Long irrelevant game series gets a new VN

>long irrelevant game series gets a new VN

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It's just a cashgrab and Hussie is openly admitting to letting fans run the show now. Everything good about Homestuck is dead.

What's this? Is this another dating sim?

that rose is CUTE

Homestuck was only good because of Hussie, these new writers are totally devoid of the good comedic and storytelling senses that were seen in early HS. This wouldn't have been a big deal if Hussie had moved on to a new project after completing it and left the spinoffs for the new writers, but what really happened is that Hussie essentially retired and now Homestuck's corpse is perpetually being dragged through the streets.

nani the fuck

Hussie was a fucking druggie who crashed hard after his father died. Dude barely has two brain cells left rolling around in his head.

this, the only thing that explains early homestuck's insane update schedule is adderall abuse. the guy literally did not have a life outside of homestuck.

>The entirety of Hivebent was done over the course of a single summer
Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous

>the guy literally did not have a life outside of homestuck
If I was making Homestuck money, I wouldn't either.


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This was right from the word go, before there was Homestuck money. And it's not like the Homestuck money made that much of a difference; by Hussie's own admission he's never in his life had a real job. He grew up really well-off, and he's never needed one.

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I came as fast as I could

How about you post the actual link fucklord

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so its friendsim: kids edition

Can I fuck Jade and Rose?

Considering it seems to be set before Homestuck (April 13, 2009), meaning that they would be at most 13 (their 13th birthdays were December 1 and December 4, 2008, respectively) I'm gonna say no.

They look older here. Maybe it takes place in an alternate universe?

Which means next we'll get the canon trolls. Which means I can finally live my dream of dating Vrislka.

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never ever ever ever :)

Hussie pls

im just happy for mspa reader

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i thought he shot himself

I would assume that's a different mspa reader

That Rose is asking for dick

Is she ever not?

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cute art but literally years too late for anyone to give a shit

Rose is too fucking thicc bruhs I cant deal

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ill wait for the hidden problem slueth episode

Hidden Jailbreak/Bard Quest episode when

Daily reminder that act 6 is when Hussie decided to sell out.
>said on formspring that act 6 would be shorter than act 5
>hussie realizes that he can milk his new teenage girl fanbase for money
>artificially extends the story to give himself as long as possible to profit by changing the main villain and introducing a bunch of new main characters
>suddenly teenage drama becomes an important focus of the comic out of fucking nowhere (because a man in his 30s just suddenly gained a genuine passion for writing teen drama, right?)
>an entire new set of trolls that appear for one fucking segment and never appear again (because trolls are the reason why the fanbase exploded overnight due to fujoshit teenagers who didn't realize they were being made fun of)
>everyone is now gay because that's what the kids are into these days
>words that upset the teenage fangirl crowd like "fag" and "retard" mysteriously disappear from all the characters vocabulary
>do i even need to explain the peachy incident
Homestuck died when act 5 ended. Caliborn is one of the only good things to come out of post act 5 homestuck.

this is the same kind of people that later say "wwhy wave is a luser now wro never awuseed him bwaaaa" without understanding that was the entire joke.
fucking casuals.

How would the average Yea Forums session go?
>the one user that prototyped a figurine of his waifu into his sprite
>the one user using weapons of the dragondildokind

>not cascade which was in fucking newgrounds
it was obviously during act 5 act 1 when all the horny teenagers started sucking huss cock and rot his brain..

>that guy with a wojak sprite

So when it comes to sprites, how big does the object thrown at it needs to be to work? Can we throw a car into a sprite?

Is Roxy a tranny in this?

considering all the trolls put their lusus in their sprite and they can get fucking huge there doesn't seem to be too big of a limit. So yeah you could probably prototype a car

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Am I the only one who doesn't get why the kids didn't look so worried / terrified at the prospect of the world ending?

Post more homestuck sluts, it is all it is good for now.

