Why wasn’t she the sidekick instead of Ellie?

Why wasn’t she the sidekick instead of Ellie?

Attached: D34CC07C-BD7B-4445-B7D6-FE13F0B488B7.jpg (1024x576, 86K)

Other urls found in this thread:


She died

So r34 artists wouldn't feel too bad when making art for the game. They'd still do it if the daughter was the sidekick, but they'd die a small bit inside, and the devs knew that.

because based dante shot her.

yes i'm sure the devs were thinking about r34 artists all the time while making the characters

I want a wife like this

she dead

It was considered a trade-off by the devs. If she had been the sidekick, it would have objectively doubled the game's sexual tension, but correspondingly halved its social acceptability, which would just barely have put the game beneath the acceptability threshold required to be published.

Many of the devs still regret not waiting a couple years for the slippery slope to erode that threshold into acceptable range.

You wan't a dead wife?

or what if the father died instead and it was her and Ellie, then they find a group of stranded shotas
haha, wouldn't that be weird?

Sorry user, but she served a far more important purpose than mere side-kicking. A shocking death in the first 15 minutes of the game for cheap feels.

she looks like she fucks black men

She was too cute and funny

because it would be hard to pay attention when she's in the shot because she's so cute

She looks like Dakota Fanning but cute.

she looks way too much like my cousin

kys pedo

She's so ugly and shitty compared to Ellie, an actual character, unlike this literal who.

Bruh there is a ton of r34 for the dead daughter

Introduce me to her.

Attached: 1200px-Toblerone_3362.jpg (1200x757, 199K)

You know why you made the thread. Just do it already.

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Guys I have a confession...I looked up some videos of her.

I don't get it

I dun get it

W-What kind of videos?


wh*te cis girl isn't allowed
they only allowed the lesbian and tomboy

i with the vid was longer

sarah unironically has more content than ellie

Should be a video of her getting the SFM equivalent of the Smash invite letter

What the fuck would that be?

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she's my second cousin

Because she does not look like Ellen Page.

Attached: lesmuganimefaceatincredblyhihgrezs.jpg (2296x2464, 349K)

my bet:
they wanted a protagonist with an obsessive fixation for protecting little girls based on a previous trauma.
Why that instead of him just being a parent, which would've worked just fine? God knows. Maybe the writers have some traumas of their own and are unable to see fathers as a loving and protective figure.

post IT

pedophilia is a serious crime

Now you're on a list.

We all know why we're really here. I'll pose her however you'd like within reason

Attached: sdfasdf.png (881x745, 567K)


already done a while ago

Attached: sarah dab.png (1205x681, 844K)


hand stand?

Pose whatever first comes to mind after listening to this

Sitting down, hugging her knees, with her head slightly tilted to one side.

Make her go super saiyan or do the Kamehameha

this pose

Attached: 1447461526426.jpg (900x1200, 472K)

Oh god it sounds like Cell


Attached: 1261805488137.jpg (472x472, 42K)

"The Pose"

That's because Sarah is way cuter. This more fuckable.

Curb stomping someone.

This, but curb stomping a nigger like in American History X. Preferably Coach.


Real talk, she literally existed just to die as a plot device and give Joel a reason to be generic gruff sadman. So deep brah. You'd usually get tumblrinas bitching about that but I guess Naughty Dog gets a free pass.

Now, who would like me to upload a zip of a bunch of Sarah animations?

Why would she hurt her beloved husband?

Don’t kill the thread just yet nigger

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>Implying a loli could hurt you, even when stomping on your head.
Lolis are weak, user.

Groping her chest and looking disappointed.

>Implying a loli could hurt you, even when stomping on your head.

Good point better give her some steel toe boots.

Make her shoot a janny.

Coach is a sensitive soul. It would damage him emotionally.

Attached: Hurts So Good.webm (720x404, 368K)

Attached: sarah handstand.png (1080x1920, 987K)

Put her in Bruce Lee's trademark fighting pose

sit with legs behind head

>Lolis are weak
they don't understand this. I've had loli pin me to the couch and really think she is so strong that I can't get up

Why wasn't she Leon's companion instead of Ada?

