Why isnt Yea Forums playing Psi Ops 2?

Do you fags not play fun games or something?

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I'm waiting for the torrent to finish

Can you people please stop your shill campaign or please just change the picture at least.

What a fucking shame. Game is really good, but Remedy just slit its throat by signing the deal with Epic. We're never going to get anything like this, because of terminal retardation of devs. Also don't buy PS4 version, because it runs like shit, and it's better even my laptop.

I dont play games with ugly women


Fuck off incel.

>Psi-Ops 2
>You don't even have free control over your powers because everything locks on

>+0,50 cents into your wallet.


But, it's not.

I'll probably play the PC version when it gets released on GOG, Humble Store, or Steam.

Performance is a joke on PS4.

Pirated the game, and you can't even do the same because you're too poor to afford a decent pc hence your shitposting. Also fuck off.

Yes it is.

This fucking game here. The main character has a weird face but that’s my personal opinion and is mostly irrelevant, however
>Looks likes a Quantum Break reskin
>the same nerfed remedy gun physics gameplay
>Had barely any marketing
>gameplay is lackluster for a Remedy game
>Barely anyone is playing it outside of theRadBrad
>it’s $60 for a game you can probably finish in one or two sittings
>This is the tenth thread I’ve seen where OP complains about people not taking about or playing this game
I don’t know if it’s samefagging or legitimate shilling but if I do ever play this game I might pirate it

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>Epic exclusive

I'll play only if it gets released on GOG.

Pirate it. If you're into stylish /x/ stuff, you won't regret it. Game has so many cool tropes, and it's so fun to explore them.

How do I get specific materials? I am 13/15 of one thing from upgrading my gun but shit never drops from enemies.

Is it worth torrenting?


You're extremely mentally ill my man


>muh toy store wars
Unironically livestream your suicides you tranny faggots

>+0,50 cents into your wallet.

Frequent crashes are 0 fun.

Quantum Break was obvious the base for this game but how is that a problem? All devs build off their prior projects rather than completely starting from scratch each time, that shits expensive

Rather be incel than tranny

>Also don't buy PS4 version, because it runs like shit
Thanks for the heads up, that's a shame. Was gonna get it eventually

Boxes never have the material I want. And I've opened all the ones in the areas I've been to.

Go back to China, Zhang. No money for you ching chong store.

>dude just kill any chance for a sequel because ive a joined a digital platform cult lmao
You people are fucked

Calling this Psi Ops 2 is a stretch. Psi Ops gave you full control over your telekinesis. Everything didn't auto lock-on, you could lift and shoot people at the same time, and you could pick up more than chairs and rocks.

Is there anyone on the planet Earth fucking dumber than shill posters? Their IQs are so infinitesimal than they cant comprehend why people would want to discuss the game they just bought or why they would use the box art that includes the name so people would know what the game is. I honestly resent that you're allowed to live being such a dipshit

>Why yes I do think Control is a strong candidate for game of the year. What gave it away?

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Now That's What I Call Virtue Signalling!

Attached: steam.gif (138x132, 17K)

Bought it on EGS (not poor)

Only got to first control point before stopping for bed but I love the fucking style of it. Shooting is shit though. Serviceable but terrible on controller

>Do you fags not play fun games or something
Games and films aren't supposed to be entertaining.

Guys I don't think I was supposed to go to the Astral Exhibit before Parapsychology. And I don't think that spike likes me.

No, i hate it because its a 5/10 boring ass 3rd person shooter. And anyone calling it Psi ops 2 is a fucking retard, and probably not old enough to have played the first one to know how good it was

>publisher expects me to jump through extra hoops to get their game
>publisher thinks I give a fuck about the cut they get
>when I can get it for free

Chink-store exclusive, no thanks.

Isn't it reportable? They're derailing thread on purpose.

Just take your (You)s already

Just installed it
I hate third person shooters but this game is good fun

I'm pretty sure it's a timed exclusive. It still has a Steam store page.

Imagine actually being a brand loyalist. You guys are consolefag tier.

But it is on Humble store

It's fun but i wish there's more ability to unlock, it's kinda generic

Like what?

Don’t give a fuck about Steam or Epic, but I will not support those that undermine western civilization by selling themselves to the chinks.

What the fuck is this game even about? All I see talked about it is how it's EGS, or how the main character doesn't look good. Nothing about the game itself.

Don't worry, I'll torrent it in a few hours since Tim paid for my copy already.

I love fun games. This is not a fun game though. It's a gay movie about frown women and their periods.

Attached: Control Screenshot 2019.08.28 - (1920x1080, 3.11M)

How do I disable mtion blur? Also how do I improve performance?

