the archives of subbed stuff.
Anything you'd like to know specifically?

Attached: EC67wYWU0AAf_3_.jpg (1290x1821, 412K)

this slut?

Attached: __kamiya_nao_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_drawn_by_miri_ago550421__9c900fafcee2b921b5c (827x1169, 599K)

The one with shit music tastes?

Attached: Nao_kamiya_normal.jpg (640x800, 103K)

Download Bang Dream for mobile

>all I should see in games are philipinos shouting monkey at eachother with the odd white mid-20's stoner smoking a pack of cigarettes
why. why would I want more of that. I want less of that.

Attached: 1485806883108.gif (540x383, 390K)

Uff yes
Her recent doujin made me fall in love with her
I want to have a cute daughter with her

My wife Nao is so cute!

Attached: CsintDNUsAANZpl.jpg large.jpg (689x1020, 89K)

I want to hug fug her adult version bros

Attached: Screenshot_20190829_104055.jpg (1080x718, 386K)


Attached: 56045939_p14.png (1000x1256, 1.67M)







Fucking based. These weebs are delusional.

the kong

Attached: sample-fe51e1c696efc60e0c3ba4f5a7aa87da.jpg (731x1000, 125K)

Got Airi's Valentine's SR as my first ever pull and I never went back. I love my Apple Pie Princess!

Attached: Airi_SS_SSR3+.png (1280x824, 1.12M)

what a nice cinderella story

You still play my man?
Friend code?

Iori and Miki because they get my dick hard.

Call me a gamer if you must, I have already won.

The trap

The kong

Attached: 485634185.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Don't worry user, gamers are rising up

Attached: Clarice jester.png (1280x824, 1.09M)


The one that stole best boats design

Attached: 54856314854.jpg (640x429, 145K)

What do jc idol butts smell like?

Other way around. CG is older than Kancolle.

Is there like a single image with every girl's face and name on it? I know 765 and the more popular ones of the others, but organizing my IM@S folder is a nightmare.

Attached: 1564518960153.jpg (3745x6800, 1.94M)

so close, but the names aren't listed

You're starting to piss me off punk, just read Gekijou like a REAL man

Attached: 1555321531151.jpg (1455x1771, 1.08M)

Whoopsie daisies, I made a mistake

wrong boats

Attached: 1528159700455.jpg (500x500, 25K)

i only know them by hentai doujinshi

arisu seems like Yea Forums's idol for some reason. not even sana or akira

God I love her. She’s too cute.

Attached: 60765948_p0.jpg (1418x1478, 267K)

does anyone have the full version of this? seems like i accidentally dragged the thumbnail

Attached: 1566044988089s.jpg (91x125, 2K)

Both have autism

Attached: 74302350_p8.jpg (400x1392, 340K)

KanColle has its own Uzuki clone.

Arisu uses her tablet to shitpost online and play shitty games.
A google academic that gets humbled by REAL HUMAN BEANS

Attached: Niggers.jpg (460x355, 56K)

I know almost nothing about idolm@ster and have no desire to get into it, but I bought her figma because I love her design that much. Even when I sold off most of my collection, I kept her.

What's the context of this drawing, anyways?

Attached: 4e60e22df0ee103a24ea5cf956f38c3d.jpg (550x800, 111K)

the bitch is taller than me

For me it's Kanaru Fujinami.

I don't even talk to idols over 165cm.


Costume she wants to wear at a live.
A lot of the stuff she draws is stuff she wants to be drawn from when they make Live stages and costumes
I also picked up this scale and it's gorgeous

Attached: Ranko.jpg (2048x1364, 209K)

she wanted to show her notebook to producer for her song, but she's shy about letting anyone see her drawings

Ranko could have all the magical power in the world if she had a gun

Attached: 1564307649607.jpg (1191x1684, 1.24M)

Attached: 1558492989976.png (700x988, 694K)

ANTIFA'd out


Love this edge teen

Attached: asuka eating the burg 2.png (649x1425, 1.4M)


Attached: __akagi_miria_jougasaki_mika_and_jougasaki_rika_idolmaster_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_idolmaste (800x1011, 647K)

Attached: Asuka Mayo accident.jpg (750x945, 128K)

If Antifa had cuties like Asuka I'd be knocking over trash cans and taking haymakers from MAGA hats left and right just for a whiff of her extensions

Attached: 1562636969886.png (840x885, 1.08M)

True, most of them are obese.

my friend swooned over this picture and he kept asking about her, but then he kind of stopped being interested after i told him how old she was

That is some horrible art

He needs to get a clue.

