Do you want it to succeed or fail?

Do you want it to succeed or fail?

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Succeed but the gameplay is like mgsv and that game was utter shit.

I never want a game to fail but the cancerous Sony fanbase added with the Cult of Kojima is making it hard for me to give this game a fair chance.

Doa only kojima cultists will buy

Is this an Uber Eats simulator?

why would I want it to fail?

>makes mustards seethe
it's gonna be great

Cant imagine how empty your existence has to be to want it to fail

Here come the Cult

I want it to succeed financially and critically but bomb as far as player opinions go, just so we have more fuel to throw as 'journalists'.

I want to know what it is

I don't fucking care. As a consumer I hope it fails so it's gonna be in discount very soon.
But I want to be good and fail, that' the better option for me.
Fuck Kojimbo and fuck Sony corporations.

Mgsv was a good game with some flaws

I want it to come to PC

Reddit favourite gamee yaaay kojimbo is genius masterpiece did you saw peeing soooo hilarous omg hahaahah kojimbo you are great whole reddit worships yoouu ouu great one everything you doo is froom god

I want it to succeed because more good games is always nice but so far I'm not interested and it definitely doesn't look good

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The story looks bizarre but intriguing. Never really seen anything like it desu, I appreciate the creativity

I just don’t fucking get the gameplay at all. The implication is you are walking across massive as fuck spaces weighed down with this giant backpack having to constantly stress about being seen by the BT’s... sounds fucking unimaginably tedious and stressful. I hope we can use motorcycles for the most part. And the WW2 scenes look interesting. But I worry this dude has just disconnected from what makes compelling gameplay and is forcing a film into an ill-suited medium

Mgsv is peak gameplay your retard

>i never want a game to fail

Join the cult, be one of us and worship master kojima! Do it user.

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I don't care about the magic china man
only metal gear game I ever played is the one where you are that ninja and slash things.
It was ok

So is this being made by the mgsv team? Because it looks very similar in everything

It will fail and kojima will close his studio and twitter account and hide in china.

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poor people b like

Yes. I don't have a ps4 anymore and hate hype around games, but would like more good games in the world. Plus I still like half of MGSV

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>faggot normiebait "inception is the deepest movie ever" trash
Fail, and spectacularly.

As with everything Kojimmy does, I'm torn. I want it to succeed because it's something new in a sea of shovelware but I want it to fail because it's pushing Hollywood cancer into vidya and the last thing I want is to see the same 10 faces in every single new game.

The gameplay is like every mgs but the open world crap is what I was implying

It's pure Kojimakino it can't fail and I wouldn't ever wish it to.

Who want's games to fail? I want games to succeed, I want many many MANY good games to come out and for tons of people to enjoy them, stupid nigger

What's a really deep movie? All I can think about are the works of Kubrick and Tarkovsky.

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Yes, but some games are terrible and succeed. Like movies, just trends happen and it sucks. Like Skyrim or Fallout 4.

It's going to be successful but not great. Divisive at best. Reviewers will eat it up though, so it'll have 90+ rating.

the game has fast travel but only from waypoint to waypoint. so yeah there's a lot of walking but once you've completed most of the first map you'll feel pretty accomplished and most of your travel will be within the chiral network.

Succeed I was so sad that The Phantom Pain was so shit. This is his redemption arc. To give you an idea of how much of a fan I am I bought the digital deluxe and I have a physical copy coming because I usually get games early. I got the phantom pain early and it was magical until I realised it was unfinished but that day 0 was fucking amazing my mind came.


Dafuq you talking about?

That's why you hope for more games to come out that match your tastes. We'll all go through times where our tastes aren't being tended to, but I'll never wish that a game other people enjoy eat shit so more games I like come out. I'll just hope other devs pop up who want something like I want

Why would I want a game to be bad?

If all games succeed then all games will become shitty gacha because that brings the most money.
If good games succeed on their merits while trash fails then you get an industry that prioritizes good games

>Kojima game
>Failing in any way

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The Battle of Algiers

Answer the question?

I want it to be good, so I guess I want it to succeed.

That's operating under the assumption that every dev out there only wants money. Every single one. Call me an idealist or whatever, I just want good games for everyone. Even a piece of shit is someones favorite game.

