Why are Edelgard fans so defensive? You’re playing the retarded villain route. Get over it
Why are Edelgard fans so defensive? You’re playing the retarded villain route. Get over it
Other urls found in this thread:
>obsessively devoted
Brainlett here, why did edelgard start a war?
Everything was peaceful
Why did Gordan Freeman start a war in Half Life 2?
Why did George Washington start a war?
>Everything was peaceful
She has autism
And no one was suffering in a major war within Fodlan
To what benefit was any of the population at to go to war with each other because long ago the church did something bad
the absolute state of Lawfags, jfc
I'm not defensive. I just fail to see how war and nationalism is bad, regardless of your cause. She's basically just a Hitler clone. That's based in my book.
Nazi apologists wanting to not feel bad about picking the villain and killing everyone in sight for it.
says the guy ordering all his soldiers to turn into beasts for a slim chance fo victory
In what universe is replacing a system with one even more autocratic and authoritarian anything but lawfaggotry
cuz she's an actual demon
>I pull shit from my ass to own the libs on 4channel
Theocratic feudalism is objectively more autocratic than Imperialist merchant republicanism.
>King of COPE
>why do people get mad when i tell lies about their characters that they like?
Fodlan unironically would have been worse off if war had not broken out then and there
>everything was peaceful
almayrans were attacking fodlans throat
people were attacking villages doing blood experiments
the church was killing sinners and provoking attacks by rogue lords from the kingdom
villages were constantly under attack by bandits
relics were being stolen from the church
tl:dr it was hardly peaceful
The church is irrelevant and hasn’t been politically relevant in 300 years
>one supreme leader gets to dictate who fills the most powerful roles of society
>”Imperialist merchant republicanism”
The empire doesn’t even have a merchant class, and destroys the only nation that does. Black eagles only have one commoner and she’s a celebrity.
You guys know shit about history
>kills soldiers
Nothing personnel
>the church was killing sinners and provoking attacks by rogue lords from the kingdom
This is literally because of edelgard
Dimitri has absolutely no room to talk her, dude was obsessing over Edelgard's pussy for FIVE YEARS and some change.
>low IQ bugman has no argument but had to let everyone know he’s upset
>Dimitrifags are as obsessed with Edelgard as Dimitri is
Damn IS really made a great job creating a character that caused this much seething.
The people with the standing army are not irrelevant, this is politics 101.
>didn't get the crest metaphor
Go read pic related.
this is what eaglefags actually believe
Ask Rhea
lord lonato clearly has an axe to grind with the church and specifically catherine
The standing army that loses in every single route? That has to have children do their work for them?
That standing army?
>one supreme leader gets to dictate who fills the most powerful roles of society
>”Imperialist merchant republicanism”
I feel a little bad for the other characters that don't get as much attention.
>why are ___blank so defensive
>you're retarded
Gee, user. I wonder if maybe they have cause to be
>dimitrifags even made their own word cloud
Holt Christ, the word obsession doesn't even cover it at this point.
>odin and camilla
>getting autism
What in the goddam fuck?
this one doessnt have camilla or odin in it but it has awakening so its obviously very shit
I do
Generally, after a war, everything calms down for a while and this is the ideal state to exist in.
Starting wars to overthrow a ruler that is generally benign because they came to power with violent means long ago is stupid because the reason violent means are opposed isn’t because “oh, it’s bad that they get to be ruler and other people don’t”, it’s because “oh, people got hurt just because this one person wants to be ruler “
Edelgard starting a war to seize power is no different than Rhea starting wars to seize power
except the wars Rhea started were already over and the wounds had healed by the time 3H started so the only outcome of Edelgard’s war is to get people who were living fine under the existing balance of power killed because “duh, muh family was used by da dragons”
You haven't played the game??
Get the fuck out before you get spoiled.
>Why did George Washington start a war?
It was mostly a giant bluff to force the British to give the colonies real representation in parliament.
The prospect of independence only became a serious one once that possibility of an actual victory became more than a implausible fever dream.
Of course, that doesn't really relate to what Edelgard is doing. What she's doing is akin to Britain looking at America and saying "You know what? We want that back."
*draws bow*
yeah, you like that?
thas rite
I'll crit you again just for fun
rest in peace, cuntqueen.
>hubert sex
I actually Finished BE first then recently finished BL.
And wow.
Edelgard is fucking retarded.
Everything she wanted HAPPENS IN AZURE MOON ENDING.
like she literally didn't need to do anything for her ideals to come true.
Hanneman solves the crest social discrepancy
and even develops a way to remove crest for people who don't want them
>Crest bad [X]
Rhea steps down as bishop either way so the whole she wants the world in her palm narrative falls apart
>Church Bad[X]
Byleth takes over the church and along with the rest of foldlan decimate the remaining slithers.
>Dubstep is dead [X]
BL route was literally edelgard killing people for no fucking reason than to suit her own ego.
and the worst part is if she had fucking TALKED TO ANYONE AND LISTENED , she would have realized that her goals will be achieved in 5 years time.
She is angry at Rhea for cooking up a religion to reign Fodlan from repeating genocide on her people. Also angry at crest for fucking up her life and society.
She is basically throwing a temper tantrum that was directed at the wrong people.
>almayrans were attacking fodlans throat
The only route that adresses this was Claude
>people were attacking villages doing blood experiments
Edelgard sponsored this
>the church was killing sinners and provoking attacks by rogue lords from the kingdom
Every single time this happened it was in retaliation
>villages were constantly under attack by bandits
this will not change in any way. ever.
>relics were being stolen from the church
Edelgard did this multiple times
Jesus christ. Edelgard really was the the biggest threat to peace before timeskip
>merchant republicanism
It’s called the fucking Adrestian EMPIRE
Hell, it used to be a religious empire too where the emperor derived their power from divine mandate
They are an autocracy fighting another autocracy, except the Adrestian has no moral compass at the center of its existence
I'm almost done GD route.
Lol what is this actually accurate or a are you memeing?
It isn’t, ESL.
The most recent bouts of bloodshed in fodlan are the wars against Brigid and dagda, and the Duscur genocide. The fault of the empire and the slitherers
>no audio
You're only the villain if you lose.
That's more of a problem with BL that the happy ending is so contrived from a writing perspective. BE has actual stakes and visible cost that make the good ending more satisfying imo.
Because Edelgard comes from a family of the mentally ill and loses her goddamn mind without byleth sensei to do everything for her
Crests or something.
Not him, but since you are in GD, get the fuck out of the thread.
And enjoy the dubstep cult and the LOUD LATIN OPERA in the distance.[\spoiler]
>Rich people making peasants murder each other over nothing
>"Now my side is the good guys and heres why...."
At least it stays true to real life war honk honk
>marriane is huge
Yep, I’m think Blue Lions are based.
Does Byleth kill her in BL like in GD?
edelgard wanted to take out the trash, can you blame her? t
Edelgard should have a chat with Rhea before starting an all out war.Listen to her side of stroey instead of believing the shady molepeople that conduct shady experiment on her and the people of Fodlan.
>satisfying ending
>didn’t even deal with the primary antagonists
>handwaves the resentment from conquering two sovereign nations that has already rebelled against a dynastic rulers
Dedue did that shit behind his back though
Literally what she wants happens in all endings but under different contexts
BE: Rhea dies, Fodlan is unified and Edel makes all the sacrifices she did actually mean something
BL: Rhea abdicates and Dimitri unifies fodlan instead while also making reforms here and there
GD: Rhea dies and Claude ends racism, uniting Fodlan as one
Church: Either Rhea dies or chills out thanks to Byleth and he/they unify Fodlan and do reforms and stuff
A history class I took in eighth grade.
Because I lived in a state that gave me an actual education.
what board do you think you're on?
Because she didn't want to be complicit with all the bullshit
>shadow white dudes
>main antagonists
lol what
The hero of Fodlan.
sounds like a poorly written game desu. it doesnt make sense to have a morally grey route if it ends the same way as the less morally grey routes
TWSITD effectively have shadow control of the Empire and a plant in the Kingdom that is primed to overthrow Dimitri when he ascends the throne at any time. They’re also based in the Alliance in Goneril territory which is a stone’s throw away from Derdriu.
Even if I’m the wildest hypothetical Edelgard does a 180 on her plan to declare war on the church, in what world do you think Arundel/Thales is gonna take that standing? He would depose her like he did her father and just end up doing it himself, and even in non-CF routes I doubt he’s going to be even a fraction as merciful as Edelgard would be.
The bottom line is the war was going to break out one way or another. Edelgard taking charge of the Empire while fighting the Slitherers from within was by far the lesser of two evils
>Edelgard has the worst route in the game
It felt so rushed
Rhea messed up world's history and made Edelgard think she was the main bad guy instead of the shady jaywalkers she reluctantly works with
It's pretty hilarious when you think about about it
>tfw I like all the lords in 3H and don't know what to do whenever I see shitflinging about them
I get that it's Yea Forums but still.
