Astral Chain
Other urls found in this thread:
>developed under wraps with little to no hype
>Platinum B-team
>still BTFO DMC5
But I guess that's what happens when you make an actual video game and not a training room simulator.
Where are the threads, it just released
>button masher
>actual game
>bootlicker propaganda at 30fps.
T-trust the cops, user, they're heroic anime characters~
Doesn't release until tomorrow, most epople aren't gonna use an unreliable emulator user.
>button mash combat
>cinematic finishers
hmm.. sounds familiar...
t. amerimutt
Anyone who wants to seriously play this game and discuss it will be gone for the next 2 weeks, maybe longer.
No AA, even in docked mode.
Capkeks absolutely seething.
I want to post and compare our OC donutsteel agents
>still BTFO DMC5
cope harder shitter
>left wing wanker and niggers protest cops on the road
>guy drives through their shit
>What if we take the worst part of DMC5
>then slap a fuck ugly neptunia artstyle on it
>then half the framerate
>then turn it into an entire game
hoes mad
>Babylon's Fall
>Bayo 3
DEV HELL (director quit lmao)
>Astral Chain (DmC2)
What went so badly wrong? I've never seen a good dev fall so far so fucking fast. Is it because one of their key members and founders is a raging turbomanlet who shitposts on twitter all day instead of making games?
Not every country is a police state you fucking mutt, some places have cops that aren't homicidal maniacs
there is absolutely nothing wrong with a stable 30 fps with proper frame pacing.
Still seething about XC2 huh?
Keep at it.
Who are you quoting?
>Look at this shitty 30 fps cinematic button masher running at 140p.
>But watch me totally not want emulate at 4k 60fps because the game is fucking garbage.
Stable 30 > Unstable 60
It's not ideal but it's the truth.
Do you play games or just stare at them?
>still BTFO DMC5
Astral Chain is not even a stylish action game. the combat is super limited and a lot of your time is spent on zelda like questing.
>playing a Platinum action game
>at 30fps
>and be happy about it
>Astral Chain is not even a styli-
why is it garbage, because it runs at 30 fps? smashbros is a fucking button smasher and nobody is complaining
>Another shitposting theead woth the same arguments.
Can someone who pirated give some impressions. From what I see it has potential to be deep but others have said that it amounts to nothing but sync attack spam.
Also anyone try sending two legion out at the same time if thats possible?
I fucking hate you Yea Forums
every fucking game release has to be a shitflinging fest with you people
kh3, sekiro, dmc5, astral chain now and bayo 3 in the future are and will constantly be shitposted in this fucking board for the next years
i don't know why you retards have to latch onto one of the only few genres left where there's actual fun gameplay involved and flood it with shitposting and falseflagging. I want all of you to fucking die cause you make it impossible to talk about these games unless you pick a side to defend on and shitpost the others
Yeah I see him spamming those sync attacks & legion gimmicks. you'll notice outside all those canned animations. the character has barely any real moves.
>still BTFO DMC5
user, people will be quoting DMC5 10 years from now, meanwhile Astral Chain will be lucky if even manage to be remembered by some niche e-celeb in one of his top 10 best games of 2019. I hope this is bait or your in some next level of denial.
>next 2 weeks
Its a platinum game, people will have already beaten this game in 2 days at most.
Two legions are being used here, I assume it's like with W101 where you could have your other wonderfuls continue attacks with one weapon while you changed to another
>n-no that doesnt count because I see the same animation
That applies to every DMC move then, boy howdy you must be tired of seeing rainshower
No one quoted it on release, Bingo dropped the ball hard.
Redpill me on this game. Is it right wing hate, or SJW trash?
LOL you actually think other places cops are good
Okay Yea Forums, I am going to be a colossal faggot because I honestly don't see the hype for this. Everything just screams generic and knocked off from other franchises(Yakuza/Bayo/Nier). The action looks fucking ridiculous, I think I've out grown the flashy battles bullshit. So convince me to get this dumpster fire.
>neptunia artstyle
Nigger that's the guy who made Zetman and Tiger and Bunny. They look nothing like Tsunako's art.
why everything has to be american politics you fucking redneck
You've grown up and acquired a mature gaming palate, enjoy the enriching and thought-provoking experiences of God of War and The Last of Us.
Just another generic hack and slash game that toddlers will spoil their pants over because they've never played a good game
Calm down eric. Splatoon sold 10 millions, get over it
>enriching and thought-provoking experiences of God of War and The Last of Us.
They literally are though and have far more challenging gameplay than Astral Chain which feels like baby's first hack and slash. Take Miyamoto's cock out of your head for once.
Neither. It's super cops betting the shit out of monsters like God intended.
>dude don't listen to game journos who love GOW and TLOU
>but you HAVE to listen to anyone who praises Astral Chain or you're a stupid evil contrarian who hates fun
bros which thread can the people playing early talk about the game
its all shitposts
Same people who say Astral Chain is good also said DMC5 is good. Really makes you think.
This, but unironically. How did it go so wrong?
I know Kamiya is a has-been that hasn't even made a good game in a really long time, but one man doesn't make up a whole studio.
What happened to Platinum?
How long is the game if you do all everything, including side content?
I was ungodly hyped and grabbed the leak but...I don't know. I'm not feeling it. It feels like I'm just button mashing.
I love everything else about it but that combat style...it just isn't what I was expecting from Plat. I thought it would be more fluid.
It's going to be shitposts for a while because of capkeks. As evident by these retards who don't know Kamiya is just supervising and it's the Automata guy directing
Around 25 hours I think
I know Kamiya isn't directing you fucking retarded piece of shit, he hasn't even made a game in a long time.
But he, like it or not, is the face of the fucking company.
First off, fuck tripfags.
Second, I actually agree, it feels really clunky.
