Yea Forums tells me a game is shit

>Yea Forums tells me a game is shit
>play it
>it's actually really good
Why does this keep happening?

Attached: Kingdom Hearts III.jpg (600x800, 160K)

Yea Forums hates video games

Glad you enjoyed it user
What were your favorite moments? Scenes, fights, etc

Sully throwing Vanitas threw the door is one of the best scenes in the series

kh3 was good, Yea Forums is retarded.

Attached: Kino Hearts 3.jpg (1750x1450, 2.75M)

>pic unrelated

>listening to Yea Forums

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Who are you quoting?

I see the problem here user you have shit taste

OP's conscious

It's not nice to lie.

You must not have reding compretension because I said it was good, just disappointing for fans and unnecessary to the story.

Also that chess scene was fucking stupid.
>Imply the series is leading up to something real, some real payoff, with the chess metaphor
>"oh no it looks like you loost good guy, you lost at chess!"
>"oh ho ho bad guy, I cannot losee, I am good!!"
>chess pieces appear on the board magickally prevetnign checkmate

what a dumb game

>why do I have bad taste?


>just disappointing for fans and unnecessary to the story
I'm a longtime fan. Both of these are wrong.

>Why does this keep happening?
Because you have shit taste of course.

Kingdom hearts made it to Evo?

The game was bad, so bad they took the rest of the year to try and remake it to be hopefully decent

Yeah that's how 2FM was made

you can't take Yea Forums's opinions seriously about new games from this decade that aren't on switch or pc. the bias is insane.

they shouldnt be doing the same shit they did for a God damn PS2 game released years ago

Ironically, acting contrarian to Yea Forums is probably the best way to go. Glad you had fun, user, hope you can keep that up.

No, Yea Forums is one person and he never even played final fantasy

No people didn't say it was shit, they said it's one of the worst Kingdom Hearts games. Stop taking one thread as gospel you fucking Reddit retards

Then you are an insult of a fan to the series

>doing the same thing they did for a PS2 game
>even going back to more than one disc like the PS1 era for FF7R
Man Square really knows how to pander to nostalgia in the wrong ways

Everyone here just wants every new game to be the next EPUC FAIL XD tortanic to dunk on.
People are more interested in being part of a zeitgeist than actually playing games.

>one of the worst KH games
Has Yea Forums never played 358 or DDD?

Why even come here? You lot are the most insufferable posters on Yea Forums
>Le Yea Forums is baaaad, but I'm different! I'm not Yea Forums even though I constantly post here!
Special snowflake fuckwads the lot of you

ONE of the worst.
Of course you faggots can't read.
It certainly is the worst in the main series if that pleases your autism better

358 has good pacing for a handheld game

>KH3 is worse the KH1
lol no.

KH1, KH2, and KH3 are all equally as good and all have different areas of expertise.

KH1 has the best pacing and overall story
KH2 has the best combat
KH3 has the best gameplay variety and level design

>no Aladdin to do King of Thieves
>No Treasure Planet
>No Kim Possible
>no marvel
>no star wars
>no FF subplot resolving Cloud/Sephiroth conflict
>no Riku/Kairi moments
>No battle with Sora/Riku/Kairi
>Mickey isn't playable
>no Mickey/donald/goofy party
>no real scene between Ven and Roxas
>lingering will isn't playable
>terranort isn't the final boss
>no Roxas fight against Xemnas
>no two become one with a keyblade transformation that's final form dual-wielding oathkeeper and oblivion.
>no Fenrir with the keyblade transformation based off of FF7 limit breaks.
>no sephiroth boss battle
>no Noctis boss battle
>no Colosseum
>no Tidus meeting the fairies from KH2 or Auron
>Only 20 hours long
>no real ending
>end is all sequelbait
>khux shoved in to pander to gachafags
>sora can't run in circles properly
>didn't meet Neku in the gang at Shibuya

KH3 was a disaster.

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>kh3 was good

Attached: 1566980413293.jpg (574x601, 44K)

agreed, that and using all the keyblades to defeat the demon tide

Go back to posting on r9k virgin

>twitter meme

>defunct japan exclusive game is very important to plot
>missed loads of references and have no context for the story at large.
I'm a bid jaded since I invested to so much time in playing 15 different games in different platforms, But some shitty web game that never made it overseas is somehow more important.

Pic clearly not related.

KH3 is a MGS4 tier disaster of a sequel and anyone who defends it is a mindless drone

Blessed post, user!

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>I'm a longtime fan
I do not believe you, if that's true then you are long broken by Nomura's tiny jap cock.

All the story related to Union is already in the phone game Ux, alternatively you can always just look up the story

The content is hot garbage though so that doesn't help.
>gameplay variety
Yeah I sure do love the trillions of unfun minigames every ten seconds too.
>level design
It took 2's mistakes and just made them bigger.

>All the story related to Union is already in the phone game Ux
Except, y'know, the single most important event in the game.

>minigames every 10 seconds
>Took KH2's level design problems and made them bigger
The biggest critique of KH2's level design was it being a corridor simulator. KH3 doesn't have that problem except for maybe Monstroplis

>barry at it again

Flans, Hidden Mickey Hunt, Verum Rex, Frozen Slider, Dancing in Corona, attractions may as well be minigames since they're just lazy "hit buttons to free damage" bullshit, SF ring courses, the entirety of exploring the Caribbean is a good 70% minigame, those awful LCD games, Cooking with Remy, and the absolute travesty they turned 100 Acre wood into.
>KH3 doesn't have that problem except for maybe Monstroplis
And Corona, I wouldn't exactly say "big empty boxes" are an improvement either, they're equally as bad at the other end of the spectrum.

Complaining about minigames in a KH game

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Same happend with Sekiro. Yea Forums said it was shit, my girlfriend gave it to me as a present and it was great

Please be nice to DDD

>moving the goalposts

>Yeah I sure do love the trillions of unfun minigames every ten seconds too.
Minigames are at the core of KH.

No, fun is at the core of KH. Whatever that garbage was in 3 was most assuredly not fun.

Davy Jones didn't do a damn thing wrong

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It was very dissapointing for the poor fools who actually care about the story built up by the Non-numbered games. If you're a mobile game fag then I can see why you would love the story, because it took center stage over everything else.

They all sucked desu. But at least they weren't as mandatory as in KH3

It was not bad. Just very disappointing

Not at all
The non numbered games are prequels and side stories to give you extra info and introduce a few new plot elements and they were all solved in KH3 save for the mobile game which is the next saga of the series

>and they were all solved
In the most disappointing way possible while we waste time with the box and past keyblade wielder Organization members and subject X.

The main focused seemed to be on the mobile shit. There should have been more on the old shit. Hell, the only interaction we see with the good guys outside of their seperate groups is one scene in Yen Sid's castle.

Only visually