Enjoying the Dragon Quest 11S demo?

Enjoying the Dragon Quest 11S demo?

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No i beat it last year

It's kinda boring

how were the midis lol

i stopped playing because i didn't want to finish it and then forget where i was when i get to play again in a month. i'm gonna LOVE IT tho i kno it

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>Not playing on PC and using the Orchestra mod

Lmaoing at your life right now

I playes through it and had fun then tried it with draconic quests and had a fucking blast. Im sold

Soundtrack was shit. music quality was good but half the towns used the same music.

11s is infuriating because its putting the pieces back to what was missing from dqxi.

>having to have a mod
lmao still doing their job for free I see

I liked it. Stopped at 11 hours, definitely buying it.

I can not fucking stand the way the MC runs around in this game. Either the analog stick is fucking me over or the character is just a pain in the ass to control. I hate it.

Why the fuck was the other thread deleted?

Jannies assblasted that they got cucked by midis a year ago while switch chads get the best version

Just wait until you have to abuse the save game glitch to cheese the casino. walking out of the vip area and trying to turn around efficiently a shit

is there an arena by chance? im a sucker for arenas in rpgs

Got bored but I still plan on getting the full game

>cheese the casino
The casino isn't even that bad in this game. It's always annoying at the start when you have such a small amount of coins but once you are over that hurtle you can just play until you get a massive payoff.

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I'm gonna start over in 2d mode w/ draconian mode.

What skill trees are you boys doing for your first run through?
For me it's Greatswords and Knives, the premier combination of fast and strong attacks. Defense is for pussies and for Draconian Mode which I'm not good enough for.

same for me except im doing some drac quests. no shopping les xp and strong enemies. Its made the game much more enjoyable for me.

yeah i think i will 2

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i used the music mod

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>3d mode looks great
>2d mode looks great
>don't know which to use

How could i when its nothing but talking with shit combat.

No im going in blind

3D no draconian quests first playthrough
2D Stronger monsters and whatever else you want to add for second playthrough

>cheese the casino
>not just using a turbo button and a paper weight to keep mashing that shit overnight

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I feel bad for the producer. He got raged on so bad he's quitting SE.

Maybe I'm forgetting but isn't there just a auto play with them? But I personally just did poker. I'm sure slots is faster but I never really found it as enjoyable as poker.


he was a pretty based guy. I can't tell if he's quitting SE or Twitter though.

There is not, on PC I used an auto key macro to mash enter while I slept. I like poker more than slots but as you can see slots is the much more lucrative game to idle with.

yeah, talest this time isn't limite to just solt machines and bigo BS, Texas hold-em is where the shit is .

I'm mostly just going to do both. Explore the town and overworld in 3D and than explore it in 2D. They are different enough to enjoy both. Guess the only time that would be an issue is major scenes. But I might just leave the 3D on.

What happened?

Help with translation please?
Never really left it on so guess I wouldn't know. Just played lots of poker for both nice bit of Tokens but also the items you can get are also nice.

Honestly? Not really. The orchestral music just seems overdone, and using the new Japanese voices with the old COR BLIMEY text just feels off.

also this- the protagonist wasn't nearly as fidgety in the PS4 version, and I can tell that it's only going to get worse once I've got two or three party members following me around

I only did it for the pep pops/pips to power level my way to 99 using the extra EXP pep move combined with the metal slime summoning pep move.. Even then I still didn't have enough tokens to hit 99, ended up at like 97 or so.

Different user but basically some Moons got some crashes from the demo and were extremely aggressive about it. The Producer looked like he wasn't used to that hostility so he was a bit hostile back.
>Shut up we know about it
>Yeah yeah we're gonna deal with it. Go away
Then as usual it caused more to dogpile him. Then he locked his twitter that said he's quitting but things will be fixed. This is a solely Japan thing though so I doubt any journos will pick up on it.

better not read this next line, then
the loli is really a guy

>Not being a PC Chad and modding in the Orchestrated music
Oh shit nigger what are you doing

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buyer's remorse does things to an user, user

i prefer the midis and use them in the switch version. im playing a video game, i dont mind if it has video game music