Also, this game is the first time I've been annoyed by a camera in a long while.
>No one quoted it on release
Really? I still see people quoting the game and making hundreds of references to DMC5 on social media every day. You people need to realise theres a world outside of Yea Forums.
W101 wasnt that l-
>6 years
Those same people also consider Uncharted to be one of the best video games of all time. Fuck them.
Thats what happens when you surround yourself in a DMC hugbox, retard. I suggest YOU look at the world outside the DMC discord server.
seething nintentranny
Ah yes, all these DMC5 comments on Twitter with likes up to 10K are all caused by a freaking hugbox. Holy shit, you people are delusional.
Ok, fag. See you in a couple of months when Astral Chain gets BTFO by DMC5's sales.
Why are you all comparing DMC5 to this? Talk about the goddamn game.
Also it's cool to hate DMC5 now?
>astral chain announced
>Switch exclusive
>Ok, looks like a good reason to get a switch then
>30fps shallow button masher
Fuck this, fuck that, fuck you
>muh sales
DMC5 got mogged by God of War in sales, so go talk about that if it's all you care about.
Isn't the issue.
The issue is every fucktard pretend that all action games must and need be DMC.
what chapter/file are you guys on if playing?
Does /vg/ have like a Platinum Games general somewhere?
I'd prefer it if the games didn't have gigantic amounts of cutscenes and quick time events and flashy cinematic combat.
>Also it's cool to hate DMC5 now?
DMC5 is popular and its good, with makes it the perfect target for contrarians and retarded takes.
So action games shouldnt have any quality or thought put into them then?
The definitive Iceborne Killer. Worldsperms beware, the cops are coming to outsell their Pokemon-tier expansion.
I'm only on the 3rd one. I'm really thinking of dropping it. I enjoy the music, setting and characters but playing it makes me feel too sad. Like it could have been so much more.
Oh I see. Well yeah that's dumb.
It will never not be funny to me that the main proprietor of those claims is a gay zoomer who didnt touch DMC until 7th gen
Yeah and every RPG must be persona.
You didn't even deny being an ass blasted American. If the equivalent of the Paris or Hong Kong protests were happening in your country the cops would have just shot everybody.
More importantly
>30 hours game
But you're saying astral chain is better than DMC, though. What's god of war got to do with that?
ey uh whats the name of the redacted song anyways?
No they should, otherwise they'd be DMC5s instead of DMC1s or DMC3s
>ooga booga dmc popular then dmc = persona because persona popular
You retard.
I never said anything about sales, but God of War is an action game and therefore it sold more than DMC 5, so therefore it's better than DMC 5 according to your logic.
Except HK cops did shot at protesters retard
And did you forget timainimin Square
>Quality and thought
Come on faggot, are you even trying?
What about the reviewers? The sales? The metacritic score? They all said the game is good and has high quality. Are you saying every single one of them is wrong?
Then DMC5 is better than AC, right?
kek keep seething, nintentranny
What can be said? DMC1 and 3 set the standard of what most people expect from their action games.
Stop fighting, both are fun
Well the game has 0 sales currently, so I guess?
>Except HK cops did shot at protesters retard
Not with live ammunition, you stupid amerifat. When cops pulled out their guns they actually only did it to make the crowd fuck off. If the cop was American he would have just shot everybody.
>Waifufaggotry: the series with 'baby's first rpg' tier store and mechanics has a high score by gaming journalists
>expecting that argument to hold water for any game running at less than a stable 60fps
Then that makes Astrain Chain a shitty game, if these same journalists also praise it.
>no, you see it's different this time because
No, I'm not reading past that. Anyone who uses game journalists unironically to sell their game is a shill and should be smacked upside the head.
Holy fucking shit this game is unpolished garbage. who programmed this? there are way too many instances just like this.
Footage for proof. Even fucking chinks aren't like your dumb american police. Probably because they know they're all the same race, you fucking american You deserve to get shot.
>inb4 hurr durr chink
Nope, Euro/ Get fucked. Not everywhere on the planet has the same garbage law enforcement that you have.
People get way too hung up on 30 v 60 FPS. It's not even remotely close to the most important aspect of a game.
doesn't come out till friday in the states dipshit
Perhaps because smash bros manages to run at 1080p/60 with a lot more shit going on than astral chain?
>digital cuck
It's pretty important for an action game though, same with fighting games. Personally I'd prefer 60 FPS but it's not a game killer for me. If I had a Switch I'd probably buy the game.
>Implying 30fps buttonmasher with no details in its combat is a good game
Did you even read the thread you fucking inbred
>he has nothing legitimate to cry about so he brings up a small pause in the jump animation
Dude lol
>switching legions drops your combo
what the fuck?
Toddler take note, here is what an action game should look like.
Seething that based charlie understands game design more then you
He literally doesn't and walks back a lot of his statements. Matosis is much better
>he resorts to defending God of War
Holy fucking shit lol MatthewMatosis already BTFO your garbage game
>Small pause
>When it clearly lands on nothing in mid air
But then again expecting consoletrash to understand quality is a lost cause
MM didnt like God of War either so I dont know what you're trying to accomplish from this post other than make yourself look more retarded than usual.
>Goy of Onions: Wife's Son Edition
Get the fuck out of here, kid
>still has nothing to legitimate to say so he keeps talking about the jump animation
You do understand how pathetic this looks, right?
What about Tiananmen square
They aren't mass killing now cause everyone got a camera and it would cause major international problems
Game picks up on chapter 6
There was some optional mini "super" boss, I call it super because it was doing x5 more damage than the final boss of the chapter it was on. My first death in whole game too didn't expect a attack to do 90% of my health in 1 hit. It's pretty out of the way as well, you're on some pursuit of somebody and instead I backtracked to area you already went to earlier in the chapter
They also did a HENSHIN
it means they didn't even program the jump properly. it's just a canned animation with no regard for collision checking throughout the whole state. it's the sloppiest shit I've ever seen.
characters standing in mid air should never happen yet it's 50% of platinum games.
