Have you ever cheated in a video game?
Have you ever cheated in a video game?
She turns into a cow
>implying gamer gfs actually exist
Don't fucking remind me of that.
Worst comic dump I've witnessed, at least that tails rape comic always make normalfags reply in disgust.
Gas the furries
gamur imoutos do
>buy premium lmaobox for tf2
>pretty much unstoppable as soldier with wall hacks and switching the spy uncloak sound to a police siren going off
>send every item I get to an alt as soon as I get them in case for when i inevtiably get vac banned
>got accused a few times but never banned from a server because I was careful
>when quick play comes around i jump onto a server micspamming an obnoxious rap song while insta-headshotting the enemy team and changing my name rapidly to make it more difficult to kick me
Some of the best times I ever had in tf2
Yes. After I completed the game I would cheat in dumb shit like Big head or a tank.
I don't cheat to finish a game. Only for extra enjoyment post finishing the game.
I actually had a girlfriend who not only played games with me, but who was actually GOOD at games. We had two PS4s and made it to the Lighthouse in Destiny together twice, along with my best friend. Then she cheated on me and we broke up.
>being triggered by a snout of all things
Weebs are the masters of denial.
This was basically what my first kiss was like
Can scenes like this still happen to 27 year old kissless virgins?
>playing game with girl
>girl ruins game to get more attention
looks about right to me
The cut-off is 26 year olds even for sister-kissed virgins. Sorry buddy.
Why would you want it to? Women aren't worth it.
With time, I stopped hating cheaters and instead hated the morons who couldn't successfuly kick you.
I get a very special sense of disgust whenever some retard calls a kick on the person from whom you stole the name, and when you warts can't get kicked, the idiots refuse to use their brain to sync an attack or use the vaccinator or whatnot.
You're a nigger but at least you don't seem to be braindead.
Why did I expect them to be siblings? Is this my brain on porn?
You stupid idiots
that's fucking rough, user. how are you doing?noclipped in half life 2 to see the background details sometimes, if that really counts
Fuck dude. Get off this board and make some lifestyle changes.
>TFW NO GF :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( *le ryan gosling face*
I beat like half of the bosses in IWBTG through glitches and used the game's awful performance with full blood on to beat it on wuss mode
I thought you meant she became fat as fuck and was kind of excited to see how far this went. I didn't know you meant literally and now I regret this venture entirely.
Is he eating edamame? That shit is delicious. How can you be sad while eating edamame?
So you meant that literally and not figuratively. Okay then.
>the pokemon comic
holy fuck my dick
By also drinking shitty beer with it. Come at me beerfags.
>Tfw under 14 for all of these except intercourse and kissing
and that's a good thing!
Well, right before we broke up my dad finally died after about a year of suffering during which I took care of him to some extent along with my step mom. Then I lost my best friend of 25 years, sold almost everything I owned and moved a few hundred miles away into a cabin in the forest by a lake and started writing a book about how the god of the Old Testament is really Poseidon. I see other people once a week when I go into the valley for groceries. So pretty good overall thanks for asking.
>New girl gets hired at my workplace
>First girl in ages that talks to me
>Actually easy to talk to
>Ask me shit ton of stuff what I'm studying.
>lots of fun
>Asks me if I have a girlfriend
>Avoid question successfully
>Next day bro tells me she is 16.
no, but i do cheat on my wife, like a true gamer, also hate niggers
>dark souls mid roll build
Whenever that happened I would cut off the music when the other person got kicked. I would start it up again when they found out they kicked the wrong person
>thinking you need someone because (((society))) tells you that being alone is bad
Good goy. Spend lots of money on various products and memberships to "improve yourself"
>tfw that i fucked today with a gamer girl
imagine living a life so shit you actually need other people to make it interesting for you
Atleast you seem like an entertaining guy. I'll take a 6 man queue of spinbotting retards over a nigger trying to pass legot any day. I just don't understand legit cheaters.
>tfw all of these are haven't except anal intercourse at under 14
happened to me but i started dating her and still am
I did pass as a legit on regular servers. I saved the micspam for quick play. I used pub stomped with wall hacks and all sorts of other fun stuff
high five nigga
>tfw stole cute redhead gamer gf from sperglord who bragged about cheating and forcing her to cosplay his waifu
>and told him about it over beers he paid for
What's the problem?
Now that Fireden has stopped hosting Yea Forums archives, dead threads just have empty spaces where the images are, is there any alternative or is a dead thread just really dead now?
