Just kicked a kid out of my LAN center for throwing a fit because I wouldn't give him free game time. How's Yea Forums's day going?
Just kicked a kid out of my LAN center for throwing a fit because I wouldn't give him free game time...
Tell the full story
My buddy had this and no one ever wanted to use it so I would. Pretty decent
How do i get this remote?
where is the Z button?
I'm assuming the kid was being a little shit about it? My local LAN is always cool about adding a bit of extra time if people need it to finish up a match.
Left side
Did someone put a new stick in a Super Pad?
Pretty smart, those controllers were comfy, but suffered from the same crappy stick that every third party controller had.
>been having trouble with this one shitty kid for coupla weeks now
>doesn't follow house rules, been warned half a dozen times by myself, other owner and employees (6 or so time each) about violations
>Fortnite zoomer with nerdrage issues
>starts a game with begs for free time
>tell him he has to buy it
>starts complaining
>tries to get his friends to buy him time with coins (our version of Chuck E Cheez tickets)
>tell him coins can only be spend on your own account, if they bought time, the time would automatically go on the buyer's account
>timer runs out mid game
>pitches a huge fit over not getting his "dub"
>says I'm mean for not giving him game time
>calls me names
>makes faces at me
>says my place sucks
>kick him out
>"You can't kick me out! You're not the owner!" and sticks his tongue out at me
>"I AM the owner. Been running this place for 10 years and you're the first kid I've ever had to kick out"
>makes faces at me and keeps calling me names the whole way out the door
Now at what point did you rape him?
>lan center
What a loser lol what is this 2005
Well we're still here so we must be doing something right.
Serious question, how does something like that manage to stay open in 2019? Do people just use it as a glorified Fortnite daycare for their brats?
He's been being a little shit about it since he first started coming here. Normally we're really accommodating about giving people the odd 15-20mins to finish a game. But with this kid it was all the time. He'd ask for 15 to finish his game. Then he'd start a new one and ask for another 15. Over and over. And each time we'd tell him he has to buy more after that first free 15 he'd start complaining. Couldn't even follow are very basic and easy to follow rules either.
It's underneath the left handgrip
We use a LAN center software that connects us with centers all around the world. The creators of the software hold online tournaments all the time that helps bring people in. Lately it's been a lot of Fortnite tournies. But usually they do whatever is popular like Overwatch, Siege, CS:GO, LoL, that sort of thing. We also hold weekly events and monthly tournaments for our local fighting games scene, which is surprisingly big. Folks come from all over the tristate area to compete. Even have a few Canadians that drop by for the monthlies. Birthday parties and event rentals are a big draw too. Nothing quite like playing multiplayer games with your friends all in the same spot. Other than that we've managed to build up a rather dedicated base of customers over the years who come in nearly every day.
Was the kid playing fortnite
Yep. He's friends with this other group of Fortnite players who ended up being the NA champs for the last online tournament. The kid I kicked out was incredibly toxic to his friends though. Constantly putting them down and cussing them out for not helping him ingame and irl. That kid even came in yesterday during school hours while it was just my tech here. His Dad and the truant cop both showed up and drug him back to school. I'm glad he stepped over the line today so myself, my employees and my other customers no longer have to suffer his rage fits and messes.
>truant cop
That's still a thing?
Apparently. I used to skip a lot of classes in high school and never heard one peep about a truant officer. But I can imagine they'd still want them for grade, middle and jr high. This kid was probably middle-jr high age.
Glad to hear this. This barely exists anymore.
>"You're alright, don't go to school today"
>Don't go to school
>Truant cop shows up
>Get shot
Thanks man. We're pretty happy to still be open too. Have had a couple rough years throughout the ages but we're still kicking.
The fuck is that. Never heard of em.
It's a police officer that looks for kids that haven't shown up to school when said kids are skipping class.
students are considered truant if they have above a certain number of consecutive, unexcused absences (usually 10 iirc)
i dont know exactly what they do but i assume the school has to report it and a local police station dispatches some dork to knock on the student's door and ask the parents where their little shit is
right now :)
Enjoy your job where all of your work isnt scrutinized and isnt based on your problem solving skills. I would literally eat cum to have a job that wasnt so mentally taxing.
And that kids name? Christian Chandler
Not gonna lie, it does get pretty stressful when Windows patches come out. They tend to screw everything up with the LAN center software. Also when the software's server goes down itself shit gets hairy since there's nothing much we can do from our end to fix/remedy it. Thankfully we have contingencies for those sorts of situations.
This. They used to send the school resource officer but I can't imagine that particular officer being sent anymore. I think the big thing is the try to send somebody you know because you are more likely to actually answer the door for them.
My truant officer was a captain who was originally assigned when I was in elementary. He could always find me somehow. It really pissed me off back then but I'm glad he stuck to me because he's the only reason I haven't completely ruined my life.
>Windows patches come out
How do you not know how to disable Windows bloat?
Can't. Because of the LAN software needing the most current version to work. Which is stupid because it almost always breaks the software until the software gets its own patch. I'd like to switch to a new software/network but what we're using now is free for us until 2022.
At least you disable automatic updates?
absolutely based controller
Nigger, I push Windows patches to an entire hospital. And thats the easy part of the job. fuck off
You don't have a couple test computers before pushing all out on WSUS?
Yep. We usually do windows updates before or after business hours.
Your hospital isn't using this LAN center software. These software devs have their priorities all over the place and it causes huge headaches for all the other center owners all over the world that use their service.
Send him a thank you card sometime if he's still alive. Seriously, it makes someones whole year hearing that their shitty job positively impacted someone.
we use dozens of one off pieces of software and no I dont have a machine that can test blood and read pillcam software and a bunch of other bullshit all at once
Underrated post.
Or just suck his dick
Probably has shitty parents or something, try not to be too harsh on him
We were very patient with him for over 2 weeks. He got a very fair talking to about his behavior last Friday. Today was the last straw, so he's banned now.
This, it must have been pretty shit for him to go after some brat skipping school every other day
Fuck kids.
Fair enough