ITT: games you played with your big sister

ITT: games you played with your big sister

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Did your big sis ever tease you?

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In what way?

In a fun way.

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jesus christ do americans really likes these covers?

My eldest sister abandoned me and my family after our brother died. So no I didn't play many games with my big sister, but my other sister who is less than a year older played animal crossing and mario party if that counts

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I mean when I was in high school she would bring cute girls to her room and fuck them violently, my room is right next to hers so I would jerk off to the moans. I think she knew what I was doing, does that count as teasing?

Played it with my sister on our ps2 when it was 5 or 6 I think

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Yeah it counts, also my condolences

he said older, not younger

*when I was 5 or 6

God no

We played a lot of Rock Band, me on drums and her on bass.

I played on the PC and she played on her notebook, we also 100% NSMB U on CEMU.

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Ocarina of Time
007 Goldeneye
Mario Kart

Heey! Same thing but I was older like 11 probably.

The only game that my sister, who is a turbo casual at videogames, could ever beat me in for some reason. I wish she kept playing so I could have someone to play fighting games with.

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The classic Star Wars Battlefronts

>007 Goldeneye
She was there when I beat Control Room on 00 Agent, we lost our shit

Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Tetris Plus
Pokemon Stadium's minigames
Sonic 2's multiplayer
Paperboy 2
Wheel of Fortune (genesis)

Star Wars Battlefront II
The Crash Racing game where you combined two cars into one, with one guy as a gunner
A James Bond stealth game
War of The Monsters
A Lord of The Rings game
Really, anything two player we had on the PS2, then later things on the xbox, primarily CoD4-6