Platinum desperately trying to recapture their success with Nier by adding more story/sidequest mechanics than they would normally do but unfortunately they do not have Yoko Taro this time to seal the deal.
>cant think for self so using e-celeb opinion
>meme stuffed post
Try again with something of substance
Well it is the Automata combat guy in charge, makes sense this is all he knows.
But he makes excellent points that even devs agreed with. Surely you know about this since you're shilling it, right?
>Even the fucking jump animations are butchered
>s-stop nitpicking my exclusive!!!
I love the taste of seething nintentard tears in the evening
you mean square enix's aggressive marketing.
god why does Yea Forums have such a hate boner for this game its like every fucking hour another faggot makes a thread about this game flopping
If anything, more action games should strive to be like Classic MH
When you have only nitpicks to use as examples and nothing else yeah I'd say you don't have anything legitimate to criticize about the game.
It's not like you played it, anyways.
It's almost like this is always how Yea Forums is, you newfag.
It also has attacks that reduces your fps to 10
That's fucking it- I'm buying a cracked switch when I come back from the worktrip. You won, nintendo. Fucking Daemon x Machina, this and FE3H.
I’ve owned a Switch since release, but I’m not touching the likes of this or Daemon X Machina until Nintendo releases some upgraded hardware that can actually run them properly.
Then play a different game, not every game has to match your subjective preferences
Learn to play real games toddlers
Crapcom shills, that's why. Astral Chain is one of the few competitors with enough clout to challenge Iceborne.
>When you have only nitpicks to use as examples
>he says this while shitting on games like God Of War because "the main character looks like a nu-male" which is a gigantic nitpick
not to this scale the only other time ive seen this many threads about a game failing was sekiro and i remember the threads saying that sekiro had like a 6 hr campaign and only 3 bosses
I can't imagine being this much of a faggot about 30fps
I love how games like Bloodborne are able to get passes for being a constant 20 fps but NO NOT THE NINTENDO GAME!!
>30 fps
>Most basic movements are canned shit
>Characters stand in mid air
>None of this is valid criticism of its shitty quality, they're just nitpicks
Top lel nintentard
You sank 60$ for this so that you could play it.on your 300$ shitch, and this is what you got. Money well spent, im sure
Why were shills saying this games combat would be good when the fucking automata guy was in charge? they should have known.
god i fucking hate the lunastra fight her super nova so fucking broken and unfair
Where did I say this?
Goy of Onions combat wasn't good, it was mediocre and too level-based. It did the thing for spicing up the road from one narrative bit to another but that's all it did.
Glad to hear it. The game seemed pretty easy and forgiving so knowing there's some challenges hidden away is nice.
I don't expect much since it's Taura but I was at least hoping for something that'd justify all the Legion customization. Seems like a system that's designed for at least 3-4 playthroughs and a final superboss, but all I've heard of so far is one unlockable difficulty and some vague promise of postgame challenges.
It looks leagues better than Automata, though.
I don't know man, I've enjoyed many games that were 30 FPS, what's the big deal?
You do realize that iceporn isn't on switch since World isn't on switch, do you?
They aren't competitors.
Combat looks a little more involved than Automata. Enemies look great as well. Probably because Taro isn't there.
you retarded faggots were saying it was going to be a cuhrayzee game and now you find out it's not, you're moving the goalposts.
Same problem it had with Sekiro, DMC5, probably Bayo 3 when that comes out. It's a pretty good game and therefore shitposters want to ruin discussion of it to be funny.
Like I don't even understand why they're trying to manufacture this rivalry between AC and DMC5. With Sekiro it sort of made sense, but I'm assuming that most of the people who are fans of DMC are also fans of Platinum games.
>both are fun
what the fuck?!
>$ after number
Paid ESL shills are so obvious
It is
I really think there's a percentage of people on Yea Forums who not only actively hate games but want games that people here genuinely enjoy to fail.
Are you smart enough Yea Forums
can we please get rid of the nintendies
>most of the people who are fans of DMC are also fans of Platinum games
That was true once upon a time, now DMCfags are just HD collection sub humans who shit on any game that's not DMC.
How is not CUHRAYZEE in regards to DMC5?
I liked the game and it's series but I can't not possibly name another CUHRAYZEE moment in 5 aside from the last couple of chapters.
AC is easily the more flashy game while I'm sure DMC5 is more complex.
Astral Chain is catered to the casual audience and isn't selling nearly as much as Iceborne anyway.
This game Iooks Iike it was designed to run on PS4 hardware, but in the Iast minute, they decided to downscaIe it to the Switch by reducing aII the graphics settings to "very Iow"
>No argument
>Nintentard is also an amerifat
Top kek
And yet you say nothing if this same thing happens to a Ps4 game. I guess Yea Forums only hates fun if it's an evil western game, right? See, this kind of hypocrisy makes me lose any sympathy for you.
>Crapcom shills
>competing with iceborne
Dude, I don't even get to play IB for like six more months. There's no competition.
I doubt you're even a Platinum fan. Like do you honestly think we spend all day for 4 years at a time playing Platinum games? Most of us have actual taste, we play the good games other companies make.
Just to clarify, only one is telling the truth
Brother 4 tells the truth since 3 can't be right about two brothers telling the truth.
>not catered to the casual audience
>ignoring Japan's obsession with MH vs a new IP
Come the fuck on dude.
>Comparable to complex and not just fluff
>Flashy game is 30fps
And you seriously choose to defend this?
>right away in the first post some Astralvirgin attacks DMC5 for no reason.