Edelgard needs to win to stop all the problems that are caused by Edelgard.
Anyone else kinda feel like Marianne was a better Bernadetta. Everytime Marianne smiled it warmed my heart. And when she stopped wanting to kill herself, i almost felt proud. Bernadetta just kinda stayed the same for the whole game
It’s very ironic since many religions in our history operate under the assumption that man is inherently sinful, and Rhea could’ve obvious gone with this option when founding the church, and it would’ve been truthful
This is exactly what i was thinking. What was she even on about
The ending for BL and GD is a little it fucked up though since the religion that was confirmed to be a fucking sham is still being used to keep people under control.
1. The kingdom has dynastic monarchs, and the alliance has equally dynastic oligarchs.
2. Defining "main antagonists" is weird in a game that spends 11 chapters depicting the Church as fucked up, but introduces another group in chapter 10 or so.
If every group fought the same big bad then there really wouldn't be any fucking point in the premise of the game (factions having conflicting goals and motivations).
We'd have the same old boring "rag tag crew unites to face a greater evil" narrative that fans are completely sick of at this point.
CF is incomplete 100% but at least it has the most unique maps.
Church is literally a lordless retread if GD with a different final boss
The only war that is necessary is the one against the slitherers, nothing else actually effects anything. Especially in edelgard’s case. She literally appoints her classmates into the positions they were going to inherit anyways.
No, but the way Dimitri kills her is pretty cool tbqh
Take the dragonpill. All of the lords are dumb and humans should not be allowed to make decisions for themselves.
Alas that is the tragic irony that makes the overall plot so interest . Rhea literally creates her own demise on a twofold scale with Byleth and Edelgard.
Being Slither'd messed with her common sense.
Not to mention she took Dimitri's symbolic gift of the dagger and interpreted as 'it's okay if I commit genocide if it's for my goal'.
>it doesnt make sense to have a morally grey route if it ends the same way as the less morally grey routes
If it wasn't morally grey it would've led to a very explicit bad ending similar to FE Conquest
>The kingdom has dynastic monarchs, and the alliance has equally dynastic oligarchs.
What a loser of hogwash, the alliance is objectively more egalitarian than either nations. It’s the only one with a budding merchant class and it’s the class with he most commoners.
Both kingdom and alliance plants are only useful undetected. If Edelgard had used the Flame Emperor confrontation as a pivot point, revealed everything to the church and eliminated the Empire troops sent to steal the crest stones her route could had easily been the Alliance, Kingdom, the Church and Edelgard loyalists from the Empire against the rest of the Empire dominated by the dubstep cult, making her route much more satisfying instead of mediocre.
Hell, you can even have chapters dedicated to eliminating said plants to pad out the route.
Rhea is pretty dumb too mate. Hell her reluctance to reveal the truth is what helped to make Edelgard be such an autismo about the church in the first place.
>No route where you and Nemesis kill filthy Seiros together and turn her bones into a new weapon
God i want Rea to pin me down
>t’s the class with he most commoners.
Why do people keep saying this when BL has an equal amount of commoners?
Ashe barely counts is the reason
Get on the throne, professor!
Can you hear anything?
Why is it not working?
Mother? Where are you?
Everything was supposed to be right!
Professor, don't move from that throne!
You have to stay there until you hear the goddess...!
Where is she?!
She was supposed to take over your body!
Don't talk about mommy like that you bitch
Yeah amazing job Rhea and the church were doing digging against them pre timeskip, and they’re supposed to be the strongest standing army on the continent.
How the fuck were they supposed to fight them? They were hopelessly outmanuevered and it took them tracing their whereabouts from a light javelin to even find out where their secret base was, and they were only pushed to that point because of the war.
people who choose "waifus" are retarded before their born
I want this and an actual Almyran raiding route so bad.
And like Claude said, he agrees with Edelgard.
Not because of crest trauma, but because it aligns with his core beliefs.
He just doesn't think Edelgard's means are justified, which brings us back around full circle.
I'll say it's 70% complete. The plot & assets are clearly there but what truly hurts it is the lack of cutscenes
DLC, bro. Hopefully. Or if we bitch enough IS might make a prequel to the game.
>and they’re supposed to be the strongest standing army on the continent.
Schizophrenic fanfiction.
Please point me to where in the story Edelgard is specifically targeting ethnic groups to wipe out, the church does not fucking qualify. The only people guilty of this are from Faerghus regarding Duscur
Y’all have basically made it a buzzword at this point
>BLcucks start daily threads antagonizing Edelgard
>BEfags are somehow the obsessive and defensive ones
It was funny when you think that she made you do this exactly after you stop hearing the goddess.
>He just doesn't think Edelgard's means are justified,
That’s not it either. Claude just thinks her plan is fucking retarded.
To be honest the cutscenes in this game are so bad I didn't miss them on BE at all. It'd be different if they were Fateswakening quality but they aren't.
Not in BE.
It's a tale as old as time.
>it’s a dimitricucks blame edelgard for something Rhea did episode
She literally sets up the western church to die just so her vessel for mommy can get their sword back
IMO what truly saves the game is the writing. Even at it's lowest point in quality it still manages to keep your interested one way or another
Please me in what fucking world would Edelgard reveal to her biggest enemies her greatest secret regarding her identitiy, ESPECIALLY after everything that happens up to Ch.11.
Did you not notice Rhea going full Old Testament on the western church or something? In what world would that be a wise thing to do, especially when at that point, there’s numerous hints the Church ain’t all that good either
Speaking of, what exactly would happen? Sothis sublimates your being and you become Sothis? Sothis bursts out of the 'vessel' turning you into a bloody mess? Sothis just sorta materializes and you become a lifeless corpse?
The writing isn't that great but I agree it is enough to keep you pushing through the bad gameplay and bad presentation, save those tapestries. The tapestries are kino.
Can you go into more detail?
That was my impression as well, but I couldn't think of direct evidence to point to.
That's because in BE she's far more reasonable so it makes more sense to trust she'll do a good job compared to how she is in BL for example
I am golden deer and want more males in my team, kick out all the women, who belong in the homes and the kitchens.
Who should I recruit?
Ingrid is problematic.
How do we make her more inclusive, Yea Forums?
Do not speak ill of Lady Edelgard or I will be forced to act.
Linhardt you know, because you're clearly a faggot.
Wanna know the irony in all of that.
Claude doesn’t accomplish jack shit without Edelgard kicking things off with the war. He would have just sat on his hands and said fuck it and left Fodlan like he does in every single route but his own. Between using the professor as a liasion and a pawn to keep the alliance united and using the chaos of the war to glean the answers he seeks from Rhea, the success of Claude’s entire route is derived off the backs of people making the tough decisions he was too much of a pussy to make himself
Definitely Sylvain and Felix. They would fit right in.
>the game clearly shows Arundel aka Thales manipulate the western church to attack
>at the tomb battle, a dark bishop/slitherers is the one messing with the coffin
>nah man it was clearly rhea
Edeltard everyone.
>clearly a faggot
piss mammals 420
Edelgard's goal was to destroy the church and make crests irrelevant, twsitd are an afterthought. If they were her primary concern she would have gone to Dimitri, Claude, or both seeing as how they were the future leaders of the only other two powers in Fodlan. Dimitri was already looking into Arundel, and Edelgard HELPS that very same plant in the Kingdom assume power so your point is moot.
But no, she doesn't talk to them because her main goal is a society of her own vision that encompasses all of Fodlan. TWSITD and the rest are only secondary.
Imagine the ticks.
as someone who plays Etrian Odyssey this makes me feel mad uncomfortable
is dimitri bipolar? i can't relate to him at all. his anger is rooted specifically against edelgard and her noble accomplices, so how does he reconcile killing every last one of them, including those just trying to survive, and his grief for slain innocents? his character doesn't make sense
>her biggest enemies
Play the fucking game.
Look at the cutscene right after the mission. The western church members are begging for their lives becgae they are shocked to find themselves dying for merely doing what they were told to do.
I wish it was the villain route. But it isn't, and that's disappointed. I was hoping it was going to be like allying with Dagda in Apocalypse.
The point is that Dimitri is a broken man suffering from psychosis. He's not supposed to be rational.
F O E!
>so how does he reconcile killing every last one of them
>destroy the church
God I've gotta play Golden Deer.
Because church bad
>Everything was peaceful
sure just like everything is peaceful in the US everything is peaceful in the west everything is fine just fine the cops are just killing unarmed minorities because they're getting too rowdy for no reason at all the duscur people rebelled for no reason at all
'cause she see is a a tool Rhea uses to brainwash Fodlan into thinking nothing is wrong with the world and everything should stay the way it is, which is kinda accurate
Where is that shown a single time in the while game.
It was a corrupt, dogmatic mess of an institution that forbid research, closed all borders and kept the nobles in power by keeping Crests as the center of society. Her methods were wrong, but even Claude, who the game uses as the paragon of right, agrees that the Church has to go.
