How do you go from this...
How do you go from this
Other urls found in this thread: this
to... this?
It's good that ZUN recover quick from that dud
TD in general had the worst music
Only the best songs allowed past this point.
I thought the 2nd stage's 10/4 time signature was pretty clever, and Rigid Paradise is pretty catchy too.
Best OST in 2hu
TD in general has some of the worst everything. It's the weakest main title
I think you mean WBaWC.
Your next line is going to be "HSiFS had good music"
PCB's soundtrack in general was pretty solid.
not even that guy but HSiFS gets hate for no reason
Aside from stages 3 and 5 and Okina's themes, not really.
No. This OST was a banger(other than Stage 3 and Extra boss)
What terrible taste. The entire OST is rock-solid without a single bad track, and the stage 4 theme in particular is absolutely brilliant, one of his most memorable compositions.
It's not one of my favorites, but ZUN was clearly being experimental and I can respect that.
I loved the later songs in WBaWC but everything in the first half save for Kutaka is plain garbage, in my opinion.
The melodies are mediocre but I'd consider them to be a lot better if the instruments were different. Especially the drums.
Jelly Stone was good tho. I remember that song more than the girl attached to it
I keep forgetting that exists, that's pretty good too.
>2hu music after pc98
TD, like most other Touhou games, has a strong and coherent style to its soundtrack but that doesn't mean some individual compositions aren't weaker or stronger than others. True Admin is pretty weak for a final boss. Meanwhile, like usual the stage themes throughout are absolute killers and Rigid Paradise & Old Yuanxian are some of the better boss themes overall
TD and IamP have the best OST’s in the series idk wtf anyone is talking about
You're certainly entitled to your opinion.
He put all his big dick energy into stage 4
DDC honestly wasn't that much better in terms of quantity, but in terms of quality DDC's good tracks are way better than TD's good tracks.
>Desire Drive and Old Hermit
absolute bangers
It has easily one of the best stage 1 themes though
It's just too bad that Ghost Lead is pretty meh
Bhava-agra As Seen Through a Child's Mind
Catastrophe in Bhava-agra
Emotional Skyscraper
Idolatrize World
>God Tier
Tonight Star an Easygoing Egoist
Complete Darkness
Gensokyo Millenium
Flight of the Bamboo Cutter
Border of Life
>Fucking Amazing Tier
Last Occultism
Septette for the Dead Princess
Now, Until the Moment You Die
Kobito of the Shining Needle
>Good Shit Tier
Onigashima in the Fairyland
Pure Furies
Unknown X
True Administrator
>Nice Tier
Voyage 1970
The Concealed Four Seasons
Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom
Venerable Ancient Battlefield
>Alright Tier
The Lost Emotion
Strawberry Crisis!!
The Great Fairy Wars
Faint Dream
None of ZUNs songs are shit
To this?
>None of ZUNs songs are shit
Not even Mermaid from the ZUNtar Land?
Placing Faint Dream as it is is fine, but damn, it would shoot up my own personal list if it actually incorporated the unused version into the track as a 'second verse' like a few arranges handle it
And them he went higher and higher
It's alright, it reminds me of Lonesome Werewolf with the abrasive ZUNtars but it kinda grew on me
ZUNtar is good, it instantly gives tracks it's heard in a sort of unrefined edge that transforms ZUN's usually serene melodies into more aggressive pieces
MoF had the best music and you can't tell me otherwise
Based. Unlocated Hell is one of the best stage themes ZUN has done.
not as good as IN, SA, or LoLK
I like IN the best, it was when ZUN went fucking crazy with the piano and it sounds amazing
It has one of the best stage 3 and extra stage themes
Actual best stage 3 by the way
MoF is my personal favourite windows soundtrack for the orchestral grandure of it, I really feel like Zun's experimentation doesn't work out as well as his classic stuff used to, like WBaWC's music is all over the fucking shop with some genuinely sounding like someone fatfingering a piano at parts and catching multiple keys at once by accident
Eirin's theme is top tier but then again pretty much any Stage 6 boss that uses Theme of Eastern Story in it is great
Man I wish I wasn't musically fucking retarded so I could recognize complex leitmotifs and shit like that so I could actually hear the theme of eastern story in all the fucking places people keep saying it's in, I feel fucking stupid
What makes MoF special is how the entire soundtrack is gold. With every other game you can usually pinpoint one or two tracks that aren't as remarkable, but MoF says fuck it and has the entire soundtrack being equally good.
