Alexis Kennedy, writer/creator of Fallen London and Sunless Sea, is accused of being a "predator."

Alexis Kennedy, writer/creator of Fallen London and Sunless Sea, is accused of being a "predator."

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both those games are shit so i dont care

>Alexis Kennedy, writer/creator of Fallen London and Sunless Sea

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lock him up

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>I have decided to bandwagon this anonymous user in order to accuse the person I ha e always known is bad. Why did I never accuse him myself before this moment? SHUT UP MISOGYNIST.

These people desperately want a gaming #MeToo moment, don't they?

So is that three or four rapists this week? Fuck white incels

never heard of either of those games or alexis kennedy

Good, I felt abused after playing Countdown Simulator.

And I believe her/they. Obviously not an orchestrated campaign of Stalinist hearsay.

this should be a lesson to everyone
NEVER mingle with these people

Did anyone tell his parents that Alexis is a girl's name? Or did they think they were in russia?


more like never employ women in any capacity

>dated like two subordinated

predator huh? I'll be his prey any day uwu

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Women are collectively seeing others get more attention than them, and well, they just CAN'T have that, can they?

>Why did I never accuse him myself before this moment?

Pretty blatantly obvious why. No knowledge of if this has been done to anybody else to help back up your accusation, along with threats from those high up in the indie scene to keep quiet given that they know a ton of other influential people within the space. Industries where everyone in it are very close can be a real shitshow behind the scenes

Have you ever heard of the Salem Witch Trials?

> A literally who accuses a literally who of being a sex predator
the fuck

>I have been warning people about him for years.

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I like his games quite a lot but they attract the exact kind of faggots who will get really upset about this shit so it might actually impact future games. Fucking sucks

Lemme guess, he kissed a girl at a party 5 years ago.

I seriously hope this trend ramps up to a ridiculous extent
I hope more and more people just start accusing devs left and right, I don't even care if they are literal who's, basic user posts on Twitter.
I want this shit to get so overblown that it just collapses on itself and the industry just outright tells these fringe groups to fuck off

What is this meme

>interacting with bitches who use twitter
literally asking for it.

do NOT use my wife for your worthless shitposts

>i want rapists to continue their crimes

how about we just do things the right way and stick with innocent until proven guilty and due process. We need to go full centrists u guys.

So this guy, the Night in the Woods guy, Skyrim composer, am I missing anyone else?

Prove they're rapists.

You give me that fucking sauce right NOW goddammit

There is no such thing as rape, a female only cries rape when it regrets its decisions.

They're men

that’s what the media is trying to call it

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>sjw indie dev douchebag is a sexual predator
Literally every single time

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I was hoping Trump would jumpstart this sort of thing but he's a disappointment like usual

Larkin Love iirc


Your career founders! There are banshee screams permeating the twittersphere - jolting you from a brief respite offered by a dead battery. You -


Pay your tv license

Perhaps fulfilling your duty to society will stay the gathering storm. You rummage through your wallet and venture towards the decrepit post office.


Call up the hounds


Undaunted, you threaten the garish coloured wench with legal recourse. Your phone screen gets flooded with murmur of blue checkmarkings...


Means to an end


You feel powerless. The skies have shifted revealing nothing but the deepest chasm. You lift your eyes toward it, hoping that it swallows the crimson offering of your veins.

>sunless sea is shit

I hate you, fuckers

>threats from those high up in the indie scene to keep quiet
Who are these "high ups"?

>is a dude


Everything that moves is a rapist according to women. More at 11.

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Innocent till proven guilty is an alt-right belief.
Ask the left and theyll confirm

Prominent members of the indie scene are what I was getting at. Those that would be considered near gods within the space who have high amounts of influence due to the contacts they've made and fans they have

>Toby Fox will never get hit by this shit because he successfully entangled his waifu's success and notoriety with his own
Good model to follow t b h

I read some twitter threads and they're all seething that he banged too many bitches. Based Alexis.

Who are they? Can yiu give an example? Genuine question, not memeing, i never paid attention to indies, except for slav stuff

Alexis is a man’s name, it’s only a girl’s name in America I think for some reason.

Yeah every time I get raped I like to keep it in my back pocket until the information becomes useful too. Fuck women, wait no don't do that. It's rape. I genuinely hate women now.

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I mean Alec Holowka is one of them for sure (co-founder of the studio that worked on Night in the Woods). Night in the Woods was a goddamn cultural event in terms of popularity no matter how much Yea Forums shits on it. The amount of positive exposure and awards that game got would put people who worked on it in contact with a hell of a lot of people in the industry

>I genuinely hate women now.

user you always hated women. Don't be a pussy about it

#metoo #listen and believe
You tell them fellow sister! Women don't lie and always speak the truth asking them to prove their allegations is victimizing them all over again!
Time to bring down this misogynist white supremacist gaming industry down!

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>I had sex so I could get a promotion and 10 years later now that I'm where I want to be I will drag this guy I consensually had sex with to make myself stay relevant

I love that I have had sex with women and never been accused of rape.

That one is childs play, she isn't some obscure pornstar or anything. Be better.

Just wait. It's always in their back pocket.

Whoa, another one?


Give it 5-10 years for them to decide if it was or wasn't rape before you go taking a victory lap.

>I had sex so I could get a promotion

user I'm gonna blow your mind here. What if they were qualified for the promotion, but denied until they had sex with their superior?