ONLY Edelgards ending abolished the crest and nobility system. The crests are the reason her siblings died and Lysithea had to suffer. And many of your waifus had to do forced marriages in order to maintain wealth in the family because of this society. Edelgard could have tried to talk to Dimitri and Claude to reduce casualties but who knows if they would understand her and follow her. She wanted a revolution and she knew there would be many sacrifices.
Do you think the French Revolution was without deaths?
Every route has a good ending but Edelgards route is the best one for the future of Fodlan.
Because the (false, courtesy of Rhea) history she’s been made privy to has lead her to believe humanity has been deceived and and manipulated by monstrous beings. Even Rhea herself doesn’t really defend this if you look at her Church S-rank
Moron, they claim they aren't with the church and they were clearly ordered to attack by Thales and the Flame Emperor. The fucking Death Knight deploys with them, Rhea had nothing to do with the attack. Rhea's fault is in executing them instead of investigating properly
>life dream is to unite all parts of the world toegether
>drops that dream to spend years searching for a cure for crest cancer for his love
I don't know if it's more stupid or sweet.
>everything should stay the way it is, which is kinda accurate
>has one of the few institutions of education in the entire continent and nothing about it perpetuates the class system
Why are Dimitri fans so obsessed? You're playing the generic tutorial route. Get over it.
>the success of Claude’s entire route is derived off the backs of people making the tough decisions he was too much of a pussy to make himself
I was under the impression Edelgard just sort of beats him to the punch by declaring war on the Church. He had considered plans for bumping off Rhea and other high-ranking church members covertly but when the war kicked off he had to spend his time keeping the Alliance from falling apart at the seams instead.
It's not show very effectively, but there is a bunch of exposition and it comes up in a bunch of supports and even Claude talks about it.
What was the Golden Deer's whole thing?
The absolute STATE of edelfriends.
>forbid research
>kept the nobles in power by keeping Crests as the center of society
Edeltards have zero IQ.
deer gang
Could be worse, they could be playing the unfinished, poorly written villain route.
sit down Edeltard
Claude makes it pretty clear that he was cool with her end goal. Dimitri is the one there could be issues but if Edelgard is smart about what she says, Dimitri's boner for his sisterwife can be used against all who oppose her. But it seems El kinda just lets Hubert deal with most of the thinking stuff.
>it comes up in a bunch of supports
No it doesn’t.
Crests are clearly starting to disappear with or without Edelgard's assistance.
Besides that, crests are only valued because they give people a clear advantage. Edelgard can't erase that.
>hurr edeltards.
Not an argument
>Rhea's fault is in executing them instead of investigating properly
She fucking executes them precisely because investigating them leads right to her. It’s not exactly subtle. The entire first act is hinting at the church being not so good.
Claude's route reveals Rhea messed up with history and uses the church to keep a status quo to prevent the red canyon event from repeating
She literally supports in Chapter 5 the idea that Sylvain's brother deserved to be transformed into a monster just because he was born without a crest, deliberatery ignoring his talent or even how horrible of a human being he became
All i see since this game released is BL seething about BE.
Dimitri's ending suggests a constitutional monarchy where commoners have more authority and Byleth is the pope, and Claude's ending has Byleth ruling over Fodlan easily able to abolish crests/nobility. Arguing that one ending is best when each is just 2-3 sentences of happily-ever-after is dumb
Damn is this really how they did the endings? i was kinda hoping for some cutscenes or art or something
>uses the church to keep a status quo
Hanneman says in his support with Edelgard that his research is considered heretic and is forbidden by the Church.
Did anyone else have major crest other than the artificially implanted?
>recruit characters to BE
>Felix goes full on edge instead of being a tsudere and abandons his friends
>Leonie is convinced the church was behind Jeralt's murder despite literally having you tell her after his death it was an agarthan
>Lysithea becomes consumed with revenge and becomes crazy
>recruit BE students on other routes
>they all have a meaningful development through their monastery dialogue as they actually find a cause they believe in
Reminder that Edelgard is so retarded that actually being around her makes others retarded.
TWSITD have proven with their blood transfusion rituals that they can keep the bloodlines going as long as they wish as long as they have samples. There is absolutely no guarantee this would have been the case
user Claude gets pissed at Edelgard for almot completely blowing up his plans in his route during the To War mission.
Don't reply to this guy user. He's baiting you.
>tfw the fandom of BE and BL being at each other's throats
>realize that this reflects Dimitri's and Edelgard's beef with each other
>tfw just like them I want the two sides to reconcile but it'll never happen
This isn't how I wanted life to imitate art...
There is one for Byleth. The final scene of the game will be (You) marrying your chosen partner and proposing to them.
>Lysithea becomes consumed with revenge and becomes crazy
What the fuck are you talking about?
Rhea herself can give people crests, she does it with Jeralt.
You have no evidence, just that there are hints that the church is bad, which are irrelevant to your headcanon that Rhea was behind the attack on the tomb. Nothing about that attack leads to her, Thales and Edelgard wanted the sword for themselves. Rhea's an antagonist, but you're just making shit up when the game gives you more than enough to dislike her already
>zero IQ monkey can’t follow a simple line of logic
Yes, I forget exactly who but I know Flayn, Ferdinand, and Sylvain do. Flayn having a major crest was the reason she was kidnapped and why Seteth keeps her identity secret.
>Nothing about that attack leads to her,
Except the following cutscene. And Rhea’s entire motivation.
The fundamental lie the church is built on perpetual the crest system itself.
If the people knew the true history behind crests the social order would be flipped on its head entirely. Instead of being descendants of noble heroes they’re accomplishes to genocide of the benevolent race that rebuilt Fodlan from the ashes
On BE she is fueled by revenge thinking it was church's fault for her crest cancer.
What does this have to do with the church?
>Rhea gives someone a crest
>They don't become a noble
>If the people knew the true history behind crests the social order would be flipped on its head entirely.
Yeah the people without superhuman strength and magical capabilities, the people incapable of using relic weapons would somehow be on top of society
Only her own crest though, she doesn’t doesn’t have access to others as far as I’m aware, assuming Seteth and Flayn don’t donate some of their own
The game feels incomplete because you don't know what Sothis, who everyone is fighting about, actually thinks or feels about anything. That she disappears for half of the game doesn't help. That the Agarthans are basically nothing doesn't help, either.
Reminder that they are officially called Agarthans.
>Felix goes full on edge instead of being a tsudere and abandons his friends
pretty sure he's overplaying it. It's pretty obvious he doesn't really wanna kill any of them save for his dad (kinda. it's complicated)
I dunno about her but her reasons for opposing you literally makes no sense
>Lysithea becomes consumed with revenge and becomes crazy
She supports Edel because crests ruined her life to the point she dies young unless you pair her up with specific characters
Yeah except only in Edelgards ending it is explicitly said that the Church of Seiros, nobility and crests are of no matter to the people. I already said that every route has a good ending didn't I?
I know, but I'm still gonna call them slithers
Strength in numbers user. Dimitri can be the gorilla strength manchild all he wants, but even he gets run down by a bunch of generic soldiers (offscreen btw). It’d be the same for literally anyone else
The church has forbidden Hanneman's research to create magical tools that don't require crests to be used.
I didn't get that impression, her support with Edelgard seems pretty benign.
Are there any S rank battalions? Is there a reason to get authority over A?
>The game feels incomplete because you don't know what Sothis, who everyone is fighting about, actually thinks or feels about anything.
Does it really matter? Only Rhea is motivated by anything related to Sothis, Edelgard specifically wants the religion destroyed, Claude seems to be an atheist or at least see religion only as a moral compass for people, and Dimitri doesn't care about the religion at all.
*kills your god and her children*
But what's their fucking plan? "Revenge on Seiros"? Is that really it?
>kill byleth
>live jeralt
>sex god
>retarded goddess
>dedue love
>let leonie porn
>marianne better
The cutscene is her executing people that ostensibly attempted to assassinate her, with her crime being that she kills them and later purges the otherwise innocent Western apostates without looking into the truth of things because she's proud and authoritarian. Rhea lets you keep the sword to further her goal of resurrecting Sothis, but the game explicitly states that Thales and Edelgard were behind the attack on the tomb by having them discuss the attack immediately afterward and Edelgard lends Thales the Death Knight, who was with the attackers. You're lying for no reason, Rhea already looks bad without orchestrating the event, which she didn't
>Edelgard is the only good villain in 3H
TWSITD are such boring shitheads
Now that you mention it what could he have even done that wouldn’t have lead to direct conflict with the church, snooping around would have only gotten him so far. It took 5 years of imprisonment and nearly dying for Rhea to even consider to start spilling the beans
Their plan is to experiment on children and generally be dickheads.
Basically. They are just still assblasted they lost despite being technically superior. I think they were originally humans Rhea forced underground for some reason but I forget.
>resembles Richard Dawkins
>kills gods
Edelgard didn't even know about the sword being in the tomb, retard.
Dimitri eats pussy like a monster!
Anime Genghis Khan was pretty cool, Rhea is also pretty good since she actually feels morally grey.
