So I'm supposed to explore each zone with some random guys, gather information about the enemies and then build specialized teams for each zone, right? Then why do everybody say that I should kick everybody that gets slighty mad? Shouldn't I be treating them to build the teams?
So I'm supposed to explore each zone with some random guys...
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Mostly because Stress healing in the Hamlet can drain your finances faster than you can make it back.
It seems counter-intuitive, but you always have fresh soldiers available. Focus on upgrading the Stagecoach before anything else so you can hold more of them. Once you have teams down and have a good chunk of Gold, start hanging onto people.
Don't throw them out unless they come very close to breaking mentally. Stress wears down by 5 units every week, and you can heal it in dungeons if you get lucky.
Wait for the event where you get free medical care and it`ll fix up all your guys nicely, especially when you lock in the good traits. If you dont want to spend money on medical treatment, which i usually did, then just leave the guys you like to be fixed later and hire more guys
You kick people who get ptsd in the early game because the hamlet is un-upgraded and the units are un-upgraded as well, it's just cost effective. Later on when the hamlet gets upgraded, you should be maintaining your upgraded Heroes.
>So I'm supposed to explore each zone with some random guys, gather information about the enemies and then build specialized teams for each zone, right?
In a sense yes, but with some forethought you can imagine taking 4 arbas is more dangerous and harder to use than a balanced party. You could play the entire game with the same cookie cutter comp but that's gay and only minmacers do that.
You kick low level people with bad quirks (calm, afraid of beasts etc) because it's not worth the time, money and sanitarium slot to cure them. Afflictions (paranoid or abusive) are fine to heal because any stress healing activity in town will stop it. A lvl 2 highwayman with-4 speed on 1st turn and -1speed isn't worth keeping around because you'll have to pay the sanitarium twice, and it'll use up a spot which you could be using on a higher priority character. On the other hand curling a level 5 highwayman that gained these quirks is useful of he had good quirks.
You don’t want to start stress healing your guys in town until you’ve invested actual money into them. As in you’ve started upgrading their gear and skills at the blacksmith and guild. Your earliest parts of a playthrough are best spent scrounging relics together to upgrade the stagecoach, guild and blacksmith. This is especially valuable on your first playthrough since this is also the best opportunity to scope out the zones and figure out the angles for success in each one.
Try to fight the easy mode (green version) of the bosses with lower level guys as well. The green encounters with them are generally balanced around not knowing their gimmicks, but it can still be frustrating to lose the ones you’re planning on grooming into your A team because you lost them while figuring out the boss fight.
Now that that's taken care of, back to DD memes. We had a good run last time, let's go again.
gonna get it for the switch, something about dd handheld
Remember, kill their backline first. Health is piss easy to restore, stress not so much.
I picked my first Man-at-arms with riposte. I want 4 of them.
Why did Joseph hate this game?
daily reminder not to get overconfident, regardless of the game
DD thread?
Highwayman can also riposte, and the ability that sets it up can lead to what's arguably his best attack.
>So I'm supposed to explore each zone with some random guys, gather information about the enemies and then build specialized teams for each zone, right?
The game gets much easier when you bring the right mercs for the job.
>Then why do everybody say that I should kick everybody that gets slighty mad? Shouldn't I be treating them to build the teams?
Level 0 characters are not worth spending money on because you can get an equally capable character from the same class the next week for free. Upgrade your coach, by the way.
I hope the second game will have Dorfs because it's in the mountains and shit.
>riposte into point blank shot
>both crit
Nah, humans only.
Darkest Dungeon is better for being relatively low fantasy, with mostly regular humans against all the horrors of the abyss.
be careful what you wish for, user
Man fuck fuck why can't I level my group evenly, I got like 5 people to level 5 but my levelling was so imbalanced that I didn't even have a healer and than brigand vvulf showed up
do you guys think its going to be the same kind of gameplay?
It better. I don't mean don't add new mechanics but the core is very solid and I don't want it changed just for the sake of it.
poor PD she doesn't understand that leper is the thickest of daddies