No, you're wrong. Stop trying to stir up shit, it obviously isn't going to work. Look how much work you're having to do just to create the illusion of a conflict.
that's not saying much. it's still really limited you only have the same basic ground and air combo.
DO you think cuhrayzee means lot's of flashy canned animations? KH3 is not cuhrayzee and neither is astral chain.
What country are you from?
Yeah its absurdly easy once I spoke to them again and remembered I should be looking for one telling a truth, not one telling a lie.
I always fuck these style of puzzles up but I managed to get this one right
What was the point of the 2nd quiz when you could just cheat with IRIS?
You're right. I'm only here to make sure a Switch title outsells Iceborne in hopes Capcom shelves the World IP and bring back classic MH. A cardboard set has outsold World before, after all.
To be fair, it's hard to blame them for the framerate cap when it's a game made for a system where the hardware is like 3 gens behind.
Just because you are so autistic and can't handle anything that isn't 60 fps doesn't mean it takes away its flashiness. Yet again, even at 30 fps, it's still far more flashy than DMC5, and that's me basing AC off gameplay videos I've seen. I've only played DMC5.
Style over substance is clearly what they were going for with AC and that's not bad.
Crazy, stylish, arcade, charactet action, whatever autism term you want to call is simply refers to action games with grading that DMC started. Aynone who tries to tell you otherwise is a retard.
>still no argument
>mfw i've played every major action game release in the past 10 years and enjoyed them all
Wow, looks like your dumb fanbase warring narrative is nonsense, huh? It's almost like it makes sense that the same person would like Sekiro, DMC5, AC, and MHW. It's almost like they're all fairly quality games in a fun genre that doesn't get many good games these days.
They're like joy vampires. Or they saw how happy DMC fans were for DMC V and tried to shit up their celebration threads and failed so badly they're now trying to turn DMC into a shit fandom singlehandedly
God of War had complex, intuitive gameplay that actually felt like a challenge all while maintaining visual flare, something that Nintendies can't understand.
Just convince yourself it isn't good, and spend the rest of the week parroting and exaggerating criticisms made by people who played the game.
Don't forget to call out the Switch's low specs!
NO it doesn't cuhrayzee is a DMC like. that means it puts the effort gives you and gives you such large tech, move variety and creative possibilities that playing a game with that much depth is almost like playing an instrument with such a high skill ceiling.
>Samefagging this blatantly
Enjoy your 30 fps buttonmasher then
Charge Blade in MHGU had more gameplay depth than your Snoyboy exclusive. Try again.
Greetings fellow humans. Let's work together to save humankind.
The real answer is that dmc5 isn’t very good and doesn’t have Virgil dlc
Nintöddlers are mad they can't play DMC 5 on their Dilation Joystick Dildo. So now Nintenlards are defending 30fps action game in the YEAR OF 2000+19
still not sure what to think. 30fps don't bother me and doing side quests / your police job between big fights sounds cool but it's also obvious that 99% of the journos played on the easiest mode which is comparable to dmc's automatic mode. gonna wait and see what some trustworthy youtubers say
sorry your game is not cuhrayzee just because it has flashy cinematic trash and a ranking system.
>still no answer
Easily the worst sidequest in the game that I've encountered so far. No easy undo button and you have to be leave space for you and your legion to move around.
>p-please listen to my criticisms!!!!!
>still no argument
I can do this all day, nintentranny
DMC5 metacritic:
Astral Chain metacritic:
Both have 88%, but Astral Chain's score is based on 52 reviews vs. DMC5's 42. Not only is it more consistent despite more critics, but it also goes to show that more outlets actually wanted to PLAY Astral Chain instead of DMC5: Electric Jive.
objectively wrong and the superior MH is on PS4 anyways. cry more
A new IP aimed towards a niche audience isn't selling as well as a huge expansion for the megahit in a well established franchised?
stop posting any time, the only DMC with high skill ceiling is 4, and it's not even the best one because the skill ceiling is completely paralell to overall gameplay experience and the only way to get the most out of it is grinding bloody palace or playing a modded version, rather than through the course of the game itself.
NG has tons of flashy canned animations as well, yet its still regarded as one of the best. Stop being a newfag.
user the mods are gonna ban you. You're on Yea Forums, who the fuck enjoys videogames here?
Wow, look at those graphics.
I don't even understand, are you trying to switch the topic of discussion from your obviously doomed narrative to old MH vs new MH? Because as someone who's played both and used to get in heated discussions about how Capcom was ruining the franchise with casualization, yeah, I prefer 4U to World, but World's honestly not that bad, it's still a lot of fun. Again, you can like both, or prefer one but still see the merits of the other.
And like this shit, what's the point? Yeah, GoW was okay, but the big criticism with that game isn't "IT'S BAD REEEEEEEE", it's that it represents a pretty big change both stylistically and narratively from the old GoW games, like they were throwing the old stuff under the bus. And the press campaign for it was awful. Like they were trying to push that Kratos had always just been a murder machine who never cared or thought about everything ("13-year-old male fantasy") when the old games clearly did have moments of introspection and some pretty heavy theming. That is to say, people were getting upset that the devs seemingly had no respect for the franchise as a whole, it was just trying to be turned into another one of Sony's "narrative masterpieces" without considering if they actually needed to do that. And the gameplay style itself is very different in new GoW compared to the old games.
Again, you can like both, but still be missing the way the old things were done. You constantly replying to yourself or one other shitposter and trying to fuck up the threads is retarded because just by PLAYING a Platinum or DMC or whatever game you've already demonstrated that your taste is good enough that you don't get affected by this sort of retarded console warring.
I have too, but in the year two-thousand-and-current, I’ve long since become too spoiled to tolerate such compromises in any action-centric game.
Imagine if Mario Odyssey suddenly started running like BOTW.
