Hi FF community, what is the best FF?

>Hi FF community, what is the best FF?
>It's either 6 or 7 dude
>Hi pokemon community, what is the best pokemon game?
>Hey Metroid fans? What is the best Metroid?
>Best Kof?
>Best Mana Game?
>SD3, mate
>Best RE?
>Either 2 or 3 man
>Best Dark Souls?
>the first one
>Best Street Fighter?
>Something from the Alpha series
>Best Fallout?
>Best metal gear?
The second or the third
>Best Smash?
>Best HoMM?
>Heroes 3 man
>Hey Zelda fans, what is the best game in the ser-
>sounds of heads getting chopped

Why the fuck this community can't make up its fucking mind? Most of the other games fandom have a general idea on the best game on that series, but oh my god, what it is with Zelda. Even for Mario it may be similar, but I think most people would agree on Galaxy nowdays. For Zelda it's impossible instead.

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>Best Street Fighter
>Not Third Strike

Also assuming Smash fans arent just as bad about this argument

>>Hi pokemon community, what is the best pokemon game?
hahahaha what

There are two types of metroid fans: Super and Prime.

Also, general consensus is Ocarina is the "best," but the latest one has a chance of beating it. Individually, some people may like other Zelda games more, but there you go.

Agreed. I would say hgss before bw2.

And that's not even accounting for all the fucking genwunners.
OP is retarded.

>best pokemon
>best street fighter
>third strike

The reason why Zelda is hard to decide on is that there's so many great games in the series.
>A Link to the Past
>Link's Awakening
>Between Worlds
>Oracle games

All top tier games buddy

>Final Fantasy community agreeing on something
>Pokemon community agreeing on something
>Souls community agreeing on something

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>6 or 7

fedora's mask is shit

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>King of Fighters '98

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The first Dark Souls isn't the best one. It has a great start though.

Best Soulsborne is Bloodborne anyway

3 is much better.

Genwumners are not actual fan dipshit. I'm talking about actual fans. Most of them would nane one if the following: Emerald, Platinum, HGSS, BW2, and sometimes BW. the general agreement is bw2 nowdays.

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The Fire Emblem fanbase is even worse at this.

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I always, always heard people say HG/SS are the best.

Not if you don't include eugenics.

Found the guy that doesn’t shower

There's so much stupidity in this OP, I don't even know where to start.

People's favourite Zelda is often the first one they played.

No. FE9 is the fan favorite today.

Zelda is the best franchise ever, and most of those other franchises only have like 2-3 good games. The first Zelda you play is always what people consider their favorite game

Dark Souls 2 is the best once you distill it down to gameplay and exploration, 1 was boring af and 3 was a convoluted Bloodborne clone. 2 FTW.

Black and White were trash, gen 1/2 or the remakes are the only way to go.

Ah yes, I just love shitty level design, horrible spammed enemy placement, and the worst collection of bosses in the series despite having the most

>Best Street Fighter?
>Something from the Alpha series
Anyone that's not an utter tourneyfaggot will say 3rd Strike

My mistake there, yes.
As bad as zelda there's Castlevania though. And even there I think most people will say either 3 or Rondo for classicvanias and maybe(?) Sotn for igavanias. I don't know if they give a shit about 3vanias though.

>>Hi pokemon community, what is the best pokemon game?
Ah boy here we go. You would get RBY, Crystal, Emerald, Diamond/Pearl, HG/SS, Platinum, BW, BW2, USUM, and Sw/Sh for answers if you asked this on /vp/, and USUM or RBY if you asked

I would get HGSS on reddit and Yea Forums, and Bw2 on /vp/ actually and most likely.

>hey Castlevania fans, what's the best Igavania?
>[civil discussion with varied answers]
>what's the worst Igavania?
>Harmony of Dissonance

It's bad, but not THAT bad, it has to compete with other good games in the series

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It's the most overrated game I've ever played. A B- made into an A+

More like
>What's the best Igavania?
>Rampant SOTN worshipping
It's just like Super Metroid, fans never get it over it.

If you wanted to talk about the Zelda fandom, talk about the Zelda fandom, don't lead with all the bullshit. But this is bait, so who gives a fuck.

Zelda fans only reply to bait

Literally because outside of twilight princess, all the main games are vastly different. Many people like the series for very different reasons than others so what exact game caters to their experience will differ greatly. Someone who plays Zelda for the adventure or a sense of exploration will absolutely despise Skyward Sword and love BotW while someone who plays for the story will likely have the reverse opinion for example.

wheres her queen of hearts tattoo

dark souls 3 is the best by a mile

>best ff 6 or 7
>not 5 or 9

Zelda is one of those overhyped series that is always put in a high spot, meaning any Zelda game is the "best game ever"
It's the opposite of exaggerating on why Sonic is bad

What's the best game in YOUR favorite franchise, anons?
As for pic related's main series, seems like most people agree that either DKC2 or Tropical Freeze is #1.

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Big booty bitches

It's easily the best complete package. The sequel has more challenging maps but the segmented story and groups makes it feel abit disjointed.

People consider Super Star Ultra being the best with Robobot being a runner up

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My favorite franchise is in Zely, but my faovrite game can be OoT, WW, or BotW depending on my mood

A Link to the Past is objectively the best game. Many good ones, though.

FF 10
Pokemon Emerald
Metroid Prime 2
Resident Evil 4
Dark Souls 2
Twilight Princess
Okay, fight.

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Ah, Nintendo marketer!
I see you took my advice on posting cute girls, and on getting people angry about how GOOD your product is (what parts are best)
Well done.
Next, make a game that is challenging, with a lot of depth to the mechanics, so the player is constantly learning new ways to make game mechanics intetact.
Games that are so deep that you can never really master them are games I like a lot! And that is why OOT is the best zelda, and Twilight Princess is shit.

Now that's what I call going all out with your baits.

Also the best mario is world (SNES).
So many good romhacks.

>>Best Fallout?
Only redditors say this.

>not metroid prime 2
Get your shit out of here

the fuck are you talking about? path of radiance and radiant yawn almost killed the franchise

Because most of the games are amazing.

>Super over Prime

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At the very least it's more consistent. Dark Souls 1 drops off a fucking cliff after the Lordvessel and people conveniently forget that

>>Hi FF community, what is the best FF?
>>It's either 6 or 7 dude
that's not FFXIV

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Apples and oranges.

You might as not even compare 3D vs 2D games in a series because no one is going to agree
>Is Mario Galaxy better than SMB3
>Is Wind Waker better than Link to the Past
>Is Metroid Prime better than Super Metroid

Source pls

>anywhere else on the internet
"yeah i liked those mechanics from your favorite entry but i just feel more attachment to this entry and it has some of my favorite maps and music in the series, yours was pretty good too though."
>Yea Forums
"LMAO fe8 fags are fucking retards, new mystery was the only good FE"
">liking ds games,
kill yourself 12fag, the series died when kaga left"

>Why the fuck this community can't make up its fucking mind?
Yeah, why don't they all have the same opinion?

The Best Zelda is BotW
How was that hard?

>People's favourite Zelda is often the first one they played.
>The first Zelda you play is always what people consider their favorite game
Always impressive when people manage to so effortless out-retard an OP this stupid.
9 sucks other than the music. Any SNES game or 7 are valid choices so long as you're playing some form of original and not some remake/remaster shit. 9 is only a valid choice for the most storyfag of storyfags who don't care at all about the core gameplay mechanics of the series.