Attached: d41t9pr-e0d29c95-f45b-4c2b-b164-1c5ab2c6fef7.jpg (500x375, 32K)

Attached: Maria, Has Become a Tiger!!.jpg (1280x1807, 408K)

that shit was hot

Getting thrown into a car door by Brad Pit?

stop making this thread you autistic faggot

Attached: 1553137581586.jpg (2700x1800, 1.34M)

Any chance you can link to what you're referring to, or is it some 3DPD shit?

loli fav game is struggle cuddles. They find it super fun when you hug them as tight as you can and they try to wiggle out.

ellie was always intended to be a delivery for joel, so she could be dismantled and reverse engineered for the antivirus.
Joel wasn't supposed to be attached. He was supposed to be a professional and let them scrap her for parts. Who knows how many people died and lives ripped apart because the delivery guy decided not to deliver the cure for sentimental reasons.
What scumbags.

Wait a minute....
That's something a loli would say!
Begone fiend, you will not trick us today!

Attached: Loli gangs.png (620x1318, 540K)

Not that other user, but here's a quick and dirty version for you ;)

Attached: coachstomp.jpg (1920x1080, 1.12M)

Winking at the viewer.

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It's always fun seeing another game that tries super hard to be deep and emotional but glosses over how bad their sentimentality actually fucked everything up.

Because we live in the worst timeline.

idk why there is such a lack of games about fathers fathering their daughters

Well you got one user what they wanted :^3

Seems legit.

Attached: 1553680648543.gif (500x588, 1.69M)

>No Leon/Sherry route
>No guy barely out of his teens having to deal with the responsibility of a child and he awkwardly fumbles his way through it
>He's actually glad that for once, he actually felt like a police officer helping someone out on his horrible first day. Even if it was something as cliche as lost children looking for their parents
>>He gives her one of those badges made for children and she likes it so much, she lets Leon hold onto her pendant.
>Learns to defy authority and stick with his own sense of justice against his boss Irons
>By the end she idolizes Leon and says to him she'll become a police officer and protect people just like he does when she's older

You're right. We do live in the worst fucking timeline.

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tf is that blue thing in the middle of Handa's shirt?

he was drinking Kool-aid blueberry

Reminded me of this.

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don't really squeeze with all your strength though because that will hurt her

That's it. You forced their hands now user.

Attached: Gekou Jikoku page 26.png (567x792, 555K)

what's the meme

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man, that is a hard face to emulate

Attached: sarah dubs.jpg (1920x1080, 498K)

not true, yeah they always aim for your junk when they punch you but you just tell them not to touch you there

try uhhh lowering the eyebrows a little bit and raising the lower eyelids a little as well

>That manga
That first part, with the glasses girl, holy mother of God. Best story, hands down. But I'm getting sidetracked, we were talking about Sarah. Not that there's much to say about her anyway.

can you make pregnant sarah

Attached: wink.jpg (1920x1080, 1.22M)

Attached: Gekou Jikoku Page 22.png (1283x471, 478K)

mein negger

She died so our dicks could live.

Very cute, thanks!

>[Senke Kagero] Petit Heaven
You'll thank me later.

Fuck shit hurts my hand

Lolis are powerful entities

Attached: 04.jpg (1280x1896, 531K)

There are a lot of ITs with this girl.

This isn't how a human spine works.


I fixed that Sherry mod

Attached: Sherry Casual fix.jpg (1920x2168, 727K)

You underestimate the power of a curb stomp, especially if done multiple times.

He's good with expressions at least.
>"well I can't feel my legs anymore but here's a handstand for you"


They're quite pathetic actually.

Attached: P212.jpg (1280x1885, 760K)

what a lovely setting this one had

He was the early prototype for Steven universe.

What happens?

I prefer this one. Single mothers can't possibly compete against their own daughters.