Her face is weird but it suits an female action character. She looks like your typical hollywood stuntwoman

Anal Weak 2 when?

Attached: 1565839632936.webm (256x256, 2.66M)

You can re-contain that Astral Spike, I believe. Just don't let it get too close.

Came for free with my 2080ti runs great with rtx on

She looks believable

I would enjoy it SOOO much more if not for the crashes

>it suits an female action character
No. it doesn't. She looks like one of those office women who tries to dress young because she's independent.

Attached: Control Screenshot 2019.08.28 - (1920x1080, 810K)

Wait. You mean contain it somewhere not in the pyramid room? That room isn't the containment room?

I haven't had it crash once except when alt tabbing to something else in which it crashes on tabbing out. Are you getting that gamerrmd7win error or whatever it says?

Why are you so obsessed about the face, and not actual gameplay? I bet you play those pathetic dress up games for weebs.

Such a fucking man face.

Can't say the same thing about yours though.

There's an Astral Spike loose in one of the sectors, with its holding cell wide open. You can lure it back in and seal the door shut on it, re-containing it.

If that's not the one you're talking about, then you might be dealing with one of the others randomly wandering about.

I meant a DRM-free version directly from Humble, not a key for another store.

If you buy Alan Wake on Humble, for example, you get a DRM-free copy in addition to the Steam key.

Looks good to me senpai

I tell ya I get no respect, no respect at all

Disliking a particular company isn't brand loyalty.

"I only buy games from Steam" is brand loyalty. "I'll buy this game from literally anyone but Epic" is not.


is the gameplay any good?

>Nothing about the game itself
download it and you'll quickly find out why

What would you expect from a board full of sexually frustrated manchildren?

The way in which it was marketed (of which it barely had any) made it seem like you had a lot of "control" and had a bunch of badass abilities, but based on my few hours of play and reviews, it seems like the only two things you get as far as controlling your environment is picking up the same 4 objects/the environment around you and shielding yourself with debris. Outside of that you get ONE gun and there's four enemy "types" which all do the same thing. If you play this, you're playing it for the unconventional sci-fi story like how Alan Wake was set up (it really really reminds me of a sci-fi film like Annihilation or something along those lines).

Piloting giant Mecha with my mind

Based Tim Sweeney paid for my digital download so I'm gonna try it out soon.

Can i unlock another outfits?
the 2 i have now look like shit, fucking woman have shit taste fashion

Go on, lad! Play away!

There's more enemy types than literally every other Remedy game, the Service Weapon has several modes of fire, you have multiple abilities of which Launch and Shield are just two and they can be customized as you want, etc.

If youve barely played the game, don't try to make statements about it.

Shut the fuck up shill

It's faggots like you that make it so we don't get good games, and then you post threads aski g why there are no good games.

>Do you fags not play fun games or something?
I do, it's why I don't play Remedy """"games"""".

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It's worth it alone to listen to Max Paynes actor reading monologues

But Tim already paid for it.

>don't respect customers
>surprised when customers don't support them

>a gameplay focused physics based shooter in 2019
Anyone who doesnt support this game is contributing to the decline of the industry desu senpai

Is this game the Alita of vidya?
>AAA product that sells terribly but is adored by Yea Forums due to being different from everything else

not really even though she looka like a man her head is also too big proportionally for a woman. maybe its a tranny

I just stopped playing like 2 minutes ago, fun game, got it legit too.

Attached: Control Screenshot 2019.08.28 - (1920x1080, 3.48M)

Game is good.
worth the pirate

Attached: Control 3.webm (900x506, 2.91M)

Yea Forums hates it because >muh sjw and >muh epic games store
the only valid argument is arguably the poor low end optimization

Attached: Control 2.webm (900x506, 2.92M)

>release it on the Tencent Store
>expect me to just go along with it and eat shit
Even Origin or uPlay would have been fine with me. Hell I use Origin still for Titanfall 2.

Except everyone who isn't a newshit knows marketers do shill on Yea Forums

Fucking quantum break reskin. What's the story this time? Gravity got stuck?

This is a game that require a high IQ to understand the story.
Brainlets need not apply

Attached: Control 1.webm (700x392, 2.9M)

The gameplay is stale as hell. What do you mean? It's a run of the mill TPS dressed up like an aged woman who has accepted menopause but refuses to dress her age just yet.

what with the guy after 0:06 just side stepping doing nothing?

The story is You're a fucking faggot and your parents should have aborted you

There's some FBC soldiers laying down suppressing fire. They were focused on them.


cumskulls never learn...

