Play Warframe

Play Warframe.

Attached: ember's well defined ass.png (511x704, 663K)

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Damn Warframe looks like that?

i wanna cum inside the lotus XDDDD



Which Warframe has the worst ass?

Nova. It's basically flat, like the rest of her body

Where's the content?
>I need content
Where's the content?
>I need content
Where's the content?
>I need content

Shit game, shit devs and shit community managers.
I don't have buyers remorse from wasting 50k usd on in game currency.

>cant call others gay
What is the point

Is the meta still lightning zap zap gun everything and aim literally never? Is getting frames that aren't shit still impossible? Is the grind still pointless?

You don't have to answer, I know the answer is yes, no thank you

>not getting is platinum from eidolons and riven trades

look this fucking idiot noob who bought platinum. good job.

Just finished playing for the night. The switch version is comfy (cross saves when)

Wisp because her ass is so sexy it's a constant distraction.

the grind ends when you have nothing left to do but beg DE for new update like taters in

Now I will play your game.

Attached: 1558710552221.jpg (1742x1739, 2.52M)

Her powers suck

she sucks your dick with her enormous ass

Update when

Attached: 1551702710867.png (1920x1080, 2.76M)

Warframe ass will never be as good as Widowmakers ass.


Eat eggs.

Attached: They're just eggs..jpg (1280x960, 144K)

sup skeetmind get your thoughts off porno sometimes, fucking loser lmao

Post the furry one

Probably the easiest grind you will ever do in any sort of mmo-type game to be fair, all the best grinding and farming methods involve one-button room clears

Does it have actual graphics?

What other media has the Warframe aesthetic? The only thing I can think of is Guyver

Dark Sector, which isn't fair because it was made by the same company.

I'd play it if it had a proper story driven single player campaign. It just isn't my kind of game.

let me know when they throw out mastery levels
there is nothing dumber than forcing your players to use equipment they don't want to just so they can get more equipment they don't want and repeat

>not even mr27
youre the reason why casuals are infesting grindframe

Buy Shadowkeep

Attached: 1545741361512.jpg (3943x2629, 3.52M)

Worst part is you can't even play the game normally and gain mastery levels at a reasonable rate. Basically forces you to do boring ass grinding.

>they even gatekeep it and call people who dislike grinding "casuals"
oh gross it's worse than I thought

Not even the MR neckbeards are sticking around. They're leaving in droves along with the Youtuber cancer.

Bring me into your home while I’m unconscious. Then I will eat your eggs

No way fuck you Luke Smith I'm not falling for your tricks again.

Cool, maybe they'll fix the game and make it not shit when all of the "veterans" are gone and stop telling them bad design decisions are good. Wouldn't be the first game.

>Maybe they'll fix the game and make it not shit when all of the "veterans" are gone
Sounds like the MH problem

Datto and friends are still around. They'll never make sound decisions if they keep consulting with content creators looking to pad their streams.

Straight bullshit. Even with the crazy power creep, focus farming takes months. Mods with sub 1% drop rates can take you hundreds of runs to get. They never stop adding new bullshit drop rate stuff either and having to stop constantly to farm up plat to keep buying slots, reactors, forma, and older vaulted gear to up your MR.
The grind is very real in warframe and unless you want to make it your job, you are only going to fall farther and farther behind.

The amount of a pass this game gets is disgusting. People act as if this game is perfect and they never do anything wrong, just because they aren't as blatant with their jew tactics.

I'll probably come back once the fat Warframe. His name is Grendel or something right?


I will never not be mad about this game getting whored out like a cheap chink prostitute by incompetent drooling retards.
Imagine if it had proper budget and devs with a IQ higher than that of a fucking stick in a cow's ass.
No, fuck you, I don't care how shiny the new frame look when it's in reality held up with tape and some sort of unholy abyssal code, I do not care about a huge ass zone filled with a great emptiness, I do not fucking care about the ass when I have to go through hoops, paywalls, 500 hours grind, crafting some late stage clan station, autistically farming mods and what have you to even have the opportunity to wait 3 fucking days for the foundry to shit it out.
No, fuck you, go die in a fucking fire

>focus farming takes months

They absolutely do not, what

>Mods with sub 1% drop rates can take you hundreds of runs to get

Well this is literally a case of "ypu're doing it wrong". You're supposed to farm shit to sell so you can buy said mods instead of doing the work for them

MR is irrelevant once you hit like 16 or 18.

>The grind is very real in warframe and unless you want to make it your job, you are only going to fall farther and farther behind.

I've logged in recently after a long break but 90% of the shit i have is still some of the best shit in the entire game. And the things that arent simply suffer from riven nerfs

This, even if you enjoy grindy games like me and reach the realistic "final" MR of 14 there is so much that's bad about Warframe. The story is disjointed and nonsensical while told at you in the most unintuitive way possible. All of it seems to be whatever that attention whore and her boss think is cool at the time but they're out of touch boomers that need to hire an actual writer. Bosses have one mechanic, invulnerability, because feature+power creep has never been addressed. The enemy variety has gotten better but the lack of fighting mechanics means they're still pointless. Once you have good equips in Warframe there's nothing to do with it all.

how do you do this

>3 player parties
>6 player raids

An absolute fucking joke if ive ever seen one. I unironically have too many friends to put up with this shit in an "mmo" game so limiting

>ancient future humans use the power of aids and gold plating to make bio robots
>make one of them a cowboy stripper with a thong

Attached: mesa primes.jpg (1920x1080, 515K)

did ember get reworked yet?

It takes this company years to agree to commission a skin. No, ember isn't reworked yet

oh right
i forgot about that thing that they do

literally never


Attached: ember butt.webm (792x496, 683K)

it’s aerodynamic. Trust me

>log in for the first time since 2015
>go to recolor Saryn
>she has energy and emission colors that aren't even in the game any more

Well then. I guess those are never getting changed.

Attached: 1534098947081.webm (1280x720, 1006K)

they were crazy people who liked form over function

>When frames like Zephyr, Titania and Gara exist

Orokin put aesthetics over performance


it's fun

is the voreframe released yet

No, they just rated both very high.

>grind frames that you use to grind more frames with
>worst endgame of any mmo in existence
>manages to eclipse korean grindfests in shittiness because of how pointless it is
i would still play it if the male frames had fatter bulges and beefier muscles, but as is they're making it hard to recommend.

Bless those thigh cages for making her silhouette look 200% wider

seriously the gameplay is crazy fun. how did they do it? how is this f2p?

by making it a hellish slog once you get in far enough so you either pay up to beat the timelocked content or finally tear yourself free of its shackles