No user I didn't, and really don't want to. Throughout my life there has been a constant push and pull. Every time I find myself hopeful about the idea that women believe in fairness and justice the same as men some bullshit like this happens. I've had it up to here with this. I don't think they do. The most evil of men may trounce the most evil woman true, but at least even that evil man may have believed in fairness at some point. In justice even. Maybe women are not capable of such things.

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That ain't rape if they choose to do it.

So is that like "raped a schoolgirl in a dark alley" predator, or "ugly guy asked me out to coffee" predator? Because these faggots use the same words for opposite ends of the rape spectrum.

This user raped me 1995.

user that's called coercion

what's a predator, someone who tries to seduce someone?

>getting raped by a sperm

Doesn't he work for bioware now? Hopefully this kills them

>guy maybe committed technical ethics violations like 5 years ago
Unbelievable. Outrageous. I won't stand for it

Everytime a woman posts a story, it makes it a little less likely that a guy is going to believe ANY #metoo story for the rest of their life. So, please, keep at it. You sluts are doing a fantastic job. It's only been 30 years since you ramped up the accusations and already most men don't believe a word you say - whether those men pretend to believe you just to be nice or not.

Then you bring up that you want to know why you're being passed over for promotion. Then if some boss insinuates that if you give him a squeeze he will promote you, you tell him you have to think about it. Go buy some kind of recorder, go back a couple days later and bring it up again. If he sticks to wanting some fucc you take the audio recording to the police, his bosses, the news, or some combination of them depending on how much of a result you want. Then no girl is being a slut and some genuinely sleazy guy gets in trouble. More realistically though these are guys who some young girl thinks they are in love with then after getting pumped and dumped they decide years later that that relationship was actually rape.

>come into thread
>see this webm
>tfw wanna do a fap session to larkin

I dont care anymore
Im going full schizo from now on
I only care about fiction, I give absolutely zero fucks about people

He and his wife run their own 2-person studio now, at absolute most they'll get dropped by their publisher which is just Humble Bundle



I think I respected women up until I was around 19. That was all it took. I found one to marry that wasn't a complete shitbag when I was 32 and been with her for 9 years. Otherwise, never engaging a woman in conversation unless I have to.

I want to be like senpai when I grow up!

What's with all of the accusations today

I disagree. Shovel Knight, Hollow Knight, and even fucking Gone Homo were leagues more influential. This game is nothing compared to them.

>People left and right and completely out of nowhere getting accused of raping
Literally what the fuck is happening

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fucking literal who?

>anonymous accusations being believed

Well guys, get out there and start accusing I guess?

Another one bites the dust!

Fuck em and you’re a predator, don’t and your a sexist incel!

Which definitely isn't sex without consent.

Kek, all these accusations, this is getting hilarious.
I hope Randy gets one too.

Zoe Quinn molested me as a small child with her long meaty sausage fingers


You don't respect or really trust women, but you married one. Let me get this 100% correct before I start laughing.

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Reminder for all straight men to take the gaypill to avoid the female menace

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Zoe Quinn went broke so she has to drum up some controversy in order to get money /sympathy.

Hollywood or Game Industry figure revealed as a pedo. Anything fucking new?

Thats how it used to be
Id marry one if divorce was illegal
But they are like dogs

Because people are getting metood. Hence more people metoo. Could be coordinated, could be not.

Depending on who you ask, this is either emboldening and empowering victims who were too scared and weak to stand up for themselves, or it's enabling the actual predators to harm the reputations of people they dislike and they're all taking the opportunity to do so. Likely the answer is somewhere in the middle, as always.

Has every man in existence raped someone?

Is there a SINGLE downside for a woman to randomly accuse someone of rape? All it does it take out competition, gives a boost to their career, and low-key makes them seem desirable.

I won't disagree about those being more popular/influential games, but that doesn't mean they don't exert a high amount of influence in the space

Tranny spam

>indie scene
>supposed to be getting away from the corruption and stale state of big developers
>apparently everyone who has been involved in the development of every indie game has been a secret rapist
The irony that all of these evidence-less accusations are going to negatively impact the industry for a while.

Because not all women are pure evil. The trick is finding one of the 2% without getting jailed or bankrupted first.

The reason why straights are so hateful of gay men is because they are brokenly jealous.

>instead of telling the police or anyone about it, I will just stew on it for 4 years and then write about it online

Goddamn it, I actually like Cultist Sim. True or not I hope this doesn’t effect the development of Book of Hours.

>Waste all your Kickstarter money and ruin several peoples lives
>"Better do it all again"
You know, all these mass shootings going on, you'd think people would try to kill the ones that actually matter

A coordinated effort to force through some kind of gaming equivalent of metoo. However its being done some hamfistedly and to such a basic and obvious formula that it will all fall in on itself quickly

The postive is that its the exact same lefty game "activists" who are being targeted and scapegoated by the females in question.

Like the Ouroborus, the left is destined to eat itself endlessly.

>sounds great, user!
I'm sure this guy is a legitimate monster but I had to bring it up.

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Most straight men don't hate gay men. They hate fags. Learn the difference. It could save your anal virginity.

Small chance of backfiring. False accusers should get the same sentence as the person they're accusing would have gotten.

I mean it's hot but for a second when her tongue falls out she looks like a silent hill monster being born

That's a pretty low drop rate, senpai. I'll stick with my hand.

The trick is to never EVER associate people from California or Canada.

Agreed. Sometimes it's just not worth farming.

