Reasons that FF7 is overrated garbage

What are they Yea Forums?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-28 Final Fantasy VII 15 Reasons It Is TERRIBLE (And Everyone Is Plain Wrong).png (740x596, 699K)

fuck off, faggot

makes a mockery of transgenderism/homosexuality

two reasons
pic related

Attached: 1560656376953.jpg (4096x4096, 1.6M)

None, 7 is god tier and 6 fags need to cope.

go back

> Everyone who doesn't like FF7 is a "Buzzword"
Cope FF7 fag

Contrarian faggots should be thrown out of a plane. But shoot them before you throw them out.

Hating on FF7 has been a popular opinion ever since it came out

The transition to 3d didn't actually help the gameplay in the way it did with OoT. That doesn't make it bad, but a lot of people remember it for that.

Don't even have to read to know that the author's bitching is about all the politically incorrect instances within the game, of which there are enough to fill up xir's entire list.

Never played 7 so I have no opinions on it. 6 is my favorite game ever though.

Is the reason "I grew up with an N64 and missed out on this classic!"

> Sonyfags console warring again out desperation that FF7 isn't remembered as fondly as Nostalgia fags say it is

I don't particularly care for FF7, but saying "Everyone is wrong" sounds pretty fucking arrogant.

>Sankaku Complex

the holy trinity of garbage

Attached: 77786662-0B29-45C4-AB20-B0BA6E3A0E4E.jpg (500x374, 43K)

>ugly as shit
>dumb story
>confusing 2D backgrounds
>battle system from 1980

>runs to reply to insist he's not what he is
They're afraid.

Attached: its afraid.jpg (1200x669, 111K)


>shit taste
>too dumb to understand a story I understood as a 9 year old
>too dumb to navigate backgrounds or turn on markers
>too dumb to engage in classic gameplay
go back to wrpgs kid, you gotta shoot and hide behind cover to save the gaylaxy.

I wanna fuck iCarly

it sure takes a 9 year old to take this story seriosly.

>hating video games this much
Kill yourself

He said reasons it's bad.

Where do you want him to go you fucking parrot? Fuck off to /pol/

Final Fantasy 9 is not the best FF...get over it already.

Ho ho Your opinion wont make the game go away...
Seeeee nothing is preventing it happening.

Final Fantasy VI will never get a remake...

One Angry Gamer is Based and Redpilled.

>It's a real article