Monster Hunter

New trailer tomorrow morning

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ok I’ll sleep early, thanks

It’s probably Namielle gameplay with a Zinogre teaser at the end. Fulgur Anjanath wanders into Coral Highlands, and Zinogre steals his thunder aka Fulgurbugs?

I like how the hype is so real that they have to start announcing trailer dates beforehand now


No more time for teasing, they have to confirm all of them on the spot

>Actually bothering to watch this shit live
Why waste your time? This shit is getting dangerously close to Smash rosterfagging.

yeah getting excited for shit is so fucking gay bro

Have they ever given out the exact date of a trailer ahead of date before?

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Feel free to leave

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You're right, I'll wait a few days and then watch it

>Threads will likely be shit for a bit thanks to new info
We had a good run, etc.

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wait how is new info bad? also, we've been getting new info constantly since gamescom


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Zinogre would look better if it was more of an outright wolf and ditched the weird leather skin and/or the ridges
I love a lot of MH designs, but the laziest parts of Frontier designs and the like are when they don't give any consideration to texture and make everything vaguely lizard-like with leathery skin and obtuse, artificial-looking bone/keratine growths on the monsters skin, decorating them like a kid making macaroni art on a piece of construction paper

if no new monsters, i'll commit sudoku

They've announce more new monsters than all MH games. They'll likely still announce another one

I just want him to be in

is that too much to ask for


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I got two folders filled to the brim with screencaps. One is for "Zinogre gets announced" and the other is "Zinogre doesn't get announced"

Whatever happens tomorrow, I'll benefit either scenario

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I heard there was a softlock in MH3U on Cemu, I'm about to come up on the first Caedus fight I reckon, how close am I to needing to jump into multi scaled quests?

"Variants" Trailer

Why won't she die?!

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>New trailer comes out
>Everyone quiets down and gets hype hoping its zinogre
>Its just a trailer showing off the subspecies
How mad would you be?

Truly an unbiased man ready for anything.

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Not very, since that's a good prediction. Idiots hyping themselves up for no reason.

Considering how shitty leakers are by not showing unrevealed stuff, I assume hes post launch dlc

Let's not forget that they haven't officially revealed the 3 subspecies

Palico is neat

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Sony still angry at the chad BotW.

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I dont care about the furfag bait monster that is zinogre. But if all they have left are subs and recolors I will be mildly rustled that our newcomers are low tier entry level shit like Banbaro and Beotodus with the flagship.being the only thing we'll actually see past the first hour.

Wasn't Zino's LS leaked along with the Everwyrm?

Not all, I'd rather have gore than the furry

Screencap this
Zinogre will maybe get announced

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I dont want to like hammer in world due to slopes fucking me up all the time but this weapon is like a drug to me what do I do to get rid of this

>23 results found
do you just find a reason to come here and incite shitposting whenever a chance comes up?

Don't bother replying. This is my one and only reply for you, autist

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When will she make the trip to the new world? Surely she'd be interested in finding more cats and the new world is full of those critters.

At this point tomorrow's trailer will surely be better than the shit they showed at gamescom.

I am honestly convinced its just a bot at this point. It sort of replies based on certain keywords and post the same thing over and over. If it is a real human bean, then that's just sadder

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Soon. You must believe.

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Hopes/expectations for trailer? I'm hoping for a new monster that uses the Leshen skeleton, I'm expecting Namielle, the '''new''' subspecies, a few more variants, and a tease for Shara Ishvalda.

>trash game
>ugly hag
>PS4 exclusive DLC

I hope Sony pays them the big bucks, else I will bomb Ryozo's piscine darlings.

its gonna be the 3 midtier subspecies and either zin reveal and some other fucker in postcredits or zin tease at the end

Never hopefully.
MH was never meant to have idolshit included in the first fucking place.
Goddamnit I hope she got trampled by that moofah and then eaten by a pack of jaggis FUCK

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>MHW isn't even released on the xbone in Japan
More like never

Wrong faggot. Go play some other games for gays if you can't deal with cute girls.

I just want Zinogre to be announced so that everyone shuts up about him. He's the Vergil of MH games, the Wesker of RE games, the frank west of DR games, and the Akuma of SF games.

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Is this how pedophiles actually think.

>cute aggression
certified brainlet poster

>Makes world PS4 exclusive in Japan
>Kills Michael Jackson
When will Sony's tyranny end?

>Leshen skeleton
I couldn't identify if they reused a skeleton, or made a brand new one for Leshen.
Knowing Capcom, I bet they wouldn't just use it once and then burry it, especially since they couldn't reuse the assets from previous games in World. I believe they'd reuse it at least once.