>crossing professional boundaries
>I am not going to provide names or details
Just saying a bunch of vague buzzwords that don't amount to anything concrete.
If you are accusing someone of something you should be prepared to be extremely specific or fuck off and stop wasting people's time. If you really had dirt on them you would show it for the whole world to see.
What the fuck drives women to do this? Attention? Spite?

There is a big rumour about Peter Molyneux grooming male juniors/interns in the UK. Has anyone else heard about it before?

Don't you know that women despise attention and would never want thousands or more people on Twitter telling them how brave they are and that they are loved and respected just for being a victim?

You fucking nigger I'm absolutely wanting to lose my goddamn anal virginity to my Mr Right guy been waiting for 7 goddamn years I'm tired of waiting godsfuckingdamnit just fucking give me my perfect bf already.

did the get scared because projared btfo the liars?

It's hilarious to see people on the right who ,supposedly, stood against listen and believe, for due process and innocent until proven guilty so easily become full blown sjw and feminist when it's convenient because this time it's someone they don't like being targeted.
No you fucking idiots, it's not due process only when I like someone, it's not freedom of speech only when I agree with the speech, it's not due process only when the person has the same beliefs I do.
You fucks are no different them, you use whatever is convenient to push for your side, no principles, no rule of law, no right or wrong, only winning and power matters to you.

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Pretty much any middle to upper class white suburban area is off-limits if you wish to maintain any respect for women at all. There is nothing worse than a middle-upper class white girl that never had to work, or buy a car, be frowned at, take responsibility, or experience any hardship.

You know, I didn't want to bring it up cause it would make me sound like a conspiracy theorist, but...

>All western devs getting accused left and right
I can't wait until someone accuse the japanese devs. Hopefully that 2hu dev

Best Writing in a Video Game
Winner: 80 Days by Meg Jayanth
Shortlisted: A Machine for Pigs by Dan Pinchbeck, Schrödinger’s Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark by Kevin Beimers


This is the future you chose, get fucked.

Most likely it's "awkward guy with bad social skills who was never taught how to properly interact with girls" predator. Misreading intentions, buying into that whole "no means yes" shit, getting handsy when he shouldn't be, wording things in a way that the scared girl interprets as a threat.

>i mean i know i'm technically your boss but it's not like i'd fire you if you didn't, you know
Stuff like that, which the girl immediately interprets as "I will fire you if you don't suck my dick".

Or it could be actual predatory stuff, who knows? Frankly, it's always been ridiculous to hold up these small indie companies as bastions of honesty and good behaviour. A lot of them are based in like San Fran, which isn't exactly a utopia, and there's so much networking / partying culture going on that obviously they're going to lose sight of reality. I really wouldn't be surprised if some random artsy type had one too many drinks and finally decided he'd try and drag that cute girl to the bathroom - she said he was a "cool guy" earlier, after all!

>Implying everyone on Yea Forums wouldn't do the exact same thing given the circumstances
Everyone here would love to publicly destroy anyone they considered to have wronged them

Of course they do, for example lesbian marriages have the highest divorce rates, followed by straight couples and then gay couples with the best of lasting.
They know the score but can't admit it to themselves.

And every day I get coerced into giving up my finite time on earth working for 8 hours so I can afford to have shit.
And every couple weeks I get coerced into giving up money that I want to keep in return for food.

I understand that it's shitty to use a position of power to squeeze extras out of somebody. But voluntary trades are still voluntary even if it's for something you reaaaaally want.

I don't know what to say to this. Being straight, the best partners usually show up when you stop looking (which causes you to lower your standards). It's not that simple when you're in that minority, I imagine. Since there's less around.

The plus side is that the US has a huge shortage of police, so soon when criminals outnumber the police 5:1 the cops will be too busy not being mowed down by gang members to do anything about this kind of shit.

Japan doesnt believe accusers without proof and they all would shit on any woman trying this

this thread is full of people skeptical about it wtf are you talking about?

Leftists don't deserve due process, they deserve the bullet.

>A Machine for Pigs by Dan Pinchbeck

Thought it was Daniel Pinchbeck. That would have been impressive.

This is a wise post
Autism should be considered more seriously

You do realize that most men (who aren't white and/or faggots) don't respect women, right?

>Implying they care
>Implying they will stop bitching

It's also full of people happy that a leftist is getting accused and already deciding that they are guilty.

I bet you could use Disney princess films as the ultimate first date filter. Get on the topic of your childhood, and find a way to ask them if they watched those movies growing up. That garbage corrupted literal millions of girls.

I live in Korea. They didn't even need proof here. Just a strong testimony. Aaaand off to the clank you go. This place is fucking insane. I use American corporate rules and never put myself in position where I'm alone with a woman with no witnesses.

The game development industry is a cutting-edge medium polluted by freshly indoctrinated graduates and fringe groups attuned to social justice trends. We're going to be dealing with this shit until the medium dies.

But also this too many dumbasses who want to get laid and follow the PUA lifestyle.

Or because when you stop looking you start doing things you like, which means you're more likely to go to the same place where a person with a matching personality is, which means you'll have a higher chance of finding your partner. I'm trying to do this, but it doesn't mean I'm not fucking thirsty. Anyway thanks for the concern, good luck for you too.

Korea is a feminist dystopia, it has nothing to do with Japan or even China
You guys are cucked beyond belief, Id like to read about how it happened, I know korea has a long history of cuckoldry with 3 countries constantly conquering it but come on

To this day I am furious about romcoms and dramas-for-her because they all have male leads that are completely unrealistic but 20 years of that brainwashing makes them expect you to be prince charming.