Keep seething as Astral Chain outsells Rehashborne.
that's true it was a huge disappointment. but Astral chain is still so shallow and basic it could only be equivalent to V gameplay.
I wouldn't fucking be in those threads to begin with they aren't about games I care about. If those same posts are showing in those threads maybe they're by the same people
Cute kitty.
That's why this game will actually be a success for Platinum fans, no Taro to fucking ruin it.
Platinum games never had customization this before right? Shame your character doesn't speak.
But you see, I stopped caring to give a response when I found out you were some 3rd world mook. Why would I give a fuck about the shit on my shoe?
all their games stared to feel like the same after a while too
This level of pixelisation is PEAK COMFY
And not even locked 30.
NG also has a metric fuck ton of moves and tech possibilities.
Astral chain does not.
American cops don’t shoot in riot situations, retard.
Yea Forums is just absolutely awful for vidya discussions
Automata had a fair amount of customization with the coliseum DLC items.
Imagine thinking that Astral Chain, a switch exclusive title, will outperform the expansion to Capcom's best selling game ever, a game on 3 platforms. Fucking brainlet lmao
Now there's no way I can fail the stealth sections.
The main hub reminds me so much of Xenoblade X.
How reasonable is the customization? Are there other outfits besides the initial cop outfit?
Disney World was better on Xbox and PC,
Auto dodge =/= gameplay depth
Based open mind bro
If Nintendo, Sony and MS wonder why I have ignored most of their games, it is 30fps being for poors.
There is a specific category for tights. Though I have only unlocked 1 pair of tights.
>that list
Please tell me this is incomplete. I thought iceborne was supposed to be the g-rank?
Game isnt out yet, retard. Remember when people said Bayonetta 2 didnt have dodge offset?
Civilian is probably unlockable. Lappy requires collecting 6 pieces of costume from her sidequests.
All these monsters remade in HD with open world maps and improved gameplay. Meanwhile all you have is a literal asset flip of decade old games.
Game is out. just not for you.
>official dev twitter appreciates Matthew's criticism
>fans still livid and act like it's the best game ever
GoWfags need to take their meds.
One single earring like Olive has. You can probably get every npc's hat/accessories.
Oh shit yes my nigger
>world sperm talking about asset flip when Iceborne is literally World with a new ice map
Why does this game look so much worse than Bayonetta?
Ice cream delivery minigame. You can also just buy ice cream for yourself to eat.
Because you like Bayonetta
Who is talking about stable, you cock muncher? Im saying its not even locked 30
>Not wearing the dress uniform for a better ass shot.
anime cel shading makes everything look low budget and terrible despite more accurately capturing the anime style
The dialogue cutcenes in this game are so fucking bad it would have been better if they didn't waste time & money on voice acting and the awful cutscene animations. just have them talk to your like zelda characters.
it's not like the story or character dynamics are good anyway.
And you chose to go back to playing a shitty 30 fps dmc wannabe on your garbage handheld
>Why would I give a fuck about the shit on my shoe?
>Says this while while holding shit in his hands that he paid for
Top lel cry more for me
2005 vs 2019
Selfie mode is both retarded and cute.
Jesus, I can barely look at that picture in 30 FPS. It might as well be a still image!
>reading comprehension of a söytendo
I have a formal attire fetish.
I'm an idort you shit smelling mook.
Sounds fine. You don't need anything over 30fps, and remember this shit is PORTABLE which is a massive plus. People hate it just because its on the switch.
Is this the spiritual sequel to Freedom Wars?
>Iceborne is literally World with a new ice map
Yes, a whole new map, bigger than all the previous ones and with completely new and old monsters alongside G rank quests.
Tick tock toddler, the next collage is being prepared.
that gave me vibes of double bogeys, hope the fight is good
>a game success is directly proportional to how much Yea Forums shitpost it, the mire they do it, the more successful will be.
Except for DmC Donte and YIIk this is always true.
it is
You can feed your stray cats.
you dont need resolutions higher than 480p either
I feel like shills are the only ones who really want to frame this game as a DMC killer.
when platinum was never super focused on the combat & wanted it to be an immersive adventure & puzzle game.
Get an Mcable. It can smooth out jaggies and is the best if not the only option for post processing on consoles that is not snake oil. Linus approves, go watch some reviews. Its $100 but I would buy one for every console if that was a requirement it so good.
>Inb4 people that can afford get angry, i shit you not.
Yeah forgot about that. People jerk off graphics and framerates too much its about the gameplay and gamefeel, and the switch has very good gamefeel.
Any chance this get's released on other platforms or is this a Nintendo IP like TW101?
>le current year maymay
Nah, you're an imbecile for dumping money into this trash you shit smelling amerilard
Did anybody upload all the vocal themes?
Lmao, world sperm. I will buy Iceborne and play it just like I did world. Might get another 60 hours out of it. Cute little game. Solid 7/10.
Thats MHW list not even iceborne. Fuck off
if I had a dollar for every pixel on that poster texture, i'd have about a dollar.
I just got my copy in the mail from Amazon but I don't have any time to play it until the weekend. Boo
Do you even know what G rank means?
Switch exclusive
I mean I still stomped it I just got cocky and died to some laser beam and green torando spam hitting me for all my hp at once
I expect real hard stuff to be postgame but it was hard compared to the main story bosses so far
>fully hackable console
>dump money
it's an emulator exclusive.
"Size" means tits, waist and hips, right? I don't play many of those pervy anime games.
Sure looks like it says iceborne
election tourism
If you've not experienced the switch you'd not really get it, but it just feels right to play on.
>Toddlers can't into gameplay
>Toddlers can't into graphics
>Toddlers can't into story
Why even live
>a console
>has game feel
>the entire console.
Bust Waist Hips
So yeah, check Maries.... please?
My nigga is in
>stop having your own opinions on games and just parrot my favorite e-celeb instead!