The one game I didn't hold off on buying--I fucked up. Got the PS4 version and it shipped before I could cancel. I'm a little over halfway through now, for some reason I keep pushing on with it. The framerate on base PS4 really is garbage, a single digit fps frequently. Combined with the motion blur, flashy effects and art direction, it can be extremely difficult to tell what's going on and actually see enemies. A majority of my deaths are the result of framerate.

I think the story is shit, not as weird as it should be, but the gameplay would definitely be fun if it ran at a smooth framerate. I could've sworn they demoed this game on PS4 before launch and it looked fine.

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You're the one bringing up looks all the time. Why would ask about opinions on the gameplay then sperg out about "cum skull"?

Attached: Control Screenshot 2019.08.28 - (1920x1080, 2.23M)

I dont play games with human female protagonists

Attached: 5c7f854d72e36da24d5902395f5e3bf9e9ab8380_s2_n1.png (1920x1088, 2.26M)

A lot of console demos are run on PCs.

It honestly looks incredibly boring. And the threads here have been pretty fucking bad.

I planned on buying it for PS4 because fuck Tim, but apparently it runs like shit so no buy

Jesse is completely bland and uninteresting
It doesn't help the voice acting is fucking terrible

Collective (un?)consciousness is messing around with everything causing items to do unnatural shit, an invasive cosmic threat is pouring into a building that, as one of its' many attributes, managed to contain it, some higher beings probably view everything that's happening as a game and guide you, the protagonist has something in her head she has dialogue with

that's what you find out within the first hour

I've been playing it and enjoying it. I like the atmosphere and setting and I'm enjoying the gameplay too, though I'm still early in the game and haven't unlocked a lot of powers or weapons. The action to cinematic/reading ratio is certainly quite low so far, but it's still pretty good to me. Mostly because I enjoy the setting and as such find the frequent story/lore bits interesting.

I'll be damned if I give it a single cent while it's exclusive though. I'll try to keep it in mind for next year I guess.

Supporting exclusivity bribes will do much more harm to the industry than supporting a single decent game will do good.

Based lad

The "Federal Berueu of Control", some kind of government agency that does paranormal shit, gets invaded by something from another dimension called "the Hiss" that fucks up the facility and turns guys aggro
For some reason you are declared the new director of the agency and need to sort shit out by shooting dudes in the face.

>I think the story is shit

What story?
Its a museum tour of /x/ rejects.

>using Yea Forums threads as any measure of what a game is like
Are you retarded?


Why does it sound like SCP, but in a hackneyed AAA game that's just a reskin of a previous game?

just pirate it and buy it later

Because it's Epic Store exclusive

That is like a bonus for most people that don't like papa Steams cock smell.

explain why

I like how you can launch objects from any angle if you release them quickly

Attached: from behind.webm (900x506, 2.89M)

Oh, that explains why I haven't seen it available to buy. Welp, another game I won't mind pirating or buying at a much lower price in a year or two should it ever get to other storefronts.

I just got past the Ordinary AWE. How close am I to being finished?

I liked that too when I figured it out and started attacking around corners.
Don't like you can't throttle energy charge and let the bar fill while holding an object before releasing.

Game looks meh, but I love the particle effects.

> customers
Pirates are not customers.

Nobody knows why some people don't like steam cock smell.

How do I unlock new outfits?

games with female mc protagonists are never fun

>being happy about having a different corporate dick down your throat

Epic hates consumers. At least Valve is trying to make Linux gaming viable so that we might someday pull the biggest and smelliest cock of all (Microsoft Windows) out of gaming's collective ass.

You can find them as you explore, and then try them on at Control Points.

What key do you guys bind your dodge, sprint and launch?

I have a hard time pressing E and control and shift desu. And no I don't have those mouses w/ buttons on the side.

Fuck off I got the game for free with a GPU purchase and this was the first time using EGS.
>no preload
>game did not release at midnight for download (PST)
>went to bed and after 1am and still no download
>finally got around to downloading around noon
>1mbps download speed when Steam,Origin,Uplay,PSN and xbox live are typically around 10 mbps 5 being the lowest

EGS is a fucking joke and a real piece of shit platform. I guess they can't be bothered to have decent bandwidth with all the chink spyware tying it all up. Once im done with this game I am uninstalling EGS and won't be touching it again until i get another free game or they catch up and become decent.

>it’s $60
its 33

>its 33
Its free

By default you can launch by pushing the scroll wheel in instead of pressing E

Because its not actually fun. Its just neat.

The narrative is told in the worst way possible. By completely stealing control from the player.
Thoughts play as camera zooms on the face of the widely agreed ugly main character.
And the thoughts themselves mostly pose questions as if youre going to be given a dialogue choice where there arent any.

yeah but my scroll wheel is fucked desu.

pressing E, shift and, control is so hard my pinky cant keep up desu. What do you use for those keys? I need recommendations desu

Also where do I find the disable motion blur option?