>john wasnt there to see the asteroids comming from the sky
>dave had a life being trained and preparing himself for danger
>rose knew how to stay focused
>jade always knew it was going to happen
also they are kids, if the world ended when i was a child i wouldnt care that much either.

it prefers dead things but yes a car could work

Has to be an living thing, something that was formally a living thing, or something that resembles a living thing. Or else sprites would get prototyped doing literally anything, like picking up sand.

>started reading because of the recent influx of classpects threads on Yea Forums
>get to Cascade
>it's fucking hype
>heard it gets shit from act 6 upwards
>heard about the fucking retcon
It's such a shame.

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Just keep reading and form your own opinion. I personally hated the waiting periods of Act 6, where it felt like everyone was waiting for a climax to happen and then unprepared for when it actually happened, save for a select few. Nobody took any action, but that eventually changed. I personally liked the retcon a lot, from John's perspective.

Well if you end up hating it you can still enjoy the music, It's the best part of Homestuck

Ok but where's the porn?

Bruhs is she really 13?

It's already confermed to have 20 characters, which means the main trolls as well as the main kids

honestly I hated the ending but the epilogue sort of redeemed it. mostly because it is now canonically a lackluster ending rather than appearing to be while wondering if hussie thought you wouldn't notice.

She reached god tier so it's ok to do it

Either way the first user wasn't wrong.

I enjoyed Homestuck right up until the very first page of the trolls. At that point I didn't give a singular shit anymore, and as I understand it I was right not to give a shit.

> Bro and Jeff won't be featured characters
Into the trash it goes

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I was finally free
This shit is gonna make me spend another 5 years masturbating to Rose.

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>that rose
Nice but you aint getting a cent from me Hussie.

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That's a really cute Rose.

>All the time wasted reading and interacting with the fandom of this garbage series
>All those people I scared away trying to introduce this garbage series
>All those years I spent jerking it to shitty fanfictions and """""""Art""""""" of this garbage series
Why'd you have to remind me OP. Why won't this beast stay dead... I guess a nostalgia fap is in order...

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>never actually interacted with a fan in person
so sad.

not him but my two interactions with homestuck fans have been
>hey user who's your favorite character
>what the fuck why
>"because he's funny"
a jogging woman yelling NICE SPACE HOODIE

built for sex

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You think that's bad, I miss Homestuck RP.

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Reminder problem sleuth is 10/10 kamige and homestuck is 0/0 kusoge

this, they're sex starved maniacs

Has Hussie at least released a fucking list of all the classpects and what they're about? That's frankly all I want from him anymore.

>there will never be a TTRPG or a videogame with sburb mechanics
I mean, it's probably impossible unless we get those connect your mind to VR games but I can still dream about it.


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>kickstarter made around the time minecraft exploded in popularity and clones were cashing in
>still didn't make sburb
I know it would be a clusterfuck considering how turbulent the development of a basic point and click was, but GOD imagine writing a comic about a video game and NOT making it when you make a game tie in.

is it still true? I can't imagine any non hideous woman being sex starved.

>rose was my favorite character pre-scratch because of her controlling/sociopathic tendencies and her schemes making her look like the only human who was on par with the trolls.
>she gets completely stripped of all of that to become Ms. Lalonde Jr
Still fucking mad

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>dating sim with Nervous Broad in it
Sign me in.

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Heir/Rogue of Hope/Light
I get star of hope in that one tumblr test
And always get heir of hope on "Andrew.cmu"

Attached: heir.png (338x554, 7K)

>S Tier
Time, Light
>A Tier
Breath, Hope, Space
>B Tier
Void, Mind, Life, Heart
>C Tier
Rage, Doom
>D Tier

Time and Space are basically required for a winning session so they’re both automatically S Tier, regardless if light is technically “better”

what do you think roses lipstick tastes like

My pubes

black gushers and vodka

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Haha oh wow this chart is outdated

my peenus weenus of course