Post an image and other anons tell you what to play based on it

Post an image and other anons tell you what to play based on it.

Attached: 2f2b0ada.jpg (1054x1280, 171K)

Your #woke game of choice

Imagine the kind of person who would require such a chair
Imagine the smell of that chair after years of being sat on by that person

Hey, janitors need something to sit on too!

American truck simulator.

Attached: 1254354246203.jpg (604x548, 46K)

He must be an absolute unit.

WoW classic

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slim for me

all of them except 7 and 8

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Attached: 1527292462120.png (665x960, 743K)

Oh is that Boogie's chair?

Attached: The sleeping god awakens.jpg (640x359, 43K)

Slim for me but I know I am weird. With that image of all the girls in their underwear that often gets posted I go for the "unattractive" lanky girl.



For you it's modded Skyrim.

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1 2 3 9 and 10

There are two 2 guys at my work with these. The smell is so much worse than you imagine.

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He might.

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This is correct.

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1234 and 9

I see you are also a man with righteousness in his heart

All if just fapping, but for a real relationship no 6,7,8

4 + 9 big tiddy abs girl is best

100% Orange Juice

Nioh, faggot

I always found it funny the reaction to this image was "it's just a skit".
As though somehow the calories don't count if you do it for a video
Like your body doesn't absorb the calories if you say "it's just a prank bro"

I don't have any hobbies and I sit on my ass all day at work
How do I lose weight?

He might have thrown it up after, though.

Attached: 1535711947953.jpg (2048x1152, 594K)

3, 4, 9, 10.

Attached: 1496354087052.png (112x112, 18K)

"It's just a skit" is the reply to idiots who think he eats that every day.

2 Liter Bottle of Mountain Dew: 1020 calories
1 Bag of Doritos: 1,326 calories

total: 2346 calories

His skit was a day's worth of calories and not even a full pound of fat. So even as a skit, the calories didn't exactly do a lot to influence the guy's current position.

It's not relapsing if Francis is the one drinking the Mountain Dew. rollsafe.jpg

Attached: p93vc0ihc0j31.jpg (1500x1500, 219K)

Christ lad I didn't know these chairs existed until now.

5 and 6.

Average and plump is where it’s at.

2,3,4 and 9 (if shes a cute tomboy).

can't post images cause nigger jannies rangebanned the entire block

Don't drink anything that isn't water. At all. All of those tasty drinks are the same shit as soda, even "healthy" fruit smoothie drinks or whatever. Just drink water.
Try to stay under 10 grams of sugar a day. Your body can't handle a lot of sugar at a time and responds by cranking up insulin to turn it into tons of fat. This is fucking hard just because everything is so loaded with sugar, but being aware will help.
Fat free=fucktons of sugar the sugar. "Healthy alternative" processed foods are still unhealthy processed foods that make you fat. Don't load up on carbs (which just turn into sugar)
You don't have to live off of salads, but you should eat some. Other than that simple mexican-type stuff is pretty easy to make with real ingredients and very cheap.

Thankfully Trump is going to force companies to list prices of meds and operations so regular people can have some control over their bill.

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average please

Wheres the dick


It's really sad, I feel bad for them but I also literally can not stand to be around them because of the smell. But this is what you get when your govt calls pizza a vegetable and sells garbage to kids every day from ages 5-18.

Ah, a man of culture I see.

im by no means a small guy but that thing is like a couch
who the fuck is THAT big?



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1, 2, 3, 9, and 10 are the only acceptable choices. There are few exceptions with 4

yes ill have three number 4s and two number 5s

I try to be.

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2 - 5

>Imagine the smell of that chair after years of being sat on by that person

There is no way that the chair could survive years under that much weight.


4 or 5
6 if they took care of themselves well to avoid being fat 'and' a slob.
7 and 8 would only be if I she could somehow put on the weight for fucking and suddenly lose it again on a whim, i.e. never.

Wii Fit

>picking anything except 4 or 5
it’s okay guys you’ll produce testosterone someday


I mean Im nowhere near landwhale size but I'd love a chair like that. Its a fuckign throne. I could cuddle with my gf on that thing with room for a tray for drinks or something.

Gimme a game

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Revengance blade wolf dlc

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Freeman: Guerilla Warfare
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
Cortex Command

Attached: 68F23A32-F48C-45F5-B2C4-C840532C3733.jpg (949x720, 108K)

He's a big guy

I kind of want this because I tend to want to sit cross legged in chairs.


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God I miss my Yayoi Cycling jacket so much

>10 rapes you

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cooking mama
Atelier Rorona
human revolution

Attached: 19.png (788x736, 507K)

What the fuck is that? Sponge Bob?

somebody took this outline of spongebob and put it on a pair of pants like an erection bulge
then somebody else made a pencil drawing of said image

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thin with shw boobs

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Mother 1



lmao you missed 4 you low test beta

Digimon World

デジタル・デビル物語ストーリー 女神転生

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1-5, 9, 10

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>boogie was literally a piece of shit
>more and more evidence keeps coming out about him being emotionally abusive and financially manipulative
This is the best timeline, what a manipulative slug.

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wow classic

plump makes my cock diamonds

1-3, 9-11

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1, 2, 3, and 9 are the best.
4 might be at the very limit of what I'd find acceptable, but I would never seek it out.

Also calling 5 "chubby" is laughable.

9 but with thighs like 3.

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gotta be 9 for me

everything between 3 and 9 is subhuman central

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How fat was her ass before she went on a diet?

Isn't there a game about that on like the PS1? I can't think of its name, unfortunately.

1,2 and 9,10.
3 is fine but dangerous category, average chicks have a tendency to blow up due to their harmones.

