Get in loser, we're saving Final Fantasy.
Get in loser, we're saving Final Fantasy
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is it that time again?
I'll take the train but thanks for the offer
back to cuckshed, lightningfags.
Just make sure you don't drive into an alleyway!
Christ why do these pictures always make me laugh so hard
She just wont die lol
>13 was trash
>15 was a trainwreck
She ain't saving shit
How unfathomably BOOTYBLASTED would Yea Forums be if she was the announced female character that nobody wanted?
Wait, aren't you the dumb cunt that already drove final fantasy off the cliff?
Post the image.
wish lightning was real
But you aren't in FF14 anymore
Does she have an actual ass in dissidia? I mean it's koei tecmo after all
Yea Forums would implode if she got in
I would personally love it
I would revel in it.
Not really but they did up her chest.
Yes, this is bigger than the XIII trilogy.
literally who wouldn't
FF13 may have been 3 shit games, but that would the greatest thing to happen to this dying board.
Seeing as how nips love raightning and square loves shoving her into all sorts of shit for the jew dollars, I would prepare yourselves a little for if this actually happens.
>lightning returns
>not lightning strikes twice
wasted opportunity desu
I'm always ready for more Lightning
Lightning is okay but Vanille is the actual worst.
Fang is the correct choice though. I actually like her a lot.
gods my teenage self wanted fang to dominate me
It would be hilarious if Lighting came with 2 dozen songs while Cloud only still has 2.
>tfw Vanille's moaning was something the voice directors wanted
thank you voice directors
I was so sick of hearing "Blinded by Light" by the time I had finished 13.
I'm starting to think I'm the only person who really liked Vanille that and her outfit makes me goddamn diamonds.
I too like Vanille.
She grows on you.
>being atracted to a whore
at least lightning is pure and untouched
>at least lightning is pure and untouched
You wish
That picture looks like Ellen got zapped by electricity
Dr kek and my sides
She is though.
I recently decided to replay 13 to see if its as bad as I remember.
I've found I enjoy the gameplay but nearly every character is completely unlikable.
Thank god it gave us best girl
She looks like she's wearing tinfoil
It's already saved.
Does Hope count?
why do all these girls dress like sluts
>FFXIII is turning a decade old in a few months
fucking hell bros
She was seriously one of the only redeeming factors because of how hot she was.
Fucking hell I just bursted out laughing.
explain hope x lightning to me
I find it funny that she's supposed to be some multi-media superstar but they can't change her hair or else no one would know who the fuck she is because she'd just be another random anime thot with zero remarkable features.
Because they're sluts
Bayo 2's hair with Bayo 1's costume
Bayonetta is disgusting
Will she let me sniff her pits while rubbing my nose against those nasty holes?
I want to impregnate Lightning!
Yet you will always know it's Bayonetta, regardless of her hairstyle and attire, because she has soul.
i jerked off to this bitch 10 years ago fuuuuck kill me now
I love the Vanille posts
Make 16 (this time no hallways)
Drop 7r
Her second game flopped in both consoles it released on and the third one is vaporware. Now get the fuck out you cringy cuhrayzee fag, we already have a lankly goddess to worship here.
>Still has more soul than a hard-pushed multi-million dollar product
Funny how that's always the case.
I'd tell you to go make a Bayo thread but you'd get like three replies. You can stay here it's fine just cool it with the buzzwords.
>spine comes out
>no ribs attached
boner lost
i miss her
I want a Lightning gf so bad
>Have Advent Children Complete that I got for my 16th birthday
>FFXIII trailer listed as a feature
Feeling old.
Lightning trilogy on PS4 fucking when
They should make a sequel/spin-off with Lightning and Hope's daughter
>get in
what, the trash bin?
I miss love story in FF games.
They will bring it back in FFXVI, right?
FFXV was a love story :^)
FFXVI better have some yuri or I swear to god...
Between Terra and Noctis
You already have yuri in FFXIII.
The only good thing out of FF13 was SFM smut and that one image set.
wait a minute this isn't advertiser friendly
Should've gotten Noctis and Luna Married and have a honeymoon mission with her where its just you and her without any of the bros..... then you kill her in the next mission. It would have been more heartbreaking. The only characterization she had in the base game was when her Nanny tells you after she died how excited she was to marry Noctis and kept trying on her wedding dress
No, her death would have been more effective if you had a spy-esque mission in Altissia and have a date with Luna even just for one night where it all ends in that bar of weskham with one picture that is not known by prompto but hidden by Noctis. Imagine, a sea trip with Luna, going around Altissia messing with kids, looking at her wedding dress, opening the other half of the city, adoring the Tidemother's statue, RIDING ON A GONDOLA TOGETHER. ANYFUCKINGTHING to make their relationship felt.
Even just a romeo and juliet balcony style scene as Luna is kept in the Chancellor's quarters would suffice, since ffxv pushed that shakespeare quote in the game.
Can you even be zapped WITHOUT electricity?
Her death would have been more effective if they had you actually see her for more than three minutes beforehand. What a fucking trainwreck that game was.