Yeah okay
holy mother of cope
>unironically shilling Wife's Son Simulator in 2019 in AC thread on /v
I pity you, you poor wretched abomination
>Like I don't even understand why they're trying to manufacture this rivalry between AC and DMC5.
dmc5 is exclusively not on switch. that's why.
Any bros who already played the game here? I'm considering getting it when I get my pay. How full of bad gimmicks is it? I hate it when Platinum includes stupid shit that interrupts the good parts of the game
Just don't be american and the police should be fine
>Calling GOTY 2018 that meme name still
lol. Cope with your 200k sales
should've posted a Bloodborne webm user
>muh sales
Is that supposed to mean anything?
Just looked online. Every addition is just a palette swap or rehash, lol.
switch is using hardware from 6 years ago
No screenshot
On the off chance this Isn't a shitpost would you mind explaining that claim? Because I'm not feeling it
God of my wifes son, snoy cuck
Also, please tell me there’s a freedom units option...
Yea because Capcom is too lazy to port it
God bless
no, it's because nintendo is too cheap to invest in modern hardware.
kinda looks like a lot of watching canned animations and mashing buttons
Switch has newer hardware than the PS4 and X1
People trying to cope about low fps and shit everything. When you are poor a $300 item is a lot of money.
>head to my local GameStop to pre-order the game
>walk back to my car
>car won't start
Cursed game. It'll be fun, though.
Daily reminder Capcom helped develop the Switch's hardware, so its also their fault if it can't run their games
They're also fucking lazy
That explains why it needs a cellphone to do VOIP, or why games run at 30FPS on it and look like PS2 games.
What do you think you are, Nintranny?
It's just snoys coping during their massive drought while switch gets all the new games
How to change iris voice with the key items you get?
literally everyone excluding a small hot topic circlejerk completely forgot DmC5 even in less than a month when Sekiro came out
sure your discord channel might keep posting nero x dante yaoi but besides that no one really gives a shit about the series
Besides, Astral Chain is a Nintendo IP so you know damn well they're here to stay
Last digit names my male MC
1. Akira Howard
2. Haruto Smith
3. Hiro Langley
lazy developers is part of that reason
also the voice app is a choice, the Switch can do voice chat fine, its just Nintendo is retarded
How's the story, pirates? I'm not hearing many people talk about it.
>Daily reminder Capcom helped develop the Switch's hardware
no they didn't. they convinced nintendo to add more ram, only for nintendo to still cheap out on the rest of the hardware.
30 > 0
>Astral Chain is a Nintendo IP so you know damn well they're here to stay
yeah, just like f-zero, advance wars, starfy, startropics, custom robo, wave race, etc. are "here to stay."
Never owned a nintendo console
Never played any Nintendo game
Proud PC master race since 5yo
Fuck you, shill, gtfo
Amazing stealth action
Settings > Audio
>Literally no complaints
>Shitters need to meme 30 FPS as a negative
Capcom specifically had a part in the Switch's design and asked for more RAM so it could run the RE Engine. not a single Capcom Switch games uses the RE Engine, therefore it is their fault if it was not enough and didn't say a damn thing about it
There isnt much to say other than there is a story and its just a bunch of anime cliches thrown at a dart board.
Or maybe it's just a shit game
nice wojak and all, but the goty (dmc 5) is still exclusively not on switch. cope.
>reddit meme poster complaining about other memeing faggots
So what's the game structure like? Hub worlds or is it a linear level based game?
Yea because Capcom is too lazy to port it
There is a hub area between files and each file usually starts with a small sorta open area you dick around in for like 20 minutes before you actually get to play the levels
>Visible vision cones
How much did they have to dumb the game down?
I like both faggot, stop being a dipshit
no, because the switch would melt trying to run it.
so inconspicuous noone will see. I am the night.
>Gets stabbed
>Comes back wearing black and has red veins
I bet he won't ever turn against his sister
It's a clusterfuck even with the cones.
Even if they did it would run at 30fps and 200 pixel resolution with all graphics settings on low.
>action games
in what fucking world?
Guys, breaking news. You won't believe this: The Switch is a lower powered console.
Holy shit, crazy, right?! I didn't believe it myself at first. Took some heavy convincing.
>reddit meme
Does my comment string give you seizure fuckboy?
Optimize it then, or are they too lazy for that?
What are the clothing options like?
Can I give the girl actual fucking adult pants?
Japanese action games are niche. The most mainstream Japanese action game is DMC, and that only sold about 3 million copies. NieR sold about 4 million. Which is respectable, but not as much as something like God of War.
It's a shit game that Sony did a million times better, get over it.
tactical stealth action garbage disposable
ill take 10
It's a Hub between missions but missions also include their own side missions while investigating
"optimization" isn't some magic wand devs can wave to make every game run on nintendo's shitty toy tablet. if you're going to support nintendo's cheap-ass direction on hardware, you're just going to have to cope with missing out on a lot of games as a result.
>Japanese action games are niche
Are you fucking dumb?
I haven't seen anything but the hotpants yet (aside from the civi stealth section). She even has them in flashbacks.
>"optimization" isn't some magic wand devs can wave to make every game run on nintendo's shitty toy table
Yes it i actually. You can make any game run on any system if its optimized enough.
Also reminder, the Switch's underpowered hardware is STILL partly Capcom's fault so you can't judge
What's the point? The graphics would look worse than a PS1 game and It won't sell because it's too hard for toddlers.
>Japanese action games are niche
Yeah! Just look at monster hunter world!... oh wait 10 million copies sold...
Well look at Nier Automata!... oh wait 4 million copies sold..
Well look at Kingdom Hearts 3!... oh wait 7 million copies sold....
Well look at Devil May Cry 5!... oh wait 3 million copies sold....
What were you saying about japanese action games, again?