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plump bby

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9

Extreme G

Trauma Center

Attached: cover.jpg (1200x1200, 400K)

Sugar causes obesity. Not fat. Excess sugar converts into fat. You bought into sugar industry's falsified studies.

1, 2, 3, 4, 9, and 10.

Anything before chubby

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Hello Sakura Matou




Okay, so show me your sources.


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Imagine manhandling their massive body and their seven vagainas made of fat folds, maybe more.

Rolling for what I'm into.

my pee is yellower thna normal hlep

Attached: IMG20190828005304.jpg (2448x3264, 1.18M)

Drink water.

Its a loveseat for a gamer and a gamer girl gf right?

jesus that cum stain, are you sure the chair isn't just pregnant?

Rainbow six siege

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4-8 is trash.


Attached: Mary san.png (400x400, 84K)

ill only play it if it was on my backlog
my backlog is pretty big

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wtf? I hate obamacare now.


1-5 are all good, 5 has to be very particular to be good. High quality voluptuous features. +9,10

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Games for this feel?

my gf is a 5.

Attached: 1564364003646.png (555x555, 597K)

play bastard bonds

>spergs out
>pretends he played a character afterwards

One day he'll rape a child and his defense in court will be BUT IT WAS FRANCISSS I AM INNOCENT

Attached: sample-a444fab7f64efba58ba95f2bf0a7f7dc.jpg (315x315, 28K)

You, who began spewing false information to begin with, were supposed to provide proof first. You can go to and search for any peer reviewed papers regarding 'fat vs sugar weight gain' and see for yourself. You're basing your original post based on outdated research. No offense but please, try to fact check.


Attached: saddan.jpg (360x492, 46K)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9

>literal fag
have fun with your stick women lmao

>those stretch marks
Jesus, her ass looks like a worn-out pantyhose

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Vice City


Reading comprehension

lol imagine being a manlet ha ha

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2, 3, and 5.

3 and 9

Attached: allsmiles.png (295x216, 73K)

You're objectively wrong. Caloric surplus over an extended period of time causes obesity. You could eat a moderate amount of candy and lose weight, you'd feel like shit, but you'd lose weight

Underated post.

Attached: iu.gif (540x720, 686K)

2 3 and 4

I cant stand that experimental shit.


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Cawl a Dooty

>4, Overweight
>5 Obese
>6 Morbidly obese
>7 Murilard

1-4, 9 and 10
I guess you could say I'm a girl fetishist

nigger did you just rank four different pairings of the same two characters?
how's season 3 btw

Oh god, oh fuck

do i dare?

Attached: manofculture.jpg (448x401, 20K)

Skyrim with mods

they smell like sour milk and rotten feces sitting in the sun.
my co worker can't even wipe his own ass because he's so obese and he just rolls with it

I am vomit.

post examples
not that i dont believe you. just wanna see what he actually did

Attached: wall-nut.png (253x301, 111K)

>it is illegal for insurance companies to deny boogie
Imagine being an insurance company and this fat fuck comes up to you and says you have to insure him. you'll be bankrupt for not even a year.

tfw no cute gamer boyfriend to sit in one chair with boyshorts on and playing videogames together

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Dark Souls

Recommend me a game please.

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Reminder that 4-8 is fat. FAT!

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I'm not picky about body types really but since I've gotten married I must say that 6-7 have become my favorite by far. My wife's probably around a 6.3 on that scale(with most of that extra weight in her ass, tits, hips, and legs) and sex is absolutely amazing.


Those trech marks are quite obvious, wonder how recent the weight lose is. Scars I've gotten seem to blend in fine after healing from when I had to get surgery.
Oh, also, Vampire Bloodlines.

Attached: The Tail.webm (640x352, 1.61M)

Meant for

Pic is a bit excessive but I'm fatting up so my thighs cut into the arm rests. I do squats at the gym all day so it chafes quite bad and I get ugly marks from it.




Sounds more like an excuse to me. You're fstting up because you haven't changed your eating habits.

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Arma: Cold War Crisis

Attached: uhuh.png (274x269, 128K)

Anything anime.

Everquest 1999
Sonic CD
Free Cities
Sid Meir's Colonization
Freeman Guerilla Warfare

I'm bored now.

Attached: tfw.png (1032x712, 766K)

For me it's 2,4,9 and 10
Cover all taste without going to the extreme, 1 is fine too

please be 11

i wish i had a boyfriend too

what would happen if someone pulled the trigger from inside the snek?

recommend me the fuck up Yea Forums

Attached: vclasses.png (1024x724, 1.24M)

This and only this.

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Good taste


Sunset Overdrive

Dragon's Dogma


I would actually love a chair like that and Im not even fat. Its like a fucking small sofa that wheels around, could lie down and shit on it.

1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10

1,2 and 9 are the only valid choices.

I would want one of those but with stable armrests so I can sit in it sideways with my legs propped up on the other end. I really want to slouch into it when watching tv.

Tell your girl to eat a salad you fatass. Anything fatter than 3 is disgusting and smells like dogshit.



This is a Roll Post you fags.


No it isn't you retard. It clearly says what do you like.


Attached: poppo.png (244x240, 109K)

This guy would get so fat in Japan, for $2 the restaurant I was at gave you unlimited pop
Couldn't believe it I never saw anything like that before

Soda has no sugar retard it's just carbonated water

Looks like most of it's rolled down the side of his mouth and on to his shirt, what's your point?

Athlete is best, don't (you) me.

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snek ded

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I grew up playing that. Good times.

Go play ZeroRanger

But it was released like few years ago.

Shogun 2 Total War


4 is perfection

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11 years ago lol. I played it as a teen.

Darkest Dungeon

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Chubby is the only answer


Get out of here rata

Cunny pilled.


It would be extremely painful