Since Journos, pundits and indie darlings are all in bed in an alabaman incestuous melting pot it's most likely a coordinated campaign.

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Speaking of fallen london, I know i'm about five years behind, but what's with this Mr. Eaton quest? I stumbled into it while doing some archeology stuff and the game specifically warned me it was a really grim and awful quest that might very well ruin my character. H-how bad are we talking here?

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>accuse someone
>they rarely bring it up on police/proper authorities
>it's always fucking social media shit
If the accused really did something, they should fucking bring it in court instead of just crying it in social media. I wish someone stands up and say prove it in court, you fucking faggot.

I usually assume anons live in first world countries that have unfortunate divorce laws. Marriage there is a death sentence 98% of the time.

>do NOT use my wife for your worthless shitposts
Your wife got absolutely terrible tattoos that ruined her body, and now does almost-exclusively cloathed porn as a result.

The people who were against GG and made your industry the hellhole it is can keep your predators and fuck off.

>Literally everyone except me is a rapist.

Frankly I'm just impressed by all the bluffing. Mad lads got me good.

>cutting-edge medium polluted by freshly indoctrinated graduates
I think it's hard to understate that a lot of these devs have never had to grow up. Imagine graduating high school, getting an English degree or something, basically just coasting, acting the same as you were acting 3-4 years ago because nothing's forcing you to change, and then trying to make a video game with a bunch of your friends. And then you're going to parties and press junkets and workshops and you're meeting all sorts of people and it's like yeah, this is a 16-year-old who has just been thrust into a very adult world without realizing it.

what happened with projared? I don't keep up with eceleb news

Nobody said he was guilty though, it's fairly obvious he isn't, only that he absolutely deserves it.

Why the fuck would I NOT celebrate when idiots who lobby and push for this kind of shit get bitten on the ass by it?
Explain, please, I would LOVE to hear your argument here.

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he came back and proved all the accusations against him were bs

Does it?
Shouldn't there be a treat of physical or psychological harm? It seems like sex for favors to me, which is also illegal but still not rape.


>he denies it on twitter, lawyers up, and files a complaint with the police that he's being harassed
>gets called racist and mocked for actually defending himself

legbeards, not even once

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>Top two replies are LITERALLY trannies

Holy shit. You can't make this up.

Paranoid boomer

Spite from a lack of attention.

Please respond, I need to know how much my shit has potentially got fucked by accepting this

Please let Book of Hours happen, I actually like Kennedy’s writing.

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Cry me a fucking river

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I told my co-worker her new blouse was "fashionable" am I gunna get #MeToo'd?

where? at most maybe 1 or 2 posts in the entire thread """full or people""" lol fucking drama queen
sorry reality is getting in the way of your "u guys are all the saaame" grandstanding you fucking pseud, STFU

It's one of the best-written questlines in any video game but in order to read it you basically have to take an endgame character (which would take months of grinding to get if you're being fast and efficient) and then slowly grind it into unusable paste. Which is actually kind of cool because it makes you feel some real-life simulation of what your character is doing ingame, which is to say destroying their entire life in pursuit of some small bit of esoteric eldritch knowledge that powerful beings really don't want you to have.

niggas name be alexis?!
This nigga!

Is every person who puts their pronouns in their Twitter bio a mental fucktard?

There's some money coming this man's way.

why is it tranny spam? did i miss something?

>yfw he's next

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Him, Randy, and Cliff please.

Dreamboy will finally get some justice.

Why are they getting mad for him calling the cops?

I don't understand this one, seems like all he's accused of is having a bunch of consensual relationships with woman that worked under him. I get that power dynamics are a thing so that's kinda frowned upon, but in what reality is that "abuse"?

Oh geez. That actually sounds pretty cool. Maybe I should make an alt character and do it, then, since I think I can still technically opt out of it on this dude still

dude weed

Why do you even ask?


Of course

Calling the cops is racist.

Did you remember to do a sassy gay voice?

"Silencing victims."

because it means they might actually be held responsible for their actions


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Matthew Mcconnaughey?

Mmmm, that's not "cancelled" behavior, but you REALLY shouldn't do that. It's not good for the workplace or the subordinate.

It won't fuck you up immediately, it's a very long quest. Along the way you will lose stuff. If you make it to the end, you will permanently disable your character.

trigger warning that shit

Do you call police for defamation online? I thought that was more of a “I’m taking you to court” thing.

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But the chick went to the cops as well didn't she?

More like fuck you, reddit. Oh wait, no one fucks and you retards are the one are more likely to be virgins anyway

you do in bongistan

If the chick went to the cops, I think there would be no social media shit flinging.

>>gets called racist and mocked for actually defending himself

If their claims of harassment were truth, the truth wouldnt need to fear scrutiny. Theyre attacking him and telling him he shouldnt defend himself and to feel bad for anonymous claims when most the time have been false.

"I understand that you’d want to express your innocence here, but multiple women have clearly shared their stories about you, Alexis.

With that in mind, please rethink this very public mention of police involvement.

It’s hard not to read that as scaring those people into silence"

If theyre just looking to take a shit on someone then maybe they do need to be scared. Thats not what someone an air of legitimacy does.

They aren't saying he's guilty but there's immense schadenfreude seeing the people being bitten by the very beast they've been nourishing and championing for years.

