Chillout chombas

Chillout chombas

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i don't speak in nazi jebany szwabie

endut hoch hech

i don't speak in nazi jebany szwabie

what do those words mean

i don't speak in nazi jebany szwabie

Translation : worry not it will be possible

For the brainlets:
>dont worry- it would be possible.
I also speak spanish and bulgarian. Retarded cunts

Translation : worry not, your gonna suck that tranny peepee or else.

I don't give a flying fuck what language you speak

Here you go stupid cunts

I don't speak in nazi jebany szwabie. Faggot.

Lying on the internet, Yikes

well, some of us speak more than just 3 languages, two-digit IQ-kun.

American is the only language that matters

You should learn it,we will rule again degenerate

Powinieneś, niemiecki jest znacznie bardziej istotny niż ten memiczny kurwa język polski. Na rynku pracy niebywale przydatny

We will come back in poland don't you worry subhuman

zamknij kurwa morde szwabiku pierdolony. dojedziemy was, pedałki. jebcie się z waszymi skurwiałymi małpkami-imigrantami to jak już wasza armia będzie miała hiva my was dobijemy.
translation: yeah, sure.

a chuja. do niemiec pedałki, co wolą na zapomodze mieszkać jadą. załóż frajerze firme albo się wyspecjalizuj i zarabiaj więcej niż w zapedalonyc niemczech

lutsche meinen fetten Schwanz

Do you speak any other language subhuman lel ,you are probably incapable to do that

You've been saying the day of the rope is coming since /new/ was remade into /pol/.

In that time you've amounted to a few mass shootings that have frankly done shit all and get forgotten within a week. You had two mass shootings in one week, one right wing and one left, and nobody cares. You aren't ruling shit.

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>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

the only subhuman speech here is the OPs attempt at a joke

>demo is limited

Wow. How dare they!

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Seems like guy who makes retarded threads about cp2077 needs to find another reason for hate

>limited demo
>cdpr choose limited demo to show faggot shit
>cdpr doesn't show straight male

You ain't one for sure so why worry faggot

Seems like Warsaw needs another total destruction,if russians didn't came to rescue you...who knows