This community is so used to comically black and white villains the second you give them something that’s the slightest bit grey they go full fucking retard. It’s embarrasing
>muh genocide
>she killed trillions
>hurr edeltards.
She’s the first great antivillain this series has had since Arvis
I know. But they're genuinely nonthreatening because they don't have any end game. If they win, what happens? Rhea dies. And then?
>Check to see what Dorothea looks like a dancer since I chose her to be my dancing rep.
>Come time skip she has her default outfit
So Warlock and Dancer are her canon classes eh? What other character have canon classes?
There's something appealing about having some bumfuck Bandit who would otherwise be a Chapter 1 boss in any other game be the final boss due to being given superpowers.
Nemesis is only good from the perspective of how subversive he is.
>generic soldiers
Who do they serve? Another crest bearing superhuman. That’s exactly how it would play out. The strong assert their strength, and are the ones capable of ruling others. Disparity is what creates hierarchy.
Just look at real life. If a king declared divine right to rule generations ago, it isn’t that declaration that keeps his family in power for one thousand years. It’s everything else. The ability to muster soldiers, land ownership, wealth, education, higher life expectancy, connections with others in power. The original sin is fucking moot
It's explicit because that was her goal, yes. But there's little to prevent the same thing being achieved later in other routes with little effort due to Byleth being either pope/king. I'm not arguing that every ending isn't good, but claiming one is better than the others when they all have contrivances to sound good is silly. Conquering other nations would have consequences, and a shadow war against the Agarthans would have consequences, but the ending in BE just goes "it's fine whatever." The endings are the most contrived part of every route
anybody find it strange that Nemesis and his army look poor as fuck but Rhea and her army are equipped to the teeth? why the fuck are we supposed to believe Rhea is good? we don't know what motivated Nemesis and only think he's bad because Rhea told us he's bad
I wish Edelgard's route was complete, but I guess the Slitherers are so irrelevant that 2-3 lines in epilogue saying they were defeated was all they deserved. Why couldn't they be better antagonists instead of literal jobbers?
not a villain tho
>higher life expectancy
Doesn't Edelgard have the exact opposite?
Hubert is meant to be a Dark Bishop and Caspar a warrior I think
>be a generic bandit
>offered an opportunity to kill god
>kill god, drank her blood and forged a weapon out of her bone
>uses said weapon to murder her child and make more super human with their blood
I wish we learned more about him when he got resurrected but I guess his revenge boner for Seiros is too big for him to have a normal civilized talk.
Felix is a swordmaster I don't remember any others.
I think he would be better if they hyped him and his history up more, maybe have people reference him from time to time, but overall the last battle in GD was still pretty cool.
>Rhea forced underground for some reason but I forget.
Sothis. Long ago Sothis shared their knowledge with humans, and they made shit like missiles, weapons and trash music so Sothis purged their shit taste. A few survived, went underground, kept their technology and waited for a chance to strike.
Their beef is against Sothis, and pretty much all of dragonkin, so they have it against Rhea for being a scalie and (you) for having a testicle of Sothis lodged inside you.
Winners write history. In the case of Seiros, that's literal. We don't get to know their motivations just like we don't get to know the cause of the original war.
In Rhea's defense, her mother and siblings were murdered and carved into weapons for mankind.
If a Rathalos could make a church that could stop that shit from happening, they'd do it too.
She did, the Flame Emperor mentions the Sword of the Creator being in Byleth's possession to Thales even when she isn't present for the attack. She and Thales deployed the Death Knight to ensure that the attack succeeded because they knew something valuable was in the tomb. Play the game
The dude's a fucking bandit, when has a FE bandit been a good guy?
>pussy slayer
>the angle of ass fucking another man
that settles it dmitrifags are incels in the closet
>Rhea dies. And then?
They have the Empire infiltrated, given that Thales himself has replaced Edelgard's uncle, so if they make the Emprie rule all of fodlan, by extension they do.
Gonzales kinda
>The cutscene is her executing people that ostensibly attempted to assassinate her, with her crime being that she kills them
Why would they be confused then? What did they think would happen, why would they specifically mention this not being what they were told would happen
I hope the story DLC focuses on this history of him and his Bandit gang, honestly. You can develop the Slithers a bit more as-well as Nemesis and kill two birds with one stone.
Get fucked.
1:02:30, ignore the YouTuber, it's the first video I found.
It's fem!Byleth, dude.
Every unit does. when using a certain beginner, intermediate, and/or advanced class they will be in their default uniform, these are their canon class. Just for example: Ignatz, Ashe, and Bernadetta will stay in their default clothes when they are an archer or sniper.
So what are they gonna do about Emperor Edelgard von Hresvelg? She clearly has bad blood with them since they, well, did things to her.
That's it? Doesn't seem very threatening, specially since Byleth and Hubert's secret police just kill them all, anyway.
There’s really no reason we are shown why they couldn’t just nuke enbarr
Even if the game's ambiguous about their involvent Edel is clearly supporting the mission by lending them the Death Knight
Didn't they nuke Arinhod or however the fuck that city is called because Edelgard went and killed one of their sleeper cells?
Hubert's paralogue implies that they think they can get Edelgard under control but the endgame of Edelgard's route basically has them already at war with Edelgard since she killed titty monster without hesitation.
And it’s not at all being ambiguous about the first being evil. The entire first half of the game is about their own conspiracies.
That's one way to save face.
Is this where I say "Play the game"?
I'm think there's possibly something more seeing as there's a line that claims Nemesis 'lost his reason' which would imply he had some reason for his actions to begin with, but all things considered he doesn't really give you any reason to think otherwise by the little we see/hear from him in-game
It would draw too much attention to themselves, especially since in-universe the missiles are blamed to be something the goddess/church does when people step out of line
>since she killed titty monster without hesitation.
Solon is the one who kills her though, she was literally always intended to be bait to lure Byleth.
Their missiles have a cool-down time.
Yup. It was a warning shot. The problem is it directly lead to their coordinates being discovered, hence why they used it only as a last resort
Not that titty monster, the one in Faerghus.
And how do we know that Byleth will do this? Because he/she is the main protagonist?
Still it is better to change the world sooner than later to reward the people who deserve a good life because of diligent work and not because their parents were nobles.
come on user you can trust me
Wrong titty monster, he means Cornelia
Why did Hitler start WWII? Everything was peaceful
Man Hubert is the real MVP.
Sothis didn't do crap we made all that tech not the goddess
Fuck rhea and fuck sothis
Sorry, haven't played BE route, why do you kill Cornelia on that route? I would think they would need her or at least be neutral on her in BE.
This is some full-on headcanon shit, but maybe Seiros magically rewriting history overwrote his personality, causing him to "lose his reason."
Basically as a fuck you to the slithers and Edelgard thinks that since she's fighting Dimitri there anyway, she thinks she can get away with it by calling it an 'accident'.
They're just mad they don't have the best track in the game.
>Everything was peaceful
She wanted the Empire to be the Fire Nation, so she attacked
They were told lies by Thales, who manipulated them and the other Western Church members like Lonato into attacking the church. They were accompanied in the tomb by dark mages and the Death Knight, and only Thales/Flame Emperor can deploy them. Lonato claims that Rhea is a heretic blaspheming the goddess, which has no true basis beyond him being mad for Christophe's death and being fed misinformation from Thales. Thales and the Flame Emperor manipulate people who have other grievances with the church into attacking the church and Rhea so they can further their plans of dismantling the church. This plan involves stealing holy weapons and crest stones from underneath the monastery. There is nothing explicit that shows that Rhea orchestrated the attack to give Byleth the sword, only that she let Byleth keep the sword (suspiciously) because she wants Sothis revived. Her being shady and weird is distinct from everything Thales/Flame Emperor are doing in secret. She kills all her enemies without hesitation, and she's lying about the history of mankind for over 1000 years, she's clearly in the wrong despite not being behind the attack
>goddess/church does when people step out of line
Why would the slitherers think this is a negative
Why we need to be defensive?
She believe in her cause, right or wrong, she stick with it to the end. The only complaint I got is that she a bit of OoC when faced against Byleth (Church and Golden Deer). Her ideals were abandoned just because “my teacher”.
Because the game would be fucking boring if it was just slapping Siltherers shit for 22 chapters
Well she is pretty obsessed with SENSEI.
They spammed the fuck out of them in GD against Rhea
>Everything was peaceful
Because she was right. DRAGONS OUT. Slithers were right to. They're literally the only people trying to defend and reclaim their land instead of being uncle Tom Dragon blood tainted lordlings.
roasty toasty
They could do that, or perhaps they could go down the line of 'Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely' and have it be that he went after Sothis and her children for a good reason but after getting a taste of power he lost sight of whatever those goals were.