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based larkinposter

Hmm, guess I'll debate a bit on stopping it or not

Unironically, it's because you're a nobody. If you got even slightly famous and people knew your name, you'd be done

This bullshit is the culmination of postmodernism and everyone wins gen x bullshit. Feels are now sacrosanct so you can not challenge anyone on their bullshit. People pervert their perceptions of events or just straight up lie but the victim culture we're in means no one can be challenged. If someone feels x way it must be true, you wouldn't question that would you? what are you a misogynist. So people are incentivised to catastrophise. No longer is some benign encounter benign, it's a historic oppression founded on exploitative power differentials where you're minimised and alienated, when in reality it was a nothing that only a hysterical fag would hyperventilate over.

Korea has that weird feminists cult running it kek and people thought Kim Un was a fucktard read about South Korea's minister who is now in jail

Nah, just revealed to be a sexual harraser, If they were a pedo then the left would raise them on a pedestal.

>It's hilarious to see people on the right who ,supposedly, stood against listen and believe, for due process and innocent until proven guilty so easily become full blown sjw and feminist when it's convenient because this time it's someone they don't like being targeted.

This has nothing to do with those things though.

If she was actually raped why not go to the cops or at least a lawyer? Why give the dude a chance to prepare?

Because she has zero evidence it was rape, because it wasn't. Why try to get him in legal trouble when Twitter will ruin his life for her?

He was falsely accused too, though. He did literally nothing wrong

The solution = a merged single gender of unaging 13 year old tomboys.

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I thought you were exaggerating but jesus christ, there really is no winning with these people.
>don't defend yourself
>"Wow he must be guilty"
>defend yourself
>"Wow he must be guilty"
>get legal advice
>"Wow he must be guilty"
It's all so tiresome.

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Hopefully this guy learned from what happend to jared and btfo lying cunts/(males)

That and they will most likely accuse other woke people because that is who they are surrounded with.

People make mistakes. Hopefully they can get this cleared up and enjoy their vacations.

Leftists made their bed and are sleeping in it. Theyre getting their own medicine they love so much.

Wheres their listen and believe now?

What disgusts me are the people who INSTANTLY disavow their colleagues the minute these accusations happen. Friendships, relationships, your financial well being, they can all be destroyed with a SINGLE Twitter post.

Glad I took the incel pill no fake rape claims ever going to get me

also known as kafkatrapping


lmao you really believe this

Can't be accused of rape if I never had sex

Everything I don't like is tranny. You should know this by now

But 2d milfs and ara ara characters, user

his former company threw him under the bus immediately

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But isn't Alexis a woman's name?

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If you were a prominent member of the video game industry and some feminist on twitter said an anonymous tip and metoo'd you, it wouldn't matter if you really ARE an incel

your career would be destroyed

But everything I don't like is a faggot.

you mean just like with projared? LOL

Hahaha yes you can. You need zero proof do #MeToo someone. Even if the claims are 100% proven to be false, do you think these companies are going to want to associate with you?

It can't be a coincidence.

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Bye bye danger hair.

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She's not accusing him of rape, nor sexual harassment or abuse. The only allegation here is that he's an "abuser" because he got romantically involved with coworkers under him. That's it.

There's zero criminal accusations here, it's 100% defamatory

Fucking hell

>Cultist Sim
Hey man, we call it Twitter around here

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Wasn't the allegations dropped? Seems like he was innocent the entire time.

Let's set a baseline before we introduce exotic alternatives.

Accusers and bandwagonners are all in it for the money and clout.
Not surprising in the slightest.

I can not wait for a former friend of an accused to get #HimAlso'd

Anyone that does this either knows it's true or is someone you don't want in your life. No downside.

>The state of western entertainment industry

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>inb4 other anons come out and say that they were sexually harassed by the lawyer that gave alexis the legal advice and the police that he's sending the complaint too

I'm just waiting for one of these accused to go full REVENGEANCE, write a manifesto on their innocence, and bring an end to those who betrayed and lied about them.

Well he is saying he is being "harassed". Harassment is an offence in the UK however the Police will almost certainly tell him that this is a Civil Matter and nothing will be investigated.

You can't hold back progress.

It's a downside if it's a professional colleague. There's such a thing as "networking friends."

Ok that got a giggle out of me

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hmm ok??

Shit taste in Pokémon.
Not video games.

Likely this is just companies doing damage control in hopes the controversy doesn't ruin their sales, they don't care if the guy is innocent or not because neither outcome will put the ensuing Twitter shitstorm to peace.
What gets me is when it's actual close friends who you'd think knew the person well enough to judge for themselves rather than bandwagon and cut ties.
Projared for example, him having a bunch of close youtuber friends all abandon him instantly was depressing to witness. It shows friendship was never before notoriety and fame to these people.


hehehe I can't wait for Gamergate2 when people find out these people are coordinating a smear campaign for whatever reason

Don't worry, he'll become a woman within the next couple years to COPE

Twitter really has done irreparable damage to our advancement as a species.

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You think the pedo elites in charge of such a futuristic system want milfs? No, they wouldn't. They become young girls, as do everyone else. It's the human race's destiny.

Gamers are dead: this time for real.

>sequence of accusations unleashed while 8 is down

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Westerners are so fucking pathetic. Play the left's game, win left prizes.

All this fucking time I wasted on Yea Forums having to read the garbage they produce, I could have been reading this:

jesus fucking christ, what went wrong with the west

You can be accused just for being in the same room as them. Hell, you could not even be near them and still be accused of shit, like with that cosplayer and ProJared. She accused him of shit on a panel that he factually wasn't even on.

I'm always reminded of this episode of law and order.

How does the pedo elite feel about oppai loli?