I didn't know someone wrote a comic starring me
It warms my heart to know the playerbase is filled with people like you yet I'm so good the only way for them to win is to go rage.
20-25 for all of them
Except anal, I've yet to try that but have been eager to for a while.
Hecchidechu, MelkorMancin, ZONE
>High Tier Fap
Minus8, Gerph, InCase, Miscon, CaptainKirb
>Mid Tier Fap
Jlullaby, Legoman, Manyakis
>Wasted Nut, please kill yourself
Everyone and anyone else
>14-18 for all (except anal)
under 14 for 2 and 3, 14-18 for the rest
except anal
i dont really want to ever try that desu
A girl who's a gamer is a red flag, like a guy who's a feminist. They're 100% whores. Knew one who had fucked at least a dozen guys in her Facebook friend list and was currently trying to get dicked down after a breakup. Know another one that's a fucking psycho "pansexual" who got passed around in college. Etc. Don't fall for the meme. Any girl that focuses as much as a guy into a man's hobby has a serious problem
no wonder she left you, jesus christ get a grip dude.
Why does this comic get posted all the time here?
I got butted at 11
how do you get money to live like that?
Because it's fapbait user.
Did you like it though?
cakeofcakes you fuck
They do
I'm a lesbian though
>admitting you got sloppy seconds from a sperglord
How'd his semen feel on your weenie?
I don't remember
Literally all of these at 26
They do. She fucking sucks at vidya and rage quits. She's no fun to play with.
I was a contractor for the army in Iraq for a few years, spend little, and invest wisely. Just living off savings. Got another 10 years or so before I need to an hero.
So that's why all the men are becoming females. So they can finally get gamer gfs.
20-25 my dude
show me
Sauce me nug
arch.b4k.co still has images if the thread isn't too old.
Yeah but it’s hardly the only one. This one specifically gets posted an awful lot
What did he mean by this?
Oh right. God, every time I see this comic I think it's some top-tier futa work or something based on the style and then the first reply always reminds me that it's this random nonsense.
that'll be 180k/yr minus 20% iraqi taxes and 30% us taxes + tip faggot
I didn't care about it before but now you've got my attention.
>some top-tier futa
And you can kill yourself right along with the furries
What? There certainly wasn't any 'Iraqi taxes' when I was there, and the first 90k or so was exempt from US taxes each year, with the ability to mitigate the taxes on the rest by dropping it in company stocks or 401k etc.
>has tits and an udder
Not Shadman
I still have a few months then. Cool...
you are ill
So, just a onions pod?
Why does Ash have PTSD?
>QT flat stoner girl made out with me in Summer of freshman year
I made it bros...
Nice LARP, it's not exempt for contractors and there has been local national tax on it since 2009. Kill yourself.
ALL income over 90k or so is exempt for ALL United States citizens, so long as it's earned overseas and they didn't spend over a certain number of days stateside for the year (which I never did). And there's NO tax in Iraq on US citizens - I was there for all of 2010 and 2011. You're full of shit, cocksmoker.
>she turns into a cow
>not a fatty
>literally a cow
under what kind of contex this does happen?
he wants the BBBD (Big Brown Brock Dick)
Back in the days of passwords I would randomly enter shit in and see what would come up. Some games were great for this, some were not. Occasionally I would use cheat codes in single players games, and I wouldn't pass up the chance to watch kristin holt hosting Cheat, but when it comes to multiplayer games I try to keep it kosher.
anyone got the rest leaked?
wrong and wrong.
>t. literally spent 2010-2013 in erbil
I meant
>UNDER about 90k
oh no
>He says while being on a social imagine board trying to get social approval.
This is me with my gamer boi friend UwU
Something something girl is bullied for being flat and nerdy friend uses cow dna to help bump her up some cup sizes
Then you did it wrong dipshit. I've never even it suggested that we had to pay taxes to Iraq until this thread. I never paid shit - no one I was there with ever paid shit. You're either lying or you got ripped off like a stupid bitch.
Oh. This veil was not for me to lift.
Jacques00's cowgirls are so much better.
your boyfriend is a cow?
Huh. That's weird. Rather than fapbaiting me, it just made me feel horribly alone and terribly old.
>minus8 in high tier
Listen I've actually been with a woman and you know the big secret, there is nothing there, women don't have vaginas. It's a scam to get money and attention out of you by massive corporations, buy this and that so women will like you. Women don't exist.
being turned into a cowgirl and then cared for would be pretty great imho
based 14-18bro