>most of your travel will be within the chiral network.
ie fast traveling? I’m not familiar with what the chiral network actually is

>that's operating under [the truth]
>call me an idealist
OK, idealist. Feel free to return to the real world when you feel like you can handle it.

Predator. It is deep cause it is men vs the control of pussy. od pussy. See cause of the echo

I don't want it to succeed because we'll be in for another 5 years of movie games

Its going to be kojima’s best selling game since MGS, it will have insane marketing with a lot newfags jumping on the wagon but not half of those fags will finish the game, kojima and sony will be happy and make DS2 and it will not even reach half the sales of the first one.

>Do you want it to succeed or fail?

I don't give enough of a shit about it to want it to do either.

Fail, its more fun to watch


>Not a single dev makes games they enjoy
>Genres we like cease to exist, never to be seen again instead of just becoming less popular

Ok cynic, I'm here in the real world, still got my fingers crossed for more good stuff.

I don't care or think about it at all
after the third time you just kind of stop giving a shit

A success would be nice. The story is obviously Kojima doing cool off the wall stuff, and the gameplay's focus on traversal and the environment itself as the obstacle/puzzle is an under-explored avenue.

It'll probably do well critically, and get solid sales but not as high as MGS. Its success could lead to people trying to rip it off without really understanding why it works and making shitty movie games. But it might also mean more publishers taking a chance on weirder stories. Also, plenty of third person action games are going to steal parts of its traversal system for their own use.

said no one. also only the shitposters, like (You), kept spamming "lol peeing so funny" bullshit

Whichever one will cause a bigger shitstorm

Just say you can't afford it toddler

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To fail, because it turns out Kojima went from being the fun mech-espionage adventure perv to a perv overly concerned with mpreg, fpreg, babies galore, only the latest movies and hot actors, wanting to turn games into Hollywood shill, and effin' Troy Baker.

Also it feels like an agenda to convince gamers to have all the babies because he wants us to grow up and breed. He is secretly Abe shill.

It started with Last Of Us Dad simulators, and ends with this.

And I'm sure the gameplay will be cool, so he can convince the entranced gamers subconsciously to love and want more babies.

I want it to fail.

i like fpreg!
there is nothing wrong with breeding

Yeah, his circle -jerk with Geoff will gurantee this gets GOTY without even trying, or with the awards committee choosing it by default because it's got his name and idiocy on it, and forget about the gameplay being the main reason for a game earning praise.

It happened with Dad Of War with Dark Sould controls and a stupid camera and lack of jumping. Might as well call it the Muh Feels Movie awards.

Based and mating press pilled


You should know by playing any of his games that they show exclusively the bad parts of what he's showing. Or did you think he supported the military or the culture it creates?

Imagine how empty the cultists' lives would be without the cult. That's how they got into the cult to begin with. There is nothing outside the cult.

Unless they really go out, breathe some fresh air, go workout at the gym, and educate themselves and all that bull.

r/deathstranding is where you go to die and be stranded because no one will bother rescuing you from madness.

It is pure cultist cancer, for a game that no one is allowed to know about, but look at the FANART, look at the $300 DOLLAR DOG TAGS, look at MUH PLASTIC FEETUS.

Good on you, that game was cool.

making up stories in your head is a symptom of schizophrenia

2 weeks until TGS faggots

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Its not a cult, ots called being a fan of someone faggot

Yeah, fuck Troy Baker. Now it's voice AND face!

And all AAA games will be basically interactive movies with CiNeMaTiC music, and go full circle into FMV games, so they can push games to be movies with movie actors for the normie masses and we will never have fun again.

2 months before release and no gameplay shown? This should be a redflag on Yea Forums but for some reason it's not. It should fail, but movie games are unable to fail.

Its more fun to watch it burn and crash

I preordered Phantom pain because of being a long-time MGS fan having experienced all the Kojima canon and lore. It was disappointing, but at least it was done.

This new thing with...mpreg, fetuses, a woman complaining about breast milk, and otherworld monsters with umbilical cords? And Hollywood actors pushed as the prime appeal? Not worth my preorder money at all.

I want it to succeed and I want to like it, but I can't stand looking at the actor that plays the MC.