>btw dont try to get nudes from your hot fans that offer them to you for free over the internet if you are over the age of 29 ok sweedie :)

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I'm sure glad I'm not straight. I wouldn't want to deal with women these days.
Don't worry straightbros, you'll always have your gay bffs to accompany you through those hard times.

Well they're raping real teens/kids, and not anime girls, so who knows?

I didn't get a concrete answer last thread.
How likely am I to get metoo'd for some stuff I did almost ten years ago? I'm not famous or anything

Most of the shit on the entirety of Yea Forums this year WAS/IS due to trannies though. Trannies have gotten a lot more prominent on the internet, especially reddit/ResetEra, who have been invading here for years

>How likely am I to get metoo'd for some stuff I did almost ten years ago? I'm not famous or anything
Depends entirely on the woman and whether or not she wants revenge on you

does this person not understand what "consent" means?

They'll accuse you anyway, retard. If you're ugly/they want money, you can't prove you didn't rape them, which is the problem. They'll take you down either way

Reminds me of those women seething that Leonardo DiCaprio or whatever hadn't dated a single woman over 25.

Yeah what was that shit about jeremy soule?

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Personally, I want to put something completely outrageous about me just to mock the.
Like that I identify as a violin and will be refered to with the pronouns bow/tie


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I've followed him and this company for a while and get a very strong impression that they parted on pretty bad terms so it makes sense that they would instantly shit on him

Kojimbo alligation by joosten when

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Yeah, it's really gross.

good example of /pol/ poster getting away with reddit spacing!

The best option is the one the Japanese take. Don't be known in real life WHATSOEVER. Become your online pseudonym only- no face, no public appearances, no in-person contact. If nobody knows who you are, or what you look like, any claims of harassment will be met with the immediate skepticism that you met the person at all.

Literally rent free

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Nice, hope this happens to more western devs.
The western industry is trash and deserves to fail.

They don't seem too angry or wanting to seek revenge, but I feel like they will say something if I become slightly famous or wealthy

Umm probably thought you made a point there but power balance ok sweedie :)

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holy based

Trannies have been a staple of 4chin for its entire existance. The difference is that the old trannies were extremely passable and hot, while the current batch looks like someone hit random in a bioware rpg using a dying graphics card.

...what did you do?

Look at Astral chain complaints, they think cops are the enemy.

Social media has created a feedback loop that will end humanity

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Wtf is happening to this world? How in the fuck defending yourself with cops and lawyers is a use of power or racist??? Americans what the fuck is this shit, in italy there is literally none of this crap and as a outsiders it looks like an alien world holy fuuuck


nice catch

user, it’s not easy to come out and say you’ve been raped. Not that these cunts are credible, but you don’t always get to plan when you are able to admit these kind of things.

Sneezed on one of them.

wow you're going to hell

These people want you dead. More than dead. They want your name smeared in shit, and your corpse pissed on. They hate your very existence.

The universe is good and the games are fun.

Ive lost a considerable chunk of hope in people again. Absolutely fucking wonderful

To be fair anyone who tried to defend eventually backed down, as seen with that PBG dude

>all straight men to take the gaypill
How about no you fucking cunt
take the female anthropill

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I once touched my first girlfriend tits without her consent when i was 14, after 12 years do i risk something? Just wondering considering in what kind of distopia we living

>You sound real convincing reaching for the cops like a coward. The victims of your abuse will be heard and there's nothing you can do to keep them quiet any longer.
>reaching for the cops like a coward



Nothing that I consider major, two or maybe three girls I told them that I loved their tits, I told one that I wanted to fuck her in the ass. One told me once that she was buying a corset and I told her that she should show it to me wearing nothing else.

It's incredible how fast the gaming companies fire you because of some tweeter AW.
And these dudes used to be his collegues.

Your problem is you weren't hot.

If you were hot, none of this would be brought up and women fantasize about being pounded by you without consent

>power imbalance
Is this the newest meme word on the block right up there with "problematic"? Because if it isn't now, I'm sure it will be.

>"I like women"
>"youre a sexist predator and should end up in jail!"
Are we really reach this point?

You have less friends than you think you do. Be more paranoid. trust less people.

Who /chad/ alpha male here that cant get metoo'd because never had any kind of thing done with a girl? Get on my level scrubs

It has been 74 years since World War II.
Americans still don't have universal healthcare.
Muslims and Africans are flooding into Europe.
South Americans and Mexicans are flooding into America.
The Chinese are buying up Canada and Australia, while expanding their totalitarian dominance.
Ground insects are dying, topsoil is eroding, groundwater levels are continuing to shrink, and global temperatures rise annually. The end is nigh.

In short, there's no hope and the only other choice is anger and violence.

People just need to know you exist to #MeToo you.

It's how they can say something a woman consented to is STILL rape

What they ignore of course is women are attracted to power, so most female male relationships are fundamentally unbalanced. That's WHY projared got nudes sent to him in the first place. He's famous and powerful within the youtube space.

It's a goddamn funhouse mirror clown universe boys and it's just getting started.

>can't even disprove him
lol, you retards think you blend in, but you dont

Randomly barely-related question but has anybody played The Martyr-King's Cup ambition in SSkies? If so, how was it compared to The Truth (which was kind of shit)?

>we're all about sexually expressing yourself and having open relationships
>unless you're a white male, then you should be castrated as even thinking about sex is thoughtrape for them
I really hope he actually sues these people and gets a massive settlement, and it keeps happening until these fucking daddy's girls and momma's boys learn actions have consequences and you can't just accuse a dude of rape for your 15 minutes of twitter fame unless you want to spend 6 months to a year incarcerated.