Attached: 2bbb319ac1a8c57acec85e60c8cc59ee.png (613x870, 731K)

Are you okay, retard?

Attached: 72795787_p18.jpg (800x540, 601K)

That's cute as hell. Thanks, anons. Sounds like prime waifu material. If I weren't already spoken for, I might be head over heals for her right now.

Any more stories from your normoid friend?
Guy has good taste, he just needs to stop being such an uptight bitch

Attached: 1555961244631.jpg (1100x778, 107K)

>When Nathan Grayson hopes virtue signaling on 4channel will somehow spare him in the next wave of frivolous accusations from Zoe

Attached: kae_laugh.png (1920x1080, 1.6M)

If you're going to shill at least use decent pics instead of bargain bin trash. Low res, too.

Okay I'm interested where this is going

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Attached: 1476096440252.png (1004x1096, 614K)

>And extra mayo please


Attached: 62758779_p0.png (1000x1200, 789K)

>you beat me
>a deal's a deal
>just don't get my gamer gloves dirty

Attached: 1561450461599.jpg (2160x3840, 511K)


Attached: Shizuku-Julia_PST_Pair.png (1282x722, 487K)

>idols come with a shelf date
Ha haw.

Attached: __shibuya_rin_and_takagaki_kaede_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_etc_drawn_by_gado__319bb6df7e2431cf (1095x885, 1.21M)

Attached: __futaba_anzu_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_etc_drawn_by_tenkuu_nozora__cff69a711a4ea0f4b13ad457bf (4093x2417, 710K)

Attached: 1552401340589.jpg (1280x720, 321K)

>shit ho takane

Attached: 1552481991714.jpg (485x492, 107K)

Imagine the smell

i think Nono

that's so fucking sad dude. have sex, seriously

Yeah, I use almost all of my spare time producing beautiful 2d idols instead of chasing gonorrhea infested whores, how could you tell?

Attached: P Chad.jpg (1080x1331, 117K)

i actually lower the game's music now and turn on im@s songs ;)


Attached: Puchimas!! - 09 [720p H.264 AAC].mkv_snapshot_01.14.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

I don't know who any of these girls are and what they're from. I'm just here to look at cute anime girls.

in Japan pretty much all of them.
but good luck finding a Japanese girl that'll show midriff in public, or shoulders for that matter. but short shorts like that are fucking common.

Honestly that's how I get into a lot of series.
If the character designs jump out at me enough I try to delve into it.
Although usually the one I started the series for almost never ends up being my favorite, because personalities are a thing

Attached: 66018127_p0.jpg (1536x2049, 710K)

For me? It's the KONG

Attached: EB2zbftXoAMTjXo.png orig.png (512x512, 143K)

Whats a good place to start with IdolM@sters? I pretty much open to anything that isnt mobile. Unless its really goodIts hard to show interest when theres so many different options to start with.

Attached: 1566793350459.png (723x1023, 1.09M)

any hentai website

Ranko is the cutest.

Attached: CGTheater860.jpg (480x2103, 240K)

Start with the 2011 anime, then watch the Cinderella Girls anime. Watch the SideM anime after that, then you do whatever you want.

i just follow channels who uploads the music videos

Read Puchimasu

Watching subbed commus is good too

How do I get into the mobage without feeling inadequate about by near-nonexistent dekiru skills? Also CG or ML?

Attached: __toyokawa_fuuka_idolmaster_million_live_and_etc_drawn_by_sonsoso__e7a4d2a613335e56495962fdc9418c4f. (1069x1500, 205K)

Honestly I play both since they have different strengths and weaknesses, plus the burnout phases will be better if you have something else to play, not like you're beholden to only play one

Please post smug Sachikos.