>Steve/Rajang/Namielle gameplay
>"Official" reveal of Tobi/Lumu/Pukei subspecies, maybe a shot of some variants, and end with a Shara Ishvalda tease, and then *maybe* a Zinogre stinger at the very end

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Nah but you're the prime example for how gays think

Isn't P3rd the most popular game in japan? He's unironically in, they're saving him until Nip normies are paying attention because the game is about to drop

It is. Keeping Zino till the end is a good way to slamdunk the hype to unstable levels. The problem is, if he isn't in the next trailer or ANY trailer, there's no way he's in the game "secretly".

What is this from?

Meowtress a shit and so is your taste, get over it

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>The problem is, if he isn't in the next trailer or ANY trailer, there's no way he's in the game "secretly".
I'm not certain about this, I'm sure he's going to be in this next trailer but if not he could end up in the game still, he's popular enough that it would be strange to not include him but I guess you could be right

its just the hunter skeleton


Zinogre hasn't missed a game since it's debut in p3rd. Which is unfortunate because it's a pretty gaudy design and has paper thin ankles.
At least it's fun to hammer or HH it.

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This image reminds me that I kind of want Malfestio

No, you're just fucking gay and need to come out of the closet

Excellent taste my man

That's because you are a person that recognizes good monsters.

They're in IB

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>gore is pretty low
>but he's on the list twice
I feel like he got shafted.

Where's the second MGS collab? What about a collab with an iconic series people actually care about instead of this literal who?

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>Amatsu at number 5

His confusion shit could be even more fucky and annoying in World because you'd end up sliding in any area with a hill if you're not careful but also I bet he'd feel amazing to fight in the new engine

Will Japs ever have good taste?

>end boss from MH:japan edition
What's not to get?

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I love Aisha, I want her back

Knowing how unexpected and high quality the Witcher collab was, I have high hopes for Iceborne.

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This seems fake, mizu has never been more popular than narga or zinogre

What 3 subspecies?

It's a cool monster. The only chinese/japanese dragon in mainline.

pukei-pukei, tobi and paolumu

I can see the old world textures from here

It was in Nipland for a while but Zinogre got the number 1 spot back the very next poll anyways

At this point I think Zinogre will be added post launch but teased in the trailer like Jho.

did you do that on purpose faggot

im excited to see what alterations they've made to his design. i expect them to make him a bit leaner and less front heavy.

they're not going to plop those boys into a main trailer, they have absolutely no marketing power between the 3 of them

Handler, Toby and Paolumu


Wasted opportunity not cash in on the God of War hype.


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Yeah I know right? Yea Forums is for twitter screencaps, ecelebs and SJW outrage culture, not games.

Haven’t we already seen gameplay of these?

Icy Gobul, Tundra Gobul, Deepsnow Gobul

>could've done another DMC cross
>could've put forth the effort to make the armor wearable by hunters
>instead drop in another model swap with an LBG nobody will use
It's the same reason I refuse to use the Witcher armor or Street Fighter's, it's fucking lazy. I'm still holding out for a Shonen Jump collab. It's almost like a tradition to have their gear in a Monster Hunter title.

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What the fuck is wrong with this guy?

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You forgot Gobulielle

>Seeing retards run around all being literal clone Ciri faggots
ruins any gathering hub immediately, I unironically preferred idiots just remaking Geralt in the character creator than this

Sorry, Monster Hunter World is a western franchise. You'll get an Avengers collab and you'll like it.

I don't get why they haven't made a RE collab already. The "creepy" monsters are there.

We've seen gameplay but they've never been formally introduced

Can't spam his list anymore, the only power he ever had

Just one of those retards. He probably won’t sleep today waiting for the trailer

Zinogre to me always looked like one of those shitty things where some artist takes something like a Pokemon and then draws and edgy realistic version of it.

>Has an Axe
>Has Blades
>Has a Bow & Arrow
Yet no crossover

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You just KNOW somebody's going to mod this to play over Namielle's battle theme

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Well that’s dumb. We’ve already seen them in action so if that’s all we get tomorrow that would be very disappointing.

Ignore him user, that's the best thing to do

We would just get a model swap, not worth it. Unless they actually added armor that MY hunter that I made can wear then I do not give a shit

Pure autism and being a space to his shitposting

I think people are forgetting that subs/variants never get a trailer of their own. They're just "there" in other trailers like Glavenus

The next trailer is probably about either Velkhana beta (cause that's on August 30) or a new monster.

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I cant seem to find the origin of this, there are several instances of this image in various places but nothing conclusive

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cryengine MHO?