>There is nothing explicit that shows that Rhea orchestrated the attack to give Byleth the sword
Except her entire motivation which you just admitted to and the cutscene immediately following the mission. Stuff that’s actually in the game and not headcanon.
because by the end of BE the church and rhea is gone, meaning people will suspect something is up if it keeps happening regardless
Big difference asshole, they attacked the tomb knowing something valuable was inside, whether it be Seiros's remains (which Thales would know aren't there) or the Sword (which they're both familiar with) . Anyone claiming that Rhea played 4D chess to give Byleth the sword is an idiot, the attack was exclusively Thales/FE and the useful idiots from the Western Church, who didn't know what they were actually getting into
So why would they still think this is a negative? That would place suspicion on the empire who is now exposed as lying about the earlier nukes
the sad thing is he's still in the top three evil priests in the series, simply because he explains himself instead of being a shady shithead
>anyone who thinks the church isn’t shady as fuck is actually an idiot
This is your brain on otomefaggotry
Edeltards have no arguements. They have no refutation of Dimitri's idealogy. There was no need for pointless bloodshed. There was no need for war. Dimitri and Claude are the type of people to talk things out. Yeah Dimitri has his lingering regret but that is only brought back when Edelgard decides to fuck everything up and actively betray everyone in the monastery.
That's not Golden Deer and Crescent Moon.
this desu. Edeltards cant defend this
>d-doesnt matter!
dumb bitch
The church is overall fine, it's history is shitty but still, it's Rhea that is the questionable aspect of it. Even Seteth, upon realizing what she had done, is disgusted.
>Because he/she is the main protagonist?
Yes, he/she is the player character. Their agency and goals are the player's. It makes as much sense as everything being indefinitely peaceful in every ending despite the nature of the war. The game makes an effort to have every route address the problems with the setting to varying degrees of effectiveness, but individual character endings erode crests/nobility regardless of route. Getting rid of them most quickly is a point in Edelgard's favor that must be weighed against the innocents that died due to her actions
Post endings.
Man, FE villains really have been shit for the longest if he's anywhere near the top
Commoners don’t actually give a fuck about crests though, it’s all nobles being butthurt
Enjoy hundreds of years of nobility and crests with Dimitri and Claude. Only Edelgard has the guts and the means to do a revolution.
Plot in FE has been always relatively shallow, not that that was a bad thing really, though TH shows just how interesting things could be when given the chance. This isn't to say there never interesting plot points in the series, Genealogy of the Holy War for example has a pretty serviceable plot, but that's the minority.
Motivation is not evidence, retard. The evidence is Thales and the Flame Emperor literally plotting to do it and deploying their soldiers to the tomb. There is absolutely nothing to prove Rhea was behind the attack on the tomb beyond "it seems like something she would do given her motivation." What she actually does is let you keep the sword when she sees you can activate it. Just because a character could benefit from doing something doesn't mean they did it, especially when the game confirms that other characters did it instead. Claiming that Rhea orchestrated the attack on the tomb is absolutely headcanon
Bitch, are you for real.
Edelgard's war has NOTHING to do with the Slitherers. Nothing in her war weakened the Slitherers or their position, it in fact did the exact opposite by removing the longest standing living nemesis of them (Rhea), who was capable of intercepting/negating their ultimate trump card (ICBMs).
The "shadow war" against the Slitherers relied on absolutely nothing gained by the war (not even some kind of special information), and could have just as easily been done by anyone at any point of time should they feel like doing it.
But this "weighing" you're claiming is necessary is just innane moralfaggotry taken out of the context of this being writing for a video game.
Given the same end state, higher stakes and greater costs INCREASE the inherent value of what is won in the conflict.
The "best ending" of Far Cry 4 might technically be the one where you sit at a desk for 5 minutes and then leave, but obviously that's not the ideal route.
Never said that, moron. They're shady in ways that are distinct from Thales and the Flame Emperor's goals. You're making shit up to make the church look worse despite it being bad enough already in the actual game and utterly destroyed or reformed in every route
well lets look at the villains since binding blade
>daddy never loved me emporer and evil dragon
>>I forgot my wife evil wizard and abusive bitch of a mom
>>>the main characters's exe boyfriend and evil demon
>>>>muh strength conqueror king and my one good fight evil knight
>>>>>humans must die because their disorderly goddess and her broken number 2
>>>>>>inbetween these two is evil senator man that looks like a fat ugly bastard
>>>>>>>evilcult and evil dragon
>>>>>>>> this happens twice happens twice in a row
>>>>>>>>>evil dragon dad who fucks with the evil kingdom to harass the good kingdom
its not the best track record
>minutes apart
Would it thought? Edelgard can easily claim they were allied with the church all along and since most people know shit about them due to their MO they would have a hard time convincing anyone
There's a reason why many people think Lyon from Sacred Stones is one of the best FE antagonists. The bar has never been that high
Imagine being so dishonest you purposely leave out half of someone’s point (and a large portion of the game itself)
The entire first act is the church doing bad shit, we are give pretty damn good evidence implying the church is behind it (THE CUTSCENE FOLLOWING THE MISSION), and it gets confirmed later when we learn about the character and church itself. Jesus Christ.
The church route really shouldn't exist in the form it does now. It only exists for normies who picked BE and don't want to feel bad that they sided with a deranged emperor. It could've been a MGS2 like moment where millions of normies are angry they were forced to be something they didn't want. In this case a mass murderer.
Nice try.
that seems alright.
user, the writing wants you to consider the victims of the war so determining whether or not Edelgard's goals are worth the cost is definitely in context. Whether that seems like moralfaggotry to you is irrelevant, of course you're not going to literally mourn the death of fictional characters in a video game like this is some kind of ethics class
I too got the horsefucker ship
Like I'm not gonna send my cavalry units together
>Nothing in her war weakened the Slitherers or their position
Cornelia sends her rega- oops she died my bad
>Would it thought? Edelgard can easily claim they were allied with the church all along and since most people know shit about them due to their MO they would have a hard time convincing anyone
She can easily claim that, despite the empire using technology suspiciously similar to the slitherers, and despite in an entire five year war against the church they never used these missiles
If you seriously think people would keep that sense of righteousness for something that happened thousands of years ago that literally didn't even concern them or their people (it's not even a genocide of humans), you may as well say Fodlan's already unified because clearly they'd likewise retain loyalty to the Empire they broke off from.
Nevermind crests give people superhuman abilities and relic weapons are powerful enough for a single one to protect a border from frequent foreign invasions for centuries.
>They have no refutation of Dimitri's idealogy
I haven't played all of the FEs but from what i've played the story and villains bored me to tears and I could give less of a shit about them. As for the villains they are just "evil wizard man teleports in says some evil stuff and teleports away"
I see way more posts sperging out about Edelgard than I do posts defending her.
I'll remember that.
Yeah, it's weird as I actually never really unsed Lindhard. I was on my GD route and needed a second healer but didn't want to use Mercedes as I had just used her in my BL run so I tried him. He was underleveled most of the run but adjacents allowed him to be at least sort of near the rest of them. In general he seems the worst of the three healers, he is given pretty good offensive spells but that's what you have a dedicated mage for.
But then it becomes a trolley problem with the same damn outcome whether you switch or not.
I don't think you can fault any one route for another achieving the same ends through bullshit contrived means.
That goes for Rhea being written off in BL (and her nonsense in GD), and the slitherers being written off in BE.
>doesn’t have sauce
BE is the route where they make the least use of the TWSITD's resources, and the whole "crest stones turning people into monsters" thing isn't a huge secret when even Fargus knights willingly turn into ones just so they have a chance at winning the war
Did you feel the same way about TH?
You haven't made provided any evidence yet, you're just claiming that her motivation would justify her doing it and that it's "implied." What isn't implied is that Thales and the Flame Emperor are literally behind the attack on the tomb because their troops are the ones literally attacking it and that Rhea begins purging innocent people afterwards because of her hubris. The church does bad shit that is completely unrelated to Thales and Edelgard's plans, like lying about history and killing all dissidents, but claiming that Rhea attacked her own monastery to give Byleth the sword is not true. To argue that it is is to say that Rhea somehow managed to manipulated Western Church members and the Death Knight, which is literally impossible. But by all means, keep seething and claiming that implications are evidence and that being shady in one manner means that the Central Church is behind every shady thing in Part 1
We shitting on Edelgard? I feel like shitting on Edelgard.
So the slitherers don’t nuke enbarr and edelgard because they are afraid she’ll blame the church
Go turn into a beast
>You haven't made provided any evidence yet, you're just claiming that her motivation would justify her doing it
Stop reading there. You just made the same exact, dishonest post.
all heroes are villains up until the point where they win
Cornelia at no point is in any position to take power without the Empire backing her coup in the first place, which they wouldn't even have an opportunity to do without Edelgard starting the war.
>arch bishop convincing church members to do something for her
O-o-o-otomesis you’re making us look bad
i have now realized her massive forehead
>conspires with the clearly evil people who kill your dad, do inhumane crest experiments on children, and want to enslave the world
>claims to hate war and death and wants to keep bloodshed to an absolute minimum, but she "has no other choice" but to open a bloody war on the other nations as an opening move (?????)