Attached: Dr.jpg (1280x1904, 801K)

Yes. This poor man is sadly assaulted by this little girl.

Attached: Screw the Vibe.jpg (1280x1887, 724K)

Today I will remind them

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>today i will get this thread jannie'd

Couldn't he just say no and call the police?

I havn't posted anything more outrageous than the gacha threads post.

Police never belive Boomers nor Young men when they tell they got assaulted by a loli
i swear they are working together

Do not underestimate how tenacious they are.

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>Officer officer!
>What seems to be the problem sir
>This half naked little girl is trying to sexually assault me!
Yeah, I'm sure that will go down well.

post sauce you niggers

That's not how handstands work.
Rotate the shoulders so the head is pointing downward and straighten the spine.

[Shimanto Shisakugata] Houkago wa Minna de | Together With Everyone After School (COMIC LO 2018-04) [English] [NHNL] [Digital]

Sause please my good sir


Because she wasn't a "woke" foul mouthed lesbian nobody liked

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u already fucked one before?

>You will never dick a "woke" lesbian loli straight

>jerking off to loli
Imagine having this much of a shit taste jfc.

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Thank you

Source/artist name/doujin title pls. Senpaitachis. :3

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Did anyone ever translate this past the first chapter?

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So I found it, but I can only find the first chapter translated. Are the other 2 translated?

I have enough context clues from this thread to infer the reason for this image being posted and I have to say I am intrigued and wish to know more

>tfw latest masuda work
I wanna loli gf now.

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Attached: Gt+greedy+little+_9d2b9905339d94018fe20ae8a1023e22.jpg (326x326, 18K)

Sauce is in file name though?

Attached: 024.png (448x328, 68K)

>he doesn't know

Attached: 1533679843403.jpg (2480x3426, 913K)


Some people are just born dumb.

I don't please let me in on the secret.

ITT: Gamers


I believe it's a reference to a mini-movie where the aforementioned Sarah gets to spend quality time with her father on Christmas including sharing some delicious swiss chocolate as is tradition during such holidays between loved ones

Attached: 1558816569173.jpg (550x800, 82K)

>You will never have a cute, innocent loli gf.
>You will never be there for her when she discovers sex.
>You will never help her explore her body.

Attached: 1548594436942.png (1600x1168, 1.76M)

Because there would be no sexual tension

sfm keeps crashing tonight, so its slow going

Attached: sarah lee.jpg (1920x1080, 450K)

Thank you for your service


>See thread in catalog
>"Oh this is going to get deleted in seconds"
>Don't even click.
>Go about my business.
>Check back two and a half hours later
>Thread is still up.
>Start writing this post.
>"Hang on, they must have turned this into video game discussion."
>Scroll down.
>See it's just a dedicated cunny thread.
>Decide to get meta
>Reference myself typing my own post that you're reading right now.

There would be no gaming without cunny.

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so many pedos on this board......

I'm curious, where do you even get models for characters for SFM? I tried DAZstudio once, it was confusing as fuck

>on this site

Attached: V&.jpg (840x1120, 211K)

rule34hentai. You have to register. I don't know where he got the outfit for the bruce lee pose though.

can you stop making these threads?
i know she is the only good thing that came out of TLOU but, damn, you are burning out everyone with this bitch everyday.

That place? Its fucking riddled with adware, how the fuck.

Attached: 1555923327321.jpg (549x376, 101K)

>gwen and loli diana

Attached: 1529283995103.jpg (437x431, 14K)

Yeah. Grab ublock origin.

I've been using it for more than a year with no problems. Downloads are always clean and ublock takes care of anything else.

But where are the models? I only see pics and videos.

Search "model releases"

lightweight baybee

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Did you see the fucking OP? This thread was doomed from the start. Mods probably too busy jacking off to delete.

in general? You use the official steam workshop, and SFMlab (you need an account to see nsfw models). You can also raid The garrysmod workshop for more stuff, though maps made for GM rarely work right in sfm without some porting. R34H is only for the few cute and funny models

Attached: wink.jpg (1920x1080, 544K)

SelfDrillingSMS on pornhub.