What game should I play if I'm only interested in Kaede?


Starlight stage

Attached: DsmmNrRUUAAHwes.jpg (1024x576, 142K)

Arisu is a treasure.

Thank god I already have 90% of the SSRs that I want

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-29-16-20-05-822_jp.co.bandainamcoent.BNEI0242.png (1920x1080, 2.04M)

>Got lim Nono with little to no resistance
Made my week honestly

Attached: mCwzuaTVR-OyIz9o2OSWWg.jpg (1894x947, 108K)

I love idolm@ster because they have the best porn.

i have two:
nono has the funniest personality
sachiko is the cutest

Shark girl is cute

Attached: D8yJOxQU8AE4_mp.jpg (1296x1011, 186K)

Honestly surprised no one caused a huge scene with the usual conditioned talks of
I know gacha is for suckers, but the people who complain about them are mostly people who want to fit in by spouting the same few lines over and over again.
It's seen all over video games. My thing is whether or not they were conditioned by companies to do this or whether it was borne from "gamers'" natural jadedness and unwillingness to change.

>it's ruining games!
Well, it's too late and you should have done this many years ago.

It's not as bad as consolefags paying twice for internet.



fun thread

Attached: Screenshot_20190110-201431.jpg (1013x721, 320K)

Best @ss?

Attached: ab95b7d7c331f74a0617f279f24d3c41.jpg (640x800, 101K)


me in the pink

Attached: 1550803853820.jpg (756x1234, 413K)

how do I play Idolmaster games? I have a PC, PS4 and iPhone/iPad


>thread still alive

Attached: firefox_2019-08-03_09-03-09.jpg (1920x1080, 514K)

I'm only in it for the music. Mainly the cutesy/weird pop music sung by the younger idols. The ballads and rock songs all sound the same to me.

download starlight stage

Attached: 1491871044698.jpg (640x800, 101K)

Why are there no English idolm@ster games besides the first xbox 360 one?

All the english Im@s games are PSP games, either fan translated or ported to iOS.

says i need android

my hijiri has the best butt and one of the signatures. you guys can take a look, but only for like 2-3sec ok?

Attached: 1545665394724.jpg (1300x1050, 330K)

But why do they never get subbed and translated?

I looked at it for 30 seconds and came.

Wish I could have a gf as beautiful as Yui is

Attached: Yui.jpg (1235x1768, 360K)

they don't show much of her backside that well, but her thighs are bigger than other girls around her age

Attached: 20190726_070808.png (1440x2560, 2.59M)

765: takane, miki, azusa
cinderellas: reiko, sarina, noa
million live: rio

I am anime only secondary. who is the best shiny colors for me based on these picks?

How do you know those three CGs?

you'd like them because most of the SCs are older

The anal idol of course


Attached: 1493814760096.png (835x1000, 634K)

>anime only
>knows reiko
Good taste, but you must be lying. For SC, you’ll probably just stick to Chiyuki.

Attached: 2415601.jpg (640x800, 102K)

Attached: 1500679305415.jpg (700x480, 89K)

I forgot I "played" the original cinderella game for a while but I quit because I couldn't do anything with a gaijin account. I wish all the characters were voiced.

Seiyuu when?

Attached: __asari_nanami_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_cinderella_girls__6011618d77d3f7ff176ce469b541a837.jpg (640x800, 100K)

Next year.

the only newer idol I really like is Mika.

Attached: 1565712685521.jpg (700x944, 421K)

it's 2d you fuck

honestly their pretty old. like eight and a half years.of their fourteen years.

Shut the fuck up reddit.

so now 2d is bad? you are ultra reverse baiting newfag

You either like little girls or you don't. 2d or not, you can argue about not being pedo as much as you want but be a fucking man and admit you like the appearance of a small and (most likely) underage girl.

Mika is a slut but I'd fuck her anyway.