> diplomacy and negotiation could've drastically reduced the conflict, but she's too autistic for that
>will stop nowhere short of mass murder to get what she wants
I like the idea of the crestless world she aims for but holy shit she is insane and a sociopath
Can I be the first to admit that I don't know wtf those Western church people were trying to say while being sentenced?
All I got from it was, "damn, if only this crazy bitch would let them talk I'd know what the hell was going on."
And now, 2.5 routes through the game, I still can't tell you what they would've said given the chance.
I'm not trying to argue with you user, if the game was better written then every route's ending would have different pros and cons rather than being generic happy endings. I'm not faulting one route for being contrived, I'm saying they are all contrived to the extent that arguing for one over another is a waste of time. It's a long game where your choice of house is based on which characters you like at the beginning, the writers didn't commit to actual wartime consequences in the endings because some players would be annoyed I guess
>Hummies tryin' to grave rob my family's remains again
>Awwwww shit, here we go again.
Lets just go to Rhea and the wealthiest noble familys and ask them to abolish nobility and crests. Lets see how successful it will be.
She doesn't command the Death Knight, retard. Why is he there if she's behind the attack? Rhea's evil as fuck but you morons need to make up more shit for no reason
>>claims to hate war and death and wants to keep bloodshed to an absolute minimum,
from the very beginning of the game she talks about the bloody road she's willing to walk to achieve her goal. like literally the third time she opens her mouth.
All the nobles despise crests
It doesn't matter what they would have said. Rhea's word is law.
then why are they all bending over backwards to get one for their offspring?
You can't reform a militant theocracy that openly murders dissidents.
The entire cast of the game is nobles who hate crests, including edelgard.
I understood it as Edelgard/Slitherers manipulated them by promising easy glory and probably power considering the Western Church's little brother status and they felt misled because obviously that wasn't happening.
The people calling the shots got off scot free while the common people got screwed.
Keep calling me dishonest without refuting anything I've said, moron. Thales and Edelgard are behind the attack on the tomb and you have no argument otherwise beyond your buying into implications without evidence
They didn't have any kind of important info, and weren't implied to. What the plot was trying to do is make it seem like the central church was harsh for ordering execution for the mausoleum robbing that was linked to the assassination attempt, instead of imprisonment.
All they had to say was they were told nothing bad would happen to them, probably by Arundel given Death Knight was working with them.
>militant theocracy
It’s definitely the church preventing reform, remember ferdinands B support with byleth where Rhea tells Ferdinand educating the poor is heresy
Thank god that Edelgard achieved the abolishment of crests dont ya think?
You can’t even argue against my entire point and purposely choose to “argue” against half of it, and now you are throwing a tantrum that your dishonest was exposed.
Alright, what are your hopes for the dlc? What content do want? Do you hope we get more units added?
I just want best boy to be playable.
One of the few FE games that made me care about the story, it didn't blow me away but I didn't feel liking sleeping through it. Take that as you will. I do wish IS would find more creative ways of villains appearing in and out other then teleports
Edelgard is a good villain/antagonist but TWSITD and their clown crew are some of the worst villains IS has made so far.They have all the worst parts of a generic FE villain. I guess they are slightly better then FE7s wizard man but that's not saying a whole lot
Don't care, at least I get to fuck an ambition-driven Empress.
Play the game. Crests still exist and are explicitly mentioned in some BE paired endings. The one who bridges the gap in power between crests and crestlets is Hanneman
That doesn't explain why Rhea would act against her own interests. Why is she uninterested in finding out who called the hit out in her?
I'm not saying she orchestrating the whole thing like that other user, but it makes the scene seem goofy instead of ominous that she's walking away from people 5 words away from telling her where they got their orders.
>but TWSITD and their clown crew are some of the worst villains IS has made so fa
To be fair they are never the central focus. I'm not excusing them, they do feel underdeveloped, but at the least it is evident they are never the primary focus to the player.
Not many people are choosing to argue against you because your plan's flatout wrong and retarded. Death Knight is right fucking there in the map, Arundel and Flame Emperor talk about the sword of the creator and how it's crest stone must be kept separately almost directly after. They clearly know of and planned around it.
>All they had to say was they were told nothing bad would happen to them, probably by Arundel given Death Knight was working with them.
>otomecucks think church members would more readily trust people like arundel and the death knight than their arch bishop
They exist but you are not VIP anymore and do whatever the fuck you want if you have a crest.
The music in this game is so fucking good, maybe it's because of all the youtube shit but I feel like no one is discussing just how good the soundtrack is.
Not their archbishop. Did you miss the western church being behind Lonato's open rebellion against the central church?
>Death Knight is right fucking there in the map
He doesn’t do anything. He’s there to scout out what Rhea and the western church are planning. This is confirmed in the following cutscene where the Flame Emperor knows what occurred despite not being there.
>i sure can compete with those wealthy landowners who have access to education now that they don’t have a crest
>it really balanced out the classes, class systems just fall apart without magic to uphold them
>Western Church soldiers attack the tomb after leaving behind a false note about killing the archbishop
>Church knights too busy guarding Rhea to guard the tomb
>They are accompanied by the Death Knight, who answers only to the Flame Emperor
>Thales and the Flame Emperor manipulated Lonato and the Western Church into attacking the Central Church one chapter prior
>After the raid on the tomb, Thales and Edelgard are surprised that Serios's remains aren't in the tomb, and the Flame Emperor lends Thales the Death Knight
>Rhea executes the useful idiots from the Western Church without trial, and later purges the rest of the Western Church without learning that Thales manipulated them
>Rhea gives Byleth the sword despite Seteth's shock to hopefully revive Sothis in the future
>All of this means that Rhea somehow ordered Western Church soldiers to attack the tomb with the Death Knight, despite Thales and Edelgard literally doing so themselves
>Only evidence to prove Rhea's guilt is that she ultimately benefited from the incident and is shady in other situations
But I'm the one who's dishonest, sure
Innocents were dying in every route. It makes no difference.
Okay, I believe you
The soundtrack is just okay, not good or great like Fates/Awakening were, and even then it had to grow on you. I didn't really like any of the songs on my first playthrough, but listening to them afterward I can appreciate them more.
They can't do it because as far the world is concerned they're a bunch of literal whos and the perfect scapegoat for pretty much anything that goes wrong for misterious reasons.
Keeping low profile is their only chance TWSITD have at survival which is kinda tricky in the contet of the BE route where the Empire's ghostapo is aware of their existance and is constantly trying to remove every trace of your existance
>TWSITD and their clown crew are some of the worst villains IS has made so far
They're still better than Garon and co. only because their gimmick of medieval aliens is kinda cool
beach dlc where edelgard and dimitri try and drown each other while claude catches a sick wave
Because they're shitty lackeys? She already knows they're the western church, and the following month the entire reason that Byleth and co are sent to deal with Miklan to the north is because she's sending the Knights of Seiros to deal with the western church. The letter they found it out from was from the Lonato rebellion too, which was also backed by the western church.
Should I have Claude fug Annette or Petra?
>The soundtrack is just okay
I absolutely disagree, it's the one literally perfect aspect of the game. I can't think of one song that isn't fantastic.
It's goofy to be sure, I took it as she's so arrogant that she doesn't care to learn the truth. Just that dumb humans are trying to kill her. I don't know what the fuck Thales was promising these people to convince them that this was a good plan though
>Edelgard time skip paralogue with the endless wyverns
>Slowly make my way up
>At this point not even getting shit for xp because I've killed so many
>It's time
>Buff lysithea's magic with Hubert
>Teleport with lindhart
>1 shot the boss
Warp is stupid as fuck, I always avoid using it since it makes maps where you need to kill the enemy commander way too easy.
You can still work your way up as commoner. That's not impossible. But with the crest system it's impossible.
Being responsible for the innocents dying matters. Edelgard herself admits that her war is a necessary evil for a better future, but the player is allowed to side with people that aren't directly causing innocents to die
Ok, I just finished completing my first run-through of the game. Went the Golden Deer route. All I really want to know is why the fuck did Dimitri and the rest of the Kingdom attack me during that one chapter where it's the three houses attacking each other again? Like wtf?! I thought we'd team up or something to fight Edelgard but nope, I'm killing his army for some reason??? Like wtf?
>But with the crest system it's impossible.
No, it's not. The crest system is bullshit, but it's not literally impossible.
>You can still work your way up as commoner.
That’s already possible, albeit in nations not named the empire.
