What does Yea Forums think of him?
>As an enemy in the game?
>As a "meme"?
Mr. X
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Is there a Mrs. X?
Unless T-infected Jill turns into a waifu-tyrant, no.
Besides, even if that happens, X will be cucked by Nemesis.
The worst part of RE2 next to being two-shotted by off-screen lunging zombies.
That paid DLC unlock is legendary. So many excessive playthroughs were avoided by buying it.
>He was better in the original
>all memes are shit
That about does it.
I think REmake Mr X gameplay-wise is a massive improvement over the original game's free ammo pinata, but I don't like his new Super Tyrant mode design.
He was in the original? He was pretty forgettable
He only appeared in Scenario B (as he should) and was pretty great for the music alone.
I like Claire better
Loved it. He's a pleb filter that gets people worked up for either being too frustrating or too easy.
I disagree. Only the original final battle was better, pretty limp-dick in the remake.
I'm remarking on the whole, if I were to segment it then I would agree he's a far larger threat in the REmake but his transformation, plus getting fucked over hard in the whole castration of Scenario B plays so hard against him that I can't rank it higher.
He's k. Not that memorable. Pretty sure the x gon give meme is dead and was the only meme that was popular with him
U wot m8?
Jk I disagree but I will respect your opinion.
average body
But his REmake2 final boss music is better.
Seriously though fuck the zombie grabs. How are you supposed to avoid them?
For the most part he's great. Much more impactful than the original, and tests the player's knowledge of the police station. I do think it's kind of awkward how he refuses to go into safe rooms (excluding the main hall), or the clock tower. But I suppose that's a compromise they had to make. The alternative would be to not have any dead ends and not make safe rooms truly "safe".
Still, while having actual doors with zero transitions is a huge innovation for the franchise, they still need a bit more polish. You can see the same thing with Lickers, the way they interact with doors is janky. It kind of breaks the immersion.
>He was better in the original
lmao not even close, he was an absolute joke in the original and completely outdone by Nemesis
>when you see Mr. X kneel down to enter a door
Resident Evil 2 was a funny game.
Also, is it just me, or does his design look reminiscent of Col. Sergei Vladmir? I think Sergei was genetically capable to become a Tyrant.
>and completely outdone by Nemesis
Isn't that the point?
Mr. X should've been like this. Making him use doors and ladders just makes him hilarious.
I agree on that he looked far more intimidating in the original the design just had that feeling that he is definitly the next step in tyrant research when he entered the 2nd form but his super design made more sense in the remake than it did in the original and the rail shooters because the team tried to go for a more "grounded" approach in that version.
I mean they had to remove the molten metal pit/ incinerator to make it more believable that he survived, allthough it is a miracle that X even survived getting blown up in a room with what I assume are a bunch of steam pipes running along the walls which was most likely so high pressurized that when it would burst that the steam would either cook a man or cut him in pieces.
I didn't think they could top the music from the original but they actually did it and I was impressed.
He should jump like Thanatos
nigga looks like a hall o cost survivor
as an enemy he's really good but too heavily scripted
as a meme he's always going to be overshadowed by Chrisposting, he never got a fair chance
He's not bad. But the game is clearly rushed to where him being in set areas seems like an oversight.
>As a "meme"?
the actual worst part of the game. it's just avoiding hitboxes with consumables being the only way to break a grab. if they were clever they'd come up with one more way to break a grab. purists will disagree, but for me it's just not immersive when you get the same grab animations three times in a minute
I've seen people complain about the dogs but I can avoid the flying pups easily. But the zombie hugs are fucking annoying. Is combat knife and grenades really the only way to keep them off you?
How fucking casual are you, holy shit
yeah that's all they give you. in fairness I guess it's pretty realistic, they would definitely be grabby. but realistically you could punch and kick them. you should have the option of pushing them away or punching them, with a chance that your arm is injured which will increase the amount of time it takes for you to draw your weapon or something. probably don't have to make it that complicated, but damn the grabs are really what keeps me from going back to the game. i feel like they just give me no control
Do you guys mean when the animation starts and the self defence item is the only way to break it or the moment before the zombie grabs someone from the side and all you have to do is to move the movement stick in the opposite direction to shake the grab off before it can start the animation?
Boots stomping on the ground
Meanest tyrant in town
I love these.
I really liked him, it was fun and frustrating to be going somewhere and open a door only to see him right there. Really added to the whole "oh fuck, please no, not now" factor that I really liked. Really made the game more tense especially knowing he's around. I do kind of wish he had more of a presence in the game since you would see him but not nearly enough to make him too much of a threat or if Umbrella dropped two
I still remember placing the C4 on the jail cell and turning around after the explosion to see him just standing there about to punch me in the face, made me scream and laugh at the same time.
Playing REmake 2 really made me wish we had a Terminator game in the same vein, but more in a small town like Silent Hill than a single building trying to gather parts or something to take him out. Hell, his theme even has the drum beats like Terminator.