It'll probably be a Namiella trailer with the subspecies too, then a teaser at the end. They can't just NOT make a trailer about the best new monster they've revealed
nah, doesn't match

The earliest this image popped up was late 2018, after World's release. No solid info around. Where the fuck did it come from?

Would you kill her?

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He’s in

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god he looks stupid...

>We are at a war of liberation

Me no shill

>has weapons that could fit almost every category in monhun including: Moonlight SA, Ludwig's GS, Pizzacutter turned into CB, baller as fuck bow, edgelord katana, etc.
>could throw in the BSB or darkbeast for a monster
>the player is called the Good Hunter
>literally wears Hunter's armor
Yet no crossover

it appears on the wiki as "unknown generetion render"

For wasting 9 years of my life waiting? yes

Holy shit, those horn stubs....

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Yeah but what game?

His cape and cap would make neat cat armor honestly.

It doesn't matter who the collab is with as long as effort is put into it. Kind of cheap how we're asked to bust our ass for this stuff yeah the reward is looking completely different from the character designed ourselves. What's the point?

Pukei's G Rank armor looks close enough to Bloodborne so you can at least pretend.

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Depends, how good is the loot?

I mean they have Odogaron and Nergigante as Licker and Tyrant stand-ins for REmake2 collab yet they never do that for some reason

wanting exclusive collabs

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it's "unknown"

We'd never get Avengers anyways because of the Capcom and Disney fallout. Disney would probably just try to buy Capcom like they're setting up to buy Square-Enix.

Don't fucking do this to me, especially half a day till next trailer

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So will the arch tempered monsters armor become useless after Master Rank is in? I’m a scrub who can’t beat any of them.

I'll never get why we didn't get a proper DMC crossover with its own quest like witcher 3's. DMC5 was released on all platforms too. Geryon Knight can easily be ported as a hunt, or even a normal Cerberus. They can put in weapons like Kalina ann as HBG.

But they haven’t been “officially” revealed yet.

Dude I wish I knew where this shit is from as much as you do

absolutely, probably by MR3 or 4 you won't be using a single thing from World

They probably might do another DMC collab if Vergil expansion gets announced. They could just recolor Acid Glavenus blue, give it Frontier Narga after-image attacks and call it a day

It looks like the X opening cutscene Zinogre render.

This changes nothing, 3 subs are not getting a trailer when they've already been seen. This is the last big news drop before reveal to get attention on the game, they're not going to waste this opportunity, if it's not Jin it's going to be a new monster or something else to get hype up.

nigga it was posted in 2017 it's just some random render

king cerberus when

its old


Depends, how juicy is her busy

>still no Sparda GS or Agni and Rudra Dual Blades
A number of DMC's weapons literally write themselves for crossover potential. What are you doing, Capcom?

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In the case of this, some exclusive collabs make so much sense it's baffling that it hasn't happened yet.

Oh classic Sony.

Doubt there will be DMC crossover with a monster from the series, but a new DMC collab that makes you craft Vergil's armor and Yamato is likely. The new counter of the long sword is basically the Judgement Cut with less anime magic.

Why dont you just marry him, huh?

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Fuck, I would have too Phantom or Griffon as a hunt. I didn't bother to do the quests to get the gear because it just felt lazy.

We already have crossover monsters with Leshen and Behemoth. Cerberus and Geryon can easily be hunts since they aren't unique demons anymore.

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Nice try. This is from a FU cinematic but plastered with Zinogre

Ahh yes the grea- i mean totally legit ancient forest totally not the great forest from older games

You're not getting in. Nice try though.

>those low-poly branches
good one. Not falling for it after your other two fakes before Brachy trailer

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Is PDT the worst time zone? Everytime I see the time for something I get excited only to realize it's goddamn PDT and I'm gonna have to wait several hours for it.

As long as they will not be unsoloable meme monsters with a fuckton of HPs, AOEs and oneshot attacks like Behemoth and Leshen, i guess.

Trailer will build up to only 1 new Monster reveal:

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It is a shame though that they're not expanding the other maps with new areas.

ah, monster hunter 2(dos)

Heh, gottem

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>the entire trailer is just players trying to fight Khezu and getting rekt

>Cerb is behemoth with no spell casting mechanic, just his ice/lightning/fire moves + melee attacks
>Geryon is Kirin with gimped lightning attacks and an AoE time slow

>Disney would probably just try to buy Capcom like they're setting up to buy Square-Enix.
That's actually a possibility? Shit.

It isn't. Japan law prohibits it.

Disney can do it through Disney Japan which operates as a pseudo-independent branch based in Japan, but the government can say no.


Again impossible, otherwise they would have snatched them and Nintendo a VERY long time ago. Disney bought bigger


Disney did try, like Microsoft tried. Japanese government ended up putting it through review in the case of Disney Japan and denied it.