Also, who the fuck was the death knight? and what happened to Hanneman? And what is up with Flayn and her backstory? Why does she not age? None of these got answered and it's pissing me off.
thats like saying every fe lord is bad because commoners died in their games
>Death Knight is there to scout
>confirmed when FE knows what occurred
These two statements are incongruous. FE would learn what happened regardless of why the Death Knight was there. The Death Knight has a conversation with the Western Church's dark mage, showing they are working together and that the Death Knight is just refusing to fight unworthy opponents
I don’t know what so hard about Edelgard’s characters that Yea Forums don’t understand. Her route is about bringing radical changes to Fodlan and she intended doing so by all means necessary. Ideals that required unification of the continent so that a war was unavoidable between the three powers. It not about what you think is right, it about what Edelgard think is right. Which is why I love BL’s ending and how she rejected Dimitri. Either you fight to the end for your ideals or just surrender early, those with weak resolve surrender and Edelgard isn’t someone with a weak resolve. She is OoC when facing Byleth (Church and Golden Deer), but BL’s ending show what real Edelgard is and I absolutely love it. In her future, she can’t see Dimitri existing at all In it. Dimitri told her to use the knife to cut out her future and she did.
So is it better to side with Edelgard or with Dimitri or with Claude for the future of Fodlan?
what makes her think sothis wouldnt just not do that
You gave up the opportunity to become the god king.
>despite Thales and Edelgard literally doing so themselves
Really user?
love makes people do stupid things
Death Knight's identity is explored in a Blue Lions paralogue and Flayn's deal is in her supports with Seteth. And Hanneman can just leave forever if you don't recruit him on some routes
>Ideals that required unification of the continent
That's true but I would have liked if they had more of a presence since they are linked to certain characters motivations
>They're still better than Garon and co.
That is so sad yet its kinda funny
They are like one tier above him but the bar wasn't high in the first place
>why did dimitri attack
this map on bl makes claude the same kind of retarded so its just for parity
>death knight
explained in a mercedes and caspar paralouge
Did you pair him with anyone?
Her backstory is in supports and a paralogue
You make sure to always recruit best boy, right?
he's crazy and attacks anyone. that chapter was stupid desu but it was hype
>Also, who the fuck was the death knight?
Jeritza obviouslyhe is mercedes' younger brother, you learn that in her paralogue, she has a battle quote with him
>and what happened to Hanneman
joins the empire if not recruited, you fight him in Dimitri's paralogue
> And what is up with Flayn and her backstory?
play church route
It happens in every route. If you go Blue Lions route, one of the Kingdom's scouts they sent into Alliance territory after the Alliance had agreed to a truce turned up dead so they were on edge that they might be doublecrossed, but think it might've been the Empire that killed the scout and framed it like the Alliance did it. Could reasonably happen offscreen in Golden Deer route.
In Claude's case, he starts fighting the Kingdom because he literally can't tell the difference between Kingdom/Empire troops at this distance, so he orders them to kill anyone that's not an ally.
>The Death Knight has a conversation with the Western Church's dark mage, showing they are working together
Dimitri has a conversation with Edelgard, showing they are working together. Holy shit otome ““““logic”””””
Well, the game itself doesn't even pose this question. You pick a house well before the lord's real goals are made clear and there's only one instance of a route split. According to the game, any one of the routes leads to a better future because Byleth helps his/her chosen lord get over their issues and end the war quickly. Personally, I thought Claude's ending was the most conclusive with the fewest loose ends, but that's just my opinion
I regret missing him and bernie
It makes a bit more sense on GD as Dimitri is just insane and consumed by revenge, he doesn't care if who he kills wasn't really an enemy, if they are in his way he see reason to kill them. In BL Cluade is literally retarded and just goes "woah, too hard to tell who is who". If they had made it so his units won't attack you until you engage them that would have made far more sense.
It's explained in BL, Dimitri just went full crazy and attack anyone if they get in his way to kill Edelgard. There is no other routes where two house actually team up.
Play BL and make sure you recruit Caspar to know more about him. Hanneman is on Empire side in one of paralogue but I can't remember which one. You learn more about Flayn through her support conversations so here's a spoiler: she is the same kind as Rhea.
Dimitri doesn't understand the plight of the common people. He was literally raised as royalty.
>not recruiting the two best BE studnets
I have to fucking play through every route to get answers to questions that appear in each individual one? That's fucking gay. Took me fucking 75 hours to finish one route and that was on normal difficulty. It would take 300 some hours to fucking finish all the route, wtf. That's just too much time, I'm sorry.
>I can't think of one song that isn't fantastic.
I can't think of one song that is fantastic.
Didn't Fleche kill all the messengers as part of her revenge on Dimitri plot?
It's entirely up to personal preference IMO. In practice there will be a happy ending as long Byleth's supporting the winning party
I recruited the rest of them too, which made it sting more
I regret
Youtube exists user.
Were you born a giant faggot or did it happen over time?
>The Death Knight has a conversation with the Western Church's dark mage, showing they are working together
>Dimitri has a conversation with Edelgard, showing they are working together
The absolute state of dimitrannies
Yes, really. They're using the Western Church beginning in the chapter immediately prior, and only they can deploy the Death Knight in the attack. Anons are claiming that Rhea's executing the attackers is evidence of her orchestrating the attack in the first place, but the cutscene with Thales and FE immediately after confirm that they were behind it. This isn't ambiguous
Fodlan’s obsession with crests and the privileges that it grant to the nobles. It isn’t just her own empire that she wanted to changed, it is the whole continent (including the Holy Kingdom and the Alliances). The other two isn’t just gonna listen to her without Edelgard beating the shit out of them.
Ferdinand can be kind of tough as you don't unlock his B support until the timeskip and no one would willing invest in heavy armor points.
Edelgard literally lends Thales the Death Knight right after the mission, and he's employed in the imperial army in the monastery attack and in the war. He's an ally of convenience, but an ally all the same. Holy fuck, Edeltards literally cannot read
There is one weird extra detail in GD which is if you pair Byleth with Claude, their epilogue states that the remnants of the Empire and Slitherers team up to form an army that would have seized the capital if not for Claude coming in from out of nowhere with the Almyrian army to confront them.
Which is a good outcome for that, but since it isn't mentioned in any other ending possibility, it's like... what happens then?
get's mad that crests cause an imbalance of social power. thinks church upholds that social imbalance. uses dubstep subterranean weirdos to gain the power to start the war.
I wish they could have left fog in BL map just as this one cutscene before the battle in GD implied, since this can explain why Claude would attack Dimitri and you out of confusion. GD map don't need fog at all, Dimitri being crazy is enough to attack you. But I guess they thought having fog in map where you have to battle two houses was too much.
It's not about having a conversation brainlet, it's about the content of the conversation. The Death Knight and the dark mage are working together in that mission, try reading next time
>The other two isn’t just gonna listen to her without Edelgard beating the shit out of them.
Even disregarding the ESL-speak, why would they not? We seem them in game, and they all want the same thing.
This image is really making me realize how much of a manlet Byleth is. Like the SoC looks fine in Nemesis hands but always seems way too big around the handle area for our MC-kun
>The Death Knight and the dark mage are working together in that mission, try reading next time
>the death knight literally does nothing
He’s there to scout what the church is doing like always
fuck off
I noticed that too, it seems like the Slitherers are more numerous than shown ingame, given that Claude's route deals with them most effectively and still deals with remnants in the ending. I guess it's a possibility in other endings as well, but this game has a problem with things happening in some routes but not in others. Like why does Nemesis wake up in Claude's path but not in Church? It's most likely just a gameplay contrivance
The crest hierachy is strongest in Faerghus than anywhere else wtf???? This is literally a major part of their storyline LOL
Edelgard = Edgelard = EdgeLord
Flayn and Ignatz's B Support is such a fucking lore dump.
Valter was just scouting bro it was Innes that wanted Renais and Eirika killed
BE is the only class with zero real commoners, Dorothea is a famous celebrity and doesn’t count. Raphael and Leonie are in the officer’s academy through sheer hard work as literal nobodies.
If the leader of country “A” wanted to strip/reduce the rights of the ruling power in country “B”. You think B will listen?
They value them only due to practical reasons, if you are a strong you receive recognition. Their class has a decent amount of commoners.
He does nothing because he says, verbatim, that he won't bother with weak opponents. He is working with the dark mage because the dark mage attempts to give him direct orders, which he refuses. They are there for the same reason under the same orders, the Death Knight just won't cooperate. During the Flayn rescue, the FE has to intervene to stop him from killing everyone. Him being insubordinate doesn't mean he's there completely independently. And the Death Knight not moving is so he doesn't fucking kill you immediately, he moves on Lunatic
What tracks are your favorite and why are they your favorite? I love Dwellings of the Ancient Gods, The Long Road and Apex of the World, especially when the vocal part comes in.
>through sheer hard work.
Leonie’s In debt up to her eyeballs and Raphael pawned of his dead parents business. It’s not noble privilege but I wouldn’t say it’s sheer hard work either.
That would be something along the lines of Annette
>Dorothea is a famous celebrity and doesn’t count
Now you are arguing something completely different. Also if you played the game you’d remember King Lambert was advocating for social reform before being murdered. It’s not an alien concept.
Sylvain is the only that angsts about in in BL, and that's only in his supports. Empire does dubious crest shit.
>he moves on Lunatic
God shattering star.