What is this? I've seen it used for Vinewrestle and Jermarumble. can anyone tell me what it is?
>try to run away from licker
>it slingshots across the entire room and hits me before I can enter the door
He's a big guy
he's based
>running away from a licker
you deserve everything that happens to you
He's laid a ground work for pursuer enemies that I want to see improved even further. He could be a bit frustrating when trying to do >3hour runs and you'd have to jive around him or burn a flash bang but during the first run of the game it was fucking incredible hearing him stomping down the halls, not only forcing you to change your gameplan to avoid him but fucking around with some of the zombie placements, or crushing crawling zombies for you keeping a small level of dynamic level to it all. Maybe REmake3 will really go crazy with nemesis if they make that, or some other game studio will work with the ideas of an invincible, or near invincible enemy that roams constantly
>licker on wall
>zombies shambling around
>Mr. X steps through door
What was I supposed to do?
>zombies can turn 180 degrees on a dime and lunge at you to kill you from full HP in one attack
based remake
Is there really no way to get them of you other than consumables? Why did they do this? Carrying around a pack of knives and grenades is impractical.
>Why did they do this?
To make them more dangerous. Just stop getting grabbed
dude that doesn't work, if that was a thing speed runners would have no problem with this game
Grab escapes are RNG based, with the odds of success going up the lower your adaptive difficulty ranking. It almost never happens on hardcore because on HC your adaptive difficulty can't go below rank 9 (out of 12)
uhh why not just have one bite take half your health? they just did it the lazy way
Usually that's how it is (though they do more like 3/4ths damage instead of half). The player in that webm only died because they got unlucky enough for the first bite to count as full damage and then the double-bite combined with it before they could break free. Usually the double bite animation starts before the first zombie can do damage to you and you just take the double bite damage only, surviving
I have proof though
I liked the idea but he wasn't very threatening really, I hope nemesis is more dangerous
How is that proof? That guy is just theorizing. If you try to use a trainer for infinite HP to see if you can trigger it, you'll find that you can't reliably do it on-command on any difficulty. And on hardcore mode it almost never happens at all
i prefer ada but something about claire is really fucking hot
Zombies being strong makes the game so much more scary to play. This is like one of the only games to ever do slow zombies right
diddy they can be strong without locking you into a 20 second grab animation every single time they get close
So stun them before they get close enough to lunge and run past them. Shoot for the same knee to stun it every time and maybe you can shoot its leg off in the process.
You can also juke them like this if you are feeling ballsy. You can turn and run 90 degrees to the side between their double-lunges to dodge, but that's hard to pull off
Do you have any proof that shows that this mechanic is rng based and can not be consistently pulled of on not only normal and trainer but also on hardcore.
Did anyone ever tested this on hardcore and showed any proof because all the footage I found was on normal or trainer mode and just one guy showing it once during a hc run.
"Trainer mode" is just the regular game, there is nothing different about it other than you can't die and you can view the adaptive difficulty level.
My only proof is my own experiences playing with a trainer to try and trigger it at various difficulty levels. I would play in slow motion as the zombie attacked and even then, playing on gamepad and with all that time to do the input, I could not make it work reliably. I did input it like in that YT video too.
Starting around adaptive rank 6 in Standard, it starts to get exponentially harder to pull it off
she's got that girl-next-door vibe
one of the biggest reasons i havent played remake 2 yet
short segments with him chasing you would be fine but if he really follows you for half of the game that will get annoying quickly
>Claire meets Leon behind a locked gate
>Claire is all giddy like a school girl despite zombies closing in and a fucking helicopter crashing into the building
Is she retarded?
She's a teenage girl. And she got serious once the chopper exploded and it made the zombies wake up
>Didn't bust down the press room wall to the interrogation room hallway my first playthrough.
>shit my pants the second time around
That was fun.
who wouldn't be giddy like a schoolgirl for Leon?
he only follows you for a couple short segments really. Once you complete your little sub-objective and move on, he fucks off from the area
That really turns me on. Imagining a female tyrant walking around in heels stepping all over the zombies and lickers in her way is strangely appealing.
He needs to run faster than the player
otherwise he's not a threat, just an annoyance
his face looks like someone who just pinched a turd (his nose) off into the water and took a picture exactly when it hit the water and caused waves
Thats the point, he is unstoppable the first times and makes you fear him, since on your first playthru, you won’t know where to go.
>Is she retarded?
>He needs to run faster than the player
How the fuck do you balance that without making his pathing intentionally retarded?
Why can't Chris just continue his own bloodline?
Chris can't fuck anyone cause he's a fag.
Jill hires Leon to capture Chris so he can fuck her.
That or some other reason, I don't really remember
>a giant grey-skinned muscle MILF
>wearing nothing but a trenchcoat, a pair of stiletto heels and an uncanny expression
>relentlessly coming after your soft rookie boy protag with a stern, hip-swinging gait
There should be.