Is it too late to get into monster hunter world now?

Exactly. It's prohibited.

There's never been a better time

Nintendo has a bigger chance of buying out Capcom though

they have some system in IB that rewards helping newfigs

Consoles? You might wanna rush it before next month.
PC still has till next year before iceborne

Who gives a fuck, this is an MH thread. Take that shit elsewhere

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It's literally just copypasted assets from Witcher 3. All they had to do was add hitboxes.

I don't think you understand. Disney Japan's case got extremely far before it was denied, because it's legally a Japanese business. Microsoft was the one that was outright denied under the foreign business acts.

and again they still denied it. If they denied Disney and Microsoft, that's a good indicator that its never gonna happen. End of discussion

You're citing a law that wasn't utilized in the case of Disney Japan. It's not end of discussion at all.

Remember Hunter Helpers, keep your HR gear so you can help out othet lower-ranked hunters!

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Finally a somewhat clean version of Brachy's theme

>Trailer shows all of the flagships revealed so far
>Namielle gameplay segments
>Story bits
>Velkhana does the usual thing before the title drops
>Title drops
>Teaser in which Zinogre gets fully revealed
>Something's not right
>Looks lifeless
>Camera zooms on Zinogre's legs
>Something squishy but it's not clear what's going on
>Flashback of all the other flagships
>They all have a squid tentacle up their butthole
>Nakarkos is in and the all the flagships shown so far were just puppets all along
>Trailer ends with Grugman yelling "AH! GOTEEM!" in engrish

God I love Brachy and his music so much. My favorite monster

What's yours, user?

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>It's like that KoF trailer that was just 3 minutes of Geese countering every character in the game
>Except it's just a montage of playtesters getting carted by Khezu

We'll get a clean version when he's the secret hunt in the beta

They really nailed the returning monster themes so far
I like World's tracks overall but some stuff like Teostra especially were missing the oomph they used to have

I'm torn
Brachydios is my favorite fight but Hermitaur is my favorite design, even though it's just a bigass crab.

I actually prefer Teostra's theme in World because it puts more emphasis on the track as a whole, if that makes any sense. I'm shit at explaining music.

You could not live without leaks, Where does that bring you? Back to Capcom. I know what I must do with IB, delete World and charge DLC. Zino will not be in it because he will be DLC for $15 plus tips. So are all future release monsters.

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new info is not a problem.
EVERYTIME when theres new info about iceborne, it brings shitposters and listfags

and they get either ignored or deleted. Not an issue. /mhg/ however is a different story

I like it as a song too, and I appreciate them extending it beyond a 40 second loop, but the brass section absolutely should've been going ham on the section from the old version of the song. Just didn't feel as 'regal' as it used to with the more subdued instrumentation.

Yeah, but it doesn't go so well with the KFC dancing. Old version is still the best for that.

>but the brass section absolutely should've been going ham on the section from the old version of the song
Oh that I absolutely agree with.

The world version in this trailer has no payoff what's up with that?
The part that plays at 0:20 in the original is still not heard in the world version.
I hope they didn't gut the high intensity of the theme like they did to other monsters.

It's actually pretty disappointing XBox players don't get exclusive content. Even Lost Planet 2 gave fucking something to everybody as a multiplat.

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Someone uploaded a really crusty version where they tried to edit out the talking from the dev diary, the full song is still there the intro is just longer.

full theme is basically here

What guest monsters are you hoping for in Iceborne?

Something from berserk or made in abyss

Qurupeco and I'll never see him again. It's not fair bros

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Thanos pls, I bought the deluxe edition. Capcom already has my money

>Brachy can sprint smoothly into his hook or pivot punch now

Paarl Darkbeast
Orbpiercer from MiA, causes stun, bleed and heavy poison

AKRID! I don't care if it's a fucking siege fight, just make it happen. Hell add in the Debouse because A) they're blind which means they can only track through sound and B) it could make for another 2v1 fight since in Lost Planet 2 you had to kill multiple during the encounter.

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Sekiro Guardian Ape collaboration.

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He's just a big Congala before his head comes off.


Fuck this works way too well lol

So there is a leak in 2ch and yeah , she is in

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Not in the slightest. They both throw shit, but the Guardian Ape is mechanically superior. Congala is just a boring punching bag full of gas.

pOsT dE pRoOf

it's not even called that anymore, newfag

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I only want it in because of the amount of butthurt from the haters

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>Let's ching chong
stupid loli

Whats a good way for speeding up the whole "Collect ??? Rathian tracks"?