Attached: _016.jpg (1280x1835, 442K)

Doesn't matter where you are and what you thinking, This is fiction and 2d has nothing do to with reality, even nips know it. You either leddit and a newfag for even even caring. Also if you like 3dpd, doesn't matter which, you have ultra shittaste. It's a fact of life. Fuck you and fuck 3dpd


Attached: 15da7tdh.jpg (625x1000, 341K)

Keep saying retarded shit, newborn. I'm not interested

*unless you were little girl
My bad, forgot to add that.

>Yea Forumstard meme
This is the most cancerous underage faggot ever

looks like resetpedos is here accusing everyone of being a pedo again lads

Looks like pedos are in denial of being pedos again lads

It's a crime to impersonate someone else, scoundrel

Fav 765: Miki, hibiki, Takane
CG: Yui, Tsukasa, Makino
Ml: Megumi, Umi, Miya
Sm: Hokuto, Pierre, Saki
Sc: Natsuha, Amana, Yuika

Altough i do ejoy all branches to some extend og765 holds a special place in my heart. I hate the progress and story building in the gasha games. Takes months to years for your idol to even appear in the story especially in cg since there are so many. Prefer to just focus on one idol or trio to train into top idol. Which you can do in the gasha games but you need their ssr locked behind the gasha game to get. So that kind of sours me on the experience. The og games also have grinding in them but at least you can keep interacting for a long time with your idol of chosing and you get way more of a progression with the idols because they have an ending as well. Its why i like sc a bit more then the other new branches.

Can't you fucks do this somewhere else instead of a comfy im@s thread

>project fairy


Attached: yayoi.png (430x368, 293K)

Have a project fairy pic my lad.

Attached: 66C56AFF-0049-47CD-964B-C8FE835A7BC1.jpg (1024x718, 229K)

Jesus, that ass is fat

Because they are too japanese and when they did, they were expensive as fuck ($50 for a mobile game) and nobody bought them.
Also, pai-touching clashes with Commiefornian laws and mobage makes more money, so forget about console releases anytime soon.

>that mika fish and reindeer

Attached: 1422751757842.jpg (502x600, 280K)

can i get a name

>this thread
pedos fags fuck off

Attached: Pedos get the bullet.jpg (901x1200, 378K)

i think its yuuki

Cunny master. Never change Japan.

Attached: 26d3b948023076fb5593f573968e02f2.jpg (1280x824, 206K)

I hate mobile games so I don't play them. I'm far too antisocial to care about what other people do.

Attached: 1515212455806.webm (1280x720, 1.6M)

Rare Tenma reaction image

>that butt on loli

ML anime

I wanna kiss Ranko’s hand and make her swoon.

Attached: ranko embarrassed.png (1397x2200, 1.57M)

Imagine having a lovely time with Mary Cockran

What's the point? They use attractive real women and they turn out looking like Giga Chad pump and dumped a Karen.

Attached: 76059107_p0.jpg (1170x2070, 1.41M)

He/She/It's right, Nintendo should make a Mario game where Mario has to pay off his mortgage while doing actual plumbing.

Attached: Mario-IRL.jpg (640x410, 37K)

The loli with tits.

Attached: jk2Z-QIUjescPhCn.webm (720x1280, 1.74M)


chu chu chu lip

Attached: ECu_l56U0AAuhzy.jpg (1206x1817, 197K)

I repeat

Attached: nop4u7gwvyg21.jpg (537x594, 42K)


Attached: 1515200505182.jpg (1615x1146, 135K)

Attached: 1542521383867.jpg (1218x654, 665K)

bap sachiko

Roco is the best autist!

Attached: Roco!.jpg (1447x2046, 895K)

What the fuck

I really love Nono Morikubo. I want to make her into a mom!

I went through the images in this thread and almost every image is creepy and disgusting. I don't know why you people spend time and money for these ugly unrealistic girls. Besides they wouldn't love your fat ugly pathetic asses anyway because you're all just neet weebs who couldn't get a real girl so you have to prey on defenseless drawn sluts who would never look at you if they was real.

i like this dweeb

Attached: DcW8So3VwAEJreN.jpg (1200x850, 134K)

my 13yr old gfs eating fruit

Attached: Screenshot_20190727-154646.png (2560x1440, 1.62M)

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