YOU wouldn't, you're probably a goody-two-shoes.

Oh my god, PREACH. This is what Sony has done ever since late PS3.

What kind of retard wants games to be bad?
Fuck off, I hope it's good, even if I have no intention of playing it.

Pokemon masters is out bros

Yeah, yeah, keep it in porn, pal.

I wanna see fetish stuff, I go on the internet to get it for free. Keep it out of my gaming.

I'd be really surprised if his true message for DS will be "don't have kids".

Then I would buy a brand-new copy instead of used, for sure.

It looks kinda retarded but ill wait and see. I probably wont buy it though

I want it to fail, just so when it wins GOTY at the Keighleys people finally wise up to the fact that he's just trying to massage critics so they give him biased reviews and judgement. Just like he did with MGS4 and V.

Sigh, I dunno doc, I think it all started when I was a kid.

I kind of want it to fail, and for the games industry to crash, because I hate video games, but I also want it to succeed and be a good videogame because I am addicted.

It will win, guaranteed, through no merit of actual gameplay. Just rename it The Movie Awards, for best videogame that is closest to a tearjerking movie.


Why would anyone want a product to be bad that's a waste.

MGSV is one of the best games ever made so I'm hype

wanting a failed product =/= wanting a bad product

reread the OP

>It will win, guaranteed, through no merit of actual gameplay. Just rename it The Movie Awards, for best videogame that is closest to a tearjerking movie.
you sound like another faggot who picked up the "movie-game" meme and now pretends to have played a single kojima game.
long cutscenes in a game =/= movie

>Muh moovi game
The gameplay will be shown at TGS.

it's a manmade network connection that connects the chiral realities together. it's specifically the technology that caused the death stranding and the destruction of most life on earth.

people exist in both, leading to the possibility of situations like two sams being together simultaneously. a death stranding specifically refers to the act of getting stranded on the beach within the "other" dimension

This is basically what I think: The story looks very cool, I like that part. But yeah the gameplay looks non-compelling to me. I've never played MGS by the way. Steal games I'm not a huge fan of. I like action. So personally I'd prefer this game to have more action. But it probably won't.

the story is about a man who killed his wife and unborn child before committing suicide. the guy is stranded in death in his own little purgatory dream world thinking he can save everything, while an angel disguised as his wife torments him and tries to subtly convince him that he's dead and to move on to the afterlife with everyone else.

the story and gameplay concepts were more or less lifted from his original silent hills idea, transplanted into a non-horror shell.

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I honestly want it to fail because i hate the idea of a game succeding just because of famous people attached to it.

I really don't think that's why people are interested in it friend. They're interested in it because it's a cool looking game.

Hope the game is half as cool as that sounds.

Want it to fail cause if hiring Hollywood actors becomes a trend in AA, that will be a nightmare for gaming

Cyberpunk features an even bigger celeb, you can't stop it anymore.

One cameo would be ok, and it makes some sense to associate Keanu and cyberpunk, but full cast of B actors is terrible, add to this the presence of Shinkawa in the character design team, what a waste...

Fail. I'm sick of cinematic walking simulators.

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I hope it's good and I want it to succeed if it is. I get people being skeptical and honing their expectations, but I don't get this notion of people hoping a game ends up being shit just so they can wave it in people's faces online. Wouldn't you be happier if the game was good and you have a good time with it?

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Why would you ever want a video game to fail you fucking autist.

All of these games are completely different though.

Succeed and come to PC

V sold a little over 6 million copies. 6 million x $60 is 360 million dollars. picture yourself putting all of your effort into something, it getting aborted 1/3 of the way through, and you are still responsible for 360 million dollars. With a budget of 80 million, that's a profit of 280 million. He's gonna do fine.

I'm not digging this gen's boner for facial scanning desu. It looks weird at the best of times and horrifying at worst. I'd prefer the slightly stylized look characters had in games like MGS pre-V and the older Resident Evils where the faces were defined and had intense eyes compared to the freaky androids we have now.

I guess we're in a sort of transitional period where they haven't ironed the kinks out just yet, but still there's something to be said about the old way of doing things.