I want to mating press Miss Catty

Look it up on youtube chump

it says monhun

>Meowtress a shit
Thanks for both being based and having good taste user

wtf they butchered his theme! Fuggggg

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Make the Hunter's Headgear a for scholar.

Sounds a whole lot better, nice

>PC not until next year

This is fine

Do normal quests in the locale where the tracks spawn and find 1 print before finishing.
You'll be done in like 4-5 quests


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Use cheat

Do they actually? What is it?

Collect Velkhana tracks

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7:50 onwards has the full Glavenus theme as well

iirc you get consumables/pendants/streamstones

>go in thinking its just van helsing werewolves gothic shit
>it is that but with eldrich horror shit once you get past the surface
>think its gonna be all snow shit ice monsters snowmen etc.
>could be just for face value

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with how Everwyrm works, we're in for a ride

lmao fucking idiot

Everwyrm isn't even far off from looking like a pale skinned Amygdala

That's it?

>the snow is only a small part of the map
>the rest is a fire hell
>the game is about fighting global warming

>waiting 10 hours for a trailer
Leaker-san, onegai.

lets reverse jinx it by saying there wont be a zinogre reveal

i would sure love it if we got gravios instead

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fucking hell get a life

>jump back into mhgu after a while
>bit rusty but still chugging it
>really cool random group during the dead hours
>EX posted
>expecting to mess up big time
>break out the doot
>we proceed to rock the fuck out of the quest
>exchange cards and leave the hub
>crawl into bed and read for a bit before sleep
Really comfy way to end the day. Anyone get these moments?

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>butthurt by more content
even i who am one nergfag still want him

I’ve got a feeling this will happen

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Even ironically I don't think I can say that.

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I've got that good feeling too brothers

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Didn't mean to spoiler my image but whatever

What'll you do when Gravios shows up in the trailer?

Fatalis at midnight in MH1. Pretty damn good.

>get back into World after Iceborne announcement
>notice that none of my weapons are augmented
>Hero streamstones are apparently extinct
What's the best farm right now? t. consolenigger

Are you guys blind? Chameleos has been in every trailer. You fucks only finally noticed the invisible shit moving in the background during the last trailer.

build an esp set

Wasn't that his reveal for Tekken 7? Just COWARDS GET OUT then 2 minutes of counters and laughter

wasn't his theme not in that copyright thing?

I dunno getting max pots, pendants and streams stones for stomping a low rank monster while some shitter watches is a pretty good deal

There were only 7 themes in that copyright listing, not every IB song was included.

no zap furry
no slime boy no buy
no diseased nigger no buy

>rush MR4 to get all that shit
>then do LR/HR help quests for the trophy
Pretty sure that's how it's gonna go

Christ am I tired of this rosterfag meme.

I dunno about the Tekken trailer but his entire KoF14 reveal was PREDICTABO

Slime boy is already in and Gore Niggala might make it as DLC.

Unless we know exactly how it works I doubt that we'll be able to abuse it.

>Chameleos Theme WORLD Version
Will my dream come true lads?

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I just want Chameleos for the witch girl outfit. Really though a squad of huntresses wearing Teo, Chameleos, Kulve, and Luna would basically be a PreCure team with Velkhana being the evil PreCure that becomes good later.

Chameleos is shit though

Ir was doing the AT Jho quest, Relish the Moment, however the festival and all event quests are about to end, if they haven't already

Ah I'm confusing the two. T7 had a PREDICTABO middle segment

I just hope it's in so they finally update it's theme from the old as ps2 version so we longer have to listen to audio pixelation that happens are the beginning

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>Gobul Theme WORLD IB version
>there's also a swimming version
He's in

That's a super fucking cool helmet.

I once spent an entire afternoon hunting Gigginoxes with some other dude over HunsterVerse in p3rd back when World was first announced. The whole time I was listening to a bunch of albums from a band I found recently at the time and to this day everytime I listen to them again I remember that day. Good times.

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This, I want a seneschal outfit

AT Elders give rare streamstones

They ruined the whole experience by showing everything before release. I haven't watched anything since the first two trailers and that first gameplay one showcasing antler monster and the auto travel phauna.

Man I really like Bazel's theme

I would absolutely love her getting in


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Would love it too if I didn't hear it on every non-elder investigation. Really sours the appeal for some weird reason.

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That sounds really cozy user. God I wish I had online for PS2 back then to try outbreak and mh.

Kushalas mhw theme is such an improvement and tigrex's new track is so hot I can't stop listening to it. I am very much expecting more kino and you should be too

They already said there’s tons of stuff they haven’t shown yet.

Fuck RE give us a Dinocrisis REmake

A true beauty

Hahaha this is a mod right?