Imagine STILL shilling your 18 month old game because of the massive drought
Tell me with 100% seriousness that the "default gamer", as in sports games / CoD, knows what NieR is.
Japanese action games are not mainstream. They used to be, but they're not. Hell, Japanese fighting games aren't even mainstream anymore. They just have large followings.
Can Akira be shirtless or not?
Astral chain might his 2 mil. Maybe more.
>Tell me with 100% seriousness that the "default gamer", as in sports games / CoD, knows what NieR is.
Yep. My normalfag co-worker actually brought it up to me before release and that's how I confirmed that it was gonna sell millions
MHW and KH3 are not action games
And by mainstream, I'm talking 5 million + like GoW
>it won't sell
prove it fuckboi
One week left. Never for you.
>Astral chain might his 2 mil
Fuck no. Not without Smash advertising it wont. Probably slightly over 1 million.
What country
jesus christ any title you get on the Switch you treat like it's a fucking second coming of christ, I mean no shit that's all you're going to get compared to other platforms lmao.
This shit looks like a generic ps3 game for fucks sake.
Where the fuck is the second switch by the pillar in File 3?
Because they buy Astral Chain and give it good reviews while it's a million times easier than Devil May Cry.
Console warring on both sides is faggotry. I love DMC5, and I can't wait to play AC.
Stop having brand allegiance like a mentally-diseased fool and actually play video games.
>This mad over reviews
funny thing how all the games you listed are "mash 1 single button to kill everything and be awesome"
>MHW and KH3 are not action games
>Delusional Nintendie, Capcom can't be laz-
It's almost as if you push buttons to play games
Do you get anything for 100% red matter?
>Linus approves
How is that a positive thing? I assumed from the thumbnails and the one video I watched that he's a goofy retard that markets to kids that want to pretend to be techies.
good luck beating any game with actual challenge spamming 1 single button
but i've been playing it since yesterday
>Xbox1 port ends PS4s drought
It would look worse than the Bloodstained port let's be honest.
80% gives you a piece of salvage worth around 14k per level.
Splitting hairs
Even KH2FM is 60fps now with the ps4 release.
Are you a retard? This thread is making fun of astral chain
Not if it had effort put in but it wouldn't
Also the Bloodstained port was clearly on the devs
What’s with the ugly top?
How are you enjoying Astral Scam, tendies?
>Giving a shit about superfluous things like platform in this day and age
This isn't 20 years ago where your parents bought you a Genesis so you had to hate on the kids who got a SNES, there's no reason to not own a PS4, a Switch, and a mid-high level PC in this day and age unless you're poor, in which case you have way more things to worry about than video games.
I don't like GOW's gameplay, but it's a pretty game.
Wow this is a great looking cinematic movie, where can i watch it?
You can make her wear tights over the exposed skin, at least.
You don't get much customization besides how much armor you want (none, a little, a lot) and how many pouches you want (none, too many, Liefeld). You need to unlock other color schemes for your clothes.
You can customize your Stand's colors after mission 2.
Wait, a sonegro is calling other people trannies while dilating?
Now i've heard everything
Save yourself the (You)s by not responding to the idort.
Instead give me the (You)s
My copy isn't getting here til friday, but I'll be enjoying it a lot over my four-day weekend. Hope you enjoy your labor day weekend as well
I platinum'd it
Hold your (You), user.
The DMC1 port sold like shit and is already on sale btw...for still too much
When you make up outright lies, it makes you look more stupid.
>I-if we b-bury our head in the sand the game will stop being shit!
Delusional toddler.
>And yet you say nothing if this same thing happens to a Ps4 game
>kh3, sekiro, dmc5, astral chain now and bayo 3 in the future
>kh3, sekiro, dmc5
Immense super retard struts his stuff!
Why'd you ignore my reply to you, fellow gamer?
>iceborne literally surrounded by switch consoles in sales
God of soi
with how easy it is to record video on the Switch I'm surprised how few people have made webms
user! This is the last of my (You)! Take it!
Just go to Reddit where you're not allowed to speak negatively of anything.
Jesus... How i wish this was on other consoles or PC, i don't even care about console war shit but by god this game have looked or perform way better. Life's just unfair
MKVToolnix wont convert my Switch recordings into webms
Easiest possible solution?
imagine being a console kiddie and not an idort. Poor kids getting home arguing about how little your parents love you. I loved DMC V and sekiro and I've been playing astral chain for a day now fucking loving it.
I normally just use that webm for retards program
I'm glad I played Layton just for shit like this
Don't worry tendie maybe mommy will buy you a PS4 this Christmas.
Anyone got any good vids of the combat yet?
This. damn it feels good to be idort. Imagine being a child who's parents can only afford one console, so you have to wage consolewar threads everyday to cope for the fact that you won't experience anything that isn't on your platform for years if at all.
It's nothing to do with consoles, it's to do with shitty games being shit.
I was thinking of getting it but then i read that the game is like 30 hours long.
SP games need to check the 60 hours mark to be worthwhile.
I'll get Daemon x Machina instead since it has actual 4P online play
This is pretty much the only review that seems fair and not overhyping the shit out of it. rpgsite.net
Only "arguments" are regurgitated meme answers that don't really criticize anything. Sounds like a consolewarring thread to me.
>3 is San in Japanese
Fuck facial scanning is so disgusting. the skin looks like rubber.
I'd rather have fun flying custom mechas with anons & events than running through the story on NG+ again and again.
Not sure who's the biggest autismo in this case.
Oh no people actually believe this!!!
Playing through it right now and it's one of the biggest disappointments in recent memory. It's basically just bad Wonderful 101. Like imagine if they took all the fluidity out of Wonderful 101 and left it a broken crippled mess. That's Astral Chain.