There's one with her.

Attached: ___.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

Is it difficult to change her hair color? can you make her a brunette if not?

sfmlab is nearly dead. Too many fag commission animators keeping their shit for themselves. Sad state of affairs.

How hard is to create your own character models? Where do I even start?


Attached: 1454871517950.jpg (473x357, 38K)

That's just a mesh, retard.

I’m going to beat up everyone who posted in this thread.

pls no :(

this thread reinforced my conviction to never have kids

Go dilate first, tranny.

As if you had the chance in the first place loser.

>implying someone would breed with you anyway

Attached: tambourism.gif (256x256, 342K)

Goodnight everybody!

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not really but it does not look right because of the nature of the textures. this is more like a dirty blonde but its the closest hair alt she has to brunette

Attached: winkponytail.jpg (1920x1080, 543K)

Pretty sure the top 3d porn artists use blender now or something.

very cute

Did that animation of her and Hunk from RE ever come out?

Sarah didn't have much content until ND went full EA and fucked it all up by making Ellie a nigger & kike-loving carpet muncher.

Attached: 1549122992353.jpg (486x768, 65K)

they do, but sfm is more versatile then people think. With some effort it can look great, selfdrilling is proof of that.


4th post down. Fairly easy but it's not perfect and could wind up looking kind of flat if you're not careful.

I just finished fapping to all the doujins that were posted and this one was my favorite.


>cuck shit

Bullshit. Sarah's model was released long before TLoU2 reveal and there were literal hundreds of posts with her on r34h.

He just wanted an excuse to whine about his pet topics. It's a symptom of the election tourist invasion.

So many I haven't seen before. I'm gonna have to hunt all these down later now, damn it.

Attached: 1545024041601.png (500x428, 318K)

i aint downloading half a gig without knowing what it is

no, but he did post some concepts before disappearing for whatever reason

Attached: 75829988_p6 copy.jpg (417x623, 108K)

Released? Yes. Popular? No. At that point Ellie was the more popular of the two. After that trailer? Sarah got all the attention.

a collection of sarah animations

>Cunny on Pornhub
Either I need to clear my cookies, get a VPN, or those Canadian fucks need to stop blocking my well-animated 3D cunny.

>immediately jumps to the tranny boogeyman
Way to prove my point, broski.

just go to his pixiv

Yeah, I do that myself sometimes, I was just cracking a quip. Have you been there recently? Last I checked, there was the animation between Adult Sherry and Remake 2 Claire, but no alternate version between Remake 2 Claire and Sherry.


He hasn't released anything new in a bit and a lot of the links for some of his stuff are dead. He was supposedly an actual animator so I assume he's busy working. Pixiv has a lot of 3D cunny thankfully. Check out Zixh.


Thanks brother, have another Kino reaction image.

Attached: The Way of the Gun 2000 BRRip 720p H264 AAC-BeLLBoY (Kingdom-Release).mp4_snapshot_01.46.42_[2018.12 (1280x720, 1.34M)

Are there any SFM artists that do good girl on girl stuff? I really liked that one SelfDrillingSFM movie with Sarah, that one woman from Hitman and the boy from Dragon Age but I wish there was more lesbian action.

Also interested in mother/son and mother/daughter.

Also why is there so much Helen Parr/Violet Parr dickgirl porn? The only decent 3D clip of them that isn't dickgirl is the one of them scissoring and Violet going invisible before they get walked in on.


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She was to busy shooting until gathered

Security tape from Jeffery Epstein's prison cell.



Attached: toblerone.jpg (484x352, 19K)

Some pretty based selections being posted itt
Can't post images but: nhentai.net/g/280027/1/

I think ND fucked up with the designs of Ellie and Sarah. They were clearly going for "cute", but overshot, and went straight into "fuckable". Probably why they're overcompensating now with TLoU 2, and turning all the females into horrific dyke bog goblins.