Don't worry LunaCucks we secured the Lucis nox caelem Bloodline during the kingdom's dire times
Just had to make me come and get you, didn't you. Don't run off this time.
I fucking hate FF13, but this picture is just cute
I enjoyed FF13 and 13-2
XIII-2 is the worst game in the series
That's what I said.
did she get with the white haired kid in the end?
no that was her sister. She literally becomes a louis vuitton fashion model at the end
Cloud is Lightning's wife
Lightning Returns is, by a country mile.
And that's a good thing
So you're gonna drive off a cliff with Cloud, Noctis, and Nomura in the trunk?
Lightning is forever.
But if Noctis is in the car it would be stuck on rails
Is FF12 the best non-turn-based Final Fantasy game? Crystal Chronicles is fun for co-cop but that's very different.
Please describe her vagina
cute and lickable
why is her game not on ps4
And yet the BRAND alone sells far TOO WELL. Seriously the latest game sold like nine million units. That's not a flop.
And Episodic FF7 Remake? That will sell like fifteen million units per episode because fanboys are extreme for this franchise. Final Fantasy simply cannot ever fail.
Want to save FF? Get rid of Nomura. I am tired of his character designs and I hate his "skills" as a director. The worst thing that can happen to this series is hire Nomura to be the director of an original new main numbered FF game (I'm already raising an eyebrow in suspicion towards FF7 Remake having those Watchen of Time and Fate stalking Aerith).
>love the game
>hate its combat
Its a struggle
Annoyed but more "meh" than anything and happy in the knowledge that it wasnt Tracer at least.
Least it would mean more FF music
Lebreau > Vanille > Lightning > Fang for me.
*Passes you*
Why were there SO MANY of these sweepstakes shits back in the day? I wonder if anyone ever won those..
how, you're gonna crash the car and burn?
Final Fantasy has just always been about advertisement basically
Lucky chocolate
I wanna lick the toblerone residue
Please post more Lightning I love her so much. She awakens something deep inside me the moment I set my eyes on her beautiful existence.
Got my own car, thanks.
If i was gonna play 13 what game should i get
I showed you my L'cie brand now answer me
X-2 > X
Haha she has no ass
I wanna blast Lightning's ample booty
I know most of you are shitposting but as a Lightning fag it makes me happy seeing people coming together for her. Thanks
You are not alone fellow Lightningfriend
me too
>game plays itself
>was saved
XIIturd was an insult to Ivalice.
To be fair, X-2's combat is leagues better than mainline turn based.
when I played FF13 I frequently had to stop to jerk off whilst playing the Vanille sections
>redhead twintails
>tiny skirt
>thin top that has an open back
>ankle high boots with fur trim
>australian accent
never finished the game though, I hated the linearity of the levelling system and how the plot seemed to be going nowhere for 50% of the game
Just finished XIII again yesterday after 10 years and now I really like her game, nip voices are really good too.
I prefer pockyin's more intimate Lightning animations
I too liked it when Vanille moaned every time she did anything.
X should've been ATB desu, would've made it more fun
Final Fantasy died on April 1st 2003. It's never coming back, OP.
KT just continues to disappoint
Sorry sticc, we already saved it.
xv is the best ff and most successful ff
Fuck off. ATB is retarded. Anyone defending falls into the same category. Go turn base. Or not. Waiting for turns and not doing anything is beyond stupid.
she has at least 40 minutes of screentime which is longer than Darth Vader screentime in episode 4, 5 and 6 combined.
>cancels all the upcoming dlc
>fires the director because he lost the company 33 million
Thanks for saving my money, Lightning-sama!
the only cancelled thing was non canon alt timeline bonus dlc after a 2nd round of bonus dlc had already come out after the 1st round of dlc had also come oit
the canon prequel 3rd round DLC still came out in 2019 too and FFXV is getting a new mobile game in China this year too
he left on his own and other SE devs went with him because he started a new company, he didnt lose any money, SE cancelled multiple new upcoming IPs and CGI production which is where that $33m went because SE cancelled them, not because they existed to begin with, and the FFXV mobile game made over $375m in 2018 alone which more than covers that over 10 times over
>>australian accent
How is this arousing to anyone?
Every day I have to hear and speak that shit I want to kill myself. Having an Australian in an American film is a surefire way to get me to turn it off.
>making shit up and lying about what actually happened
Sup Barry.
>muh boogeyman
Fuck off badonkaniger.
>But if Noctis is in the car it would be stuck on rails
unless you paid him $15 to get the Monster Truck
>>fires the director because he lost the company 33 million
and casualized the combat:
Focus on the mission, user.
lick it
>8th game
I can protect you from PSICOM, but not from yourself.
All the 2017 and 2018 DLC and free updates released and so did the canon 2019 DLC, only the non canon dlc that was never even originally planned and which was a alternate timeline that was only first conceived in 2018 and had nothing to do with the main game was cancelled later in 2018 when still in script phase.