Yah I would hope so. But let's be real. Unless I can tame a mount, get back my farm, and train palicos I wont be happy.

It’s a product, I’d be pissed as a consumer if they didn’t show anything at all. Why would you go in blind for a game that has no marketing, shit for all you know they could’ve charged you 40 bucks for 3 monsters and a snow map and that’s a rip off. Monster hunter is never about story, at bestvthe story on the level of mediocre Shoten with a slight twist to it, it’s about fighting monsters and I wanna know how many monsters I’m gonna fight. Hell its already complete bs that they don’t at least release the actual number of monsters, all they have to do is say “featuring _ blank new monsters”.and I’d be happy, and if a number is a spoiler than you then you can fuck off with that noise

Think we'll get a unique fight for MR50 and MR100?

Its going to be the usual tempered monsters but there's 3 of them in a small arena this time.

100% agree. For me, I dont want to see the monsters. I just like knowing they are there.

Triple Namielle
You're welcome


Same here, it’s more fun to check off a list then try and fill it in. I plan the bullshit hype culture the manchildren that make up the vocal side of the game industry gave into

I mean, it's been the same story every time.

>Hunter arrives
>Guild tells hunter to hunt
>Big monster and/or lots of monsters are doing weird things
>You hunt big monster/lots of monsters doing weird things
>Now even weirder monsters/elders are doing things
>hunt them too
>you killed final monster that was causing these things to happen
World fucked it up really in only one area and that was not having a secret end boss.

You have no idea how bad I want this.

>invigoration horn in gu
okay this is fun as fuck

World actually improved on it though because of one secret end boss they released 5 public bosses. It makes more sense to release then as doc and hype them up rather wall them behind 100hr which desu not many casuals will reach. Afterall they want to keep interest in their chugging along

Which gen 4 monster would you prefer be revealed tomorrow? Personally I’d want steve or gore or [spoilers]both [/spoilers]


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Gore, Sergio, or Kecha

Id be fine with literally any gen 4 monster

but id bust a fat nut if we got an amphibian

I think Seregios is the most likely but Gore and Shagaru definitely aren’t out of the question.

>yfw vepoid queen reveal

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Are poison weapons good?

If it's Zinogre, happy fucking birthday to me.

Not really. Everything post launch has been more "jolly adventures of the Sapphire Star and the Commission" than a secret black dragon fucking about.

*war trumpet sounds*

zinogre is as close to guaranteed as it is possible for something to be so

happy birthday

The Super Six

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You'll forget you're using poison, so meh.

Well yea no black dragons of course, but it seems they’re bringing back that classification come iceborne maybe. Personally I hope they retire alatreon because there’s a kushala for every element plus poison now and having a edgy black one that controls all of them just seems silly to me and would have too much overlap. I don’t mind him as a concept but I hope they reimagine him as a different skeleton for the sake of variety

I really hope they don't show Zinogre and throw a curveball like they did with fucking Yian Garuga

probably not aside from the pink rathian GL

>introduce a new fatalis in iceborne
>Fatalis Four

thanks m8

It was perfect to reveal Garuga out of nowhere. Caught everyone by surprise

I can dream that Zamtrios, Tetsucabra and a new Amphibian will make it in but that’s really unlikely. The super Magala brothers have a good shot but Seregios is even more likely.

based on steves placement I say hes in 100%

>more likely than Gore
Highly unlikely.

not really
but im sure yian garuga weapons will probably be good poison weapons
they have good sharpness and crit if i can recall so crit status might be a thing

>monster with a unique status effect that pretty much has to come paired with another monster is more likely than a regular flying wyvern without a gimmick


>The bottom row get into iceborne
>Aside from Lagi and Rathalos, everything in the top row is an elder dragon to some degree
>Fatalis, Val, and Gore/Shaggy are part of an Elder Dragon post-release pack

I’m reviewing the game, just fought Nargacuga, what a fun fight. Unfortunately besides returning monsters all new weapons so far follow the trend of gluing monster parts to steel and bone weapons, super disappointing

You fags just want your edgy special snowflake dragon in so bad huh

Epic shitpost

Not even shitposting. Barn and Beo literally have glue weapons. You’ll see soon enough I guess

Is this legit?

What monsters could they surprise us with now? Glavenus and Namielle were the biggest surprises.

>monster with a unique status effect that pretty much has to come paired with another monster
Nigga what? They didn't even bring that shit to X and XX. All they kept was the shit that affected the hunter.

Oh and I forgot to mention master rank weapons for all standard high rank monsters are also just glue weapons, nothing unique. Screenshot this

But I'm not asking for Steve.