>Mash attack button until the blue light flashes, then mash the sync button for cinematic abilities that break up the fight
>Changing Legions completely kills your combo, unlike Wonderful 101 where you switched weapons to keep the combo going
>The cinematic style of combos leads to most of them ending with a 'finisher' that simply launches them away, making it impossible to actually combo past the cookie cutter cinematics they give you
Just a clunky game. It's hard to believe Kamiya supervised it. Feel like they just threw his name on there for $$$. I was so hyped for this but now all it does is make me want a Switch Wonderful 101 port even more.
>no, I don't want a Lappy sticket
>only police should be allowed to carry guns
>police are all racist murders
shoutouts to the anons who called me a retard for saying I wasn't excited and was waiting for a review before deciding on a purchase.
i was apprehensive on this title for a reason, and I'm a platinum fanboy. I could smell the generic a mile away.
It's definitely more dial-a-combo than most of Platinum's stuff.
>I was so hyped for this
I mean, this kind of reflects poorly on you. I was hyped when it was announced but anyone with eyes could see the way the gameplay was designed after a few trailers. Like if you've played Transformers, you should have immediately picked up on the blue sparks and figured out that you wouldn't be having much freedom.
I think it's good. It's no Bayo, but it has its own charm. The main thing I'm disappointed in is how little they used the chain. There's a lot they could have done with it. Wrapping up enemies and countering charge attacks is really cool, but they don't bother much beyond that, which is a shame. I also would have at least liked a bit more manual control over the Legions.
That's another disappointing thing: The legion themselves. They're the main draw of the game and it just feels like they're not really that big a deal. Like you said, once you've wrapped up an enemy and countered a charge, that's it, you're done, the chain has been fully explored.
It's an user who pretends he played all of PG shit,he wouldn't know the (underrated) transformers game.
Kamiya can supervise things, he can't overrule what the director wants.
There are other things, they're just small extra things that don't end up being that useful. Like if you chain jump while your chain is "anchored" around an enemy, you'll jump to the enemy first and sort of smack them. That's nifty, it's just not amazingly useful and more for style points. And there are other Legion things too, like using Sword Mode to cut the energy things to separate or stun enemies.
But yeah, like fundamentally it's just not as freeform a game as like DMC or W101. It's not really designed that way. Which is unfortunate, but what we got is still fun. It's just fun in the Devastation or Automata or Okami way rather than in the Bayo or DMC or W101 way.
Can't wait for Yahtzee to tear this trash a new asshole.
>Astral Chain came into the picture after Nintendo contacted PlatinumGames to make a game with high difficulty. The game has been a long time coming, as they worked on the plans since before development on NieR: Automata started. To complete the entire project, it took a long time – somewhere around five years.
Don't care, whine harder
>Astral Chain came into the picture after Nintendo contacted PlatinumGames to make a game with high difficulty
In the most non /jp/ meme way possible, who are you quoting?
>giving a shit about the retard that called Bayonetta a God of War clone
That doesn't make sense because God of War is far better than Bayonetta.
they're both action games with a shit load of QTEs
You're gonna get a hug whether your like it or not.
>high difficulty
Well they did a bad job at that, they shove healing items down your throat and using them doesn't even affect your ranking as far as I know. You don't even have an incentive to hoard them since most of them are temporary and get taken away once the stage is over.
dont forget that any time you do a finisher and remember to press the L button when the blue light glows you get a FULL health refill
Who do you think is doing the shitposting, user? They're kids, they got their PS4 years ago, they aren't getting anything else for years
The user I quoted who said that they wished the game was on other systems when it wouldn't exist or even be the same game since Nintendo suggested the cyberpunk idea.
I don't hit L during the "A" finisher and I still get health refills.
are crit damage from abilities headshots and backstabs? theres another crit chance ability that makes me doubt it
pc drones ruined discussing any game
Jesus, you pirate fags live off this shit don’t you? Like raspberry pi owners. Can’t shit the fuck up about it.
Or maybe they just find the hype for this game unwarranted because it's mediocre? Did you consider that you mentally ill fan boy?
god dammit barry
bayo 3 in the future
Am I a bootlicker if I'm in the police?
How is that a reason to creates dozens of shitpost threads? I don't like 99% of AAA/Western games, I'm not shitting up Control threads with gifs of unrelated games and dumb wojacks
I would rather know if you can give the boy shorts instead of his dumb baggy pants.
there's been a drought of games on the ps4, so snoys are seething really goddamn hard over this
What the fuck is that parry timing
He was straight up impaled by the enemy there, and not even just briefly.
Probably pretty lenient, but I think all games should adopt Butterfly Within for their dodges and parries. Similar to how most platformers let you jump for a frame or two even after you fall off the edge of a platform. I think that ideally you want the person to press the parry button or dodge button the exact frame the attack would make impact with them, and that's what Butterfly Within encourages. Like if you have a guy who presses on frames -2,-1,0,1, or 2 with equal probability, Butterfly Within means he gets his perfect dodge every time, while non-Butterfly means he's outright getting hit 40% of the time. Compare that to a guy who presses on frames -5, -3, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 16 with equal probability, and even though this guy's average is nowhere near 0 frames and his spread is way bigger, he's taking less damage because he's dodging early enough to be safe, even if he's not getting perfects as much. So Butterfly Within allows you to reward the best players without giving any particular benefit to worse players.
>Anyone who wants to seriously play this game and discuss it will be gone for the next 2 weeks, maybe longer
This is a Astral Chain thread, not a Kill La Kill IF thread.
Nice job bumping this thread you fucking faggot
do people really think this is impressive
>What about Tiananmen square
That's in China. Hong Kong is not china, completely unrelated.
Cute boner!
Are the poorfags mad cus the game is exclusive to Nintendo? Ahaha poor people lmao
Some places also don't have millions of homicidal minorities.