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dope if true
Apparently it says "30fps Switch" and "60fps PS4" at the bottom
I'd laugh my ass off if his got ported like Travis Strikes Again.
>so many unsold copies they pile them up around the tv
Goddamn I want this to be true. Switch owners can go jump ina lake.
The game hasn't been released yet.
Wasn't this switch exclusive???
If they did this, Yea Forums would legitimately go nuclear. It'll be GTA V all over again
>trying this hard
>surely nobody can read basic japanese
>Apparently it says "30fps Switch" and "60fps PS4" at the bottom
...are you a goddamn retard?
No, it's coming to PS4 the same day Bayonetta 2 does.
Don't see why they would. Bayonetta went from multiplat to nintendo exclusive. A game going from nintendo exclusive to multiplat wouldn't be a big deal.
holy fuck n*ntoddlers on absolute suicide watch
>astral chain at 1440p144 on PC
my dick
Wasn't octopath a switch exclusive?
Wasn't No More Heroes a switch exclusive?
Neither are owned by Nintendo.
Astral Chain IP is.
Nintendo publishing to PS4, makes sense.
we bout to get
>Bayonetta 2
>wonderful 101
sony always wins BABY!
>Bayonetta went from multiplat to nintendo exclusive
and that blew up Yea Forums for months
Who let these snoyniggers out?
If this were announced for PS4, Yea Forums would suddenly love it despite shitting on it constantly, like every other Switch exclusive
Nice falseflagging thread Nincels, get a life.
do you really think no one here can read Japaneses?
More like a few hours. No one talks about Bayonetta. Meanwhile Bloodborne gets daily threads.
Nintendo doesn't own the rights to those. They do own the rights to Astral Chain, Wonderful 101 and maybe Bayo 2.
based retard
Snoys really can't handle the drought. Oh well
>goes to play games
>no games to play
>o-ok ill pretend to be retarded on Yea Forums for the next 4 months until piss simulator comes out!
That's a lot of ps4 game
I personally do not care about Platinum Games games, but the more platforms, the better. Now if only Squeenix could get Nier Automata running on Switch
But Japan also uses numbers?