>why can't this game have infinite production value

>why can’t capcom put some more effort into their best selling game to date

So they kept the unique status effect?

Your anime antagonist flagship has a fucking cape for Christ’s sake.

Reviewer here too. You are full of shit

>series designed around grinding for cool weapons
>make half of the designs shit
Capcom giveth and Capcom taketh away

you mean 25+ new monsters, new armors, new locations, new hubs, new mechanics aren't effort? this lazy argument is so fucking retarded.

More brand new monsters would instantly be surprising given there’s already more of em in Iceborne than any prior G Rank game. Valstrax would be surprising too given the way they said Glavenus was chosen for the game to represent X/XX.

so we're believing baseless text leaks now?

it's not out of choice, they had to have constraints somewhere.

Idiots have been doing that for years.

Reviewer here three, you're full of CATLOLIS

what if it was niceborne and it was about being friends with the monsters

You didn't even look up Banbaro weapons cause they've shown those

Why am I biting this?

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That's my point. Instead of blowing a budget on a lame story not even normalfags pretend to give a shit about, they could work on improving the core aspects of the game.

I might skip it just because it's out so soon and why bother spoiling any more now. I would skip the velkhana demo for the same reason if they didn't give you loot for finishing it.

>this immediately got 5 replies
I hope its samefagging because nobody's that stupid

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That’ll be the final game in the series, and it’ll be a subversive masterpiece.

What are the chances of steve getting in? Pretty good since they already have a wyvern model?

eh I don't think it's inherently wrong to try to improve the story, pretty much every popular mmo thing have decent story. Plus they already said that Iceborne will have three main characters, The Handler, Tracker lady, and Field Team Leader. So they have better materials to work with.

It's nice to have if the weapon is good in the first place
Otherwise only really supplemental damage on monsters that spend a lot of time out of your reach or charging around

What monster would you like to be a friend?
Hard Mode: No elders

They need more monsters with bleed, apart from Odogaron they now have Ebony, Narga and Seregios

Yeah it’s quite likely, he’s by far the easiest 4th gen monster to implement.

Shogun Ceanataur has it I think.

>non-wyverns making it into World

Oh I thought user meant monsters with bleed in general not just in World. If we are counting World, Leshen has it.

I have literally no reason to lie

I main GS, there’s a new steel GS that folds out like a folding knife

This GS has Banbaro, Jagras, Beotedus etc stuff glued to it

I don’t care if anyone believes me, I was just expressing a little disappointment


And I'm Ryozo of the nippon west virgina, state of new york. How ya doin gweilo?

go back to smash threads, faggot. You'll get better results there

Plesioth tomorrow, screencap this.

Do we have a discord? would be nice to play Iceborne with based retards

no fuck off

See you next Friday

Didn't they host an art content for player made weapons in Iceborne? Who won?

>I have literally no reason to lie
Then why are you
Post screenshots or fuck off

and stay out

Exactly 10 hours until trailer boyos

Most probably anti-MHW shitposters from Nintendotera discords.

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>I have no reasons to lie, I just wont provide proof. Just trust me.

Well he had to try. Look at all the accusations that's been happening

I don’t think the winner has been revealed yet but that link has all the finalists in it, so we’re gonna be getting one of them.

What happened to listfag? Was he finally kicked out?

>play it tactical
>alienate everyone from playing GU due to obsession with World
great plan, retard

anyone has the pic of this tigrex alone?

It’s more fun watching the denial at this point
I got some interesting level 4 decos today, one with attack up and slinger up, and an early quest reward with 2 critical eye on one gem

>2 critical eye on one gem

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then post the weapon tree

So you're saying Gore shouldn't have wings?

>the gunlance gauntlets
based as fuck and I'm glad those seem to be in the lead

Is the new trailer really in 10 hours? Some anons said it's tomorrow

I’m honestly just too much of a coward to take pics, not even bullshitting. I saw what happened with that LS tree leak and I don’t want my handiwork getting passed around

Just report him for trolling, you guys are gullible as fuck

>2 critical eye on one gem
That's fucking goofy.

>Meowscular Chef hammer

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Depends on your timezone. It could be today, or it could be tomorrow.

Well, Capcops taking actions is a good reason not to leak shit, but I wont believe you until I see the weapon tree In 4 FUCKING MONTHS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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Dude it's literally right there in the OP


That's the beta you retard

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>classes start next Tuesday
>21 credits
>wont have time for boomer MHW or WoW.

Save me brahs

How the fuck are you taking 21 credits? My college limits to 15

>pulling a "My dad works for Nintendo" literally 9 hours until trailer drops
How desperate

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>those garbage gauntlets are winning
Letting the west vote was a mistake. Thank god they won't win because there are no punch weapons.