>Its free
why would you lie?

if this aint a fucking shill i dont know was is

Why does that thing look like a Neanderthal?

It fucking sucks
30fps on a 2080ti.
Somehow gameplay is even more boring and broken than quantumn break because the objects I'm trying to fling around get stuck behind the cover I'm hiding behind dumb health pickup system
Looks pretty meh if I'm honest tonnes of denosiseyboi artifacts and horrendous performance constant stuttering even with rtx off I barely get 60fps 1440p and hilariously even at 720p dlss I barely get 60fps with rt dxr on
Complete joke also ironically the game controls horribly very clunky aiming and movement regardless of fps feels sticky and crap at 30 60 or 100+

Pirate it idc the fitgirl one is only 15gb unpacks to 35 or so

Is this even english?

I am, just got to the anchor but how do I cross over to it?

>This fucking game here. The main character has a weird face but that’s my personal opinion and is mostly irrelevant, however
>>Looks likes a Quantum Break reskin
>>the same nerfed remedy gun physics gameplay
Imho gunplay is worse than anal wake and quantumn nigger
>>Had barely any marketing
Egs controversy will do that plus their games never got shilled that hard after Alan wake flopped
>>gameplay is lackluster for a Remedy game
The whole game is lacklustre even the story is meh apart from avg acting and hohum fomocap
>>Barely anyone is playing it outside of theRadBrad
I couldn't even stand it for an hour so boring
>>it’s $60 for a game you can probably finish in one or two sittings
Yep the maps tiny and it's very repetitive literally a tech demo nvidia helped make
>>This is the tenth thread I’ve seen where OP complains about people not taking about or playing this game
Because it's forgettable garbage
>I don’t know if it’s samefagging or legitimate shilling but if I do ever play this game I might pirate it
Don't bother u do T have to even play it
Fuck up gigacuck

I don’t play western sjw trash, sorry, not sorry!

>30fps on a 2080ti.
100fps on 1060 here, stop pretending to be a retard.

This but 10% more unironically.

I wish it had more powers. So far with only one not being unlocked, which I assume is Levitating, you get Launch, Shield, Seize and Evade.
Plus it only seems you get Ability points for doing side missions, stuff for the janitor, and main missions. I'd probably have preferred XP for killing shit.

Ontop of that, only 2 weapon forms at once and 3 person mods. Its hard to fit in a cool build when your so limited. They really neutered your potential power.

Yup. Definitely a turbo-faggot that flunked highschool.

Is the game actually fun?

Try turning useless rtx on
Oh wait u can't no point since it just makes everything retardedly shiny + makes the game run/look worse visual clutter and noise everywhere from the raytracing
Why yes I did flunk hs college and uni how could u tell

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Levitate will allow you to get over, I think. Just be prepared for clocks

From what I've played? Yes. From Yea Forums's opinions it takes out of its cum-stained asscrack? No.

Is Melee a good ability to invest in?

I only just got the floppy disc and the retarded guy flying around should I push on? Really not enjoying the bullet sponge or reload mechanics gunplay is also suprisingly bad for a remedy game

this, because of this

I'm on Mission 4 and still haven't found any.
Any clue where I can find any of them?

Try the sidequests. They're likely to be amongst some of those.

The Floppy Disk is Launch, so your going to feel exponentially more power than before where you can usually kill people with just throwing shit at them. Especially if you upgrade it. Bullet sponges also become less when you get different weapon forms or just +% damage mods.

The gunplay never really improves though, I just go into rooms and start chucking shit around and mind controlling people

>sub 20 fps: the game

>being a consolekid
Runs pretty well on my PC

inb4 "b-but muh 88%"

Is it our already? And Epic exclusive? Wtf? Why didn't I hear about this?

>company: hey retard customer, you know all those things you're accustomed to getting with every other store? Yeah we're not doing that, fuck you
>customers: wow this company sucks I won't buy anything from them
>you: hyuck brand loyalists hyuck
one day you might be able to master critical thinking but today is not that day

I did it, it's good for getting a full health grunt to 10-20% health and then taking control of him.

Meh I guess I'll uninstall it then I just wanted to know if rtx shit ran any better but it don't

Torrent finished, gonna drink your tears while I play a free game, piss baby.

Weird lack of marketing, and being exclusive to Epic means fewer people are playing it.

>be one mission three exploring ritual dept
>have found 2 threshold kids vids
>find a report on their background
Oh fuck. I love finding little details and hints like that.

Kysoy faggot cucksucker