Try and say otherwise.

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*Try to, learn English.
Or better yet, Japanese.

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Me want loli gf me want cunny

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What now bitch?

I'm a JRPG guy myself but to say one is better than the other is retarded.

Prove it.
JRPG is more rich, colourful and vibrant.
There is also a much more optimistic showcase with a better scope and scale to possibilities.


based and redpilled

only real person in this thread

You asked me to say it, not to prove it bitch

JRPGs will never be this comfy.

Attached: oblivion2.jpg (1024x768, 223K)

>muh bright bing bing colors
>muh cute girls who are nice and not mean like the ones at school
JRPG fags are either NEETs who never grew up or autismos. Sure some of the games are good, great even. But the best JRPG can’t compare to the best WRPG.

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Sh...s....SHUT UP!

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I used to like JRPGs until I was introduced to far superior Western games, like Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment, Gold Box games, Deus Ex, Jagged Alliance 2, Betrayal at Krondor, Ultima Underworld and many others. I prefer WRPGs because they have a greater level of freedom and more interesting gameplay. Going back to JRPGs doesn't make sense to me, since they're very simplistic and unflatteringly archaic in presentation and execution and they have never pushed for innovation or depth.

weebs BTFO

It's really just up to your own tastes.

What is the best JRPG and the best WRPG?


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What do Dark Souls and Dragons Dogma qualify as

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Why did that make me laugh so much?


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meme games

The age old "can a Japanese studio make a WRPG and can a western studio make a JRPG?". My opinion is that yes, genre is not determined by where the game is made, but by certain characteristics, so I consider Dark Souls a WRPG.

JRPG = WRPG. Both have their likable attributes, but it's okay to prefer one over the other as long as you don't force your opinion as fact like a JewFaggotTrannyRoastieNiggerSöyRedditWhateverelsetriggersyouretards. Also gas any """loyalists""" who participate in console and RPG war faggotry. Humanity loses nothing by losing them.

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jrpgs that take inspiration from western fantasy


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Based lolibro

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That wasn't very hard

Most JRPGs do.


Is Rean a cunnyseur?