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>He still has hope in people
>Especially American women

People have been sued for a fifteenth as much. Do you not know anything about America?

Kojima's done a lot of great work unlike a lot of these faggot indie devs, but there are too many Kojimadrones that would defend him to the death anyway, even if it were true. It would be interesting though, since Sony admitted its current censorship and policies were because of the #MeToo, so they'd have to cut ties with him if he got officially accused, since they'd have to side with the accusers

>Gamers Are Dead 2 - This time it's personal

This is only going to lead to indies no longer hiring or contracting women.

Which honestly is fine by me. They're in the process of making their bed right now with all of this "an anonymous person says that X developer did something bad to them, but they won't say what, and then five more women will come out of the woodwork and say that X has done something, but THEY won't say what" shit, it's gonna be great when they're forced to sleep in it.

I wonder how many people complaining about shit have parents with a 10 year age difference.

Not everything is about your /pol/ boogeyman, Reddit. Fuck off already

I hope this all leads to women exiting the workplace altogether. I think we've established pretty clearly now that men and women can't work together. And women can't work together in women-only workplaces. So that leaves...

Gamers are dead 2: Reloaded

>gaming equivalent of metoo
Doesn't really work if you're taking down indie devs. What's the worst that can happen to them? They're already indie, they'll find a different team and keep going

You have a point, I'm not hot. But a couple of the girls giggled when I said those things, so I assumed I was on the clear. Fuck.

Fucking based. I don't really care about ecelebs, but maybe I should check him out.

>"a well known predator"
Why no one is calling the fucking cops then, if there's a fucking predator roaming free???

The complete genocide and replacement of biological women with male-brained female-androids?

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>all these replies fucking assmad that he is doing it the legal way instead of feeding their fucking asses
I can't wait to see all the "I'm so sorry I doubted" replies once this shit falls apart again.
I mean fuck, there is a fucking check mark faggot right there who outright says "I don't know who you are, but..." and it's like, then why the fuck are you even replying?


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Go on

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Game industry isnt like the film industry. They have to go for the ones who are well known within their games activism cult who are also conveniently followed by a large chunk of their wider cult who are always looking for fresh blood, even if its one of their own.

Again, in a culture of social justice one-upmanship anyone is fair game as you must be seen to be the most virtuous.

The only cop thay can stop him is Danny Glover.

Mokoto is a whore.

Because it's fucking fake. Just like Vic, just like Jared, and just like several others this year.

Read it in his voice

>google picture of Meg Jayanth

Mystery meat catlady with the sloppiest tits I've ever seen.

Fuck's a legbeard?

Its almost like these people have less loyalty than a dog huh?

>implicando that if he manages to come out clear people will say sorry and forget
Its a one way road user, you get accused of this stuff? Fuck you, ruined for life, nobody cares if you are innocent

A certain crowd of people have been losing relevancy for a while and their victimbux is running out.

>four rape allegations in less than 24 hours
>every victim is announcing this on Twitter and not going to the police
>every accused is a small-time nobody that can't sue them into oblivion

Well, isn't that curious!

I can confirm my prenatal ghost was a psychotic murderer.

I have a 20k follower e-girl gamer fake account on twitter, who should i accuse next anons?

It's just like with Vic. That fucking convention owner who said he MIGHT let him attend and give signings (his primary form of income) if he admitted he was a sexual predator.

lmfao u r done for

>people get their lives or reputation ruined through pure hearsay
>meanwhile the entire political elite spends hundreds and hundreds of trips to Epstein’s rape island
>nothing happens

Randy Pitchford

user, go look at projareds tweet about his video and the comments of the video itself. People are falling to apologize.

>men and women can't work together
I've seen this. Allowing this is retarded.
>women can't work together in women-only workplaces
But this I have no clue about. Is this sort of thing even allowed? What happens in these situations?

women with hairy legs

Neil Druckmann

You didnt want help, you wanted to shut us up and you we did. Arent you happy?

why does the video game industry have so many "predators" all of a sudden?

>Epstein literally gets murdered, and no one is talking about it anymore

We're dead. We're all fucking dead. 2050. At most 2100.

You know.
You know.

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Because it suits a narrative.

my mom

does she know that there are thousands of women out there doing exactly that with snapchats and other nudes while being paid extraordinarily for it?
why can't he do it for FREE?

woman being empowered =/= creepy predatory men

OH shit.

Nah, they probably have something in mind at this point. Underground civilizations, drug induced psychic abilities, deep space travel. Ignoring the surface-level media bullshit, the elites we don't see are sure to survive the end and eventually evolve into something far beyond their current primitive instincts.

It''s what happens when an undergrad tries to read a grad/post-grad philosophy book.

Of what and what?

Friendly reminder:

If you have sex with a girl in the current climate, always send her a text message afterwards casually talking about it. If you can get her to write something about how she enjoyed herself or whatever then you are literally bulletproof.

what if women never enjoy anything about interacting with you haha asking for a friend

Tips on building one of these for trolling purposes?

look at all these fucking weirdo queers
this decade sucks ass

What can we do? Not many people I've seen say believe it was a legit suicide. Even if people kept talking about it, all that can be done is bringing his sketchy island to light.

This, where is Matt Groening's cancellation?

Projection the post

>This shit will probably create mass cultural shift in morals/mentality due to "boy who cried wolf" bullshittery.
>This will probably create an opening for actual human/child/drug traffickers because nobody will take this shit seriously anymore.