Best western covers of touhou music, go
It's not particularly hard to pick up on in History of the Moon, it's within the first twenty seconds and then again at around 1:20 and there's a whole drop in the music bringing attention to it
>forgetting fate of 60th year
I would put it in Fucking Amazing Tier as those ZUNpets are goddamn good as always
>Strawberry Crisis!!
FUCK you, kid
You mean like this one?
Looking at Yumemi and Keiki really shows how far ZUN's designs have come. The former looks really ugly, even for PC98 standards.
I would say it's borderline Nice Tier for me if that makes you feel any better
Are you fucking okay in the head my guy? Keiki looks like vomit, her colors are garish and nasty and her design is cluttered. Yumemi is just clean, simple, and pleasant with a solid two-color scheme., You're fucked in the head, go take whatever meds you should've been prescribed by now.
Yumemi is traced
Calm your tits, that wasn't my point. Keiki looks bad because there is too much shit going on and, in contrast, Yumemi looks bad because there isn't enough going on with her. Both characters could benefit from more whites and blacks to contrast with the colorful areas your eyes are attracted to. Yumemi could have used a secondary color to contrast with her red like pink or yellow.
I can't put into words how wrong that is but at least you don't genuinely think Keiki is that good or I'd be real fuckin concerned about you user
Yes, like that
>The Great Fairy Wars
>Alright Tier
That's too low user
Also lost occultism was completely overshadowed by battlefield of hanamamamama imo.
It's certainly one of the best with all those gorgeous atmospheric stage themes
ZUNtar sounds like ass when it's a lead. It's fine when it's a backing instrument but he almost never does this.
Something weird is happening with Kutaka.
>punished Kutaka
Damn, that is creepy, i don't want my cute chicken girl to be creepy!
It's much better out-of-game, it's one of the few songs that meshes terribly with the sound effects.
I just realized all these "creepy eyes" Kutakas doesn't have the little chicken in her hair.
ZUN's colors in Wily Beast are kinda weird. They're all really bright.
And there's a few too many of them on each character, there's a general lack of concise colourschemes. I mean like, the fuck is saki's dress? Shit's just not very visually pleasing.
Rude. That's not very rooting or tooting of you.
Cowboy knockoff Aya gets no roots nor toots from me, her visual gimmick loses out to her ponytail for best feature anyway. Touhou needs more canon longhair ponytails.
Miko's boss theme is perfect
fucking fight me
I really like this one too
its a good song
Reimu is getting into Smash and there's literally nothing you can do to stop her
I'd love for this to happen simply for /jp/'s reaction. They hate Smash a lot, apparently.
Reimu in smash would be pretty cool imo but please keep smashfaggotry out of this thread
It would utterly fucking decimate the western touhou fanbase for a while which would be a godsend, it's such a pile of cancer full of elitism and autism abound. Plus it'd be fucking funny to see the confused reactions of people who have no idea what the fuck a too hoo is
Cirno you're a bad shitposter go to bed
That was meant for a different thread, I'm pretty tired.
Deep down, you were the one who should go to bed all along. The answer was always with us in our innermost hearts: slumber.
user I'm so sorry, haven't you heard? Reimu has passed away.
She won't be in smash. Or any other game.
But don't be sad, she was surrounded by all her loved ones, and lived a long fulfilling life.
I'm sure she's in a better place now
Meant for I really should go to bed.
Yukari wasn't invited?
>people sleeping on the UFO OST again
Yukari is nobody's loved one, she's a bitch
Why yes stage four is super groovy.
But yukari has yuyuko and suika
>came for a good comedy non-h doujin
>came again to this page
If that leads to peoples talking about the lore and vidyas it might actually be a good thing
>he doesn't like unlocated hell
>weakest stage
>weakest theme
>weakest bullet patterns
>but canon bust will keep her popular
Yuyuko forgot most of her past life.