Dorothea has status, and is valued. Something not attributed to commoners. No one gives a fuck about ignatz (in many ways)
Not fast enough to avoid getting SPIKED
>TWSITD and their clown crew are some of the worst villains IS has made so far.T
Now now they are terrible but "some of the worst so far" is kind of stretching it considering the series has a history of absolutely shit villains. Do you even remember the antagonist in Thracia 776? I sure dont
>doesn’t bother with weak opponents
>stabs Manuela
Mercedes?? Hello?
I can kinda get that, she's a hot commodity rubbing elbows and then some with nobles.
She even says she got into the academy though making some noble get her into there.
I'm genuinely surprised on how long you guys have been arguing with this autistic Edeltard.
I bet she tried to flirt with him and he stabbed her accidentally while dropping spaghetti
Unfilled, Apex of the World, God Shattering Star, Rhea theme (I forget the name), Indomitable Will, and A Place To Rest are my favorites. The heavier use of vocals in this soundtrack is a big reason I love it so much.
Yeah I'd say that the future tech and missiles put them above the Awakening cultists at least. They're not nuanced at all but the dubstep was a welcome surprise, but they do seem out of place given how well the other characters are written
>angsts about in
Marianna in GD but everyone calls her out on her BS.
I doubt anyone here has but did anyone here let a unit of there's die before the time skip? I heard if you do their reason for not making it to the meeting will be unique, like dying of an illness or something, but can;t find proof.
Chasing Daybreak on the Blue Lions reunion chapter was fucking radical
But did it reform? Edelgard wanted to reduce the influence of crests and nobles across Fodlan. This will greatly impact the ruling powers in Fodlan, you think any nobles that isn’t not part of the empire will agree?
Some user did Black Eagles and had 3 people left in chapter 10.
>that talk Edelgard and Dimitri had in BL where Edelgard wants to create a world where only the strong and those with merit have power
>Dimitri telling her that not everyone is that strong and that some people need guidance
When did I start playing SMT instead of FE? Literally Law vs Chaos
>be a slither
>go to bed sensei we will get them slithers any day now sss....
For the absolute head of the family, yeah. But Lonato had zero problem naming a commoner orphan thief as his adopted son, not even sure if Lonato had a crest either given there's no associated relic to them.
Nah, it's more like
>Edelgard: Chaos
>Dimitri and Claude: Alternate neutral
>Church: Law
I got major Revengeance vibes myself
>Kimishima-san Atlus still won't allow us to buy them nor will they port Persona 5 to the Switch
>fuck err keep copying their games
>this will teach them
>tfw Three Houses was the true FExSMT game all along
Sasuga, ISIS and Atlus
The slitherers are the clear chaos route.
>nee-san I seem to have wandered away from my chauffeur, c-can you tell me how to get to Gareg Mach private school?
See this, what do?
You don’t even understand what you are arguing or what edelgard wants
Adopt and begin homeschooling her so she doesn't declare war in the future. Hubert will try to kill me in my sleep though
adopt him too
The BL ending is the best for Byleth because ruling a kingdom sucks, you have to worry about tax policy and what to do with the baby slithers and shit. I'd much rather be the immortal dragon pope.
Eventhough her mom ran off with another guy. She obviously has a dad.
He also has the god-given authority to force Rhea to suck his dick as pope.
She'd do it of her own free will.
You're not the villain if you're right.
Sure thing kiddo! Hope on in, and I'll take you there.
>Church ending be like
What happened to Edelgard's mom after the Tragedy of Duscur? Like, she wasn't supposed to be harmed in it, did she actually make it back to the Empire?
Have we been playing the same game? Rhea was ready to do that like 10 mins into the game.
Hopefully raped and killed by either the Duscurs or bandits.
I think she died? Dimitri certainly seems to think she did, but he's crazy so idk. Maybe she really did want to go home but didn't know it'd involve tons of murder so they killed her too to cover it up
Such a vulgar and base action is far below a man of the cloth such as myself. I will be a virtuous and benevolent pontiff and will shower me with praise and adoration.
Dunno. Hopefully the agarthans had their way with the dumb bitch.
That what I should be say to you. You don’t seem to understand Edelgard’s characters at all and her motives.
She definitely didn't die since they conclude that she was in on it. Maybe she was actually a Slither?
I'd heard something about her wearing the Flame Emperor outfit to cover up her getting away, so they wouldn't know she survived. Was there anything about that anywhere? Haven't done all the routes yet so some of these details are hard to figure out.
>But did it reform?
Not him but you're an idiot for saying this. You're arguing the fact that his reformed failed because, he was fucking killed by Edelgard's fucking family. The same family that she still worked with in order to kill his son who is trying to start the same fucking reform. Do you know how stupid your entire argument sounds?
*inb4 she was only using the slithers
She IS a fucking slither you dumbass.
Reminder that non lord non byleth support conversations are the be all end all canon feelings of individuals.
Lysithea and Hanneman are both pro Edelgard
Ferdinand is anti Edelgard
Felix is anti Dimitri
That might make sense given that Dimitri has a hateboner for the Flame Emperor despite Edelgard not being able to wear it at the time of the tragedy
Jesus Christ play Claude's route, she didn't die but she eventually did.
And Dimitri said that his stepmother "walked into the eternal flames"
>She is a slither
Play the route you retard. She constantly references dealing with them after she's done using them and Hubert's paralogue is about either getting them to trust you or getting them to underestimate you so his house and their assassins can kill them later.
>Felix is anti Dimitri
Finish his supports, user. He cares a lot about Dimitri but resents his current state because deep down he's the biggest moralfag in the Lions house despite the edgy exterior
lol you are an idiot. No she is a slither, if you played more than the fucking BE:E route you would see this. But going by what you said so far, it seems you only played one route and refused to play the others. Waifufags are a cancer of Yea Forums.
M8 do his non Dimitri supports in non blue lion routes and it's clear he despises Dimitri.
His support is 100% the same in all routes...
>Felix is anti Dimitri
Felix is tsundere, as proven by Dedues support. He's a childhood friend of his but laments the murderous personality that Dimitri has deep down.
Maybe, he certainly does like that phrase. In any case, he's familiar with the Flame Emperor armor so someone had to be wearing it at the tragedy
Felix in GD is pretty torn up about Dimitri's death though. He straight up wonders if he could've prevented it at one point.
The tragedy happened when he and Edelgard was 13, and seeing Edelgard's growth rate after the 5 years time skip IE she didn't grow at all. Well IDK it might just be Edelgard, since it happened some time after she moved away from Dimitri.
t. Blue lion only player.
Byleth changes how everyone reacts you tard. In non BE routes El gets desperate and becomes their slave in a desperate act to create her better future. Her plan from the get go according to Hubert however was to dispose of the slithers later.
Literally every route you play is 'what if things went right' and watching from an outside view is 'what if things went wrong'. It's why Claude is a God awful leader in 3/4 routes that pretends to be neutral to appease the rich of his land, why Dimitri is insane and blood lusting in 3/4 routes, why Rhea is a bitch in 3/4 routes, and why El is crazy in 3/4 routes.
Byleth sets them straight and helps make their plans come to fruition preventing their breakdowns
He claims the Dimitri he knew is dead and hates "The Boar" he saw at that rebellion. He sincerely wants Dimitri to get better, even on other routes he mourns that he couldn't help set him straight. Not arguing, he resents him hard but I think it's too much to say he'd be willing to kill him and other Faerghus soldiers, which he ends up doing on Edelgard's route for example
Played all 4 routes. You are a fucking moron if you think Edelgard is a part of TWSITD. So she’s trying to eradicate herself after the empire finished with Rhea, what bloody sense does that make.
They’re temporarily aligned with them since they share a common goal
Nah I did. I played that route first and probably glossed over that information. Now that I'm on BL route, what happened to her?
I don't think so, given how often she denies being involved and she doesn't have much of a reason to lie. But it's definitely possible user
Rhea's not too much of a bitch in BL and GD (Part 2 at least) since she's just in prison the whole time, but I agree
Reminder that whoever you played with first you'll have the biggest bias towards.
BL firsters will think Edelgard is nuts and think the church isn't so bad
BE firsters will hate the church and think Dimitri is nuts
Church firsters will think Edelgard is straight up evil
No one played GD first but if they did they'd think Eldelfard is a bit too ruthless whole having decent goals, the church is corrupt but does some good, and Dimitri is odd his rocker but wants justice. Also that the (((slithers))) need a final solution
Edelgard is the only one out of the three that consistently lies to Byleth. Sure I can agree that she wants to eradicate the slithers, once the CIA is finished with ISIS I am pretty sure they will eradicate them as well. That's pretty much what happens to every pawn since the dawn of man. The Slithers thought she was their pawn, she killed countless using their help. Now to get rid of the evidence she kills them and becomes a hero in the history books.
Too bad you're too stupid to know anything about the world.
Ferdinand helps establish public schooling though.
i went BE first and i think she's a fucking idiot
Why is Dimitri so fucking based?
No BEfags probably just finished one route and fucks off to read yurishit fanfics.
>loses to a bandit
>dies to a random no name archer