>Elite's faces when

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he was right from the beginning

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By creepy she of course means not hot

That same chick lusts after Adam Driver who is like 35

Trump has consistently been a sleaze lord tho. You clowns don't get that. Nobody cares how many models, porn stars or sugar babies he fucked.

this is definitely being coordinated by subhuman video game blogging "journalists" and their subhuman sjw libshit leftypol Twitter clique like Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian etc. pp. like other anons already ponted out their time is running out and they are losing relevance FAST and soon they will all get fired, let go or vanish into irrelevancy.
They all deserve to be rounded up, send to a north korean labor camp and worked to death.

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The whole christian movement in the 90s is being validated every single fucking day.

You may enjoy Oney’s content, you may not. But you just know he doesn’t give a fuck.

does this mean that indiedevs will make redpilled indie games now?


apex predator

If this was just 20 years ago there wouldn't be a bigger story than Epstein. He'd be winning Person of the Year awards (for notoriety). It'd be a constant stream of conversation in every news media outlet. Think OJ. Think Enron.

But no. We've become totally desensitized, and the media doesn't want to talk about it anymore. It's "old news."

Is there a single video games man who hasn't been accused of drinkos peepee?

Yeah, the “violent video games create murderers”/censorship of sexual content narrative included? Retard.

>he stole my phone and wrote that himself!
>my roommate wrote that!
>I was scared of actually telling him that I felt raped!
no. the best you can do is get hard video evidence where it is fully clear that they're consenting, not under any influence and okay with the situation. shit's fucked yo

Don't even bother. They're ultimately in the right, despite their current caveman-tier interpretation of their sexuality. The best case scenario is for them to survive the apocalypse of climate collapse, and evolve into a race that is what it desires. Grow beyond race, beyond age, beyond gender, and reach a uniform perfection that can be appreciated for as long as possible.

Naturally we wouldn't want the current generation, those who live in caveman times and abuse innocents, to be a part of this golden age, but we can't say for sure if they would be.

burn western games industry burn

A-At least we're not commies haha

I dunno why Alexis would rape someone when he gets to plow this bucktoothed Anglo cutie every night

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It's funny you say that cause it's leftists pushing that narrative now

Oh it was a joke. I got you.

it's surreal to me how transparent it was, how blatantly fucking obvious that it wasn't a suicide to the point where LITERALLY NOBODY IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY believes the official story, and they still get away with it. zero repercussions. dark days are coming soon.

What is there to talk about? He was obviously murdered, we all know it, but we also know the (((system))) isn't going to reveal the truth his death helps (((those))) in charge of it.

It's a fact that MeToo was set up to throw people off the scent from the real power players and predators in the industry, starting with (((Bryan Singer))) who still has a Hollywood career even though his affection for young twinks has been not even an open secret for a decade.

this is why sex bots are going to be huge

Lemme guess, he's another 'nice guy' indie dev who puts woke shit in his games and somehow can't go 10 minutes without fingerblasting a passed out teenager or some shit.

Perfect face for a bukkake

>look it up
>it's real

stop it with the fingerblasting jokes, it hurts

He's right you know

If they were diddling passed out girls they wouldn't be getting MeToo'd
Cant remember being raped when you're blackedout

>could you imagine if a musician fucked groupies
Perish the thought!

Why do women act like getting fucked is the worst thing that could ever happen to them?

Not really, countless people are getting jailed for offensive comments online in bongstain.

You’d be surprised how easy it is to win. A few big shots getting killed could turn the whole world right side up as it should be

The worst thing is getting fucked and then thrown to the side because chad didnt suddenly think they were worth marrying

>South Korea is extreme left
>North Korea is extreme right
This kind of state will be the future of everyone

It's just their latest mutilation of a very complicated and nuanced topic into something cut-and-dry that they can use to hurt you.

You're not supposed to have relationships with your subordinates in an office or whatever. NOT because it's inherently bad and you're raping her or threatening her. That's not the problem at all. The reason is exactly stuff like this - if they LATER reveals that they DID feel threatened due to the power balance, then it creates a massive fucking problem for HR and the company as a whole, because frankly there's no way of knowing the truth of the matter and the power balance thing is the only objective measure in the entire kerfuffle. That is to say, you being their boss is the only objective piece of evidence that anyone can examine. Everything else will be subjective or hearsay. So even if you did nothing wrong, it'll be hard to actually prove it.

THAT is why "power imbalance" is a problem in relationship. It's a CORPORATE policy to protect the company and its employees from the fallout of a massive PR / HR nightmare.

The actual blame, the matter of "was it rape", is a way more subtle issue that requires a lot of digging and a lot of thought. The black-and-white power imbalance concept is only a thing in corporate settings, BY the corporations who seek to prevent any disruptions. It doesn't mean that ANY time there's an imbalance in a relationship, someone's being taken advantage of. There's still the question of the actuality - WAS there any real abuse of power going on?

because it actually is to them.
just imagine: it's the only power they can have over men ... their body. as soon as you get that from them, you don't need them anymore. you experienced it. you sated your lust. you could easily go get another, you don't need that particular specimen of woman anymore. that's what they're afraid of, that's how they think

Live by the SJword, die by the SJword

They’re actually completed fucked, there’s only one way to achieve immortality and it’s already available.

It's retarded. It's like saying a hot chick having sex with men is raping the men because she's too hot and they couldn't possibly refuse.

With ANY rape case if you can't switch the genders around and say it's still rape without sounding like a retarded faggot it's not rape.