>flaming sword with a skull sheath

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I wish the gunlance fist gets in, it kinda shares aesthetic with the jet great sword in a way.

>obstetric gynecologic test tomorrow
>surgery department test next monday
I'm seriously studying shit for a change just so i can enjoy iceborne without a care for remedials

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Wait, it's a gunlance? Even more disgusting.

>21 credits
You're fucking lucky

t. Law student with 32 credits

You guys have it easy

t. Doctor

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>not liking the gauntlets

You chose that lifestyle

Handler = Aisha > Catlolis

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>liking reddit marvel shit

haha at least you have a future

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>everyone shifts to college talk and completely ignores the poser
I love you guys. Never change

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Arriba arriba ESL retard

>using 'muh reddit' meme because the edgy weapons aren't winning

>900 page book on the legal ethics of the practice of law

all irrelevant cause women can just shout rape and win case lmao

>using "muh edge" meme because you like reddit marvel weapons
The edge weapons are garbage too and you're still a faggot for liking pleb shit.

>large amounts of free time right now
>no use because I gotta wait for PC release

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>600 page book on Radiation Interactions and Applications.
>Its just my professor's written notes and he wrote it in cursive.

>train gunlance
>meowscular chef hammer

atleast its not 'Doctor Cursive" right?

The train gunlance looks like it would match the aesthetic of the steamworks too.

I avoid writing "hope" because I'm all out of it.

What if it's just Handler in a Zinogre costume haha

I’m just gonna post the design contest finalists cause I’m bored.


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>all these fags complaining about credits

I have a 2-month baby, fucking kill me already


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Please don't prioritize a game over a newborn.


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You can practically hear the gaggle of little girls saying 海だ


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i'd use the hell out of both of these


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>hammer, sns, and horn users are creative
>gunlance are just edgelords that want MUH EXPLODING STEAM

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Best design conceptually


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funny I would have wanted the Cat Paw horn if it weren't for
>Blue notes



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Are the new movesets exclusive to Iceborne or will it come to base World too?

It hurts my heart that this won't win

Looks like over-designed shit


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The new patch comes to everything, not sure about clutch claw but it probably does too.

But it's the most liked tweet by far user
>runner up is 7k

The world is overpopulated don't have kids reeeee sacrifice your newborn to Yama Tsukami

you cant use any of the new moves if you dont own iceborne

isn't this a lance ?


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In a vacuum either this one, or the aquarium would win.

>Having a kid
You fell for the "having a kid is great" meme

>best one is winning by a landslide



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god i hope this wasn't made by some furfag because i betcha twitter is gonna be spammed with his/her ego if this wins


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Remove the meat and it's pretty good.

>horn changes after a few songs
You know that's such a simple thing I'm surprised it's not in world, can't speak for other games


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Read the patchnotes.
Anything with the Iceborne symbol next to it requires you to buy the expansion first.

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Straight up false.


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i hope that there's an another flag lance in iceborne.


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Myabe I'm just autistic, but I would hate using a hammer that looks like it'd shatter with every attack


and that’s all of em

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>he doesn't want to hear the thunk and jingle of a summer chime every time he hits the monster

>All these CBs
>Not a single SA

>all these potentially cool weapons
>would most likely be suboptimal
i would prefer weapon transmog to armour transmog desu, my autism makes me go for the big numbers

I liked the water element fang hammer better as well.

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>>would most likely be suboptimal
Right, because the last weapon that was the result of an art contest was SO irrelevant, wasn't it?

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It's from the anniversary image

The Wyvern Ignition in the base game was a contest winner and is by far the best Greatsword in the game.

The GS was used in older gameplay you dumbo.

I want the CB, it just looks nice

*huff* *puff* *huff puff*
Did... *huff* woah... *huffff* did I make it to the thread in time, guys?

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>/m/ Gunlance wins
>gets absurd shelling and Fire Element

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This CB would fit better with Mortmundo

Started playing MH4U since I gotta play something while waiting for Iceborne PC
Do you ever get the ability to buy potions or should I just farm the fuck out of blue mushrooms now?

>GOW collab
>weapon is a switch axe that swaps between sword of valor and leviathan axe
>gear has flinch free and mind's eye
>With all rodeo skills to have the constant cinematic experience

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Just. Good luck making it out of Frontier in time though.

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>BOI as cat skin
>Kratos fucking the Handler

You do, but I can't remember when.


Iirc starting from village high rank you can buy straight potion
Just oder shroom and herb for the meeantimes. Or just, use the dlc packs’ potion. Low rank doesnt deal that much dmg (or is that dangerous) anyway, esp with the free 1st aid meds