Tabata didn't lose $33m, he created his own company and had planned to leave for a while, he did so and many other SE devs went with him to his new company, that $33m came from SE themselves canceling upcoming things that only started being made in April 2018, it had nothing to do with XV at all and was entirely about CGI cinematics and multiple smaller budget games getting canceled and them reallocating the staff to only work on 1 AAA new IP instead. It is literally impossible for even the cancelled non canon XV DLC to have contributed to that when it was only in script phase with only 4-5 pieces of concept art by 2 people had been done by the time they got cancelled.
XV sold over 9m in 2 years 6 months which is hitting 9m faster than any other FF ever has and at a higher price point too, it also is among only 4 FFs that have even hit 9m at all which is 7, 8, 10 and XV.
Its also the only FF besides FF7 to sell 1m on Steam, and since XV costs more on Steam than 7 does even when on sale that means it was more successful.
They are even making a new FFXV game for China mobile and its likely to be a FFXV Moba since Moba devs are making it, with Amano even creating new artwork in 2019 for it.
Eat shit
XV was such a fucking drag that it even manage to affect KH3's development
No he didn't you lying fuck
>this autistic bullshit again
Oh fuck off KH cocksucking faggot
That isn't the combat at all because you have manual attacks with opener, mid, finisher, counter and aerial attacks, charge attacks, directional inputs, warpstrike, point warps and warp itself, manual weapon switching which each weapon type plays differently, plus character switch which adds even more variety because each member has their own unique combat to them.
Stop fucking posting outdated 2014 interview that was literally debunked a few days after it was posted.
You're such a retarded cunt that gets BTFO on a daily basis and you're a piece of absolute shit.
Also the offroad car was a FREE update in mid 2017, not a paid DLC from royal pack which was in early 2018 you lying cunt
>get in car, eventually get beaten up
why is she so irate?
If the guy is saying that the cancelled story DLC is not canon, then why was it revived as a novel?
The act of reviving it as a novel officially makes it canon
Fuck off nathan KH3 fucked itself up and KH3 bombed
XV had nothing to do with KH3 and wasnt even in the same division or engine
13 is just a better 10 prove me wrong.
Because they put it out as a novel which specifically indicates its a non canon alternate timeline, they literally just turn the script they had into novel format because they felt bad that they were cancelled and wanted to give fans the alt timeline story in some fashion, hence the non canon alt timeline novel
Why the fuck would it being in novel make it canon you retard? Its literally an alternate timeline story because its just a novel version of the alt timeline story that the alt timeline DLC was going to be.
Are you fucking retarded?
Who the fuck is Nathan?
Also Vs XIII (the original version of XV) took 10 fucking years to make and Nomura himself said that he would not work on KH3 until that shit was done.
And even then in the finished version of KH3 all we fucking end with is a teaser for not Vs XIII featuring Sora and Riku.
No it doesn't, the same way as even if it did come out as DLC it'd still be non-canon.
she is never going to let him go
Oh no look at him backpedal
Versus is not XV and the KH spinoffs are what made Nomura not even make that when he easily could have
Nomura was kicked off xv in 2013 and kh3 started in 2012 when he easily could have gone straight from kh2 to kh3 without making retarded sideshit
Nomura is a fucking hack and KH3 delayed itself by nomuras own incompetence, nothing to do with XV which was made by a different team, division and engine
Cloud/Lightning is the superior pairing
>Versus is not XV
It was, thats how it was started
>Elder Scrolls V
that's like saying dbgt is canon to dbz just because it was officially made
irrelevant, versus was cancelled in june 2012, ffxv was a new project that started using elements from it but with a new team in july 2012
I want her to top me from the bottom desu
I don't understand where all the lightning obsession comes from. She's the most boring default anime protag they've ever made.
the only thing i liked about her game is her belly button ring got me diamonds
When has Yea Forums cared about anything but looks?
>Saving FF
>Didn't just help murder it
If Lightning is in FF7R and you can go on a date with her, I'll buy 100 copies.
>i quit the game after chapter 1
I want to KISS that tummy
She's cute and has a cute sister.
That Moogle style looks like Mobius' moogles' retarded cousin. Is that from 13 or Mobius?
I from Japan btw.
What the hell happened here?
13-2 has the best combat in the franchise
>those webms where you pov suck Lightning's dick
FF XIII-4 when?
she is, that's what the ending of Lightning Returns was all about-- they show her living somewhere in paris at the end. she's out there, you'll just never be suave or famous enough to draw her attention
man that sword design is just awful.
>literally one decent vanille doujin
>it's a futa-fang / light+hope doujin
lmfao yeah ok buddy show me footage of you beating any of the superbosses without playing
15 drove it off a cliff. 13 simply put it on the railway
>we want the Irish audience
I've played XIII a couple of years ago and I liked some of the characters (mostly Lightning and Hope) and the first half of the story, but the combat only got enjoyable around the end and the second half of the story was awful for me.
How likely is it that I'm gonna enjoy the sequels?
XIII-2 is fun, has a lot of side stuff for you to do and also has
Did she always have huge tits?
She clearly says "OwO me"
there was a contest back in the Atari days where the prize was shit like a golden goblet, a crown and scepter, stuff like that
likely contributed to the great game crash of the 80s incidentally since Atari lost loads of money on that contest. iirc the guy who won had the gold melted down to pay for tuition