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that woman is actually his dead mother-in-law who died of cancer and is now in purgatory. sam is the only one who's NOT trapped.

mgsv was great. Great gameplay. Had history's most KINO opening. It just sort of fell apart at Vocal Parasites, but was great before that.

I don't think you understand how profit works.

why would anyone want a video game to fail i dont understand

subjective take - I love the gameplay and [most] characters but lament the unfinished aspect, the shit-tier plot developments, and the unused ideas/potential.

I played them all, thank you.

The idea of cutscenes are not the problem. The problem is when you put way too much effort and money to make it resemble movie-award bait.

goddammit, that's what I don't want any more games [not just Silent Hill games] to be!

BTFO with that overdone Jacob's Ladder/ Silent Hill 2 amnesia guilt.

As bad as using Pyramid Head for near every damn SH game!

If the game were to be amazing, then why not make it challenging and hiring virtual unknowns instead of hawt celebrities, to focus more on the game itself?

No, Kojima want to be a film director.

Yeah, but it's just Keanu. The entire potential cast of characters aren't all celebrities.

Holy fuck, what has become of PlayStation. I loved 1 to 3, and regretted ever buying 4.

PCMR ascended, but will always love the past console games [not 4, though, it betrayed me]

I obviously also mean Kojima as famous.

We're a bunch of sadists who hate the way mainstream games have become stagnant, typical, uber-Hollywood-cinematic, and celebrity obsessed, and want the industry to stop considering these to be the pinnacle of all gaming, so games can continue being games and not arthouse film.

Already have. Don't regret it.

A few exclusives are a small price to pay.

Are we talking about biological bodies or ethereal souls? Because Sam looked pretty solid, scarred, and meaty in "purgatory".

i want it to fail because of kojima, i hate him and his goddamn ego.

Hollywood cinematics and actors don't affect gameplay in any way.

I hope its good.
It doesn't look good though. I haven't been impressed with anything I've seen yet besides some of the sound design and character models and shit.

They don't, but they can affect the perspective and attitude of gamers, devs, and industry standards towards deciding what makes a game great.

I never liked kojimas games though thought mgs was over rated since it first came out and 3 4 5 was liquid shit

we're not talking about star citizen though

In my opinion, people want the game to fail because

>Kojima has too big an ego (which is true)
>They reject the idea of actors participating in video games because it is the gentrification of a culture (which is true, but the concept was not invented by him and there are previous antecedents o f this idea).

And people want the game to be a success because the central concept is a novelty, it's risky, but it's also true that the person in the lead has 32 years of experience in the industry. Kojima, Shinkawa and whole Kojipro have ideas and creativity that can make the riskiest move in history and succeed. He is putting everything in his career in the line of fire to make this project. Even Sony's board of directors have expressed concern about the idea of an AAA "walking simulator", the game has sparked internal and external controversy.

This is probably the last game for Kojima, and we can say that a age of games is coming to an end. Gentrification is real, but it is a process beyond any person or corporation. It is a global phenomenon and no one controls it. So, from my perspective, HK is embracing the process and in doing so, he is putting its rules on the table face to face against the next wave. With this game, whatever the outcome, a door is consciously opened to a new culture and philosophy.

I want this game to be a success. We all deserved it.

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Are you me?

You know the way the aiming looks here actually looks better then mgsv he's a little more turned to the side

>This is probably the last game for Kojima
>we can say that a age of games is coming to an end.
I have no idea how you came to this conclusion.

Succeed enough so he makes something new instead if a sequel.

The guy's 56 years old.

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i dont want any games to suck, but this one doesnt seem that cool to me

Nah, he said he'll keep making games until he dies. And he's Japanese so he should be able to stay healthy.

I want it to be good. One way or the other, I don't expect it to do very well commercially. The premise and style are just too weird. You can't sell a game like that to normies. It'll have a cult following but it won't be a great he success.


I want it to be fun.

No. Fuk gentrification and fuck change. To have games unrecognizable to those from Mario Bros. to God of War 3? Fuck whatever turns away from the spectrum we already have before.

Call me a gatekeeper. I just don't want this game to symbolize a new age where all standards change. And they won't. There will always be retro and classic styles, because those are proven to be fun and timeless. Cinematic escort missions? Last Of Us? GOW4? Never found them memorable.