>he doesnt know
He promises to keep the economy strong, but it's being "kinda" held together with gum and shoe strings, even though it's circling the drain and about to cause the Great Depression 2: Electric Boogaloo.
>finally a politician i can trust
>See that mountain of national debt? You can climb it
>If you want us to stop invading you, stop having oil
>16 times the corruption
Dude you just slept through it?
>tfw he becomes the most transparent president in u.s. history
Power armor when?
Most truthful and least cucked by israel too
>Second Amendment revised
>Every American has the duty to have skyrim streamed directly into their eyelids while they sleep
>look this up
>it's real
>he doesn't remember when California glitched and disappeared from the map
Best 2 months of the year desu
You see that Middle Eastern country? You can make peace with it.
Well there would be peace if American's didn't fuck with them first
Lol retard
to be fair it was Britain and France first
if their colonization of the middle east after ww1 wasn't so retarded and arbitrary, the area would be a lot more stable
>Oh no I made a typo that invalidates everything!
just fucking kill yourself
America only really started supporting Israel because the Soviets were in bed with the Middle East.
lmao what a gay
>being this mad
I think I'd honestly vote for Gabe if he ran.
>Todd allows for the "community" to mod the Declaration of Independence.
>Alaska and Hawaii DLC
You had one job
Fuck no
He's fat which only happens to the weak willed
Todd may be a liar, but so is gabe and all politicians.
>Not setting the main story in Hawaii and Alaska and selling every other state as dlc
You retarded or something?
epic based!
We Liberty Prime now.
Thank god. DumF(Short for dumb fuck) is finally gone.
>'oh yeah, without a government, who would build the country roads?'
Post more kino presidential debate moments
Cosmic Brain: Greenland DLC
Shut up milkdrinker
Imagine the day where Todd's being accused of rape
Modded Skyrim?
>whites call out asians on eating dogs
>asians can only respond with muh milk
...it's a Skyrim joke you absolute retard
That day is today, I'm accusing him now.
Is Bethesda publicly shared?
but what's his tax policy?
All right, if he did raped you answer me this:
How tall is Todd?
>todd makes a executive order that everybody should t pose and fall through the floor at least once every 10 minutes
Todd is just too powerful
>because of the sanctions israel placed on us, the next skyrim game will be genociding and raping the thalmor
How did he get away with this ?
They made a deal with a private equity firm around the time of Morrowind.
They have a voting seat on the board.
There are no other outside shareholders.
>redguards make up the majority of violent bandits
>Todd Howard
Let's at least elect those fuckers that make the cities skyline games they seem to know what their are doing
Today President Howard has signed the bill changing the National Anthem to Dragonborn ,the theme from Skyrim, into law.
>Every American must contribute 10% of their income to purchasing copies of Skyrim.
>Homes and storage spaces filled with Skyrim disks
>100 years into the future
>Nations of the world collapsed from nuclear war
>People use Skyrim as currency
Todd Howard is the lead director at Bethesda, a video game studio, you pedantic retard.
Physically impossible due to minimum height requirements.
>replaces the DOW with a guy wearing a screen on his head
>entire cabinet is nords and imperials
it'll be 4 skyrim fer som rat soup missy
>he's just like us
But he makes sure to give people enough freedom so that they can mod the country into something usable.
About fucking time.
What he promised sounded crazy, but Todd has always said the truth.
He's unironically better than any candidate during 2016 election.
Not even joking.
if you were told that either todd howard or trump would be president 10 years ago, who would you have guessed it would be?
note that if you were born in 2000 or something then no need to reply
What about Tulsi?
She's kinda crazy, but hot.
>todd replaced michael's mech with a brotherhood suit
What has he got against that man?
>amerimutt politics
I meant Todd would be better at ruling the country, not ruining it.
Letting something rule you because you find it hot is one of the most pathetic forms of cuckoldry possible.
She was hot before running for president.
The crazy part was made public later.
Doesn't matter, she'd be shit even if she wasn't crazy.
Watching Yea Forums try to talk about politics is a fucking embarrassment.
my color good
your color bad
Crazy Bob was rambling at the campfire about people in the before times using currency to purchase Skyrims. I fear his mental state continues to worsen.
>bunch of retarded neets who spend all day playing childrens games
hmmm i wonder why
>libertarian faction uses Fallout 4s instead because they are harder to copy
based china
>tfw polack
Amerimutts don't know how good do they have
It can always be worse
At least I'm not a ruskie, those are even more fucked
oh boy, sure can't wait for US world actually downgrading in every way thinkable.
fuck Todd.
I'd unironically vote for him, his leadership skills are proven and the games he makes basically are entire virtual countries.
Why are you so salty, Sawyer?
Well shit, New Vegas is gonna be banned.
You want to try that again but in English?
Sure, here's a new sentence for you:
Suck my dick, idiot.